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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Fans Stuff
Brief Encounter

This info was send in by
Min Ryan
[] I have a story to tell. OK, it was last year and me and my friends were on our way to the First Union Center in Philadelphia because the boys were gonna be there that night. We got there at 3:30. Every girl there was asking security guards if he knew which side BSB were coming in. He told them it was on the other side of the building. So we all started walking that way.

As me and my friends were walking we heard the security guard say to a friend " I just said that so they would be quiet and go away, they guys are really coming in this way." My friend Lauren heard him, so we stayed. He was a very rude security guard.

While we were waiting, we saw a tour bus pull in. We started freaking out. Aaron Carter got out. We were the only girls on that side. Aaron was like "Hey, there is no one here, beside you four." I said, "that's because that security guard told everyone you were coming in the other way." He just started laughing. He asked our names and he gave us hugs.

I told him he looked exactly like Nick and out of nowhere we hear "Everyone tells him that." I turned around and there was his mom. Wow, talk about look alike. Nick and Aaron look exactly like their mom.

They both gave us autographs and I thanked Mrs. Carter for having such a beautiful son. She just laughed and said your welcome. We were talking to Aaron for awhile. He said that I looked like one of his friends and that was a good thing because she was very pretty. I just smiled.

Jackie (my friend) was saying Aaron liked me. Aaron was like " I don't like her, she is taller and older than me, but Nick would like her." I just freaked. Then I was like, I'm only 16, and he was like, "Oh, well, Nick would go out with a 16 year old." I was smiling so much, I loved when he said that.

Then, I heard a bus and I turned around and the doors open. I heard a voice and it sounded familiar. A.J. got off the bus and yelled "HELLOOOOOO PHILLY" then he turned to us and said "HELLOOOOOOOO LADIES" We just giggled.

AJ got off then Kevin then Howie then Nick then Brian. I almost cried. They came up and were like "Hi, we're the....." I was like "yeah, I know." Nick was like "hi, so I see you met my brother?" I just smiled and he smiled back. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He looked so beautiful.

AJ was just being really weird. We were talking to them for about 10 minutes and then Aaron was like, "Hey Nick, don't you think she (pointing to me) is pretty?" Nick looked at me, then Aaron and said "Yeah, she is a very attractive girl" I started freaking out. Brian and the guys were laughing. Brian said "I think we found a Nick fan in the house!!!" My friends were laughing, but I was embarrassed. Nick said "Aww... shut up Brian."

My friend Lauren was talking to Brian and my friend Jackie was watching everything AJ did. My friend Amy was just speechless. I asked to feel there 6-packs and they let me. I almost screamed. Talk about nice bodies. Then they asked us what seats we had. We said 3rd row. They were like "wow, pretty good" Then we said goodbye and they left.

We went inside and later the concert started. When Aaron was on, he smiled and waved at us, which was really cool. Then later the boys came on. Brian kept smiling at us. Nick waved to me. And when AJ came down to touch fans hands, I jumped to the front row and he smiled and touched me. Then the concert got over.

I was soooooooo happy. My life was complete. Then, my sister who is a 76ers dancer and worked at the first union center pulled out backstage passes. I freaked out. We went backstage, and Brian was like "You guys again." We just laughed. We talked to them for a few minutes and got autographs and hugs and pics taken. Nick kissed me goodbye (on the cheek and because I asked for one).

Leighanne was there. She is very pretty and very sweet. I told her how lucky she was to have Brian. She just said, "I could care less if he was the most famous man in the world or the poorest man, I would still love him." I thought that was sooo sweet.

Then we said our goodbyes and left. We told them we would be back for the next concert and they said they'll be expecting us. We just smiled and laughed. When we left I was in the best mood ever.

Me and my friends will never forget that day. And on September 29, when they come back to Philly, we are getting backstage passes again. And so I will have another story to write.
