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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

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Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely Review

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I think that 'Show Me the Meaning Of Being Lonely' was the best video by the Backstreet Boys ever! The begining is soo sad, I cried! The whole video was pretty sad and I think they did a really good job expressing their hardships throught their rough times. They showed things like Brian watching himself die (I guess it's supposed to be based on his heart problem); Kevin watching old videos of himself and his deceased father (:so sad:) AJ crying about his girlfriend; and Howie, I think it's his sister Caroline that he is supposedly missing; or it could be a girlfriend too, not so sure. This is my very favorite video ever!!!

I just watched this video for the first time and already I can remember what it looks like and most of the scenes, probably cause the video is soo sad and so emotional! I hope it makes TRL today or something cause a video as good as this deserves to always be #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
