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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Fans Stuff
Album/Video Reviews
Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely Review

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Hi everyone.
At first I was very angry against my music channel (musique plus) because their programmation was all previously it means, no new new bsb videos..arrrr...

I thought everyone else in the world I've seen it without me. but my friend (a huge fan like me for 4 years!) called me yesterday around 6h30pm and she told me that the channel was doing live stuff since 5h30pm and that they played the video at this time! AH! I was screaming in the living room anticipating the big moment because I knew that this tv show is reschedule at 1h30am and at 9h30am the next day. so I told to mysefl that I must stay awake til 1h30am to see it...I slept before. hey, understand me, nobody was awake, I was alone there with only the tv, very quiet in the place, so it's normal I slept, but before I go to sleep I set my radio to play at 9h30am.

few hours later, I woke up, without any radio (I don't know why, it didn't start playing..rrrr...) It was 9h36am. my friend last day told me that the video was playing around AHHH! I run upstairs, turn the tv to the music channel and start the recording. It was Kevin singing "eyes of stone observe the trends". Ah shit I miss the half of the song. but, at least I have the other half of the song (!!!) ..hehehe :)

The video: it makes me cry, tears came out of my eyes. Kevin looks so sad when he asks howie to come with him at the café. and howie's eyes during his part of the song...ahh...he's so gorgeous. and what's about our all favorite part of the song "tell me where can't..." so amazing...

It's really they best video ever, because there's a real stories behind the video. The death of Kevin's father, the heart surgery of Brian, the death of Dennis PoP. I heard once that this previous year was a incredibly difficult one for them and I think this video is like their 'review' of this bad year. Also, I think that people who watch the video on tv will say: oh this is a sad and well-doned video. But real fans, who follow them since many years as me and my friends Joanie, know a little more what this video means for them.

As I told you, I saw only the half of the video, but I know a lil bit what's before. and I think when I'll see it all...I'll really feel the loneliness of the video...

We love you guy, and be sure that we will always be with you, so you'll never feel lonely!

love, peace and cookies (!)
leatitia xxx
