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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Fans Stuff
Fans' Opinions And Self-Written Articles
A Daughter Only a Mother Could Love!

This info was send in by Twylla

My daughter Kelly is the biggest BSB fan EVER and her birthday is on October 7th -- BSB DAY for any of you who don't know!!!! In August when she found out that the BSB were not coming to Winnipeg, Man. she was devastated!! She entered every contest to win tickets and then I talked to her Aunty Ann in SLC to see about getting tickets for the Oct. 29th concert. As Aunty Ann was getting her hair done the next day her hairdresser said that her daughter had a rist-band and would be happy to purchase 2 extra tickets for Canadian Fans of the BSB. I got the phone call -- we had BSB tickets -- but now I needed to find reasonably priced airline tickets to get my daughter and myslef to SLC and secondly to keep it a surprise -- this was Kelly's 14th birthday gift!!!

I checked on the internet daily to get an affordable fare to fly to SLC ... I was ready to drive to Grand Forks and fly out there or take a bus but that would have been a 17 hr. trip. Kelly had said to me, "Mom I would walk around the world to see the BSB Millennium Concert" so I knew she would be SOOOOOOOO excited if it all came together!! I work full-time at Walmart but I got a second job to make some BSB ticket/travel spending money. We are not a wealthy family at all -- I just keep telling my kids to "reach for your dream" and "anything can happen if you have faith" ..... I was SOOOO sad as I couldn't find cheap airline tickets until 2 wks. before the concert -- two airlines had a seat sale!!!! YA-HOO!!! We were going to UTAH to see BSB ......

Now the best part .... on the Tuesday night before we were to leave her father said to her, "Kelly, you won't be able to go to the school halloween dance on Thursday?!" .... and she was wondering why. Then I handed her a gift-bag and inside I had wrapped up two teen magazines. She thought, "I can't go to the dance so I am going to read magazines instead and babysit my brothers?!!" Then Kelly flipped further thru her magazines and she found an airline ticket to SLC in the pages -- and BSB tickets for Oct. 29th concert!!! She was VERY EXCITED ... she went dancing and screaming around the house for over an hour; kissing her brothers -- hugging us .... she thought we had forgotten her birthday and not given her any gifts and now she was getting the ONLY thing she EVER wanted!!!! :-)

She was packed within the hour and calling all her friends and telling them she was leaving the next day for SLC. Her Aunty Ann picked us up from the SLC airport .... we went to the concert on Oct. 29th at the Delta Centre .... had fantastic seats in the first section above ground level .... we were eye level with NICK and the boyz!!! We both hugged each other and screamed as the BSB came flying out! A.J. flew over our heads during one song -- he held onto his hat as it would have fallen into our hands!

Nick sang his "don't want to hear you S-A-Y part which was to die for!" There was NO mother happier that evening then I was .... I would do it again in a heartbeat :-) .... my daughter Kelly was one of the happiest girls on either side of the Cdn/USA border that night .... and I was so thankful that I could bless her with this Millennium birthday gift .... and no NICK wouldn't fit in the suitcase for her to take home! (We took home enough posters and soveniers tho!)

With the money I spent I could have redecorated my house with new carpeting but I would rather fly from Manitoba to Utah anyday of the week to see the smile on my daughters face again! She is making a journal and capturing all her cherished thoughts and feelings of that one special night with BSB in Utah!!

Lovingly Her Mother -- Twylla
