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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" What do you think about this one?" said Nick referring the crib on display.

" Umm....I don't know Nick, it's kinda-" I said before Brian cut me off.

" Ugly?" he said.

" Well, that's not the word I was actually looking for, but yeah."

" Oh, ok." said Nick.

" How about something like this? It's not too big and not too small. Plus, it's green, your favorite color." I said.

" Hmmm...... It's great."

" Yeah, it looks great." said Brian.

" Ok, this is a gimme."

" Thanks-" I said before I cut myself.

" Honey, what's wrong?" Nick said with concern.

" I don't know, I think it's a contraction."

" We better get her home Nick."

" Home? Shouldn't she go get checked out?"

" Nick, no, I'll be fine, it'll pass, I just need to lay down."

" Ok, but are you sure?" he asked.

" Yeah."

" I'll met you out in the car Nick." said Brian.

" Ok, just hang in there."

" Maybe the time is getting near." I said.

" Maybe it is."

Out of all the contractions I've gotten, these were the worst. If this is what I'm suppose to expect, then I have no idea how I'm going to handle it when time comes. There's one question I have to ask. Why? It's not fair that someone has to go through so much pain just for this. I don't even want to think about it. Of course I want to see my son, but I'm not looking forward to the pain.

" How are you feeling sweetie?" Nick said applying a damp towel upon my forehead.

" I'm feeling just fine."

" Thats good."

" Nick?"

" Yeah?"

" I think I'm ready to make that call."

" Are you sure?"

" Yeah. I need to do this."

" Ok, well I'm here if you need me." he said handing me the phone.

" Thanks."

I took a deep breath and looked at the phone in my hand and dialed the number. My hands where the whole time. I've never been more scared in my life. This is the only way out of this situation. Hearing the ringing, made me get more nervous. Is it possible they forgot all about me? No telling what they think happened to me.

" Hello?"

The voice that answered was the voice that I could never forget. My mother.

" Mom?" I said.

" Denise?!"

" Yeah mom, it's me."

" Oh my God Denise, where have you been? Are you alright?" she said with concern.

" I'm fine mom, I'm here in Florida with Nick."

" Why haven't you called, we've been worried sick about you?"

" I know mom, I'm sorry. I don't know what made me do this. It wasn't because I was mad at you or anything."

" Then what was it?"

" I.... I.... I don't know."

" Was it Nick?"

" Oh no mom, he has nothing to do with this. It's all me. I guess I got so caught up in life itself that I forgot I had a life back in Texas."

" How could you forget about your own family Denise?"

" I'm sorry mom, you have ever right to be mad at me. There is no excuse that can make up for what I've done to you or dad."

" Denise, I'm not mad. I'm just can't believe you would do something like this."

" I'm sorry mom."

" I forgive you."

" How can you possibly forgive me for what I've put you through?"

" Because I know you didn't mean to do it."

" Is dad around?"

" No, he's at work."

" Oh, I was hopping I'd get to talk to him."

" I'll tell him you called."

" How's he been doing?"

" For months, he went looking for you Denise, In hope that maybe he would find you. But he didn't."

" Oh my God."

" Yeah, and he finally gave up."

" I wish he was there so I could talk to him."

" When are you going to come over and visit?"

" Ummm....... well........ I can't."

" Something wrong?"

" Well..... something has happened, nothing bad."

" Like what?"

" Well...... I'm eight and half months pregnant."

" You're what?"

" You heard me."

" This is all unbelievable."

" Are you mad?"

" No, shocked is more like it."

" I'm sorry."

" Don't be, I've been looking forward to having a grandchild for ages."

" You mean you're happy?" I said in shock.

" Yes!"

" Wow, that suprising."

" So what is it?"

" We're having a boy."

" A grandson, thats so exciting."

" Thanks."

" So when are you due?"

" Some time in the beginning of the month."

" Since you can't come over here, do you mind if we come and see you?"

" No, not at all."

" Ok then, mind if we come tomorrow?"

" I'd have to check with Nick first, it's fine with me, I just have to ask him."

" Ok, just give us a call and let us know."

" I'll be sure do that."

" Well, I don't know what else to say. You've sure brought this day with a suprise."

" Hey mom can you hold on for a sec?" I said.

" Yeah."

" Ok." I said, placing my hand over the receiver so that she couldn't be able to hear me.

" Nick is it alright if I tell her that we're engaged?" I whispered.

" Yeah, it's fine with me." he said as he laid his head on my lap.

" Ok, but don't even think about falling asleep on my lap Nick." I giggled.

" Still there mom?"

" Yeah."

" There's one more suprise for me you."

" Is it something that I should worry about or anything?"

" No, not all."

" Ok."

" Me and Nick..... Well...... we're engaged to be married."

" Really?"

" Yeah."

" Thats great! I'm so happy for you!" she said with excitement in her voice.

" Thanks, we haven't set a date yet."

" Well when ever you two do, don't forget to inivite us."

" We won't."

" So how have you been?"

" I'm doing just fine, I had some mild contractions earlier today. But other than that, I'm fine."

" Contractions already?" she said suprised.

" Yeah, it's no biggie."

" I suppose the time is coming close."

" I think so too."

" You scared?"

" More than anything" I laughed.

" Well..... I better let you go."

" Ok, I'll talk to you later then."

" Ok, it was nice hearing from you again."

" Yeah, I'd say so."

" Bye."

" Bye."

" So how did it go?" Nick asked.

" Great, better than what I expected."

" Thats good."

" Well.... I haven't yet heard my fathers reaction to all of this."

" Yikes."

" Yeah I know, my mom said he went looking for me for months."

" He did?" he said in suprise.

" Yeah, I feel so rotten just knowing that he did that. He's always been so over protected of me every since I was a kid, mainly because I'm his only daughter."

" Oh, the daddy's little girl thing right?"

" Exactly. At first I was cool with everything that he did for me, but as the years started to go by, I got tired of how he would want me back at a certain time, or how he would always ask where I was going. I respect everything he's ever done for me, but there comes a time in a girls life when they just need space from there parents. Thats what I needed. In other words, I guess you can say that's what I got. Nick, I didn't mean to hurt them on purpose."

" I know you didn't sweetie, it's just something that happened."

" I wish I could take back everything I did to them."

" Denise, things happen that don't have any explaination for them, and as much as I know you hate what you did, this is something that your going to have to get over, even if you don't like it. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, thats just the way it usually has to turns out."

" Nick, you're right. This is something I have to get over."

Hearing from my mother felt great. I almost forgot what her voice sounded like. To me, I have this feeling as if everything will turn out just fine. Even though I know how upset they are with me about doing this, but deep down there happy knowing that I'm in good hands. Geeze, I hope there not mad at Nick for this, because it's not at all his fault. He's done nothing but been there for me, and I'm thankful for everything that he's done for me. I don't know if I could ever come close to ever thanking him. How could anyone ever be mad at Nick. If he's done something wrong, he surely didn't do it because he wanted to. For example, me. I didn't at all mean to do what I did to my family. I hope they can find some place in there heart to forgive me.