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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

His Stuff
Album Thank You's

[ Backstreet Boys | Backstreet's Back | Millennium | Black & Blue ]

~Backstreet Boys~
First I would like to thank the man above for Anything and Everything he has done for this group. Then I would like to thank my family & my mother & father for putting up with everything we've had to go through. And now I guess it's time to thank everyone else such as the Mook-Daddy--you keep cool & yo little crust keep being a brat! I'd also like to thank Mister Timothy--sike! Yo Timmy you keep it cool & stay the mac that you are--oh & don't forget these (N-S)! I'd also like to give props out to Mr. LJP--better known as our Big Poppa. Oh yeah & we can't forget our producer--Godz dog-it Veit! And last but not least, we can't forget our managemet--Johnny & Donna Wright. You put up with the New Kids--Let's hope you can put up with us!! Also everyone involved with JIVE--thank you for your continual support and we hope to be as successful as all the groups on your label. Just to be safe, if I've missed anyone this line is for you--thanx a bunch & thanx for helping us with this album.
See Ya!!

~Backstreet's Back~
First of all I'd like to thank God for the talent he has given me. Next I would like to thank Mom and Dad for supporting me in my long wait, but now it is all finally happening. I would also like to thank my brother and sisters for putting up with my always being away from home. After reading this, I would also like to say "I Love You" to all of them. Again, I would like to thank our record company, JIVE, for helping us achieve the success that we have. I would like to thank everyone in our great touring family who has helped us spread the work of our music worldwide. Also, I would to thank our maagement for all of their support in everything we have done throughout our career. And last but not least, I'd like to thank my Brothers-Kev, Howie, A.J. and Frick-love you lots!

So here we are again, reading yet another boring "thank you" letter where we all get a chance to say what's really on our mind. If written correctly this letter might end up in it's original form! we go! First off, I'd like to thank you (yeah you!) the one reading this right now! Do you actually know how much you've done for us?! If not, well I'm telling you. You're the reason we live, the reason we enjoy every bit of what were doing. For that you definitely deserve the first thanx! Second, I don't mean to get political but I would like to say what's really on my mind! Given the fact that our album is named Millennium, it's kind of hard to get away from the issue of the year 2000. I know everybody has their own opinions about it, but nobody really knows! I personally have one thing to say: 5438-5433-86-843-3855378-367-843-388873-47-722723. Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone, you know who you are. Sorry if I missed someone but there's always another album.
Love, Nick

Wanna know what the secret code in his Millennium thank you was? Here's a hint: check out the numbers on your phone. Read the news page for the answer.

~Black & Blue~
The time is 4:00 early morning. As I lie in bed in yet another hotel room somewhere in the middle of New York City, I try to relax, but something troubles me. I can't seem to sleep. Why?! Is it because four hours ago my favourite football team lost again for the third time in a row? Or maybe it's because next door AJ's playing some of the new mixes of oursongs. Suddenly it hits me - the deadline has arrived for our thank you's and I'm late. I remember specifically asking Billy to remind me but he forgot. I guess he realized how depressed I was after the game and he wanted to let me cool down.

Anyways, how I could forget this? I mean, hey, this is the one time ypu can pay respect where it's due. So... God, Jesus, I've got nothing but love for You. You're the bomb. I thank You because You deserve it and hey - You're the one who's working overtime!

Mom, I know we've been through a lot, but you're right up there with God. I love you with all my heart, and my stomach does too! "No one cooks like you." Pops, you're my best friend and this album I dedicate to you and mom. I love you "Captain Crown." Aaron, you're still a little squirt and I love your album, but no matter how big you get, I'll always kick your butt. Leslie, you're getting too pretty lately. That's not good. Now I'm gonna have to fight off the boys. Thanx, I need more trouble. Ha. Bubba, I'm sorry I'm so busy. I love you and take care of Rocky. Angel, your name says it all. I'm gonna be watching you. Hey - tone down the temper sis. Love ya Ginger, you're too cool for comfort - in other words, you rock! Grandma C., you always respected me and loved me before anything happened, and I'm grateful for having your blood in me. I love you! Grandma G., you're on that borderline of crazy and artistic, and I have to thank you because I wouldn't have what's in me if it weren't for you. Hey - I wouldn't be in this business if I wasn't a little crazy. Ha ha! I love you!

Now I'd like to thank the four most important people. Howie, I'm always gonna pick on you 'til the day I die! It's because I love you. Kevin, I look up to you because how strong you are. You've been through a lot, and I respect that. Love ya! AJ, you're a freak but that's cool 'cause so am I, just not at your level! Love ya bro. Brian, we've been through a lot. You've taught me so much and to me, you are my brother.

I'd like to thank The Firm for fixing this slightly broken wagon that hadn't quite given up yet. All we needed was a little oil in these wheels, and you were the WD-40 we needed. Yee Haw!

Last, but not least, I would like to thank our fans for being there through the ups and downs of our career. After everything is said and done, we know you'll always be there. To everyone who was looking for their names, I thank you because no matter what, you were a part of our lives. It's now 6:13 and I'm going to bed. Good night!
