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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Fans Stuff
Brief Encounter

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Hi guys! I had the chance to win a backstage pass to meet the Backstreet Boys. It's a Nick Carter's website so, I guess, I'll tell you the part with Nick. The first guy I met was Howie, then Brian, AJ, Kevin and... finally.. Nick.. :)

Even if he's not really my favorite of the band (huh.. I don't have any favorite.. :o), he's.. fabulous... This kind of guy, you stand 2 meters from him, and you feel him like if he is 2 cm from you, amazing, believe me. How they say in music bussiness.... charisma? He definitly has. He's very tall and I'm 5" so... I let you imagine the rest...

When I saw him the first time.. oh God... he's so handsome, so perfect. I've never seen a guy like him before.

And, guys, do you know what? He asked me my name!!!!! Nick, The Nick Carter asked me my name! Unbelievable... hehehe :)

But I showed him that Kevin already asked me, so, he didn't write it down. (rrr...:) Then after, I tried to get some pictures of him (yes, believe or not, I didn't catch any pictures of him yet!! I just wanted see him, try to keep his face in my mind) I push my camera button.... AH! What the F*** going on?? (don't worry... all those words didn't come out of my mouth..hehehe!) It wasn't working!! He smiled with his eyebrows up (know-what-I-mean...) at me..., I tried to get a picture...didn't work!! He said:"oh, I'm sorry". I tried again, he smiled at me again, didn't work a second time!!!! He said again:" So sorry, I'm sorry". Then a third time... smile.. eyebrows.. didn't work. He said again: "I'm sorry...".

Guys, I tell you, I almost fainted, no kidding, he was so nice!!

Well, sure I'm disappointed because I don't have good pictures of Nick, but I'm not too much...because I met the most nice, kind and handsome guy of the world. Hope you all can get the chance to meet one or all of them at least once in your lifetime. It's unforgettable.

(I met them on January 1st, 1998)
