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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" Baby, get up." Nick said, whispering in my ear, then giving me a soft gently kiss on my lips.

" Awww do I have to get up?" I said smiling, not yet wanting to open my eyes.

" Yes. My mom just called. She wants us to go over and eat breakfast."

" She does? This early?"

" Baby, it's not really that early, it's only 9am."

" Oh it is? I didn't even realize it. I suppose I better get up and get dressed." " I suppose you should. Need any help waking up? Anything I can do?"

" A kiss would be great."

" Hmmmm.....a kiss.......that I can do." he said, crawling on the bed and on to me to give me a long deep pasionate kiss.

" How is that my Angel?"

" Oh Nick, you sure know how to wake someone up the right way."

" Well, I try my best."

~ At Nick's parent's house~

" My sister's have been dying to meet you." He said, ringing the door bell.

" Really? Why?"

" I guess because my mom told them how great you were, and how nice and friendly you are."

" Awww thats so sweet of your mom."

" But before we go in, you think I can get a little sugar from my sweet Angel?" He said, leaning into me.

" I think I can arrange for that to happen." I said, kissing him on the lips.

" Good morning you two love birds." said his mother.

" Good morning." we both said.

" Come on in, everyone is waiting to meet you." she said, grabing my hand and dragging me into the house. I looked at Nick and gave him a smile.

" BJ, Angel, and Lesile, I would like you to meet Denise."

" Hi, how are you doing today? Its great to finally meet you. My mom couldn't stop talking about you all yesterday afternoon." BJ said, getting up from the table to shake my hand.

" Well it's great to meet you too."

" Hi, my name is Lesile, and this is Angel it's very nice to meet you."

" Thank you very much, nice to meet you too."

We all sat down and ate our breakfest that Jane made. It was pancakes, and sauage. I was sitting on the other side of Nick, where we kept playing with each others feet while we were eating, and sending sweet smile to each other.

" So Nick, what are you and Denise, doing today?"

" Ummm.....I don't know yet. I was thinking about showing her around town for a while, then go over to Brian's house."

" That sounds nice."

" Yep." he said.

" So Denise, what do you think of Florida?"

" Florida is an amazing place, very beautiful. It's always been my dream to visit Florida, now I have."

" Thats good. Florida is a wonderful place to live, everyone here is so friendly. Thats one of the reasons why we moved here." " Hey Nick, how about taking Denise to the beach today?" BJ said.

" Great idea BJ. Whata say Denise?"

" Ok, sounds great."

" Cool! Can I go with you and Denise, Please?" BJ said.

" Sure."

" Thanks a bunch Nick."

As we were eating at the table, looking at each other non-stop, his mother said something to Nick that made him so happy.

" Nick, guess what?" his mother said.

" What?"

" Guess who's comming home early tomorrow morning?"

" Aaron?!"

" Yep. The rest of his shows got canceled because of bad weather."

" Wow! Thats great! So what time is his flight comming in?"

" At 10. How would you feel about picking him up? He'll love that, he's been waiting so long to see you."

" Sure. Just don't tell him I'm going to go pick him up, I want to make it a suprise."

" Ok, thats fine with me."

After breakfest, we decided to go back to his house to get our swimming gear and call Brian. When we got back to the house, I quickly went upstairs to go pick out which bikini to wear. Nick how ever was taking he sweet old time getting dressed, cause he knew how long it took me to get dressed.

" Nick, honey, can you come here for a sec?" I said.

" Yeah, sweet cakes?" he said, wrapping his arms around my body.

" Which do you think I should wear? This one or this one?" I said, holding up two bikini's in my hands.

" Well personally, I like you better wearing nothing. But I'm going to have to say the black one."

" Oh Nick your so silly."

" I know." he said, placing small kisses on my neck.

As he was kissing me, the phone rang.

" Hello?" he said.

" Nick, I'll be back I'm going to go change." I said, walking over to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

" Ok." he said, covering the phone with his hand.

I grabbed my black bikini off the bed and headed to the bathroom to change.

"Nick?" I said, comming out of the restroom wearing my black bikini.

"Yeah sweetie?" he said, looking over in my direction.

" What do you think?" I said, watching him almost drop the phone.

He said nothing. It was like as if this was his first time seeing me in a bikini. I could actually hear Brian yelling at Nick.

" Yeah rok, I'm here. Sorry about that. I was just admiring my beautiful girlfriend on what she was wearing. So do you want to go?" he said, flashing a sexy smile at me. " Ok, I'll meet you there. Later, bye." he said, hanging up the phone and throwing it on the bed.

" So, what do you think?" I said.

" Baby, you look great!" He said, walking over to me and running his fingers through my hair. Then began applying small kisses along my neck.

" We better get going Nick, we still have to pick up BJ."

" We can be a few min. late. She won't mind. Trust me." he said, kissing my neck.

As we were kissing, I noticed that Nick was getting a little to carried away.

" Nick, I know how much you want this. I want this just as much as you do, but do you really think now is the right time to do this?"

" Yeah, your right. We should wait till the timing is right. Sorry."

" There's no need to say sorry. It's not your fault. It takes 2 people to do what we just did, so part of it is my fault."

" Yeah I guess you can say that." he said, pulling me close to him and giving me a hug.

" I love you." I said, into his ear.

" And I love you too."