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The Neverending Story

by Denise


On the way to Nick's house, I was thinking, " I wonder what we're gonna do?" It didn't take long to get to his house. He lived about 5 min. away from my house. When I got there, all the lights were off, except one. I checked myself in the review mirror, to make sure my make up was still ok. I got out of the car, and garbed my bags. When I approached his door, I had a nervouse feeling inside of me. I don't know why. I placed my bags on the ground, next to me. I then rang the door bell. The door opened within 30 sec. He must have been waiting for me all this time. He looked at me and said,

" Wow, you look great."

He looked at me from head to toe.

" You look great too Nick." I said. He was dressed in blue jeans, and nice dress shirt. We stood there looking into eachother eyes for a long while.

" Ummm...Nick? Are you going to invite me in, I'm cold."

" Oh I 'm so sorry. Come in."

He picked up my bags, and placed them by the couch.

"So.......what are we going to do?" I said sitting on the couch.

" I don't know, I was just about to ask you that." He started laughing.

" How about this. Why don't we go and take a walk a long the lake?"

" Sure"

We both got up and made our way to the back door. He opened the door, and said,

" Ladies first" I looked at him and smiled.

" Thank you"

I stepped down on the steps that lead me to the lake.

" Oh Nick, its beautiful." I said.

He looked at me and said,

" I had a good feeling you were going to say that."

We both walked along the shore of the lake. This moment was so perfect. As we were walking, Nick reached down and garbed my hand. We both looked at each other and smiled.

" Nick, do you ever wish on star?" I said looked up at the dark black sky, filled with bright stars.

" Yes"

" What do you wish for?"

" I wish that I could meet to girl of my dreams. But there's no need to do that anymore."

" Why is that?"

'' Because I found her."

" Oh Nick your so sweet."

I gently placed my hands on his cheek, cupping his face in my hands. I leaned in and gently kissed him on his sweet, soft lips.

" What was that for?" he said.

" Oh nothing, I just felt like kissing you, that's all."

We contiued walked for about 5 more min. We then went back inside, cause it was getting a little chilly. Me and Nick just sat there on the couch in silence. I had to do some thing to get Nicks attention, from the t.v.

" Ummm....Nick do you have anything to drink?"

He took his eyes off the T.V. and looked at me. " Yeah, sorry I didn't ask you earlier. How does a coke sound to you?"

" Sounds great to me."

He got up and went into the kitchen. While he was in the kitchen I reach in my make-up bag and got out my compact. I applied a small amount of powder to my face. As I was doing that, Nick came back in the living room.

" You don't need anymore make-up, your already beautiful" He said handing me my coke.

I looked at him and smiled.

" Thanks."

He sat down on the couch looking at me instead of the t.v. this time. He garbed the remote, and turned the t.v. off. He gently glided his hand across my cheek. He looked at me and said,

" You are so, beautiful."

I smiled and said,

" Oh yeah? I bet you say that to all the girls you date."

He smiled and said, " You are the only girl that I have ever dated." I felt such an honor when Nick said that to me. To think, I was the first girl to ever hear Nick say that to me. He moved closer to me, and kissed me. We kissed for a very long while. Nick then started to take my shirt off.

" Nick, maybe we shouldn't do this right here. Is there any where else we can do this, some where like your room?" I said, out of breath.

" Yeah, come on."

I got up and started walking up the stairs, I stopped when he said,

" Wait."

I turned around, and looked at him.

"Can't I be a gentlman, and carry you up to my room?"

He walked up to me and pick me up in his arms.

" You just love doing this don't you?"

He smiled at me and said, " Yes."

On the way up the stairs, I said, " Out of all the guys, I've went out with, you are the only one that loves me for what I have in the inside, not for my looks." He stopped and said,

" That's the way I feel about you too."

" Oh Nick, I love you."

" I love you too Denise."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. We finally made our way to his room. He gently place me on his bed. He got on top of me and kissed me very passionately on the lips. He then moved down to my neck. I didn't want him to stop. At this point, I really didn't care whether or not he gave me a hicky or not. All I wanted at this point was him. Nothing else in the world could take away this feeling I was having.

After hours and hours of non-stop making love, we were finally done. It was about 5 in the morining when we stopped making love. We both layed there hugging each other. I had my head on his chest, and my arm around his stomache.

" Oh Nick, that was great." I said, with my head still on his chest.

" Thanks, I couldn't of done it without you." He said, playing with my hair.

I turned my head so that I was now looking at Nick. I looked at him and said,

" You know what?"

" What?" he said, still playing with my hair.

" When I look at you, I look at you as a normal person. I don't see you as Nick Carter from the Backstreet boys. I just see you as Nick."

He smiled when I said that.

" I know that I've only known you for two days now, but for reason I feel that I found the girl of my dreams. You are the kinda girl that I have been looking for, and I think I found her." Hearing what Nick just said, made me feel so special. Could I really be the one for Nick? I bought my hand up to his cheek and gently glided my hand against it. He then gave me a kiss on the lips. I then rested my head back on his chest and fall asleep.

After a few hours of sleep, I woke to someone kissing my lips.

" Hey sweetheart, you've been asleep forever."

" Oh, I'm sorry. How long was I out?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

" A long time. It's 1:00 already."

" I wish you would've woke me up, I hate sleeping this late."

" You needed the rest, I think I wore you out last night."

I slowly started getting out of bed, when he handed me one of his t-shirts to wear.

" Here, you can wear one of my shirts."

" Thanks."

I put on the shirt he gave me, and walked over to where he was standing.

" I'm sorry I slept so long" I said hugging him.

" Don't worry about it, we all make mistakes."

When we pulled apart from each other, he pulled me back in a gave me a deep kiss.

" You are such a great kisser."

" Oh no I'm not. But if you say I am, I guess I am."

I started laughing when he said that.

" You're so crazy Nick. But that's what I like about you."

He pulled me toward him and hugged me.

"While you were asleep, I went out and got you a little something. I hope you like it."

He handed me a long black box. I looked at him and said,

" Nick you didn't have to."

" I know, but I wanted to."

I slowly opened the box to reveal a beautiful gold neckless, with a charm that read "Nick".

"Do you like it?"

" Yes! It's beautiful." I said, giving him and hug.

" I knew you would like it."

He took the box from my hand, and took the neckless out, and placed it around my neck.

As he was putting the neckless around my neck I said,

" Nick?"

" Yeah sweety?"

" What's going to happen to us when you go back to Florida?"

" Nothing. I'll still come and see you. I'll call you everyday. And I'll still love."

" I wish you didn't have to leave so soon."

" I was going to wait on asking you this, but I guess I'll ask you right now. Well, since you are on summer vacation, and you still have about two months until school starts up again, I was wondering if you wanted to come home with me and spend the rest of your vacation with me, in Florida?"

" Oh Nick, I would love to. But it's going to take alot to convice my dad into letting me go."

" How about we not tell him that just yet."

" That's a good idea. I wondering, if you didn't have anything to do today, if you wanted to meet my parents today?"

" Yeah I would love to."

We stood there and hugged each other for a long while.

" Nick, I better go. I have to tell my parents that your coming."

" Ok, What time do you want me to be there?"

" How is 5:00?"

" That's fine with me."

" Oh Denise, I wish you didn't have to leave right now." he said, still hugging he tightly.

" Oh Nick, me too. I wish I could spend all my time with you. But I can't, I have to go."

" Ok, I understand. I'll walk you out." he said letting go of me. We walked out to him room, and made our way down the stairs. He picked up my bags that I had brought with me, and walked over to the door. The look on his face was terrible. It was as if he was saying good-bye forever. I couldn't bare to see him like this, so I turned around and said,

" Nick honey, your going to see me in a couple hours. There's no need to look so sad. I know you don't want me to go, but I have to. I would love to stay with you here forever. But I have to go. It's not like your never going to see me. It's only a couple hours till you see me again, I'm sure you can last till then. I know you can."

I pulled his neck down and deeply kissed him on his lips. After kissing, he captured me into a hug. He hug me so tight, he didn't want to let go, neither did I. When we finally did he said,

" And you think I am a good kisser?? To tell you the truth, I think you kiss better than me."

" Oh Nick, your so crazy, but that's what I like about you."

He carried my bags to my car, and set them in passengers seat of my car. He then closed the door, and walked over to where I was standing.

" So I'll see you at 5:00?"

" Yes of course Denise"

" Ok then, I guess I'll talk to you later. "

" Don't guess that I'll talk to you later, I will talk to you later." I smiled and pulled his neck down so that I could kiss.

We kissed for a long while before I left. When we then pulled about from each other, I gave Nick big hug.

" Nick?'' I whispered in his ear.

" Yeah?"

" There's someone watching us."

Nick let go of me and turned around so he could see who was looking at us.

It was a guy that looking the same age as Nick.

" Excuse me, but do you have a problem?" Nick said to the guy that was watching us.

" Sorry" said the guy. He then started walking off.

I started laughing after he said that.

" Why are you laughing? I didn't say anything funny, did I?"

" I don't know why I'm laughing. I guess what you did made me laugh." I said, trying to stop laughing.

" Your so funny Denise. That's one of the reasons why I love you the way I do."

" Oh Nick, your so sweet."

He pulled me toward him and hugged me.

" You know why that guy was looking at us?" He said still hugging me.

" No, why?"

" Because he probably wishes he had what we have."

We stood there and hugged and of coursed kissed each other for a long while.

" Nick I better go."

" Ok, I suppose I better let you go."

" I'll talk to you later."

" Ok."

He then opened the door to my car. I got in, and started the car. He closed the door, and stuck he head through the window, and gave me a deep pasionate kiss on the lips.

He pulled away and whispered, " I love you."

" I love you too" I said back.

" Bye."

" Bye."

After saying all of our goodbyes, I was finally gone. I was now on the way home, not that I wanted to go home yet. I wanted to spend the rest of the day with Nick. I wanted to get to know him a little better.

On the way home, I was thinking about Nick. As I was thinking about Nick, a thought came in my mind. It kept on coming in my mind. The thought was, Is Nick getting a little to carried away about this relationship? We've only known each other for 2 days, and he treating me like we've been going out for months. Not that I don't mind what he doing. Maybe its just me, I don't know. I guess I don't know how to except what he doing for me. No guy that I have ever dated, treated the way Nick does. In a way, kinda regret what I did on our first date. I think we should've waited until we knew each other a little better. We barely even know each other, and we are already having sex. Is it right what we're doing? I hope everything turns out alright for this relationship. As I kept on driving, another thought popped into my head. Could I really be the one for Nick like he said I was?