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The Neverending Story

by Denise


As we approached the door to his parents house, I could not clam down for nothing. Nick reached down and grabbed my hand, brought it up to his face and kissed the top of my hand.

" Baby, take a deep breath, everything is going to be fine."

" I hope so."

" Remember the first time I meet your parents?"

" Yes."

" And you remember how nervous I was?"

" Yes. How could I forget."

" And everything turned out just fine didn't it?"

" Yes. But..."

" If I did it, you can do it. Right?"

" I guess I can."

" Don't guess, just tell your self you can do it and everything will be just fine, trust me."

" I trust you."

" Thats my girl. Now lets do this." He said, knocking on the door. Seconds later the door opened and to reveal a women in her late 30's or early 40's.

" Nicky honey, its so great to finally see your face again. I've missed you so much." she said, reaching over and giving Nick a big hug.

" I missed you too mom." he said, pulling away from her.

" So who is this beautiful young lady you have with you?"

" Mom, I would like you to me Denise, my girlfriend."

" So this is the famous Denise that I hear about everyday on the phone?"

" Sure is."

" Hello, my name is Jane, its so great to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you."

" It's so great to meet you too, Mrs. Carter."

" Please call me Jane."

" Ok, Jane."

" Come in, and make yourself at home."

" Thank you very much." I said.

" No problem. I'll be right back, let me go and try to find your dad Nick."

" Ok." He said, after his mom left the living room.

" Now was that so hard honey?"

" Not like I imagined."

" See I told so."

" I know."

" How was Texas Nick?" said his father comming into the living room, with Jane.

" Dad, its great to see you. Texas was the best." he said, getting up off the couch and hugging his dad.

" And how is the beautiful little lady you have with you?"

" Dad, I would you like to meet Denise."

" So, this is the Denise I hear about everyday." he said, extending his hand out to me.

" Hi, it's so great to finally meet you." I said, shaking his hand.

" So where is everyone?" asked Nick.

" Your sister's went out to the mall, and Aaron of course is on tour."

" Oh yeah I forgot about Aaron. When is he coming back home?"

" In about a week."

" Ok."

We stayed there and talked to his parents for about an hour. His parents are wonderful. Just like mine. They are the most sweetest people I've ever meet. I hope Nick thought that about my parents. We talked about all sorts of stuff, just trying to keep the conversation going. Nick was a lucky guy to have such great parents, just like me.

" I guess we're going to be going now, Brian wanted us to go out tonight, you know show Denise around."

" Ok that sound fun. Come back tomorrow so you can meet the rest of our family, I just know there going to love you." " Ok, I will. It was great meeting the both you. You fit Nick's description perfect."

" Aww thats sweet." she said, comming over to me and hugging me.

" Well we better get going."

" Ok, I'll see you tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Carter."

" See you tomorrow Denise."

" Denise can you do me a favor and wait for me outside?"

" Ok." I said, stepping outside.

I wonder why he wanted me to wait for him outside? Oh well, its not big deal. Maybe he had to ask his parents something. It was beginning to bug me about why Nick wanted me to wait for him outside. He's never done anything like that before, it's kinda strange.

" Sorry about that. I had to ask my parents something."

" It's no problem."

" Ok, so you ready to go?"

" Yep."

" Ok." he said, opening the door allowing me to get in.

As we were on our way to his house, I kept glancing at him ever so once in a while. He looked kinda tired from what I see.

" You look tired, baby." I said, looking over at his direction.

" I am kinda tired, I could really go for a nice long nap right now."

" So can I, it's been a long day, but I had fun."

" Thats good to hear."

" Oh you know what I forgot to do when we got back?" " What?"

" I forgot to call my parents. I bet there worried right about now."

" them on my cellphone, the sooner the better."

" Ok, thanks." I said, dialing the number in.

" Mom?"

" Yeah?"

" We're here. Well.....we've been here for a couple of hours now, I just forgot to call. Sorry."

" I figured you would forget."

" Your right, I did forget. Sorry."

" It's ok, as long as I know that you me and Nick made it home safe and sound."

" We're doing just fine."

" So.... how is it in Florida?"

" It's beautiful. I just got finished meeting Nick's parents. There so sweet."

" Thats good to hear."

" Oh mom, I got to go. Tell dad that I love him and that I'll call him back tomorrow, ok?"

" Ok, I'll talk to you tomorrow sweety, take care, and good night." " I love you mom, bye." I said.

" So.....what does mom have to say." asked Nick.

" Nothing much. She said, that she knew I was going to forget to call her when we got here."

" Haha, I kinda had the same feeling."

" So......we going out tonight?"

" Do you think we can take a rain check on that till tomorrow, cause I'm really tired."

" Ok, no problem. I really didn't feel like going out tonight anyways."

" Are you sure, cause I'de go out if you want to?"

" Yeah, I'm sure. I just feel like spending time with you. Thats better than going out anyways."

" Ok, its all good."

When we got home, Nick went straight to the bedroom and fell asleep. I however, had to go take a long hot shower. It was something that I needed all day long. I felt like was in heaven while I was in the shower. When I think about it, I still can't believe that we've been together for a whole month already. Most relationships I've had in the past usually last up to 2 weeks and no longer, so this is something a little different for me, although I'm not going to lie, it feels great knowing that someone cares so much about you, its a wonderful feeling that is too hard to describe. When I got out of the shower it was about 45 min. after we had gotton home. Home? It would be so amazing if me and Nick would live here till the day we die. I walked out of the bathroom wearing only a towel and to his room where I had all my clothes. Since he was asleep, I figured I'de get dressed in the room instead of the bathroom. So, I dropped my towel, and grabed a pair of short shorts, and long baggy shirt that I always wear to go to sleep. As I was putting them on, I heard Nick say,

" I almost forgot what you look like without no clothes on."

" Hey, I thought you were asleep?"

" I was. But I woke up with the pressence of an angel in the room."

" Thats so sweet Nick." I said, walking over to the bed and slipping into bed with Nick.

" If you only knew how much I loved you." He said, gently gliding his hand down my soft cheek.

" I think I how a good feeling how much you love me."

" You do? How?"

" Because I love you just as much as you love me."

He leaned over to me and gave me a soft, gently kiss on my lips. A kiss that only Nick Carter could give. We began getting deeply into our action, until I stopped and said,

" Nick, not now. Lets wait a little longer before doing this. Please understand."

" I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been moving in so quickly like that."

" It's ok."

" Here let kiss any make up." He said, giving me a long deep pasionate kiss on the lips.

We soon fell fast asleep hugging each other all night long.