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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" Dad, I'd like you to my boyfriend, Nick." I said.

He turned his head and looked over to where Nick was standing. Nick walked over to where my dad was sitting, and said,

" Pleasure to meet you sir." He said reaching out to shake my father's hand.

" Same to you too Nick." said my father shaking Nick's hand.

I looked over to my mom and she had a big smile on her face. A smile I guess because she finally felt safe for me that I found someone with such respect. I walked over and stood next to my mom and smiled, then glanced over to Nick, who gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. After Nick and my father said there greeting to each other, we all went over to the picnic table and had a seat.

" So Nick, where are you from?" my father said. Both me and my mom already knew where he lived.

" I live in Florida sir."

" Florida?"

" Yes sir, Florida."

" That sure is far. What brings you to Texas?"

" Well I'm visiting my aunt and uncle for a month, then going back to Florida."

We all sat there and had a very good conversation. The conversation was mostly based upon Nick. My parents wanted to know all that they could about him. It was and hour later when I decided to say,

" Well, if you don't mind mom and dad, me and Nick have a movie to catch. I'll probably be late, so don't wait up on me, ok?"

" That's fine with me. Do you know how late you'll be?"

" No. I'll try not to be too late.''

" Ok.'' Said my dad with a concern look on his face.

" You two have fun." said my mom.

" Ok, bye."

" Bye." my mom and dad said.

I opened the door that lead us back inside the house. We both walked in and made our way to the front door to the house so that we could leave. As we were walking, I stopped and pulled Nick to me.

" You see, I told you everything would be just fine, right?"

" Yes, you were right. You have wonderful parents Denise."

" Thank you. I can't wait to meet yours."

" Me neither."

He then kissed me ever so passionately on my lips. I loved it when he did that. We stood there in the living kissing each other for about 3 min. until my little brother entered the living room and said,

" Oh, don't mind me, I'll just be watching T.V."

" Ok, ok, we're leaving now. Bye" I said, giving him a look which ment he was going to get it later for doing what he did.

" See ya, Bobby." said Nick.

" Bye Nick."

* At the movies*

Me and Nick decided to watch Sleepy Hollow. That was something that we both been wanting to see for a while, but never had the time to go see it. Now was the perfect time to see it.

During the middle of the movie, I could tell that Nick was getting a little bored with the movie, so he leaned near me and began to place small kisses on my neck. I then started loosing interest in the movie, and started paying more attention to what Nick was doing to my. He then pulled me in for a deep pasionate kiss. I couldn't help but let him contuine what he was doing to me. His hands were all over my body, as well as mine were.

" Nick.'' I whispered in his ear.

" Yes my love?"

" Lets go some place else and do this, not here."

" Ok, lets go." He said, getting up in a hurry and grabing my hand so that we could get out of there.

We walked out of the movie theather and headed for his Durango, that was parked far from the entrance door of the theater. It was quite on the way to his Durango. I then decided to that maybe this would be the perfect time to talk about our relationship.

" Nick?" I said grabing his hand.

" Yes, sweety?"

" Do you think that maybe we could go some place to talk?"

" Sure."

When we got back to to his Durango, he open door so that I could get in. He then shut the door. After he got in and started the engine up he said,

" Where do you want to go?"

" Ummmm, how about the peer?"

" Ok, that's fine with me."

On the way to the peer, neither me nor him, spoke nothing. It was just totally silence. There was no radio neither, just silence. Then after a while, Nick spoke to me and said,

" Is there something wrong?"

" Well, there has been something bugging me, that I thought I should talk to you about."

" What is it? Did I do something wrong?"

" Oh no, Nick. Just hang tight, I'll tell you what it is when we get there."

" Ok." He said, taking a deep breath.

It took us actually 15 min. to get there. The drive seem to take forever, as if it would never end. But of course it did. He pulled into the parking lot, that was empty.

" Do you want to stay in here, or get off?"

" Lets get off."

" Ok."

We both opened the door's and got out of the truck.

It was a beautiful night out tonite,the star's were brightly out, lighting up the whole sky, the wind blowing in our hair, it was perfect. I just hope what I tell, goes perfect as well. We walked down to the peer, holding each other's hand. All I could remember hearing at the time was the wind blowing aganist the trees, and the wave's of the water. We then finally came to the end of the peer, where we both sat down and on a bench.

" So what's been bothering you?"

" Well, it's our relationship."

" What's wrong with it, I'm sure we can fix it."

" Nick how long have we known each other?"

" Almost 3 days now."

" Right, almost 3 days. And in the past 3 days we've already had sex twice. Most people don't even have sex on the first night. We don't even know everything about each other just yet. So what I'm trying to say is that, I don't want to rush this relationship. I hope you understand."

" Of course I understand. I don't want to rush this relationship either, I want to know everything about you. I hope you didn't think I just using you for sex did I?"

" Oh no, Nick. I've never thought of you as that kind of person. It's never crossed my mind."

" I'm so glad. I was beginning to worry that did think of me as that kind of person."

" Never will I think of you as like that."

We both hugged each other for a long while. As we were hugging he said,

" All I want to do is make you happy, that's all that matters to me."

" Oh Nick, I love you."

" I love you too."

As we hugged, Nick whispered something in my ear, which kinda made want to laugh.

" Is it ok if I still kiss you?"

" Of course. Now that, I couldn't live without."

We both started laughing. He ran his hand through my soft golden brown hair. Then leaned in and kissed me soften on the lips. I then deepened the kiss. We stayed there kissing almost all night long.