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Heaven In Nick's Eyes


Some of these reasons are compiled from Fan of the Month September competition. Thank you to everyone who's submitted!

125 reasons are listed.

  • The way sweat drips down his temples when he's performing. (New)
  • His favorite sensation is a long, warm, intimate embrace underwater. (New)
  • The way he's always giggling really quietly during interviews like the thinks nobody notices. (New)
  • The way he kisses his fingertips, smiles and mouths "I love you" to the audience. (New)
  • The cute prank call he made to Britney Spears, by using the name Kid Nicky. (New)
  • The cute little mustache he's trying to grow! []
  • He puts a lot of emotion into the songs he sings and it shows on his face... So his facial expression when he sings []
  • His sexy butt
  • The little gap in his teeth
  • Because he is the CUTEST sleeper!
  • He is way cuter than Justin Timberlake [Anonymous]
  • He's sensitive (Something you can't find in most guys!) []
  • How confused he looks the times when he's not ready to talk when the camera all of a sudden appears in front of him
  • The cute little random words that he says, like "you know", "like he said", etc.
  • He likes girls no matter what they look like! []
  • His half smile in the IWITW video, oh so sexy!
  • He never smokes.
  • He doesn't drink alcohols.
  • His romantic idea of a perfect date (moonlight walk).
  • He's very polite.
  • His totally cool signature symbolizing his creativity.
  • His lucious lips.
  • He always tries to make the fans feel they are really special.
  • He wants the fans to like him for his music not for his looks.
  • He sometimes rings up the fans who've passed him their phone numbers.
  • He's very concerned about the environment.
  • He's highly principled.
  • He's such a young philosopher.
  • He's very generous and giving.
  • He's almost saintly in his appeal.
  • He loves what he does and makes us want to get up and dance []
  • He expresses his feelings about what the critics say and explains []
  • He knows that if he did not have his fans, then the whole group would not be around []
  • He's a loyal son []
  • He is really a nice person to be with because he is outgoing [Anonymous]
  • He is so cute with those chubby cheeks []
  • He transmits sweetness through his eyes []
  • His chilly way to make people laugh []
  • 'Cuz he has that cute babyish voice with that cute thugish accent! []
  • The way he shows his creativity by writing us a complicating message in a secret code for the Millennium thank you.
  • He considers his fans his friends []
  • Above all else he's Nick Carter.. What else isn't there to love? []
  • He's passionate []
  • The way he makes you feel like he is singing a song just for you []
  • He was destined to be a star []
  • Just because he's Nick! Duhhhh! []
  • He is perfect! []
  • He's a deep thinker.
  • He resist wars. []
  • He has a very kind heart. [Meaghan McQuarrie]
  • He makes people happy, Not only through music but also as an everyday person
  • He has a great voice and has such emotion when he sings, but still is funny and entertaining.
  • He is nice.
  • He says he would DEFINITELY date a fan.
  • He is incredibly hot.
  • He is a great big brother. His sibs love him to death.
  • He is normal - just like you and me.
  • His fame doesn't make him snobbish. He copes excellent with his fame.
  • He is a real level-headed, down to earth guy.
  • He tells you things just like they are.
  • He gives you a straight answer when you ask him a question.
  • His looks doesn't hurt. He's really cute!
  • His practical sense of humor, which can really cheer us up on a bad day!
  • He is sexy.
  • He is very honest. He says what he really means.
  • He tries so much to make every song, every note and every beat perfect. He wants the best commitment for his career.
  • His dance steps are really groovy which proves he's a good dancer.
  • He's so appealing!
  • Nick is a cool person to meet, once you get to know him.
  • He's being himself and do what he thinks he needs to do.
  • He's some kinda special. His attitude and care can't be found easily everywhere.
  • Just thinking of him I get electric shock through our brain and it's like we're gonna explode!
  • He sets a good example to all the fans of what's right or wrong.
  • His adorable smile.
  • He and his buddies do charity work for kids, diseases, and natural disaster victims.
  • He has a dreamy, excellent and great voice that is easy to pick up in harmonies.
  • He's a really romantic kinda guy.
  • He doesn't do the shows for him only but also for the fans.
  • He makes walls look really pretty with his pin-ups, posters, centerfolds, etc.
  • It's really hard for someone to hate him.
  • He has a really sweet face.
  • He has a good head on his shoulders!
  • He's really sweet and dedicated to his fans.
  • He helps Aaron a lot even though he knows Aaron might be the next big thing to compete with the BSB.
  • He's the God of chaos.
  • He's faithful and loyal (e.g: calls home twice a day)
  • We see heaven in his eyes.
  • He cares about his fans for real - not like other artists who are just saying it.
  • He has a sexy body.
  • He has great hair.
  • He's really fly!
  • His athletic talents.
  • He is very creative.
  • He is very artistic.
  • We really feel love for him through his music, his words, and his life.
  • He admit his mistakes.
  • He lives his life to the fullest.
  • His voice is like magic. When you hear it, don't you just wanna die?
  • He meant every sweet words and sentences he uttered.
  • He shares his words of wisdom with people. He didn't keep it for himself.
  • He has a great heart and loving soul.
  • He's an excellent Nintendo player.
  • He respects his fellow band members.
  • He always counts the "inside" first, not the "outside".
  • He doesn't care what the media says about him. He just hopes the rumor would go away by themselves.
  • He is an individual who never changes for other people.
  • He admits that he's not perfect.
  • The way he waves his hand through his hair just makes us crazy!
  • He goes out of his way to make us fans happy.
  • He has great shining blue eyes that put diamonds to shame.
  • He makes every BSB song sounds great.
  • He's damn fanciable!
  • He is a wonderful addition to the group.
  • He keeps religious values in his life.
  • His dressing is so cool.
  • He seems like a really caring guy.
  • He makes our hearts melt when we see him.
  • He is SUPER-NICE!
  • He's an excellent drummer.
  • His drawings are really to-die-for.
  • He isn't racist.
  • He wants the world to be peaceful.
  • He takes life seriously but still managed to make us laugh so hard.
  • He doesn't get big-headed with his fame. He's still the same.
  • He is a video game fanatic - you can play with him all day long!
  • No matter how busy he is, he always devots his time to his fans.

You didn't see your one of your reasons? Then add it by submitting it using the form below.

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