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The Neverending Story

by Denise


~ 1 week later~

" Nick, can I talk to you about something?"

" Sure whats up?"

" You know, you go on tour at the end of this week-"

" I know, for 3 whole months."

" You do know that I can't go with you right?"

" What?"

" The doctor doesn't want me to do a lot of travelling, so he recommends for me to just stay home and get as much rest as posible."

" Honey, I can't go without seeing you for 3 months, it'll kill me. What if you go into labor while I'm away?"

" There's no need to worry about that, the tour will be over by then." " I wish you could go."

" So do I."

" I'm going to miss you so much."

" So am I, but we have till the end of the week, remember?"

" Yes, I know."

" Well, we have to make the best of it."

" I guess your right, but why does this have to happen now? Right when I got you back, I have to leave you again."

" I know how you feel."

~ several hours later~

All day long, Nick and I have been trying to spend as much time with each other as posible. We did something together, that we haven't done for such a long time, and that would be play video games. Although I don't think I'll ever be as good as him. Only once have I ever beat him at Mario Kart. But I personally think that he let me win, just to make me feel good about myself. I thought it was so sweet when he did that. Ever since then, I have never and I mean never, beaten Nick at Mario Kart since that day he let me win. It doesn't bother me, all I care about is him. Nick is way more important than some video game. I'm going to miss him so much when he leaves, I don't even want to think about it. But, look on the bright side, everything that was wrong in the past, is now fixed and better than ever.

" Honey?" Nick said.

" Yeah baby?"

" While we were apart, everyday I would go to this special place that be dad once use to take me to. I went there and did most of my thinking, about what I wanted to do with my life. No one knows where this place is at, only myself and my father, and now, I would like to share my special place with you, and of course our son."

" Really?"

" Yes. Would you like to go see it right now?"

" Sure, it sounds like a great place."

" Thats because it is a great place, as well as you."

" Aww Nick, your so sweet."

" I know I am."

" So where is the so-called special place at?"

" I can't tell you, it's a suprise."

" Please?"

" Nope, then if I were to tell you, then it wouldn't be a sprise anymore."

" You can just tell me, and then when I see it, I'll just act sprised. How is that?"

" But it wouldn't be any fun if I told you were to tell you."

" Yes, it would. I promise."

" Sorry. Put your shoes on and lets go, before the sun sets."

" Ok."

On the way to Nick's special hide away, or special place, I don't know why, but he had me put a blind fold on, so that it wouldn't know where we were going. You how know some guys, well most guys, have this hard time showing how much they love there girlfriend? Nick seems to not have that problem with me at all. He's always so open about everything, and isn't afraid of what people think or say about him, or us. Although, when the press get a hold of this story, I think all hell is going to break lose. But we can handle it, we've been through a lot together.

" Nick are we almost there?"

" Yes, just a couple of more min."

" Ok."

After being blind folded for a while, you some how learn to get use to it, to where it doesn't bother you as much as before. To tell you the truth, it's kinda cool not being able to know where your going, or what this special place is. It's so exciting, only Nick would think of something like this to do to me. I'm glad Nick has a sense of adventure in his life, thats what makes me love him the way that I do.

" Ok, honey we're here."

" Can I take the blind fold off now?"

" No, not yet. Just sit tight." he said getting out of his Durango, making his way over to the passenger side, to open the door for me. Once he opened the door, the wind blew, bringing along a sweet smell of the air from around us.

" What's that smell? It smells wonderful."

" It does, doesn't it?"

" Yes."

" Once our son is born, and is old enough to walk, I'm going to be bringing him here, just like my father brought me here."

" Thats so sweet of you Nick, I'm sure he'll love it." I said, letting Nick lead me to where ever this place was.

" Ok, let me just take this blind fold off of you now."

Soon after he took the blind fold off, once again the wind brushed along my face sending that sweet smell back to me. I took a deep breath and inhaled that smell of what seemed to be flowers.

" Ok open your eyes." he said removing the blind fold from my eyes.

" Oh my God Nick, its' beautiful!" I said .

I was right, the place Nick brought me to was full of flowers. It's more like a secert garden, to me. This place had everyone kind of flower that you could think of. It's actually kind of funny, just to think that Nick's father brought him to a place like this when he was little. You would think that his mother would bring him.

" Do you like it?"

" Like? Like is hardly the word to describe the feelings I'm having right now. I love it! It's so beautiful and peaceful here."

" I knew you would like it. See that swing over there?"

" Yes."

" My dad would always swing me on there. I was like 5 or 6 at the time, and I still remember."

" Thats so sweet. How come you never told me about this place?"

" I wanted to wait for the right time to show you."

" So, how is it that no one knows about this place? You know like all your fans?''

" Well, as time went by, and as I got older, I decided to buy this land, that way it could be mine forever."

" I can't believe you never told me about this place Nick."

" Well I wanted to wait till the right time to show you, and I feel that today was the right time to show you."

" I think it's a great place, I love it."

" I love you more, than I love this place."

" Oh Nick, get out of here!"

" No, I'm serious. I love you more than I love myself, I've felt that ever since the first time you kissed me."

" You know what?"

" What?"

" I feel the same way too. I never loved someone as much I love you. There's just something about you that makes you feel that way. And you looks have nothing to do with my feelings toward you, or that your in this famous pop group, or even have a million dollars. The point is that I love you for you. I don't care if you were the poorest man in the world, or even the uglyest man in the world, I would still love you."

" Really?"

" Yes, your the one who taught me what the word love really means." " I didn't even know what love was, until I met you."

" Oh Nick, I love you."

" I love you too Denise."

We stood there holding each other, as if we hadn't seen each other in years.

" It's funny isn't it?" He said.

" What?" I said looking at him strangely.

" It's funny that my dad brought me here instead of my mom. Most people would have thought that a mother would bring her daughter here, or her son, but it's the other way around with me. Don't you think that's strange?"

" No, not at all. People have different ways that they want to raise there children, and if any one looks at that as being weird, it's not. I believe it is perfectly normal that your father brought you here."

" Really?"

" Absolutely, you shouldn't care what people think. It's none of there business, and if your fans love you so much, then they shouldn't criticize you for what you like or what desicion's you make." " Your right, I shouldn't let something like that get me down."

" That's right."

" Hey, do you wanna see something?"

" There's more?"

" Yes, of course." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me.

" What is that you have to show me now?"

" You know how much I like to play basketball, right?"

" Yep."

" I added my own personal court right over there, you see it?"

" Wow, thats cool!"

" You think?" " Yes of course, it's great!"

" You know what?"

" What?"

" I love you." He said, turning to me with the sadest look on his face.

" What's with that look?"

" I'm going to miss you so much, Denise." He said, pulling me near. " Hey now, everything will be alright. I'll be just fine, don't worry about me, and your son, we'll be just fine." I said, resting my head on his chest.

" How do you do it Denise?"

" Do what?"

" How is that your so strong?"

" I don't know, I guess it's God."

" I wish I was as strong as-" he said, as I cut him off.

" Shhh." I said, placing my finger upon his lips, then kissing him ever so pasionately.

" I am sure going to miss that." He said, laughing.

" So am I, but I'm sure three months will fly by like in an instant."

" I sure hope so, I hate being away from you."

" Everything will be just fine while your gone. Remember? I'm staying with your mom, so everything will surely be fine, and if anything were to be wrong, I'll let you know."

" I know."

" But look on the bright side, when you get home from your tour, there will only be one month till we get to see our son."

" Thats true. I can't wait to see him. I wonder each day what he looks, will he have my blonde hair and blue eyes, or will he have your sense of fashion, and you kindness."

" This is going to be a great child."

" It sure is." He said, hugging me tightly.