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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" Just hang in there, you're doing just fine." Nick said placing a kiss on my forehead.

" Nick, I don't know if I can. It hurts so much." I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

" I know it does, but you have to be strong. Do it me?" he stated.

" Ok.......I'll do it for you." I said exhaling.

" Don't worry, your contraction is almost over."

", that was the worst one." I said taking a deep breath.

" Sure was, I thought I was going to lose my hand for a minute there."

" Oh Nick, that's nothing yet." I laughed.

" Geeze, I can't wait." he said with little emotion on his face.

" So how long have we been here?" I asked.

" I'd say a good 4 hours."

" How much longer is this going to take?" I questioned.

" You're asking the wrong person sweetie. I wish it were over just as much as you want it to be. I hate seeing you so much pain."

" You're lucky you're not the one going through with this." I laughed.

" I won't fight with you there."

~ knock knock~

" Hey Tatum, I'm Dr. Smith, I just came to check up on you, and see if you needed anything."

" Other than the pain I'm having every 4-min., I'm doing just fine." I said with a laugh.

" That's good just give me a buzz if you need anything."

" I'll be sure to do that. Also, is it ok if walk around, I'm tired of just laying here."

" Yeah, I don't want you to feel that you can't do anything. Feel free to walk around if you want." she said.

" Thanks." I said.

" I'll see you in a little while Tatum, take care of yourself." she stated as she left the room.

" Alright I get to get out of bed." I said.

" Are you sure you wanna do this?" Nick asked.

" Yeah, I'm tired of just laying here not doing nothing."

" Ok, let's go." he said helping me out of bed.

While walking up and down the hallways of the hospital, it was still hard to believe that the time was now. Just to think, we'll be seeing our son in couple of hours. I wonder what that will be like, whether he has Nick's eyes or my eyes. Whether he'll have blonde hair, or brown hair like me. It really doesn't matter to me at all what he look's like, just as long he's happy and healthy, that's all that matter's to me. Being able to hold him, and take care of him for the rest of his life is something that I'll cherish more than life itself. No matter what he does, I'll always love him with all my heart. Even though, he caused me and Nick to have our little disagreement about whether or not we should bring him in this world or not, I'm glad I made the choice to let him enjoy life with us.

" What's with that smile on your face?" Nick asked.

" Oh nothing, just excitement. Wondering what he's going to look like."

" Me too. I bet he's going to look like you." he said.

" Na, he's going to look like you. With your beautiful blue eyes, and blonde hair." I said wrapping my arm around his waist.

" I really don't care what he look likes, just as long as he's healthy."

" Me too."

" Hey you wanna go stop by the waiting room to see your parents?"

" Yeah sure."

Going through the stages of labor made me feel as if it would never end. Will it end? All the pain and suffering, what for? How come labor can't be painless? Is there something that us women have done to deserve all this pain? Oh well, in the long run, I'm sure all the pain and suffering that I'm going through now will be all worth it. Right?

As we made our way over to the waiting room to see both our parents and friends, I noticed who the hallway was filled with the press along with of course the fans. Nick and I just looked at each other and knew that we all should just head back to the room.

" Maybe we all should just go back to my room. There's no way we're going to be in peace here." I said to all in the room.

" Are you sure they're going to let us all in the room?" asked my mom.

" They can't say anything. So are you guys coming?" I responded.

" Yeah of course. I won't miss my grandson being born for the world!" said Jane.

We all made our way back to my room while, until a sudden contraction creeped up on me. To me, Nick had the look of, What-should-I-do? There's not much he could do anyways. He should be lucky he's not the one going through this. The only thing that helps was just being held in Nick's arms, knowing that he'll be there for me to the end. Hearing him say, ' you can do it' made me feel good that I had gotten that far into the labor.

" Are you ok?" Nick said rubbing my back.

" Yeah." I sighed.

" We better get you back to the room." he said, helping the rest of the way back to my room.

" Ok."

Having knowing that what I'm going through is going to get worse made me want to just give up and ask for anything that could take the pain away. The thing that has stopped me from doing that was Nick. Even though I know he never said anything like that, I feel like I should see if I could do this on my own without any types of medicine to cure my pain. Although if any guy was in my shoes right now, they would have asked for something for the pain with in the first 30 min. of there labor. Am I right or wrong? Guys may be stronger than women may but there is no way they could ever handle this. Although I'd like to see them try. That would be something to laugh at.

" Hey Brian, where's the rest of the guys?" Nick asked as he stood beside me on my bed.

" The management needed them to stay behind to finish the interview and the autograph session."

" Are they coming?" he questioned.

" Yeah, but I'm not sure what time. You know how long that takes."

" Man.......I wanted them to be here."

" They'll be here, don't worry about it." said Brian.

" Nick....." I said sensing another contraction coming along.

" Breathe, breathe, come on Denise, breathe, breathe-" he said before being cut off by me.

" Nick, shut up, what does it look like I'm doing?!"

" I'm sorry baby-" he said placing his hand on my back.

" Nick don't touch me!"

" Nick man, just chill. Maybe she just needs to deal with this on her own. You can't really take the pain away." Brian said.

" Are you sure?" he responded.

" Positive. Beside, they always say things like that when they're in labor."

" I hope your right Rok."

" Trust me."

" Man why did they have to leave?!" Nick asked in anger.

" Because they didn't think all this was going to happen this quickly." stated Brian.

" Maybe I should go get the doctor. She doesn't look too good." Nick said running his hand through his uncombed hair.

" No, I'll go; you just stay here and be by her side." he said making his way for the door.

" Thanks Brian, I owe you."

" Don't worry about it."

" Denise, Sweetie, Brian went to go get the doctor, everything is going to just fine. Just hang in there, you can do it."

" Nick, I can't do this anymore more, it hurts too much." I said out of breath.

" Yes you can. I believe in you. You can do it."

" When is it going to be over?" I cried.

" I don't know sweetie, just hang in there.

You're doing great." he said placing his hand on my forehead.

" How is she doing?" said Dr. Smith as she entered the room.

" I don't know ma'am, it seems as if it's time."

" Let me just get my gloves on and I'll check her to see if whether or not she's ready to deliver." she said.

" Ok, thanks."

" Do you think it's time?" said Brian.

" I think it is. Look at her."

" Denise, hang in there. Me and Nick are here with you; everything is going to be just fine." Brian said.

" Ok, everything is all set to go. Lets get the show on the road." said Dr. Smith.

" You hear that Denise, our son is coming!" Nick said with excitement in his voice.

" Let me call the nurses in here and we'll be ready to go."

" Wow, I can't believe this. I'm going to see my Godson being born." Brian said in amazement.

" Yeah it is wonderful."

Can it be that in just a few short min. I'll be holding my son in my arms? Is it, or is it not amazing? Nothing could take away the excitement that has been given to me these whole nine months. Well.....I can't really say that, how about these whole five months. Even though I had my thoughts of whether or not to have this baby, I'm glad I did. Look what it has brought to both me and Nick's life.

" Ok Denise, if you don't mind, I'm going to have to ask you to push." said Dr. Smith.

" I can't, it hurts too much." I cried.

" Denise, don't say that, you can you can." Nick said with encouragement.

" I'll try Nick, I'll try."

" Come on Denise, you can do it." cheered Brian.

Trying my hardest to give it everything I had left in my body, the thing that kept me going was Nick. Seeing the pain in his from seeing me go through what I was going through, made him encourage me and tell that I could do it. Never did I ever think I would go through something that brought so much pain to me ever. But in the long run, it ends up all being worth it.

" Ok,'re almost done. Just one more push, and it'll all be over."

" Just one more?" I said in pain.

" Yes baby, just one more. You can do it!" said Nick.

" Nick I can't."

" Denise don't say that, because it's not true. You can, I have faith in you that you can get through this."

" Nick, I-" I said before being cut off by him kissing me.

" Yes you can. Do it for me?" he said.

" Ok Nick, I'll do it for you."

Thought of happy memories flashed before my eyes as I closed them. Memories of when Nick and I met, along with memories of our first night together. After this moment in life, I will now have a new memory to add to my life along with Nick's life as well. Something such as this can really change a person life forever in such a good way. I'm hoping that with this child that we will have a future filled with happiness and love for one another.

Trying to fight off every moment of pain that filled my body, made it worth not trying much long will when the sound of a crying baby, along with tears of joy running down Nick's face, filled the room. Seeing Nick cry was something he only did when he felt there was a need to cry. Just seeing him cry brought tears to my eyes along with happiness with what the out come had brought at that moment.

" Denise's our son." Nick said as the doctor placed our newborn son my chest.

" Oh my God Nick, he's beautiful."

" Just like his mother."

" Oh Nick."

" I love you." he said kissing my forehead.

" I love you too baby."

" I'm so proud of you, and I promise I'll make it up to you."

" Don't bother. I forgive for everything that you've done."

" Sir, would you like to cut the cord?" said the nurse standing before Nick with a pair of scissors.

" Ummm....."

" Go ahead." I urged.

" Sure."

I watched closely as a smile formed on Nick's face as he began to cut the cord. Never had I ever seen Nick so happy in my life. What more is there for a person to ask for just to see the person that they love being as happy as can be?? If happiness really had a meaning, I'd say, ' Just look at Nick and he'll show you what happiness is really all about.'

" Here you go ma'am." said the nurse, handing me our son who had a little blue hat upon his head along with a blanket wrapped around his small body.

" Thank you."

" Wow, look at him. Isn't he amazing?"

" More than anything in this world." I said.

" Denise, you did great." said Brian making his way over to my side of the bed.

" Thanks."

" You know what?" Brian asked.

" What?" questioned Nick.

" He looks a lot like Nick."

" He sure does, he has his blond hair and his little nose."

" No he doesn't." Nick denied.

" Oh yes he does Nick." I laughed.

" Whatever you say sweetie."

" Did you take any pictures Brian?" I asked.

" Of course!"

" Oh dear, I hate to see what I'm going to look like when they come out."

" Mind if I take one of both you and the baby along with Nick?" he asked.

" No not at all." I stated.

" Ok, say cheese."

" Cheeeessssee." we both said.

" Do you think it'll fit him?" said Jane referring to my mother as they walked into the room.

" Oh my God, please don't tell me that we missed it!" said my mother.

" I'm afraid so. You're 10 min. late." Nick said as he huddled over me looking at our son.

" Mom, Dad I'd like you to meet our son."

" Oh my God, is that the little fellow that we've been waiting to see?" asked my mom.

" Wow, he looks a lot like you Nick."

" Thanks.

As everyone crowded around the baby letting each other take turns holding him, while Nick and I held hand in hand looking at our new born son and seeing how happy he made everyone around him. Just looking at him assures me that he's going to have the same effect in life like his father does; which is making sure everyone around him is happy even if he's not. What more could a person ask for than to be engaged to the most wonderful and loving man, along with a new born son? Nothing at all, other than to be sure that they're always happy.