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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Fans Stuff
Fans' Opinions And Self-Written Articles
The Day I Heard of BSB

This info was send in by Mohini

The summer of 1995 was my first encounter with the phenomenom that is the Backstreet Boys. We've Got It Going on was re-released in the UK and went in straight at number 10 in the charts.

That summer my friends and I were just ten years old; care free and happy. We'd let go of the barbie dolls but we were still little kids ; we'd bike around the street , slobbering icecream with our dogs and on our ghetto blaster, dance to the summer sounds.

By the time their album came out later that year, my friends and I were hooked. We realized that they weren't just another "boyband" as they were constantly classified by the magazines. They were five guys who were not manufactured, wanted and could really sing and were working very hard to be recognised. It took them a few years to get what they deserved in the US but places like Europe and Malaysia where the music is much more varied and a lot more of it is welcome and inhibits the charts, they won the hearts of everyone.

The incredible effect that they have had on my life and indeed, BSB fans alike, is amazing and something wonderful that I would want to share with everyone. Everytime I'm down, they can make it right.Their influence is truly Larger Than Life.

And when I will look back on my life, I will know that summer of 1995 was very special to me because the Backstreet Boys entered our lives to sing, to entertain and tomake us all very, very happy.
