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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Fans Stuff
Brief Encounter

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Have I got a story for you... a story that has the most magical ending... and lets everyone, including the haters, realize that Nick Carter is one of the sweetest guys alive. Well, on Friday night on the way to our highschool football game, my friend and I turned on the radio to hear this: "This is Kane from 93.3flz (Tampa, FL radio station), and we're about to start up our Nick Carter Street Tour in Brandon tonight! Come follow us around town and you'll get to meet Nick Carter!"

Well, after hearing that, we were on our way! The first location of the "Nick Carter Street Tour" was Dairy Queen. We arrived and Kane let me and my friend, Jenn talk live on the air! Then the next location of the tour was a restaurant called Brandon Brew House. We arrived there and then shortly after Kane announced that if we wanted to find out the third and FINAL location of the "Nick Carter Street Tour" then everyone has to follow the little purple 93.3 van. Well we found out the third location, didn't follow the van, and we were the first to arrive at the final location, which was the Clayton Plaza parking lot.

When we arrived there was a black Expedition in the deserted parking lot. My first thought was "Nick has an Expedition!" It turns out (to make an extremely long story short) that the guy in the Expedition was a good friend of Nick's and he was a connection.

The whole time we were talking to him, and guess what he was on his cell phone with Mandy, Nick's girlfriend, and guess what else, I got to talk to her! She was sooooooooo nice!!!!! Anyway, we waited in the parking lot for 3 hours. Still no Nick. The radio station never showed up and all the cars were gone but 3 others. We weren't giving up. Well, at midnight 2 other cars decide to show up... an Explorer and some other car. We pulled up to them thinking they might know something, and what the hell do you know! THERE WAS NICK CARTER HANGING OUT OF THE WINDOW OF THE DRIVER'S SEAT OF THE EXPLORER!!!

We all got out of our cars, and he started apologizing for what Kane, the DJ, did. It turns out Nick knew nothing about what Kane was telling people. Kane's plan all along was to play a mean nasty trick on all of us, but Nick heard about it and showed up anyway!!!!!!! HE DIDN'T HAVE TO COME OUT TO A DESERTED PARKING LOT TO MEET 6 FANS AT MIDNIGHT ON A FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!!!! BUT HE DID CAUSE HE'S SOOOO NICE!!!!

I just looked at him and said, "Aww, you didn't have to do that" and he said "Nah, dont worry about it."

He was so sweet to this tiny little girl, he held her and took a picture with her, then I got a pic and so did my friend. We were wearing our outfits for the football game that we were planning on going to, (they were sparkly shirts that said DHS in green and gold) and so we explained to him about the football game. It was so awesome, the whole experience. He stayed for about 15 minutes, and the 3 hour wait was worth it! Before he left he made sure everyone got everything they wanted and then he thanked everyone for coming out tonight and we, of course, thanked him greatly. Then everyone left. And that was the night I met THE Nick Carter.
