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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

FOTM Previous Winners
July '99

Comments from Webmaster:-

This month's contest did not receive a lot of entries since this site had just been started. Anyhow, I think her letter is really sweet and open-minded! -- Sol@^KaOs^


  • The question was:-

    Write a love letter to Nick.

  • Her entry:-

    Dear Nick!

    U don't know me but I exist and something happend already more than 1 year ago that I fell in love with you. It wasn't that romantic passion from the very first sight but now felling and having this deep within my soul I'm wondering how could I live without you.

    I'm trying my best to learn myself not to be as mad and hysteric as the most part of the fans.I won't cry, scream louder than possible, try to have a piece of u or your clothers when I meet u for the first time. I just don't want u to think about me as a part of the mass. I really love (after many ruminations I realised it's that strong felling people call "Love") you, my dear, and want all the best things for you to happen.I respect you,your family and your girlfriend(we all have own wishes and goals). Know that I'm against fans who hate her and call her names.

    I can't say a meeting of you and me impossible but I can't say for sure. I'll love me or I'll just be someone close for you ever.

    To be in love with you is already a happiness for me. If God made me feel this way I thank him. Go on and never give up, Nick!
