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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Help Brian

World-famous performer Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys was treated at Saint Joseph Hospital as a child, and in gratitude as well as his genuine concern for children, Brian created the Fund and the Club for kids.

In 1998, money personally donated by Brian Littrell and gifts from Brian's fans from around the world started the Fund. When Brian had his much-publicized open heart surgery in May, 1998, he made a point of telling his fans that if they wished to send him a gift, to please make it a gift to his fund. That way, it would help other kids with heart disease and other health problems. The response was overwhelming. We received tons of mail, much of it with small, sacrificial gifts from kids around the world.

Many of Brian's fans sent mail, teddy bears, cards and photos. We passed those along to his mom. But Mrs. Littrell says, "Please tell his fans that what Brian really wants is for them to help him help other kids by giving to the Fund." In 1999, the work of the Brian Littrell Fund Oversight Committee has begun to pay off. The Committee is designing an innovative program of education, rehabilitation, exercise and motivation for children ages 6-16 with congenital heart problems, as well as those who are at risk to develop heart problems.

In 1999, the work of the Brian Littrell Fund Oversight Committee has begun to pay off. The Committee is designing an innovative program of education, rehabilitation, exercise and motivation for children ages 6-16 with congenital heart problems, as well as those who are at risk to develop heart problems.

The program will kick off in the fall of 1999 and will operate on Saturdays at Saint Joseph Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. It will include kids from the greater Lexington area and those from rural areas.

We'll keep you updated on the progress of the program. Everyone is very excited about it.

You can give to the Brian Littrell Fund by making a check or money order payable to the Saint Joseph Hospital Foundation and sending it to us at:

P.O. Box 8490
Lexington, KY 40533

** Here's an item of trivia for Brian Littrell fans **

What significant geological event occurred in the summer of 1980 when Brian was a patient at Saint Joseph Hospital?

Answer: an earthquake rocked the hospital and the surrounding area. Kids on our 6th floor felt it.

While in Lexington for back-to-back concerts with the Backstreet Boys Friday 11/26/99 and Saturday 11/27/99, Brian gave his time to the kids in his Club. A little girl named Rachel was so excited she couldn't even say hello to Brian !! Rachel is a sweet 13-year old who's had open heart surgery, and I don't think she really believed her idol would actually come to say hello. But there he was with his big grin, close enough for Rachel to shyly hold his arm as all the kids gathered around him.

But let me pause here and say "thank you" again for buying Club merchandise recently. Your purchase supports Brian's Club where the kids are meeting every Saturday morning and really getting into the program. It took us over a year to plan how the program would work, how kids would get into the Club, and how long each session would last. The planning group included three doctors, one of whom was Brian's doctor when he was sick as a five-year-old. Now, we're in the middle of the first 8-week session, and the kids are doing great.

Another one of the kids, Charlie, came into the first session so discouraged about his diabetes and weight problem that he wouldn't even look people in the eye. But after Brian's Mom, Jackie, came and showered the kids with her own powerful blend of love and enthusiasm (you can see where Brian gets his!!) Charlie began to smile, join in, and really work up a sweat.

So FIRST OF ALL, I want you to know your support has already helped this first group of kids. SECOND, I want to ask if you'd consider sending a gift before the end of the year to help us with the second group that begins in January. Your gifts, large or small, help kids in need.

I will also let you know some exciting things: