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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" Nick maybe we should leave her alone for awhile." said Jane softly.

" I suppose so." Nick sighed.

After both Nick and Jane left the room, I buried my hand into my face and cried my eyes out. I don't know how much more I can take of this. Nick just can't leave his job each and everytime he hears something has happened to me. I know he cares about me, but he's going to have to keep focused. Even though I know that it must be hell for him right now. Maybe the best thing for me to do is just get some rest and try not to think about the actions that ocurred today.

" But mom, I love her too much to see anythings else bad happen to her. It's worse enough what I did her in the past." Nick said as he walked back into my room.

" Nick, be quiet, she's asleep!" Jane said getting after her son. Not only did Nick wake me up with his loud mouth, he didn't know that I was awake. Maybe I should pretend that I'm asleep that way I can hear what he has to say about me.

" Mom?" Nick said softly.

" Yeah honey?"

" Do you think Denise is mad at me?"

" Why would she be mad at you?"

" Because the way I spoken to her."

" I don't know Nick, you'll have to ask her that yourself."

" I think she is."

" Why do you think that?"

" I think she gets tired of me always worrying about her, and me doing everything for her."

" If she is mad at you Nick, it's probably for those reasons you just said. I too have noticed the way you treat her, which is not bad at all, but you have to let her do certain things alone. I'm pretty sure you make her feel very helpless when you do that. Maybe you should just take it easy for awhile and see if thats the reason." Jane said comforting her son.

" I know mom, it's just hard for me to do that. I love her so much. I've never loved anyone as much as I loved Denise."

" I can tell. She just needs her space thats all."

" Yes, I know."

" Maybe I should leave you two alone, I'm sure she'll want to talk to you."

" Ok, thank you so much mom for being there when theres a time of need."

" Your welcome Nick, I love you sweetie." She said bending down to kiss his forehead.

" I love you too mom."

And with that Mrs. Carter left the room, leaving Nick and I in the room together, which I didn't mind at all. Hearing the noise of both the mointor, and the sound of Nick taking a deep breath every 10sec. forced me not to fall asleep, but to sit up and talk to Nick.

" Nick?" I said sitting up in my bed.

" Oh hey, how are you feeling?" he said raising his head up from looking at the floor.

" I'm feeling a lot better now, thank you."

" Denise I want to say how sorry I am for treating you the way I did. I had no right treating you the way I did, you don't deserve that. And I have to realize that I'm going to have to let you do things on your own whether or not I like it or not. Thats just something that I'm going to have to live with, and I think if don't put a stop to this now, that this could ruin what we have together, and I don't want that." He said caressing my cheek.

" I don't want that either Nick."

" It would be just like those three months we were separted, but perminate."

" I don't think I could something like that again." I said shaking my head.

" Me neither..........So do you forgive?" he said looking deep into my eyes.

" Of course I forgive you, I'm not expecting you to be perfect for me." I said pulling him in for a hug.

" I promise Denise, that I'll change for you, I promise."

" Ok Nick, I believe you." I said gliding my hand across his back.

~ several hours later~

" So do you know how long it'll be that you have to stay in this place?" Nick said.

" No, not really, he just said a couple of days." I said, placing my hair behind my ears.

" Is there anything I can do for you to make you feel more comfortable?" he said.

" No, I'm doing just fine, thank you though."

Having both Nick and his mother by my side, made me feel a way that I have never felt before. Not even my own parents made me feel the way they make me feel. It was something about the both of them that made me feel like I was loved in a different way. Sure my parents loved me very much and still do, but what I'm feeling from the both of them is totally different. Something that can not be explain no matter how hard I try. Let me just say that it is a great feeling to be offered.