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Heaven In Nick's Eyes


As fans, we are obsessed. We do lots of crazy stuff for the cutie - almost anything. But there are some things we can't do, and here's what I've listed.

36 things we can't do are listed.

  • If someday you would happen to see a group of crazed fans chasing Nick or any of the BSB please don't participate in the chase because if the fans caught up to them and if their would be enough of them Nick could get hurt bad! You wouldn't want that to happen would you? [Anonymous] (New)

  • Don't lie and say you know them personally. Because what if one day you do meet them and someone that you told that to was standing there with you. That wouldn't be good at all. 'Cuz they could say 'Hey! I thought you said you knew them personally.' You would be very embarrassed and then Nick or the boys wouldn't want to talk to you. You wouldn't want that now would you? []

  • Fans should not pull Nick's lovely locks of blond hair, which is so beautiful []

  • You should not run up on stage during a concert because then all you will do is get taken off by security and miss the concert []

  • Fans should not ask Nick personal questions like 'Do you miss your family?', 'Who is your girlfriend?, 'How long have ya'll been dating'.. Things like that []

  • If and when you ever meet them, don't run up to them with all your friends and cover them with kisses! They are normal too, I mean come on! Imagine if you were walking in a mall to get something and a stranger ran up to you and start kissing you all over! []

  • Fans shouldn't pinch there cute little butts when they walk past. I know you want to but I don't think they would like that [Anonymous]

  • Yelling to Nick to take his shirt off. We all want him to but it's up to him []

  • Do not send him embarrasing letters. It is okay if you send him a nice one but don't use words like ----erd. It would be embarrasing. Imagine if you were in the same way. How would you feel? []

  • Don't snatch off his clothes in your excitement. Why waste the effort when they come off on their own!

  • Polls. This is a problem here. Nick will live If he's not the sexiest singer []

  • Do not try to kill the Backstreet security. They are trying to protect boys from injuries. Do not be mean to them either, they are really nice people who are just trying to do their job []

  • Write "I love Nick Carter" on your car or make a shrine in and on the outside []

  • Standing in front of a bus while it is moving. If the bus hit you, your parents might forbid you to see their concerts again. If you want Nick to know you love him, tell him when you're both on an equal ground.

  • Isn't it not worth it if you faint?. You'll miss the good show!

  • Climbing barbed wire fence. Nick explains this already in an interview.

  • Dressing half-naked, especially on a cold day. Are you crazy?!

  • Some of the fans are really pissed of the rule 'No banners.' But truthfully, please follow the rule. Other people at the back want a clear view too, you know.

  • Get mad if they don't tour at your place. Hey, I'm an Asian and they haven't tour here since 1997 but I coped with that. All those Canadians and Americans should at least be grateful that they toured in their country.

  • Just don't sing on top of your lungs if you don't know the lyrics to their song!

  • Don't deck other fans who didn't get tickets or something. Imagine how you'd feel if you're them.

  • Don't buy piracy CDs, cassettes or videos. It'll only make them sad to know you didn't buy the ORIGINAL.

  • You can throw gifts up if you want on a concert, but be careful not to hit him in the head. You don't wanna be responsible for the Boys' injuries, aren't you?

  • Do not take your shirt off to show them your breasts 'cause it messes up their concentration and then they can't sing the songs that we all love! []

  • It is not right that the fans follow the guys back to way they are staying, where they should get at least some peace and quiet out of the spotlight. We all know the guys love all the fans, because they say that all the time and we, as fans, need to respect them and not bother them when they are out of the spotlight. And as far as that underwears is sick to throw that on stage! []

  • You should NEVER ever do anything too embarrassing for him. Like run around your school naked. He's just a normal person, but he sings. I mean, yes, we love him but do you want to run around naked for him? []

  • Fans (or jealous people I might say) should NEVER pose as any of the BSB on aol. It ruins it for all of the other fans in case they actually have the chance to chat with one of them. Nobody believes anything because of that fact []

  • Don't scream in their faces. Nick even said (on the ZoogDisney Chat) that he doesn't understand why fans scream at him. He's just a NORMAL person in a weird situation! []

  • You should never steal something. I mean I know you want lots of BSB stuff, so do I but NEVER steal it! []

  • Fans should not get too involved in the group. You would probably never get to meet them. I mean you can like them but please do not get overly obbsessed. []

  • Fans ahould throw any sexual on stage such as condoms, or their own underwear, not only is it disgusting, but not really a good way you get a guy's attention that is dancing all over them. You don't want him to slip, do you? []

  • Okay, first and FOREmostly, diss his girlfriend. You should be happy that he has someone to cuddle up with. I mean is, you want him to be happy, right? I know deep down inside, jealousy can be created. But think - try to put yourself as his girlfriend and have people dissing you over and over again, calling you a ---ch and stuff like that. How would YOU feel? You should consider his girlfriend's feelings. She's a human too, you know.

  • Stalk him. How would you feel if somebody keeps following you all the way, and calls you up at night and stuff. For instance, Princess Diana - she died because of stalkers who wants every details about her. Even though Nick LOVES attention, overly-attention can sometimes makes people feel uneasy. If this keeps going on, he might die because of his fans. Fans kill their own idols - now, isn't that crazy?

  • Pull him hardly. During concerts, I see fans pulling him hardly. He could get hurt - or die. It isn't wrong for you to touch him but can it be gentle? I know Nick would like that.

  • Spreading untrue rumors. Some girls like to spread rumors that they are Nick's girlfriend or Nick has dated them, etc. Remember - as fans, say NO to rumors!

  • Stealing. Okay, okay - I know. You want to get your hands on everything that includes Nick but stealing isn't the way. This is way too common, so I don't have to blab about it.

Didn't see anything else fans should NOT do here? Then share with us by submitting in the form below.

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