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The Neverending Story

by Denise


I walked back into the house and found my brother John sitting on the couch.

" Hey when did you get here?" I said closing the door.

" Just now, I came in through the back door. So when are mom and dad coming home?"

" In about 2 hours I think. Why?" I said.

" Well, you have exactly two hours to figure out how your going to cover that huge hicky on your neck."

I forgot all about. I haven't even seen it yet. I walked over to the mirror, and glanced at my neck. He is right it's huge.

" Oh my God! What am I going to do? Oh well, I don't care, if they see it they see it." I said walking away, to go take a shower.

" Hey, aren't you going to fill me in on what happened last night?" He said.

" After I take a shower." I yelled.

I closed the door, and turned the shower on. I let the water run, while I took my clothes off. I stepped into shower, and just let water hit me. I think I was in there for about an hour. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel around my body. I looked into the leaving, and show my parents keys on table in the living room. I started to panic. I started walking fast to my room.

" Denise, is that you?" my mom said.

" Yeah mom"

" Come here," she said.

"Ok mom, but let me get dressed."

I opened the door to my room, and shut it. I just stood there behind my door, wondering what I should do. I walked over my closet, and garbed a shirt. I put the shirt on, and put then put on some shorts that were just lying around. I decided to put my hair down maybe that would help. Nope. My hair was not long enough. I decided to put a towel around my neck, to cover it. They wouldn't think anything of it, they would just think I have there because my hair is wet. Perfect. I walked out of my room and went to the living room to say hello to my parents.

" Hi mom, Hi dad," I said sitting on the couch.

" How was it?" I said, with a smirk on my face.

" Fine." they both said, smiling at each other.

I smiled back at them.

" So Denise, what did you do last night?" my mom said.

I froze. I didn't know what to say.

"Um, just stayed home, and watched a movie, that's all." I said feeling so bad lying to her.

She would have a cow if I told her that a guy was here with me last night. I could only imagine how she would act when she finds out that I am no longer a virgin. I always told her that I would wait till I was married. So much for that now.

" Well, I better go get dressed." I said getting up, and hoping they would never find out about last night.

I walked in my room and closed the door. I let out a big sigh. But it's still not over. How am I suppose to cover up this hicky? I thought to myself. I wonder if my brother knows what to do? I opened the door, and went to my brother's room.


" What?" he said, like he always does.

" Open the door."

He opened the door, and I barged in. I closed the door behind me.

" Hey what's wrong?" he said, looking at me funny.

" This!" I said pointing to my neck.

"Oh, I thought you didn't care if any saw it." He said, with a smirk on his face.

" I do. Is there any way that I can make this go away?"

He looked at me and said," No. They have to go away on their own."

What was I going to do? There was silence in the room for a while.

" So what happened last night?"

I looked at him and gave him an evil smile.

" Denise! You didn't!"

His eyes were wide open in total shock. He never would've thought that his kid sister would ever do anything like that.

" You darn right I did! How do you think I got this?!" He started laughing.

" Oh, and I let Nick wear one of your t-shirts. His was all dirty from last night. He dropped pizza all over his shirt."

" He better bring it back."

" He will, don't worry." I said walking out of his room.

I walked back to my room, when I heard the phone ringing.

" I GOT IT!" I yelled running to my room.

" Hello?" I said.

" Denise? This is Nick."

" Oh hey, what's up?" I said sitting on the edge of me.

" Oh, nothing much. Just thinking about you and about last night. What about you?"

" Same here." I said.

While me and Nick were talking, it sounded as if there was someone else on the other line. I got up from the bed and walked to the living room to check to see if anyone was on the phone. No one. I past right by my mom and dad's room, they were both asleep. I had a good idea who it was. It couldn't be my little brother, he isn't back yet. I walked very quietly to my brother's room, and opened the door.

" I had a good feeling you were listening to us John." he then quickly hung up the phone.

" Your brother was listening to us this whole time??" Nick said.

" Yes, but don't worry he knows he going to get it later."

Nick and me started laughing.

" So...what do you wanna do tonight?" he said.

" I don't know. What do you have in mind?" I said.

" Well, my aunt and uncle are going out of town for a couple of days, and I have to house all to myself. Whata say?" He said in a sexy tone of voice.

" Well, I would say that you have a date tonight." I said.

" Ok great! How does 7:00 sound to you?" he said.

"It sounds great to me."

" Ok, see you then, luv ya, bye." he said.

" I love you too, bye."

With that, we both hung up the phone. My brother looked at me and said,

" You have a date tonight?"

" Yes, I do. Now if you don't mind, I have to go get ready."

I said walking out of his messy room, trying not to step on anything in sight. On the way to my room, I ran into my mom.

" Sorry." I said, on the way to my room.

I turned around and said, " Hey mom, is it ok if I spend the night at Pam's tonite, she rented some movies and she wanted me to go over?"

" Yeah its fine with me." she said walking back to her room.

I entered my room and went straight to my closet. I only had about 2 hours to get ready. I decided to leave what I had on, cause if my parents saw me leave in a short skirt, and a shirt that showed the figure to my breast, they would think something's up. I folded my skirt, and shirt, and places the in my bag. Then in a separate bag, I had all my make-up, and hair items in the bag. And of course my tooth brush. I had everything set. I was now ready to go. But first, I had to call Nick, to tell him that I would be driving over there. I picked up the phone, and dialed his number.

" Hello?" he said.

" Nick, it's me. I'm calling to tell you that, you don't have to pick me up, I'll be driving over there." I said.

" Ok, that's fine with me. So what time are you going to leave?"

" Is it ok if I leave right now? "

" Yeah. I'll be here." he said.

" Ok then, I'll see you in a little while. bye" I said as I heard a knock on the door.

" Ok, bye" he said hanging up the phone.

" Who is it?" I yelled.

" Me." It was my brother.

" Come in."

He opened the door, and closed it.

" Whatcha doin?" He said sitting on the edge of my bed.

" Oh nothing much. Just getting ready. After the date, I'm going over to Pam's, she's inviting all her friends."

" Can I come?"

" Oh no, I don't think so buster. This is a girls night out."

I felt so bad lying to him. He got up and made his way to the door of my room.

" Hey, John." I said.

" What?"

I sighed and said, " Please don't tell mom or dad that I am going on a date tonight. Don't say anything about Nick. I'm gonna bring him over here so that they can meet him. Promise me you won't tell them."

He looked at me and said, " I promise."

He then left my room, closing the door on his way out. I garbed my bags and headed out of my room. On the way down the hall, I ran into my dad.

" Where are you going?"

I froze, I didn't know what to say. " I'm spending the night at Pam's tonight. Mom said it was ok, is it ok with you?''

" Yeah it's fine with me. Be careful."

I knew he was going to say that, he always does.

" I will. Bye daddy." I said kissing him on the cheek.

" BYE MOM!" I yelled, not knowing where she was at.

"BYE!" she yelled back.

After saying all the good bye's and everything, I was now on the way to see Nick. On the way to Nick's house, I decided to stop at a tuck stop to change my clothes. There was no way I was going to let Nick see me like this. I pulled into the tuck stop, and turned the car off. I garbed my bags and walked into the store.

" Excuse me. Where is your restroom?"

" Over there." said the nice cashier lady, pointing to the left.

"Thank you."

I walked over the where the restroom was. The area was filled with truck drivers, watching TV. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I just stood there, not knowing what to do. I hated it when guys would do that. I started walking, until I reached the restroom. Once I was in there, I started to take off my clothes. After taking them off, I opened the bag and took out my skirt, and shirt. The first thing I put on was my skirt, then my shirt. I then put my other clothes that I had on, in the bag. I opened the door to the stall, and went over the sink. I checked my hair, it was perfect. The next thing I had to do was put on my make-up. After putting on a very small amount of make-up, I checked myself once more in the mirror. I was now ready to go. I picked up my bags, and took a deep sigh. I knew what kinda reaction I would get once I stepped out of the restroom. I opened the door to the restroom, and found that everyone was watching TV I keep walking, until I was out of that area. I walked out the store, in relief. I opened the door to my car, and threw my bags in.