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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

A To Z

  • A - is for Airboy - Nick's sweet little bro
  • B - is for Basketball - Nick's favorite sport, and he's pro at it!
  • C - is for Cutie - this guy is the sweetest thing on Earth!
  • D - is for Drums - the instrument that Nick plays excellently
  • E - is for Edward Scissorshand - The famous movie that Nick had a part in
  • F - is for Frick and Frack - Nick and Brian, the bestest bud in BSB!
  • G - is for Green -his favorite colour
  • H - is for Heaven In Nick's Eyes - the ultimate site dedicated to Nick
  • I - is for I Need You Tonight - Nick's powerful and soulful solo.
  • J - is for Jameston, NY - Nick's birthplace
  • K - is for Kaos - who keeps the other four pissed (in a good way!)
  • L - is for Love - that all of us feel for the guy.
  • M - is for Man - the sweet chap is growing up after all!
  • N - is for Nickolas - the lad that we all love!
  • O - is for Ocean - one of Nick's biggest concern.
  • P - is for Plain Cheese - Nick's favorite pizza topping.
  • Q - is for Quit Playin' Games - the song Nick never got sick of
  • R - is for Rock - Nick's favorite music genre
  • S - is for Spirit - the thing that led Nick to success
  • T - is for The Backstreet Boys - The famous group that Nick is in
  • U - is for USA - Nick's hometown and mine!
  • V - is for Video Games - cuz that's what Nick spends his time on.
  • W - is for Winner - something that Nick had been destinied to be
  • X - is for X-Files - the mysterious TV serie Nick loves
  • Y - is for Yo! - one of Nick's favorite word
  • Z - is for Zillions - the numbers of fans that the sweet fella have.