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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" Here's your ultra sound back." Brian said, placing it on the self.

" Thanks."

" Are you alright?"

" I'll be fine, I just have a lot on my mind right now, thats all."

" You miss Nick don't you?" Brian said, sitting on my bed next to me,rubbing my back.

" Yes. I miss him with all my heart. I don't know how to say good-bye to my feeling for him. It's just so hard Brian." I said crying.

" I wish there was something I could do. I hate seeing you like this."

" I'll be fine Brian, it'll just take sometime to get over what we had together."

" I suppose your right. You better get some rest."

" Brian wait."

" Yes?"

" I just want to thank you for all that you have done for me. It really means a lot to me."

" Hey don't worry about it, what are friends for? Now get some rest." he said, kissing me on my forehead.

' I'm so thankful to have such great friends, that will stick my by side no matter what.' I thought to myself. As I laid my head upon my soft pillow and began to cry myself asleep like I normally do every night, a knock on the door echoed in my room. It's probably AJ, he always seems to come around this time to check up on me and see how I'm doing or if I need anything.

" Come in." I said, pulling the covers a little over my head. I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but AJ is getting more involved in my situation. He's doing all the thing's Nick is suppose to do. He's getting a little to carried away about this father thing, and I just don't know how to tell him. As I hid my head under the cover's crying, I felt someone sit next to me. I really don't want to company of AJ right now, I just want to be alone. What is it about him, that makes him come and check up on me all the time? I used to know someone other than AJ that would do that to me. His name was Nick. All of a sudden I felt the covers that I had over my head, slide gently down my face.

" Don't cry beautiful."

After hearing that person say that, I automaticly knew who's voice that was.

" Nick?"

" Yes, it's me."

" Nick I've missed you so much. I'm so sorry." I said, bursting out in tears.

" Shhh. I'm the one who should be sorry. You did nothing wrong Denise." He said, holding me tightly.

" Then why do I feel like I did?"

" I don't know. All I know is that this isn't your fault."

" Nick I thought I would never see you again."

" I did a lot of thinking over these past months, and I've decided, that I don't want to loose you. Your the only good thing in my life, and if that means me becoming a father, then I have to become a father. I think it's about time that I grow up and have a little responsiblity in my life. My life isn't going to go anywhere if I don't take some control over it."

" Do you really mean that Nick?"

" With all my heart. What you wrote in that letter made me think twice about my descion I had before. I realized no matter how hard I would look, that I was never going to find someone that has the same tenderness, and understanding that you have. Your the only one that I've ever trusted Denise. I know for a fact, that we are ment to be."

" Nick-" I said, before he cut me off.

" Shhh. From what the guys tell me, I've put you through hell, and I want know if you will forgive me for what I've done to you, because you didn't deserve it. You needed someone to talk to, and understand you, and I wasn't there, and I just can't seem to forgive myself for what I've done to you. How could I have treated you the way I did? I understand if you don't want to forgive me." He said crying.

" I was taught that you should always forgive those who ask for your apology. Of course I forgive you. What did I tell you a long time ago? I'm not asking you to be perfect for me. It's ok if you make a few mistakes in our relationship. I'll always forgive you no matter what you do, and you know that, Nick."

" Now I just have to learn how to forgive myself for what I've done to you."

" Just give it some time." I said, holding him tightly.

" I couldn't imagine my life without you."

" So does these mean what I think it means?"

" Yes, I'm here to stay with you forever, and the baby."

" Thank you so much Nick, you don't know how much this means to me."

" I love you so much, Denise."

" And I love you too Nick."

" Can I ask you something?"

" Sure."

" Did AJ try anything?"

" not really, he would just repeatedly tell me how beautiful I am."

" He's was flirting with you?!"

" I guess you can call it that. But thats all he did."

" I should have known AJ would do something like that."

" He was the one who took care of me and took me to all my doctors appointments and everything. And he told him, if you didn't want any part of this, that he would be more than happy to be a father figure for this child."

" Really? He said that?"

" Yep, he really suprised me with that. But I think he was getting a little too carried away about the whole father thing."

" I was wondering?"

" Yes?"

" Is it alright if I kiss you?"

" Ummm let me thing about it.......Ok thought about it, lay one on me."

" My pleasure." He said, leaning in slowly to kiss me.

The touch of his lips upon mine was the feeling that I couldn't describe. It felt so good to finally get to actually touch him, and hear his beautiful voice. As he was kissing me, I could slowly feel his hand gliding along my chest. Once he did that I pulled away from him, which suprised him, because he knew how much I loved to do this with him.

" Whats the matter?" He said confused.

" Nothing, it just wouldn't be right. You know having the baby inside of me and everything. I'm sorry, you know if I wasn't pregnant right now, that I would take you right now. But it just wouldn't be right Nick. I'm sorry." I said gliding my hand across his cheek.

" It's not your fault, I shouldn't have moved in on you like that."

" It's alright, I understand your reason."

" My reason?"

" Yeah your reason. It's been a long time since know."

" It sure has."

" So......" I said, not know what else to talk about.

" So, what is it?" referring to the baby.

" What is what?"

" The baby, silly!"

" Oh the baby! You mean Brian didn't tell you?!"

" I don't even know if Brian knows what it is."

" It's a boy."

" Cool, maybe he'll look like me, but have your personality."

" That would be very nice."

" So have you thought of any names yet?"

" Well, I was thinking, only if it's alright with you, maybe we can name him after his father."

" Really?"

" Yeah, what do you think?"

" I'de say we have his name picked out for him already."

" Great!"

As Nick and I talked, caughting up on all the months we didn't see each other, I grabed his hand and placed it upon my stomach. He looked at me as if, What are you doing?

" You feel that?"

" Wow, is that him doing that?"

" Yes, thats our son doing that."

" Does it hurt?"

" No, just feels weird."

" Thats amazing."

He looked at me and gave me the sweetest smile, that I haven't seen for which seemed like years. I looked at him and returned a smile. He has and will always have the most beautiful eyes anyone could ever have. His blue eyes locked with my brown eyes, where then I pulled him close and kissed him. I then realized at that moment that, nothing like this will ever come between us. There's no way. I love him to much to ever hurt him and that way again. He may say that it wasn't my fault, but deep down, part of this was my fault. Who was the one who left? I did. There's nothing I can do to change what happened. I'm just happy that Nick and I are back together. It really means a lot to me that Nick changed his mind and wants to be part of this childs life.

" Can you wait right here? I'll be back in a hour."

" What? Where are you going?"

" I forgot something at the house. Just sit tight, and take a little nap till I get back."

" Ok."

" I'll be right back sweet cakes." He said, giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

He hasn't called me that for a long time. It was so sweet of him to still remember the nick name he gave me. I should however take a little nap, I am pretty tired. For the first time in months, I'll be going to sleep with a smile upon my face, instead of tears running down my face

. The touch of a kiss upon my lips woke me up, but yet I didn't want to open my eyes. I slowly began to deepen the kiss, as I realized, ' Nick doesn't have beard.' I quickly opened my eyes, to find AJ kissing me.

" AJ get off of me!" I said pushing him off of me.

" What's wrong?"

" You kissed me, thats whats wrong!"

" And?"

" And I thought you were Nick!"

" Nick?! Why would you think that, you haven't seen or talked to him for 3 months?"

" Thats not true, I talked to him about an hour ago."

" You did?"

" Yes, he's changed his mind and wants a part of this."

" He does?"

" Yes, but what were doing kissing me in the first place?"

" I wanted to feel what it felt like to kiss you. I thought you wouldn't notice sense you were asleep, but you did. It was wrong of me to do that, and I'm sorry."

" It's ok. I won't tell Nick if you don't tell him, deal?" I said extending my hand.

" Deal."

AJ to me seemed a little when I told that Nick was going to be a part of this childs life. I know how much he was looking forward to this. He stayed for awhile and talked about how he was happy that Nick changed his mind and how he's going to miss taking care of me. But I told him that this isn't going to change anything, that he can come and see me when ever he wants. I think when I told him that, it made him feel a little better about the situation.

" I guess I better let you go, so you can get some rest. I'm really means a lot to me to finally see you happy." he said hugging me.

" Thank you so much for you kindness AJ." I said returning the hug.

" No problem."

~15 min. later~

" Hey sweet cakes, I'm back." Nick said entering my room.

" What took you so long?"

" I had to go pick something up for you."

" What?"

" This." He said bringing his hand from behind his back, to reveal a dozen red roses.

" Oh Nick, there beautiful. You didn't have to."

" I know, but I wanted to."

He placed the roses next me on the bed and kneeled in front of me. I looked at him, as if ' What are you doing?'

" Denise, you know how much I love you-"

" Nick honey, you don't have to apologize to me anymore, I forgive you."

" I know, I'm not asking for your apology."

" Then what is it?"

I looked at him straight in his beautiful blue eyes, as he looked back at me. As he looked at me, he flashed one of the heart stopping smiles at me.

" It's hard for me to ask you this again, because I don't know how you'll react when ask you this. I had a tough time asking you the first time." He said, placing his hand on my cheek.

" It's ok, you know you can tell me anything. Just take a deep breath and say what you want to tell me."

" Ok........can I ask you to close you eyes?"

" Ok." I said, closing my eyes.

As I sat there with my eyes closed, I could feel Nick's hands upon my left hand. It made me smile. He then bought my hand up to his face and kiss the top of my hand, which I think is so sweet. How much I wanted to open my eyes, and kiss him, but I couldn't. The next thing I felt, was something sliding down my ring finger. At that moment on, I knew what he actually what he was planning on saying to me.

" To make this a little easier on you Nick, the answer is yes." I said, still having my eyes closed.

" Really? Even with all that I did to you?"

" Yes, thats how much I love you."

" You can open your eyes now."

When I opened my eyes, I had this sudden urge to kiss him. I looked at him and moved in slowly and kissed him ever so passionatly on his lips. When we parted from each other, the expression on Nick's beautiful face symbolized as if he was in heaven.

" So are you ready to come back home with me?"

" Only if you want me to."

" Oh course I want you to."

" Ok, I guess we can leave now, and come back tomorrow with my stuff."

" That sounds cool."

I gathered some clothes and placed them in my NIKE sports bag, because that was the only thing I saw. Soon after that, Brian walked in the room with the biggest smile.

" I'm so happy for the both you that your back together."

" Thanks Brian. I'm happy that your happy for us." I said, laughing.

" It's been a long time since I heard you laugh Denise."

" It sure has been along time." I said.

" So are you moving back in with Nick?"

" Yes, but I'll be back tomorrow to get all my things."

" Ok that sounds fine. I'm sure going to miss you I'll tell you that. It won't be the same without you here."

" Hey now, don't get all emotional on me Brian. You can come and see me any time you want."

" I know."

" Thank you so much Brian for allowing me to stay here at your house for so long. I know at the begining, I told you that I would be here for only a couple days, but that ended up turning into 3 months. I'm sorry about that."

" Hey don't worry about it, I enjoyed every day of your company." He said pulling me in for a hug.

" Thank you." I said, into his ear.

" No problem, what are friends for?"

" So are you ready to go now Denise?" Nick said.

We all made our way downstairs, and to the living. Brian and I looked at each other, untill he pulled me in for a hug. Brian has never hugged me like that before. I guess he's really going to miss me.

" Take care of yourself Denise. And you know to call me if you need anything, or if Nick is acting like a punk to you and you need someone to give him a good wack on the head, call me. I'll be more than happy to do that for you."

" Thanks Brian, I'll keep that in mind." I said laughing.

" See ya later Rok." Nick said, taking the bag from my hands.

" Bye Nick, take good care of her."

" I will."

" Bye Brian."

" Bye Denise."