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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" Nick honey, hurry up we're late!" I yelled at him.

It was about six in the morning and his flight left at seven, and you know how long it takes Nick to get ready. He's been in the bathroom for about 30min. and the response I got from him was that he was fixing his hair. But there is no way that it could take 30min. Right? This isn't like Nick to take 30 min. in the bathroom fixing his hair. Maybe I should call for him again, it is possible that he can't hear me.

" Nick are you ready yet?!"

I sat there in the on the couch awaiting his response. Nothing. Somethings wrong, it's not like Nick to not answer me back. I got up from the couch and made my way to the bathroom. He has to have heard me, the water isn't running, the only noise that could be heard was the me making my way to the bathroom.

I brought my hand up to the door and softly knocked on the door, then gently opened it.

" Nick honey, are you ok?" I said with a look of concern on my face.

" I just don't feel right leaving you here. How much I want you by my side the next three months."

" Is that what's been bothering you?"

He shook his head in a yes motion, then lowered his head so that he was looking at the floor.

" Nick honey, I'm going to be just fine. You don't worry about me, worry about yourself and stay focused on your carrer. You'll do just fine, trust me." I said cupping his face.

" I wish I could just worry about myself and stay focused, but I can't. Your always on my mind."

" Nick never say you can't, because you can. It may be hard for you to stay focused each day without me being there, but you can do it, I know you can."

" I sure hope I can."

" Just tell yourself that you can, you can. And if that doesn't work, just think about the good times we had together and the times we'll be together when you get back." I said hugging him tightly trying to relax him a bit.

" Thank you. You have the magical way of always making me feel relaxed and that everthing will be just fine. That what I love about you. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have you."

" So you feel all better now?"

" Yes, lets go get these three months out of the way."

~ at the airport~

" Just breath baby, breath." I said hugging Nick

" I'm not even on the plane yet, and I'm already feeling sick."

" You'll be fine."

" Hey, Nick you ready, boarding is almost over!" Brian said, comming out of the terminal.

" Yeah just give me a sec!......... Denise I'm going to miss you so much, but I'll remember what you said to me." he said hugging me tightly " You better go before you miss your flight."

" Ok, I love you."

" I love you." I said pulling him in for a kiss, untill we were interupted by the loud speaker.

" Flight 134 will take off in 5 min."

" I love you." He said giving me a long deep kiss on the lips.

" I love you too, bye."

" Bye." He said, running off to catch his flight.

I stood by the window of the airport, waiting to see his plane take off untill my cellphone rang.

" Hello?" I said into my phone.

" I miss you already." said Nick

" Ok Nick, your so silly."

" Hey look out the window."

" And I'm looking for what?"

" Your looking for the 5th window from the last."

" Ok.....I see you!"

" I see you too!" He said waving at me.

" Oh Nick I'm going to miss you so much." I said trying to my best not to cry.

" Honey are you crying?"

" No, don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

" Baby, remember what you told me?"

" Yes." I said, whipping my tears away.

" Just think of all the happy times we had together and the time we will have together once I get back."

" I will."

" Denise I have to go, the plane is getting ready to take off, I'll call you once we get to Europe, ok?"

" Ok, I love you."

" I love you too, bye"

" Bye."

I stood there and watched as a I saw him wave at me as the plane began to take off, I as well waved back at him. And with that, he was gone. Gone for the next 3 months. Some how, I know he'll be fine, as well as myself. As I was standing there, now alone, I turned around to find these three girls staring at me.

" Can I help you? I said.

" Is that Nick's baby your carrying?" said one of the girls that seemed to be around the age of 16 or 17.

" I'm not suppose to talk about it, sorry. Now if you don't mind I have to go." I said, making my way toward the exit.

" What if I do mind? Why don't you just admit it? Thats Nick's baby your carrying isn't it?" said the girl rudely.

" Like I said, I don't want to talk about, I personaly don't think it is any of your concern who's this baby this is."

" Yes it is to our concern, we're his fans. We have a right to know whether or not it is or it isn't."

" Well you not going to get an answer from me." I said, walking away from them, untill the girl jumped up in front of me.

" What the hell is your problem?" I said frustrated.

" You're my problem!"

" Well if you have a problem with me, then leave."

" What is that?!" she said pointing to my engament ring that Nick bought me.

Just as I was about to say something, my cell phone rang. I turned away from the three girls and walked away from them.

" Hello?"

" Baby are you ok? I just had this strange feeling to call you?"

" Well, funny you should say such a thing like that, I have these three girl wanting to know if this is your baby I'm carrying."

" Are they giving you any trouble?"

" I'll handle it Nick. Don't worry."

" Are you sure?"

" Yes Nick, I'm positive."

" Ok, I'll let you go. Love you."

" Love you too, bye."

" Bye."

I hung up the phone and turned aroung to still find the same three girls standing there.

I took a deep breath and began walking back toward the exit.

" Oh and your just going to walk away like nothing happened?" said the girl.

" Yeah, pretty much." I said.

" I don't think so, we want some answers!"

" Look, I'm trying to be as nice to you as possible by telling you that it's not right for you to know our personal business."

What is it going to take to get these girls off my back? They sound be smart enough to know that this is Nick's baby since I'm pretty sure they saw us kissing. I stared at them and thought, ' If I were to say anything wrong or rude, that they would go to the press and make both Nick and the rest of the bsb look bad, so I have to watch what I say around them.' What is it with girls these days, all they care about is Nick and if he has a girlfriend. I took a deep breath and turned back around making my way to the exit for what seems to be the 100th time this morning.

As I was walking out of the airport, the words that escaped there mouth filled my ears making me want to burst out into tears. I guess being engaged to Nick and having his baby, brings along the pain that I just went through and yet it is something that I have to get use to. But I believe that some how, someway, those girls are going to get what's comming to them. They had no right what so ever to say what they said to me.

~several hours later~

" Denise are you ready to go?" said Nick's mother.

" Yes, let me just grab my-Ouch!" I said, placing my hand upon my stomach.

" Denise are you ok?" said Mrs. Carter from the living room.

" Mrs. Carter!" I yelled for her.

" Denise what's wrong?!"

" I don't know, I getting the really bad sharp pains!"

" Come on, lets get you to the hosptial and have you checked out." she said helping me walk.

~ at the hospital~

" The pains that you were having earlier today were due to stress."

" Stress?" said Mrs. Carter.

" Yes. Denise is there anything in your life right now that is causing you much stress?"

I sat there in the emergancy room bed trying to think of what kind of stress I've been under. Then I thought about this morning. Those thress girls.

" This morning." I said, wiping a tear away.

" What happened this morning Denise?" said Mrs. Carter with a look of concern on her face.

" I had these three girls giving me trouble at the airport today. I didn't realize it would cause this much trouble."

" Why didn't you tell me this?"

" I don't know, I didn't want to upset you."

" Denise if you ever need to talk, come to me and no matter how bad it is, I promise you that I won't get upset."

" Thank you Mrs. Carter......So am I going to be alright?" I said to the doctor.

" Yes, due to the fact that you have a sensitive body, I recommend that you stay here for a couple of days, just to be on the safe side, Denise you could have lost your baby today, thank God that your mother-in-law brought you to the hosptial as soon as it happened."

" I could have lost my baby?" I said crying.

" Denise, it's ok." said Jane comforting me.

" I'll have a nurse take you to your room, just wait here." said the doctor leaving the room.

" Jane how can I possible tell Nick what happened today? I just know if I tell him, he'll jump on a plane to come see me. This is going to upset him so much, and that is the last thing that I want to do." I said.

" Let me talk to him, and I'll see if I can talk him into not jumping a plane down here."

" Thanks Jane."

I laid there trying to figure out what I was going to say to Nick once Jane hands the phone over to me. I am so scared to hear what Nick has to say about this.

" Nick honey, it's your mom." Jane said into to the phone.

" I'm doing just fine, I'm calling because something happened to Denise earlier today..........What do you mean something happened to Denise, is she ok?!..................Nick she's fine, apparently she almost had a miscarriage, but she's doing just fine.........Oh my God, I knew something was wrong, how did this happen?.........The doctor says it was due to being under too much stress...........Stress? What has she been stressing about?..........She was saying something about three girls at the airport giving her some trouble...........I have to come and see her!........Nick before you think about doing that, Denise thinks it's better that you not.........What?! I don't care, I have to see her mom! Nothing and no one is going to change my mind about jumping on a plane, not even you mom! I'm sorry but no one is!........Would you like to talk to her?.........Yes please, mom!.......Ok, just think about first sweetie."

" Denise, Nick's not going to listen to anyone. He going to jump a flight back over here, and no matter what you or I say, he's still going to do it. So I sugguest you don't even bother by telling him not to because that is going to make him want to come even more." said Jane handing me the phone.

" Nick?.......Honey are you ok?........Yes Nick I'm fine, thanks to your mother.....and the baby?.........He's doing just fine, the doctor is keeping us here for a couple of days I'm not sure how many days..........I can't believe this happened to you, you don't deserve this, no one does. Are you sure your ok?........Yes I'm doing just fine, and I guess theres no way I can talk you out of comming to see me is there?......No, I have to see you......What about the show tonight?.......I'll take care of it, don't worry.......Ok.........You just sit tight and get as much rest as you can, I'll be there in a couple of hours, ok?.......Ok, I love you.......I love you too Honey......Bye.....Bye."

I guess there is no stopping Nick when things like this happen. I don't even think God could stop him in a situation like this.