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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" Is he still comming Denise?" Jane said with a look of concern on her face.

" Yes, I wish he wouldn't do this. But in a way, I understand why he does things such as this. I would probably do the same exact thing if I were him. I just wish he wouldn't do this all the time. He has to understand that I am capable of doing thing on my own without him always being there watching every step I take. Am I right Jane, if not tell me?" I said.

" Yes your right, but the only reason he does this to you all the time is because he loves you. Your the one that showed him what Love really means. Your the one that he brought home to meet us. Of course there were others girls before you, but he never brought them home to meet us. I guess when he saw you, he felt that you were the one that would best fit his description of his perfect soulmate. I remember the first time Nick brought you over to meet us, he was so excited about you meeting us for some reason. It seems as if it was yesturday. I believe at that time, that you two had already been going out for a month, and Nick came up to Bob and I and said, ' Mom, Dad, I think I'm going to marry this girl, she's everything I've always wanted.' Both me and Bob looked at each other and had no clue what to tell him. All I could think of was telling him that he should slow down and take things one at a time. And now look at him, he's going to be a father. Plus which makes the whole thing even better is the fact that he's chose you to spend the rest of his life with." said Jane running her hand through my hair, while I was laying on my hospital bed trying to relax in any way I could.

" Thank you so much Jane for your kindness, and helping hand. I don't know how I could ever repay you for what you've done for me. You practically saved mine and Nick's child."

" Don't worry about paying me back. Now get some rest, you need it."

Once she stated those few words, I closed my eyes, and fell fast asleep thinking about how Nick and I first met.

~ Dream~

" I believe this belongs to you ma'am." said Nick handing me my basketball that went in his direction.

" Thank you." I said getting my ball back from him.

" I couldn't help but to notice how good you are."

" Thanks."

" Would you like to play a little one-on-one with me if you don't mind?"

" Sure."

As we were playing, I couldn't help but to notice how he wasn't paying any attention to me the game, instead he couldn't take his eyes off mine. At first I thought he was just letting me win since I am a girl, but that thought I was having was totally false. The truth was that he was staring at me the whole game, which didn't make it a fair game at all.

" Great game." He said taking a gulp of his water out of his water bottle.

" Yeah I'd say so." I said, knowing that what I said was a totally lie.

We sat there in silence trying to caught our breath, untill he asked,

" So, what are you doing tonight?"

" Nothing, my parents and my brothers are going out tonight so I'm home alone. What about you?"

" Nothing, my aunt and uncle are going to some party that there friends are having. They invited me to go, but I told them that I wasn't a party type person."

We sat there talking to each other as if we've known each other for years. There I was watching his every move, his every smile. In my own way he seemed like the most sweetest guy I've ever met. Finally when we had everything to say to each other and had no clue what to say next to each other, I got the courage to ask him a question that I didn't even believe I would be able to do.

" If you not doing anything later, I was wondering if you would like to come over and maybe watch a movie and just hang out?"

" Sure, I'd love to."

" Ssshhh Nick, let her sleep a little longer." said Jane.

" Mom, I'm not going to wake her up. Look at her mom, doesn't she looks so beautiful?" Nick said, as I felt him gently brushing his hand across my cheek.

I slowly opened my eyes, to find a worried look upon Nick's beautiful face. Once he saw my eyes open he reached down and kissed me and asked,

" Honey how are you doing? Is everything ok? Can I get you anything -" He said, before I cut him off.

" Nick, I'm doing just fine, and no I don't need anything."

" I can't believe we almost lost our baby Denise."

" Me too Nick."

" Once I see those girls-"

" Nick you must not solve your problems with fighting with people, it doesn't get you any where." I said caressing his cheek with my hand.v " I know, but look what they almost caused to happen. I can't stand knowing the fact that my fans almost caused both of us not to become parents." He said lowering his head to where he was looking at the floor.

" Nick she's right. You can't solve your problems in the way you want, it won't get you anywhere." said Jane gliding her hand across Nick's back.

" Mom I know, it just hurts me to see my fans do such a thing."

" Nick, but it didn't happen. It almost did, but it didn't. Like we've said all along, this is going to be a great child." I said pulling him in for a hug.

" Oh Denise, I love you so much." He said hugging me tightly.

" I love you too Nick."

~several hours later~

The thought of me actually almost losing our son, couldn't get out of my head for nothing. That would have killed both me and Nick forever. But the most important thing is that it didn't happen. I just Nick wouldn't worry so much about me all the time. It makes me feel as if I can't do anything.

" What about your concert tomorrow night?" I said holding his hand, while he sat on the hospital chair next to my bed.

" I'll tell them to cancel it. I have to be here with you."

" Nick, I know how much you want to be here with me, but you have to go. I can take care of myself, plus I have your mom here just in case anything else happens."

" Denise please don't do this, you need me right now, I'm going to be here for you."

" It's really sweet of you, but you have your fans that have been waiting for months to see you, and you can't let them down."

" The fans are the reason to why your in the place. Even though it was only what, three girls who did this to you? There has to me more fans like them out there. And I really don't feel like looking at any of them at a time like this."

" I understand that Nick, but you must go. It's not that I don't want you here, it's because you have very succesful career-" He said cutting me off.

" Your more important to me than my career, and I believe that it can wait."

" Fine Nick, do what you want." I said turning over on my side so that I was facing the wall instead of him.

I wish Nick would stop treating me as if I'm helpless. How can I get through this relationship of ours if he won't ever let me take care of myself? If only he would understand me. He has never been able to understand me. What can I do to make him realize that I can take care of myself?