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The Neverending Story

by Denise


~ 3 months later~

It has now been three months since it all happened, luckly the doctor only made me stay there 4 days. But now that everything was said and done, I look back at the incident that took place three months ago and think nothing of it. All of that had to have happened for a reason ,right? I personally think that everything that happens to you in your life is a for a good reason that we don't know. The reason I feel this happened to me, was because of Nick. Not that it was his fault this happened to me or anything, I think it was because done to me so that he could learn to trust me. But I don't know if that was the reason why that had to happen to me, for all I know there could probably be another reason to why that happened to me. Anways, as you know, it has been three months which means that Nick will be comming home. If fact he should be home any min. now. I'm so excited about seeing him, it's been exactly three months today since the last time I seen him.

As for our baby boy, he's doing just fine. He sure has been very active these past couple of weeks. And to think, we'll be seeing him in a couple of weeks. I wonder what he's going to look like? Maybe like his father and have blond hair and blue eyes, or maybe even me and have my brown hair and brown eyes. Nick has been so excited about this, I think even more than I am. I guess he looks forward to one day teaching him how to play basketball, or even how to play video games. We haven't yet picked out a name for him, mainly because we haven't had time to sit down and talk about it. Oh well, thats just one thing we'll have to do once he gets home.

" Denise, I'm home!" Nick yelled.

" I'm in here Nick!"

" Where is here baby?"

" In the bedroom!"

Hear him run through the hall making his way to our bedroom, only made want to run up to him and jump in his arms. But being this big made it impossible for me to do that.

" Denise, I've missed you so much!" He said pulling me in for a hug.

" I missed you too Nick. It's so great to finally see you after all these months." I said returning the hug.

" How's our son doing?"

" He's doing just fine."

" What about you? How are you doing?"

" I'm doing just fine."

" Thats good."

" So did you have a good flight?" I asked.

" After all these years of riding in planes, I haten't yet got use to flying. On the way home, I stoped and got this for you." He said handing me a small velvet box.

" Nick you didn't have to."

" I know, but you deserved it. You've been through so much, thats why I figured I'de get you something nice."

" Thank you, sweetie."

I slowly untied the ribbon that was put around the box for decoration and placed it to the side. Nick staired at me, waiting to see what my reaction would be. I glanced at him and simled then placed my eyes back onto the black velvet box, and began opening it. When I opened the box to reveal whatever was inside, my eyes sparkled when the sight of a beautiful ring sat there in the small black velvet box, waiting for me to put it upon my finger.

" Oh my God! Nick it's beautiful!"

" When I saw it sitting there in jewlery shop, I knew right then and there that, that ring belonged on the finger of the most beautiful women on earth." He said taking the box from my hand.

" Thank you Nick."

He slowly took the ruby red ring with two diamonds placed on each side of the ruby, which made it even more beautiful, and placed it upon my right hand ring finger. Just seeing the sight of this beautiful ring made me wonder how much it cost. I know it's rude to ask someone how much something is, so I won't ask.

" Does it fit alright?" he asked.

" It's fits fine." I replied.

" I've missed you so much Denise."

" I missed you too Nick ."

" There were times that I would find myself thinking about leaving the tour to catch a plane to come back home and see you. But I had to think about the fans, and about you. I knew how much you wanted me to change about me trusting you more and letting you decided for yourself. So I thought about it and decided that it would be best if I were to stay on tour. I thought of it as if I was doing it for you."

" Believe or not, I wanted to do the exact same thing, but I had to think about the baby and myself."

" But where now, together and nothing can change that." He said reaching over to me giving me a tight hug.

" I love you Nick." I said returning the hug.

" I love you too Denise."

~hours later~

" Nick?" I said.

" Yeah?"

" You know with us being separted the first couple months of the pregnancy, and you being gone on tour for so long, we haven't yet talked about what we're going to name our son."

" Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that."

" Do you have any names in mind?"

" I haven't really thought about it yet. What about you?"

" I thought it would be great if we could name him after you."

" Me? That never crossed my mind not even once."

" What do you think?"

" I like it! That way we can call him Little Nicky Jr."

" Great! However, there is something else that we need to do."

" What would that be?"

" Well, we haven't gotton anything prepared for him he comes. He doesn't even have crib."

" I'll tell you what, why don't me, you and Brian go shopping tomorrow for the baby?"

" Ok, that sounds great."

" Lets just relax, and enjoy the rest of the day together."