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The Neverending Story

by Denise


~1 month later~

" Denise are you almost ready? The plane leave in an hour."

" Yeah, hold on, let me get my bag."

" Ok."

I couldn't believe my parents are actually letting me go to Florida for a whole month. I am so thankful to have such good parents as them. Anyways.......this is going to be such a great summer, I just know it. I'm visiting the place where I've always wanted to visit, but what makes it even better is that I'm having someone so special to spend my vacation with.

There I was just sitting on the edge of my bed, with all my bags packed, and ready to go.

"Baby, are you ready yet, we're going to miss our flight?" Nick said, entering my room.

" Yeah, I'm ready."

" Is there something wrong, baby?"

" No, just thinging, that's all."

" Ok. You need any help with your stuff?"

" Yes please."

He grabbed my suit cases off my bed, and carried them down stairs, to the living room where my parents where waiting.

" Well.......I guess this is good-bye for a month" I said to my mom and dad.

" I guess so." said my mom, wanting to cry.

I walked over and gave my mom and dad a big hug.

" I'm going to miss both of you, so much."

" Take care of yourself." My dad said. " I will, don't worry."

" Call us when you get there, ok?"

'' Ok. Bye."

" Bye." They both said.

" I'll take good care of you daughter, she's in good hands." Nick said, letting my parent's know that everything is going to be just fine.

" I know you will Nick." my mom said.

After saying all the good-bye's, we were now on our way to airport. This was going to be my first time ever to be on a plane, as well as my first time to Florida. The feeling was so indescribable. I was so excited.

~ On the plane~

" Are you ok, Denise?"

" Yeah, it's just the plane ride, I'll be ok." I said, laying my head back on the seat and taking a deep breath.

Me and Nick have been dating for about a month now, our relationship is great, the longest relationship I've ever had. We slowed things down and decided not to rush into this. Since we made that decision, both of decided that it would be better for us not to make love to each other, until we knew each other a lot better. I was so lucky to have a Nick as my boyfriend. Everyday when I see his face, I don't look at him as Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys, I look at him as just a normal human being trying to live a life in this world just like everyone else.

" So baby, what would you like to do when get there?" he said holding my hand.

" about we go and unpack everything, take a nap, then go meet your parents?''

" Sounds great to me." he said, kissing my hand.

" much longer till we get there?"

" About 2 more hours, why?"

'' No reason, just wanted to know that's all."

" Ok."

~ 1 hour later ~

" Nick?"

" Yeah baby?"

" What's going to happen to us when you go on tour?"

" Nothing, absolutely nothing. Our relationship will stay exactly the same, even though I won't be able to see when I want. Why?"

" I don't know, I'm just afraid that you might find someone else."

" Denise, that will never happen. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Your it for me."

" How do you know that?"

" I don't know, it's just a feeling I get when I'm around you. All ther girls I've dated in the past don't compare to you at all, we never had that fire that me and you have. I can't imagine my life without you. What would make you ask such a question?"

" I just don't want to hurt again. I've had I don't know how many boyfriends, and they don't treat me anything like you treat me. At the end I always end up getting hurt. I just don't know if I can handle getting hurt again."

" Denise, I promise to you on my life, that I will never hurt you. I would never dream of hurting you. Your too sweet, I don't know who would ever hurt someone like you."

" Oh Nick, do you really mean that?"

" Yes, with all my heart." he said pulling me to him, and kissing me on my lips.

" I love you Nick."

" I love you too."