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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" Hey Brian." I said, walking into his hotel room.

" Oh Denise."

" Sorry, I forgot to call you when I got here."

" Don't worry about it, I knew you were here."

" You did? Did AJ tell you?"

" No,because I heard everything that went on in Nick's room a few hours back."

" You did?"

" Yep, and so did AJ."

" Oh my God." I said ashamed.

" Don't worry about it."

" you know where Nick went?"

" Yes, but I can't tell you. He'll be back soon."

" Cool. Is it ok if I stay in here until he gets back?"

" Sure, make yourself at home."

" Thanks." I said, flopping myself onto his bed next to him.

" So, how have you been doing?"

" I've been doing alright. What about you?"

" Tried. I'm really looking forward to that break we have in about a month, I really need it."

As we were talking, AJ walked into Brian's room.

" Hey girl, haven't seen you in awhile, how are you doing?!" AJ said, rushing up to me to give me a hug.

" I'm doing just fine AJ. What about you?"

" I'm still alive." I said laying his head on my lap.

" That's good to hear."

" Don't you think that I don't know what went on in Nick's room after I called, I heard everything, and I mean everything."

" Oh AJ, your so silly. I was hoping you wouldn't say anything about that."

" Too bad. I didn't even think our little Nicky had a sex life yet."

" He's had one for about a year now. Now you know."

" Ok, Ok! Enough of that, I really didn't want to know that!" Brian said, covering his ears.

" Sorry Brian."

" So where's Nick?"

" He went to go get....." Brian said, cutting himself off, and covering his mouth.

" What?" AJ said.

" Yeah what Brian?" I said, confused.

" I can't tell you Denise, he told me not to."

" But you can tell me, right?" AJ said.

" I guess so." he said, walking over to AJ and whispering something in his ear.

" Wow! It's yours and Nick's anniversary already?!" AJ said.

" Yes. It's great isn't it?"

" Yes, very. Well, I'm happy for the both of you." AJ said.

" Hey everyone, I'm back." Nick said, entering the room.

" Finally!" Brian said.

" I didn't take that long Brian."

" I know, just picking on you."

" Hey honey. Where did you go?"

" Some where.......Brian, AJ, I need to talk to you guys in the other room."

" Ok." They both said.

" I'll be right back sweet cakes." He said, walking over to me and giving me quick kiss on the lips.

When they left the room, I just sat there on Brian's unmade bed just flipping through the channels on T.V. As I was searching for something to watch, I came across MTV. Nothing really good is ever on MTV. So I kept on scrolling through all the channels, until I came across the channel I started from. Just then Nick walked back into the room, but not alone, with all the guys.

" Hey guys."

They all smiled and waved.

Nick walked up to me and grabed the remote from my hands and turned it off.

" What's wrong?"

" Nothing."

" Ok."

" You know how much I love you, and care about you. Ive been through a lot this last past year, not having you be my side, because of the tour and everything, I know Brian knows what I'm talking about. I had a real bad case of depression, because of not being able to see you. Talking to you once or twice a day, wasn't enough for me. I have to be able to see your face and touch you when you ever I want. That's the way I feel about you. You've showed me what the word Love really means. You are the one that loved me for me, not for who I am, or how much money I have. You looked through all of that, and found who I really was, and I admire you for that. You've done nothing but love me. No one has ever touched my heart as much as you have. God has sent me the most beautiful, and loving woman in the world." he said, reaching into his jacket pocket, and pulling out a small black box.

I looked at Nick, and at what he was pulling out of his pocket, then looked back at Nick.

" This is the only way I can show you how much I love you and how much I thank you for what you've done for me." He said, opening the small black box.

" Oh my God, Nick." I said, in total shock and excitement.

" Denise, will make me the happiest man alive, and be my wife?"

" Yes, of course Nick!" I said, reaching over and giving him hug.

" I love you so much, sweet cakes." he whispered in ear.

" I love you too baby." I said, giving him a deep long pasionate kiss on the lips.

" GO NICK!" Brian said.

In the background, I could the sound of all the guys cheering us on.

" You didn't Nick, I told you could do it." Brian said, rubbing his back.

" Thanks Brian, I owe you a big one."

" Don't worry about."

" Congratulations you two." Howie said, giving us both a hug.

" Thanks." we both said.

" Aww man there goes my chance with Denise!" AJ said.

" AJ, this my girl, and my girl only, sorry buddy."

" Your a lucky guy Nick to have such a great, and beautiful girl." AJ said.

" I sure do, isn't she great?"

" Yes, almost to good to be true." Brian said.

" Hey AJ, Brian. I sugguest you sleep some where else tonight, other than your room, because there is no way your going to get any sleep tonight."

As soon as I said that, Nick began to blush. I think he looks so cute when he blushes. It's not very ofter I get to see blush. I should say more things like that to make him blush, it's so sweet. Both Brian and AJ looked at each other, and laughed.

" Oh your kicking us out of our own room's?" AJ said.

" No, it's your choice. You can stay in your room and have to put up with me and Nick in the other room, or you stay the night with one of the guys, it's your choice."

" Howie, is it ok if sleep in your room tonight?"

" No problem."

" Your welcome in my room Brian." Kevin said.

" Thanks."

We all stayed in Brian's room and talked about all sorts of stuff. The conversation was mainly based on how me and Nick meet, when we had our first date, and our first kiss. All the guys seemed to laugh when we told them what happened on our first date. I'll never forget that night.

" I feel like going swimming, Nick. You wanna go?"

" Swimming?" he said.

" Yeah, what do you say?"

" No I don't think so. The water is probably cold by now."

" Ok then. Anyone wanna go swimming with me, since Nick doesn't want to?"

" I'll go!" AJ said, jumping off the bed.

" Ok, lets go!" I said, jumping off the bed as well.

" I'll go watch, but I won't get in, ok?" Nick said.

" Ok, thats fine, with me."

" Me and guys will be outside waiting for you two." Nick said.

" Ok, I'll be out there in 10 min." I said, giving him a quick peak on the lips, then running of to his room to pick out a bikini. Which one should I pick? The green one, or the black one? Even though green is our favorite color, I'm still going to have to go with the black one. Maybe by wearing this, Nick will change his mind and join me in the pool. After putting my bikini on, I grabed my bath robe and put it on. All I need now is a towel. I went to the restroom and grabed a towel off the self and ran out of the room. I wasn't even sure if I locked the door, I think I did though. As I was running down the hall, I came across the same same member that helped me with my suitcases.

" Hey, where are you off to in such a hurry?" he said.

" Oh hey. I'm just going out for a swim."

" Thats cool, but with who, I didn't see anyone out there?"

" Really? They told me they were going to meet me out there. How long ago were you out there?"

" About 15 min. ago."

" Then they should be down there by now."

" Who?"

" My boyfriend, well my fiancee now, and a coulpe of our friends."

I said, looking down at my engagment ring.

" Congraulations. That a beautiful ring he got you."

" Sure is. Anyways.....I better go."

" Ok, talk to you later."

" Bye."

Instead of taking the elevator down to the poolside, I decided to take the stairs, it would be faster. When I finally reached the first floor, I heard someone call my name.

" Hey Denise, wait up!" AJ said, running down the stairs.

" I thought you were already out there?"

" Nope, I couldn't find my shorts."

" Ready to go?"

" Yep, lets go." he said, grabing my hand and running all the way down to the poolside.

When we finally made it to the pull house, Nick looked at the both of us and said,

" What took you so long?"

" I couldn't fine my shorts." AJ said, placing his towel on the table.

" I stoped to talk to one of the staff members."

" Why?"

" No reason, he just wanted to know why I was in hurry."

" Oh, ok. So are you going to get in?"

" Yes. But are you sure you don't want to join me?" I said slowly taking my bath robe off.

Nick looked at me from head to toe, over and over again. I waved my hand in front of his face and said,

" Well?"

" You just had to wear that. You know I can't resist you when it comes to that. Of course, I'll join you!" he said, taking off his shirt in a hurry. When we were both in the water, I told Nick,

" Remember our second date?"

" Yes."

" How did you know that I was the one for you?"

" To tell you the truth, I really don't know. It was just a feeling that keep comming to me saying, ' This is the one'."

" I think that is so amazing."

" You know what?"

" I think your amazing."

" So do I." I said, pulling his head toward mine so that I could kiss him.

" Hey Nick we have to go, fans are starting to crowd around the building." Brian said.

" But we just got in here." he said.

" I know. Why don't you two stay down here a little while longer, and well go just wait for you guys back in my room?"

" Ok, thanks Brian." Nick said.

" We'll all be in my room. And when your done, we'll order pizza and just hang out."

" Ok, sounds like a plan. Give us 10 min." Nick said.

" Ok, see ya."

After Brian and the rest of the guys left, me and Nick just stayed in the water, hugging and kissing.

" Are we actually going to get married?" I said.

" Yes."

" I can't believe this. I had no clue that you wanted to marry me." " To tell you the truth, I wanted to ask you this a month after we've been together, but I decided to hold back for while longer." " Really?"

" Yes. I knew from the very moment that I meet you that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together."

" I love you."

" I love you too." he said, kissing me.

~10 min. later~

" We better get out now, it's getting a little chilly out here." He said.

" Sure is."

When stepped out of the pool, a gust of wind flew by, and made us shiver.

" It's cold!" I said.

" Here." He said, handing me my towel.

" Thanks, but you don't have one."

" It's ok, we can share, the towel is big enough for the both of us." As we were standing there keeping each other warm, Nick began to tickle me.

" Nick stop!" I said laughing.

But he didn't stop, he kept on.

" Nick!" I screamed, as I fell back into the water pulling him down with me.

When we reached the surface, I looked at him and laughed.

" What are you laughing at?" he said.

" Oh nothing."

" You don't laugh for nothing, there has to be a reason to why your laughing."

" My reason is that." I said, pointed to his shorts floating in the water.

He looked at me and blushed. There's another way I get him to blush. He's so sweet.

" Why are you blushing? I've seen you with out shorts before."

" I'm not blushing!"

" Nick, baby, you are too blushing. If it makes you feel any better, I'll go get your shorts for you."

" Thanks."

" Here you go." I said, handing him his shorts.

" Thanks. Ready to get out?"

" Yes, but are YOU ready to get out now?"

" Yes, I'm freezing."

" Ok, lets go."

When we got out of the pool, again, we noticed that the towel fell in along with in the pool. We stood there shivering, as we stared at the towel floating in the water.

" Oh boy." Nick said.

" Don't worry I'll keep you warm." I said, pulling him in for a hug.

" I can't wait for tonight." he whispered into my ear.

" Me neither. How about a little preview?"

" I could go for that." He said, as I kissed him ever so pasionately on the lips.

" Oh baby, I just love it will you do that."

" You haven't seen nothing yet."

" I love you so much." he said hugging me tightly.

" I love you too."

As we stood there and hugged each other, I noticed that a large group of girls were surrounded outside the pool area, just staring at both me and Nick.

" Nick?" I whispered into his ear.

" Yeah baby?"

" We kinda have a problem."

" What sorta problem?"

" Well......if your fans never knew about us, now they do."

" Oh my God. How many are there?" He said holding me tighter.

" I don't know, maybe about 20 to 30, I'm not sure."

" Oh my God."

" Well they don't know for sure that it's you, you haven't let them see your face yet."

" Believe me, they know it's me."

" What do we do now?"

" Let's go inside now."

" Ok, let me get my bath robe first."

" Ok, but hurry." He said, releasing me from him body.

On the way to get my bath robe from the table, all the girls stared at me as if I was some evil person trying to steal Nick away from them. But I guess thats the price you pay when your with someone that is always in the spot light. If Nick can deal with this, so can I. How bad can it be?

" I'm ready to go now."

" Ok. When I tell you to run, I mean run."

" Why? We're not going out there are we?"

" No, but it's to avoid getting our picture taken."

" Ok."

" Ready?"

" Yep. Lets go."

" RUN!" He said, grabing my hand and running toward the door that lead to the inside of the hotel.

As soon as he said that, all the girls began screaming as loud as the could, just to try and get Nick to glance over in their direction, so they could get a picture of him. The sound of the girls screaming, and the sight of the flashing light that came from there camera, made me think how lucky I was to be with Nick.

" So thats what you go through every day?" I said out of breath.

" Thats nothing, it's usually worser than that."

" Worser?"

" Yeah, I was expecting for more fans to be here."

" Really?"

" Yep. Are you ok?"

" Yeah, I'm fine. How about you?"

" Great. I'm ready for that pizza Brian promised us."

"Hmmm so am I, with extra cheese."

" I'll race you to Brian's room?"

" Ok your on!"

"On your mark, get set...." he said getting a head start.

" Hey your cheating!" I said running after him.

As we were running up the stairs, to the third floor, Nick however was still in the lead, but not for long. When we reached the third floor, I ran with all I had left in my body, and finally caught up to Nick. On the way down the hall we passed up that staff member that helped me earlier in the day. I waved and said Hi. Finally we reached room number 317, which was Brian's room.

" HaHa, you thought you could beat didn't you?!" I said barging into Brian's room.

When I said that, every looked at both me and Nick like we were crazy or something. We kinda are sometimes.

" I let you win!" He said, picking me up and spinning me around in the air.

" You guys! Your getting us wet!" Brian complained.

" Sorry about that, our towel kinda fell in the pool, so we didn't have anything to get dry with."

" I wonder how the towel ended up in the water?" AJ said, with a smirk on his face.

~1 hour later~

" I'm stuffed." I said, laying my head on Nick's lap.

" Baby you only ate three slices." he said, playing with my hair.

" I know, but they were big slice."

" True."

We all sat there and watched T.V. for hours and hours. Then out of the blue, Brian say's,

" I can't believe our little Nicky is getting married."

" Me neither. I always thought he would be the last, but he's proven us wrong." Kevin said.

" You've got a great girl Nick, but if I ever hear that you've done something to upset her, you'll be answering to me." AJ said.

" There's no way that I'll ever hurt this angel God sent down to take care of me." He said, looking straight into my eyes.

" Awww thats so sweet Nick." I said pulling his head down so that he could kiss me.

" It's the truth." he said, kissing me very pasionately on the lips.