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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" Nick, sweetie, wake up." I said gently shaking him.

" Something wrong?!" he said jumping.

" No, no, everythings fine! Calm down."

" Sorry honey, I thought it was time." he said running his hands through his uncombed hair.

" No, not yet, we still have a couple of weeks to go."

" Ok, what is it then?" he asked.

" Well, we're suppose to go baby shopping today, remember?"

" Oh yeah! Just give me a min. To get ready."

" Did you call Brian yet?" I asked.

" Oh crap, I forgot! I'm sorry babe."

" It's ok, don't worry about it, you go get dressed and I'll call him."

" Are you sure?"

" Yeah, it's fine."

" Thanks, I'll be right back." he said running to the bathroom with his clothes in hand.

The reaction I saw when I woke him made me want to burst out in laughter. I never saw him react to something like that before. I wish I could relive that moment once again. What's going to happen when it's really time?? Who knows?

I reached over to the phone and dialed in Brian's number when I realized something that I've forgotten. My parents. I haven't spoken nor talked to them in eight months. How could I have let this happen? I guess I got caught up in the excitement that Nick brought to my life that I totally forgot about them. Oh my God, they must me worried sick about me. The last time I saw them was on mine and Nick's anniversary, which was July 4th. How can this be? Out of all this, I should have made time to call them.

" Hello?" said Brian into the receiver.

" Oh hey, Nick and I wanted to know if you would like to come baby shopping with us today."

" Really?!"

" Yeah."

" Of course, what time?"

" How about in 30 min.?"

" Sounds great."

" Ok, I'll see you then."

" Ok, chow."

" Bye."

While making my way downstairs, I couldn't help but to wonder what I should do. I can't just jump on the next flight over to see them. What can I do? I could call them, but what if they don't have the same number, or what if they moved? How could I ever get in touch with them? I should have known better not the life get the best of me.

" Honey, what's wrong?" Nick said running down the stairs to find me crying.

" Nick....."

" What, what is it?"

" How could I have let this happen Nick?"

" What, what happen?"

" My parents."

" Something happen to your parents?"

" Nick, I've forgotten about them."

" What do you mean?"

" I've forgotten about them. I haven't talked to nor seen them in eight months Nick. They must be worried sick about me."

" Oh that."

" Yeah that."

" Well, have you tried calling them yet?" he asked.

" No, not yet. I'm afraid to hear what there going to tell me."

" Well.....just give it time, and when your ready, you try giving them a call."

" I'm such a fool for letting this get out of hand Nick."

" Hey, everything is going to be just fine. Just give it some time." he said comforting me.

" Ok. Hey Nick?"

" Yeah sweetie?"

" What do you think they'll say?"

" As much as I wish I had the answer to that, I don't, and I'm sorry."

" Nick what if they hate me for I've done?"

" Honey, no, don't think that. They could never hate you, people make mistakes in life that can not be fixed. I'm sure they'll forgive."

" Do you think so?"

" I know so. Now just take it easy, and try to stay focused about what we have planed for today. I know how much you've been looking forward to this." he said wipping my tears away.

" You don't realize how much I hate myself for this right now." I said.

" Denise, people make mistakes."

" I know Nick, but why this?"

" There are some things in life that have no explaination, and this is one of them. If there was something I could do to fix this, believe me I would. But this is all up to you. In your own time, when you gain enough confidense call them and I'll be right here by you while you make that call."

" Nick, everything your saying right. In my situation you make life sound so easy."

" But it's not."

" Tell me about it."

" So you ready to go?" he asked.

" I suppose so." I said wipping the remaining tears that fell down my face.

" You know I'm here for you when ever you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on."

" I know Nick, thanks."

" Your welcome. You know how much I love you and would do anything for you."

" Hmm.... it's funny how say that."

" Why do you say that?"

" Because there is one thing you can't do for me."

" Oh yeah?" he said with a smirk on his face.

" Yeah."

" What would that be?"

" Your really wanna know?" I said pestering him.

" Yeah, please tell me."

" You can't deliever this baby for me." I said as I watched his face go blank.

He wasn't expecting me to say that I bet.

" You got me there." he said with a smile.

" Although I wish you could."

" That is something I thank God for that I will never have to go through something like that."

" You should be thankful."

" But I'm also thankful that I have you, and that you still love me after all that I've put you through."

" Nick, I will always love you know matter what you do."

" I know."

Hearing Nick comfort me as best as he could made me also realize how much he loves me. I thank God everyday for allowing me to be happy with the one person he provided me to spend the rest of my life with.