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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" Mom, Dad? I'm back" I said, closing the door to my house.

I stood there waiting for a response. But I didn't receive one. Where could they be? I made my way to my room to put away my bags. On the way out of my room I glanced at my mirror on my wall. I stood and looked at myself in the mirror. I walked up closer to the mirror and looked at what Nick did to my neck.

" Oh my God!"

" Denise is there something wrong?" said my mom, standing in the door way.

I quickly covered my neck with both of my hands.

" Why are you covering you neck like that? Is there something wrong?"

I didn't know what to do. The best thing to do right now is just show her.

" Mom can you close the door."

" Yeah sure honey, what's wrong?"

" Mom can you promise me you won't tell dad?"

" Tell him what?"

" Just answer the question?"

" Yeah I promise"

" And you promise not to get mad?"

" Well it depends on what you have to tell me. I'll try not to"

I took a deep breath and slowly removed my hands from my neck.

" Oh my God Denise, who did this to you?!" she yelled.

'' Mom I thought you said you were going to try not to get mad?" I sat on the edge of my bed and cried.

" Oh Denise, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have exploded the way I did."

" That's ok, it's only normal for parents to get mad about something like this."

" I know, but I should have gave you a chance to say something, it was wrong what I did."

" Please don't tell dad about his mom, I'll never hear the end of it."

'' I won't. But he going to find out either way. There is no way your going to be able to cover them up."

I started crying even more, I didn't want my dad to get mad at me.

My mom walked over to where I was sitting on my bed and kneeled down and gave me a hug.

She hugged me until I stopped crying.

" Mom?" I said as she let go of me.

" Yeah?"

" The guy that did this, I invited him over today to meet you and dad. He's not like all the other guys I've brought home. He is the sweetest, and funniest guy. I know you would love him mom. Is it ok if he comes over?''

" Yeah its fine with me."

" I still don't know what I'm going to tell dad."

" If it will make you feel any better, let me go and talk to him about it."

" Thanks mom."

She then got up from my bed and headed out the door to my room, to go and tell him.

I hope everything goes the way I hope.

~10 min. later~


I took a deep breath, hoping it would be my mom, and not my dad.

" Come in.''

The door opened to reveal both my mom and dad.

I took a deep breath. I was so afraid of what my dad was going to say.

I didn't even want to look at him. He just stood there examining my neck.

" Who did this, and did you have any intension on you letting us know about this guy?'' he said slightly raising his voice.

" His name is Nick, and yes I was planning on you letting you know about him. In fact he's coming over to meet you and mom at five. Mom said it was ok with her."

" Why were you so scared about telling something like this?"

" Because you would probably think that this guy just wants to get in my pants, and use me. But dad, he's not. He is the most sweetest, and the most funniest guy I have ever meet, and I'm sure you and mom will think so when you just get to know him. All I am asking dad is for you just to give him and chance. I understand why you act like this. It's because I am the only girl you have, and you want to protect me from any harm. But you can't do that forever. Like I told you, I am 17 yrs. old, I can take care of myself. And if I need any help, I'll ask for your help.''

He just stood there in shock, because he could not believe that I just told him that. I couldn't even believe that I said that. I just sat there and waited, waited for him to say something. He refused to make eye contact with me, probably because he knew everything I said was a 100% right. He looked at me and said,

" Everything you just said is right. It's me who just can't accept the fact that you 17. I can't help but to feel that way, your my little girl, and yes I know, your not little girl now, your my big girl. I just don't want you to get mistreated, you deserve the best guy. I guess I'll try to give him a chance."

I got up from the edge of my bed, and approached my dad and gave him a big huge, and said,

" Oh dad, thank you. Thank you for understanding. I know you will like him. You'll just have to give it some time."

" Ok, I'll do it for you."

" Thank you daddy."

We stood there hugging each other for quiet some time, until my mom said something.

" Denise you better go take a shower and get ready for Nick to come, it's already 4:00."

" Ok mom."

I was then left only in my room. Thank God everything went fine. The only thing now that I have to do is take a shower. I walked out of my room to the bathroom with a big smile on my face. I stepped in to the shower letting the hot water hit my body. While I was taking a shower I realized that I've never been this happy in my whole life. For once in my life, I was happy. Happy that everything was alright with my parents, happy that I finally found someone in my life. When I was finished taking my shower, it was 4:20. I better hurry up and get ready, it takes me forever to get ready. The air condition hit my wet body making me shiver all over. I garbed a towel from the self and quickly wraped it around my body. Then I reached for another towel to tie my hair up in. After all of that, I opened the door to the bathroom in a hurry so that I could get dressed and do all the normal stuff that girls do to get ready. When I opened the door, I let out a loud scream.

" Nick what are you doing here?" I said looking around making sure no one saw or heard me.

" I thought I would come a little early, I couldn't take it any more not seeing you, I hope your not mad."

" Oh no, I'm not mad. You just scared me when I opened the door that's all. Sorry that I yelled at you like that."

" Oh don't worry about it, I forgive you."

" Thanks. Now if you don't mind, I have to get dressed now."

" Ok, but can I watch?"

" I would say yes, but not right now."

" Ok, I'll take a rain check on that then.''

" That's fine with me."

" Ok."

I started walking down the hall to my room, when I realized how did he get in the house. My mom and dad went to take my brother to work, who let him in? Oh wait it had to have been my other brother.

" Nick?"

" Yes, honey?"

" Who let you in?"

" I think you little brother did."

" Oh I didn't even know he was here."

" Where are you parents at?"

'' They went to take my brother to work."

" Oh."

I walked back over to Nick, and said,

" Since my parents aren't here yet, this is you chance to go and watch me get dressed. What do you say?"

" Sure. I can't complain about that."

" Ok, follow me."

As we made our waydown the hall, to my room Nick put his hand around my waist. I looked at him and smiled. I then rested my head on his shoulder for the rest of the walk to my room. He gently kissed my forehead. We finally made it to my room. The walk to my room seemed forever, when it really wasn't. We entered my room, as he closed the door and locked it. He sat at the edge of my bed, waiting for me to take off my towel and reveal my body to him. I walked over to my closet to pick out something to wear. Nick then came up from behind and gently started kissing my neck.

" Nick, honey, I would love to do this right now, but not here."

" Ok, I understand." He said, as he stopped kissing my neck. All he did was wrap his arms around me.

" I don't know what to wear."

" You don't have to wear anything dressy, just something that you would normally were."

" Ok." I grabbed a black shirt from the closet, and held it up for Nick to see."

" What do you think about this?"

" That's fine."

" Should I wear shorts, or pants?"

" Baby, wear whatever makes you comfortable."

" Ok. I think I'll wear shorts."

" Ok, that's fine with me."

" Cool."

I walked over to my dresser, to pick out a descent pair of shorts. All the shorts I have are mostly short. So I guess you can say I have not one pair of descent shorts. Oh well, Nick said it didn't matter what I had on.

I turned my head and noticed that Nick was holding up my bra and thong. He looked at me and started laughing.

" Now I would like you to wear this." He said tossing me them both.

" You want me to wear this?" I said holding up my thong, that I only wore once.

" Yeah, it would look great on you."

" Oh you really think so? You won't be able to see it."

" I know I won't be able to see it, but the feeling of knowing that my girlfriend is wearing a thong is wonderful."

" Oh Nick, your so silly."

" I know I am." He moved in close to me and gave me a deep pasionate kiss on my lips. The way Nick kisses me, it just turns me on, and it makes want him right then and there.

" Oh Nick, I want you."

" Denise, we can't do this here." He said, pulling away from my neck.

" Yeah, your right."

" Sorry I lead you on like that."

" Don't worry about. Everyone makes mistakes, I'm not asking you to be perfect for me Nicky."

" I know." He said, giving me a big huge. While we were hugging I heard a door slam, then another door slam.

" That can't be them already." I said breaking away from Nick's hug and walking over to the window.

" Is it?"

" Yes."

" Calm down Denise, just calm down. And put some clothes on before they think the something else. Everything is going to be fine."

" Ok." I said dropping the towel on the floor. I grabbed my bra and thong put them on as fast as I could.

" Here." Nick said tossing me my shirt and shorts.

" Thanks." I then slid my back shirt over my head in a hurry. Then one leg at a time I put my shorts on.

" There all done." I said, looking in the mirror making sure I didn't put my shirt on backwards or anything.

" Wow." He said.

" What was that for?"

" I've never seen anyone move as fast as just did right now."

" Thanks." I said picking up my towel up off the floor and putting it in the hamper. It was now time for me to take a deep breath, and relax. I then heard a knock on the door. Both me and Nick looked at each other, wondering what was going to happen. I walked over to the door, and unlocked it.

" Come in." I said sitting on the bed next to Nick.

" Honey who's is that-" my mom said, cutting herself off as she looked over and saw who was sitting next to me on the bed. " Mom, I would like you to meet my boyfriend Nick."

Nick got up and reached out and shook my mom's hand saying, " Nice to meet you ma'am"

" It's nice to meet you too Nick"

The look on my mom's face was indescribable. I've never seen her like that ever.

" Where's dad, mom?"

" Oh, ummm, I think he's out back."

" Ok. Can you go tell him we'll be right there?"

" Yeah, ok.''

" Mom please don't tell him who he is yet."

" Let me do it."

" I won't, don't worry."

" Ok. We'll met you two out back in about 5 min."

" Ok." She said, walking out of my room closing the door on the way out.

Both me and Nick looked at each other and hugged each other, with relief.

" See, I told you everything would be just fine."

" I'm so glad it did."

" Me too." Me and Nick stood there hugging each other for a long while.

" You know what?" I whispered in his ear.

'' What?"

" I've never been this happy in my whole entire life. And I have you to thank for my happies."

" If you only knew how happy you just made right. No one has every told me that before."

" I'm glad I was the first one to tell you that."

" So am I." He said, as he pulled me into a deep passionate kiss. We kissed each other until we intrrupted by someone.

" Sorry to interrupt, but mom and dad told me to come and get you."

" Ok, tell them we're coming."

" Ok, you may continue."

Both me and Nick started laughing, after the remark he made.

After he left the room, Nick pulled me to him and said, " Now. Where were we?" He then started kissing me again. For another long period of time.

" Nick we better get out there, before they get mad."

" Good idea, I don't want them to get mad."

Me and Nick made our way down the hall and down the stairs. As we were walking down the stairs, he gently put his arm around my waste. I did the same to him. Having Nick as a boyfriend is wonderful, not because he's a celebrity, because the way he treats me, he's the most sweetest guy in the world. Anyways, enough about that.

" Are you nervous?"

" No, why would I be nervous?"

" I don't know, you kinda look like you are."

" Well, to tell you the truth I kinda am."

" Don't worry about it, everything is going to be fine, just watch."

" Ok.'' He said, taking a big sigh of relief.

When then approached the door that lead to the backyard. He then took a deep breath, so that he could relax a bit.

" You ready?"

" Yeah, I'm ready."

" Ok." I said, placing my hand on the door knob and turning it to open it.