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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Short Stories
Story 2

This info was send in by
Chelsea Carter

I walked into a local grocery store and left my mom to do the shopping. I went to the magazine section of the store, of course to look for BSB mags.

When I got there, I saw a looking like a 20 year old, looking at a BSB magazine and smiling. He was dressed kinda weird, with a hat, long coat, and sunglasses. I gave him a weird look, and he smiled at me while I picked up the same mag as he was looking at. As I "oohed" and "ahhed" over the pictures he just smiled at me, and laughed.

He put down the mag, and looked at me, and smiled. Of course, I always show my love for the Boys by wearing my BSB watch, my 1 in 5 shirts, my All Access pass, my pins, and anything that has to do with BSB.

I looked at him again, and he asked me a question, "So you like the Backstreet Boys?"
I looked at him and just kind of was like "DUH!" But I was really nice, and answered "Yep! I love them! But I really love Nick Carter the BEST, why do you like them?"
He looked at me, and said "Yea, they are pretty cool!"

I thought that it was kind of weird that a 20 year old would like BSB, but I thought it was pretty cool, too! I mean BSB has fans at all different ages, cool! I looked over at him, and he said that he had to show me something. When I looked over he had taken off his hat, sunglasses, and his coat. To my total surprise, IT WAS NICK! I screamed, and jumped up and down, and he tried to calm me down. I was so happy!

I asked him why he was in Las Vegas in a grocery store looking at magazines, and why he wasn't in LA like he was suposed to be. He just said that he took a break, and wanted to see what kind of stuff the magazines said about him and the rest of the group. He then went and introduced himself to my mom, also a big BSB fan, and asked her if I would be able to go somewhere with him. She of course said yes, and he took me in his AWESOME car to a store across town, and bought me a ring!

He then took me home, and we talked about everything for a long time. He then kissed me, and said for me to wait for him, for he will be back to get me someday! That was the BEST night of my life!

I wish it would come true!
