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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" Denise, you can wake up now, we're here." He said, gently shaking me to wake me up.

" Already?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

" Yep. You've been out cold for about 2 hours sweetie."

" I have? It didn't even seem like it."

" The plane should land in about 15 min."

" Ok."I said, getting my make-up bag out of my purse.

" Baby, you don't need anymore make up, you look fine with what you have on."

" Thats sweet of you to say, thanks."

" Your welcome my love."

" Nick, who's going to pick us up at the airport?"

" My friend Brian, he's beening dying to meet you."

" Really? Why?"

" Because all I ever do is talk about you when me and him are talking."

" I didn't realize that you talked about me that much. Thats sweet."

~Out of the airport~

" Wow, that was close!" Nick said, all out of breath.

" Sure was! I didn't realize you had so many fan!"

It was quite for a while until Brian broke the silence by saying, " So Nick, are you going to introduce me?"

" Oh yeah, sorry about that. Brian I would you like to meet my girlfriend, Denise. Denise this is my friend Brian."

" Nice to meet you Denise."

" It's nice to meet you too Brian."

"Although I feel like I already know you, cause Nick talks about you all the time."

" Awww thats sweet."

" Hey Nick?"

" Yeah?"

" Denise is just like I you told me she was. Nice, and sweet."

" She sure is." he said, looking over at me and smiling.

" So Denise, are you in school right now?"

" Nope, I'm on vacation right now."

" What grade are you passing to?"

" The 12th grade thank God."

" Cool, I bet you can't wait till graduation."

" I sure can't. I've been waiting my whole life to walk on the stage and recieve my diploma. It's going to be so exciting."

" I'm happy for you." stated Brian.

" Thank you."

~ At Nick house~

" Wow Nick, your house if beautiful."

" Thanks. I knew you would like."

" Like? Like is hardly the word to describe your house. I love your house."

" You mean you love my house more than me?" he said, laughing.

" Oh Nick your so silly. Of course I don't love your house more than you. Nothing could describe how I love you." I said, walking over to him and giving him a kiss on his lips.

" Ok love birds, break it up. We need to unload everything." Both me and Nick starting laughing at the remark he made, then looked back at each other and gave each other a quick kiss on the lips.

" Denise, I see you don't travel light. I've never seen anyone carry these much luggage with them."

" Oh Brian, your so crazy." I said, laughing at him.

" Thats what everyone says."

" Finally we're done." Brian said, flopping hisself on the couch. " Oh Brian, it wasn't that much. 4 suitcases and a couple of bags isn't what I would call a lot of luggage."

" It may not have been a lot, but they were sure heavy."

" You do have a point there." I said, laughing.

" So Nick, what are you Denise going to do later? Maybe we could go out and show her the town."

" Well, my mom and dad want to meet her, so we're going to go over there later. I don't what we're doing later. We'll just have to see. But if we don't do anything, I'll call you so we can get together."

" Ok, thats cool. I better get going, you too look tired."

" Thanks for everything Brian. I'll talk to you later."

'' It was nice meeting you Brian."

" It was nice meeting you too Denise."



" How about we go take a nap before going?"

" Ok, that sounds fine to me."

" I'll race you!" he said, getting a head start.

" Hey you cheated Nick!" I said, taking off after him.

When we finally reached his bedroom, Nick jumped onto the bed and shouted,

" I win!"

" Thats because you cheated."

" I'm sorry baby, forgive me?"

" What does this tell you?" I said, climbing on top of him and kissing him on the lips.

" I take it that was a yes?"

" Yep." I said, getting off of him and laying down beside him and hugging him.

~2 hours later~

" Nick wake up."

" Aww do I have to?"

" Yes sweety, we have to go to your parents house remember?"

" Oh yeah, but can't I sleep a little longer?"

" No, maybe this will help you wake up." I said, reaching over him and kissing him deep on the lips.

" Feel better?" I said.

" Yes, much much better. Thank you."

" Nick honey, what do you think I should wear?"

" I don't know, lets see what you have." He said, looking through my suitcase.

" How about this?" I said.

" Nah, too fancy. You can wear that when we go out."

" Ok."

" Here. How about this?" He said, holding up a green simply dress, that had these skinny little straps along my shoulders.

" Ok, I had a feeling you were going to pick that one."

" Why?"

" Because green is your favorite, as well as my favorite color."

" Thats right."

After getting ready, we were now on our way to meet his parents. Half of me was excited, and the other half was nervous. Nick talked about his parents so much. They sound like the greatest people in Florida. I guess thats where Nick got his greatness from.

" We're here, honey."

" Already?"

" Yep." he said, opening the door.

" Nick wait."

" What?"

" I'm getting that nervous feeling right about now."

" There's no need to be nervous, my parents are going to love you, I just know it."

" Ok." I said taking a deep breath and stepping out of his Durango.