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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS


(Update 7 September 2021AD if to seek and find Bigfoot and communicate, then perhaps say: JESUS, Goliath, maybe they understand Jehovah and Yahweh, and You might speak some Hebrew, Arabic, and Sumarian dialects; though other vessels respond to body language such as birds responding to head movements and chirps, so in friendly ways with Bigfoot to gesture with a hand such as point to a spot beside You and step there, and point again and step, then point to a slightly closes spot and step there [Bigfoot may find some comfort in recognizing patterns or at least interest since able to predict Your actions]).

JESUS Christ is the One True Creator of Bigfoot.

Christ JESUS, in order to help edify Your Flock has enabled the following generalized list:

  • Bigfoot on the ascending level.
  • Bigfoot type creatures and sea monsters.
  • Bigfoot defined by civilization, governments, and other groups.
  • Bigfoot: creatures that escape from people, and other info.

    Christ JESUS gives You the gift of Bigfoot!

    Update 22 April 2020AD: while DNA is discussed below and with faith types and amounts of values

    such as according to work order parameters, process controls, lab standards and equipment types,

    more importantly is Church criteria including Over Immersion Baptism (see more recent Sermons in

    this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series) and pertinent the lowest Firmament level of the human of this

    civilization therefore with Church criteria this also concerns the ancient Roman crucifiers and

    ancient Jewish conspirators, and current laws with medically concerning such as sane or insane. New Bigfoot Evangelism opportunity enables Bigfoot agreeing opportunity. How Christians can live in their young and healthy bodies forever as DNA conquers 120 days limit of Genesis 6:3 via the Tree Of Life as the True One Eternal Gift From Christ JESUS. Why and how to Evangelize bigger and better than before as Jesus Christ promised. How to investigate, locate, distinguish, Evangelize, fully convert and save Bigfoot both legally and Spiritually. Bigfoot DNA proof repeatedly wormhole flow found grays, medical conditions discussed, with gene and DNA modifying under Christian guidance and law to civilize Sasquatch, Yeti, and/or Game of Throne dragons evolving from modern drones on TV exosuits to living camouflage videos through altered space and time travel as to actually fix Planet of the Apes to movie Animal House problems and rather a child will lead them as in the movie Big Tom Hanks said bug and greater movie Groundhog Day was to make perfect yet rather Christianity. China increasing Christianity for the first time made viable humans from scratch recipe from animals and/or Philistine type lineage Homo sapien hominid tribes hemoglobin protein ID theft impersonating an Officer at ufo and nuclear sites deadly poisions secret rocket bases overcome the senses mind control fear extinct gods lusted heavens outer space ancient helicopter frequency waves, rather all for one good Bigfoot.png: ICCDBB for Christ JESUS.

    As radio broadcasting became a worldwide Evangelism opportunity, so too now is the new Evangelism opportunity [proportionally / measurable ratio (Mark 12.43)], as ascending conditions of worthiness apply [precept on precept (Isaiah 28.13 with Matthew 21.44) in One Christ JESUS], lest they remain as their former state as Philistines.

    Christ JESUS would that Your Evangelists, such as any that enjoy camping (camping with new high purpose for Christ JESUS), or as spotters from Your aloft Arks, Evangelize, and to Evangelize per se is to overcome the language barrier or the communication barrier, such as with the measuring of brain energy patterns, thought patterns, as with attaching small wired devices to the heads such as labs and many others reportedly have done (a fairly new Evangelism value concerning any people in comas or lacking eye and ear senses), yet of the ascending Path to teach English (more universal in this given generation): save their souls for Christ JESUS rather than let them to be killers, threats, nor problematic (1 Timothy 3.8 WE).

    Christ JESUS would that Your Evangelists give them the Holy Word (perhaps with Christian music toward peace and that invites) and then with Charity (note for instances values concerns at secular site, unaffiliated), and after Charity more Charity with increasing guidance and likewise helping them.

    You may want Your Christian Church Members to discuss these matters toward relevant concerns, such as concerning Christ JESUS and Evangelism, such as how Evangelists should freely opt whether to prioritize their works including body language and actions specific to above DNA results and when encountering any that do not speak the same language (offer signs and wonders, hardly to rely on technologies yet hardly left undone). Careful planning prior to the intervention helps establish the victory and Your Church criteria, overall plans, goals, and other for Christ JESUS. Be aware there is Charity, and with Charity Your Evangelists might also incorporate [gifts, though of precepts] rewards according to worthiness, extrapolating from Matthew 13.34 NLT:

    So a key when communication appears as though a barrier is Charity or at least as much good as able to do as is often the case in many situations (Deuteronomy 30.10-12). Followup Evangelism is also a key: especially if to make a breakthrough then this key is to evidence some measure of reliability according to [their expectations,] their hope of new higher honed yet liberty as slaves to Christ JESUS and their concerns for needs such as food and comfort rather than toward unfulfilled hopes as if enemy. Show and prove that some people can be kind and credible and in so doing then of higher success rate than other minded.

    If to go camping, set their preferred foods nearby You Christian Camp, play peaceful Christian music, show control over fire making and over small fires, and over cooking (for the Lord JESUS). Show special displays, and make special sounds, for them (ibid.). Consider carrying a Shepherd Staff and other lest lower level creatures try to steal (consult Your Christian Church criteria).

    Whether to camp or fly, consider night vision goggles, heat sensors, automatic motion detector cameras, and so on: their lives and souls are at stake evidently, as seen on television for instance: evidently people are being hunted for sport: attention Christian Church criteria formers:

    here is a key for guiding liberty properly for all and for hardly leaving the Holy Self Of You undone: as a surfer can ride on water behind a large fast boat, likewise if to open and properly utilize this Evangelism opportunity gift from Christ JESUS Your One Christian Flock might properly be great and ascending [humans yet as One Spirit] to safely draw Bigfoot humans and others [including news people, DNA guidance,...(see bottom of page)] into the Holy Flow properly in the midst of roaring powers and dangers garnering higher Faith, that they come aboard.

    You may leap, fly, ascending, though provide for them small safe little steps: for You Christian are awesome, and greater with Your Flock One In Christ JESUS. Allow for visitors, yes, yet rather of Your Aloft Ark visit hominids from above, even the secular offers relatively free search and rescue and emergency actions.

    Grow yet for their growing (see ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at Grow and leap not only in hopes, yet rather in functioning lest there be no Holy Charity for them each and all. Guide planning adaptations, and overcome stages of evolution not only in the stages of the species that survived until now yet also the DNA inbetween (ibid. on living timeline, and see Duality Theory below) though properly in Christ JESUS.

    Gather the weeds first, gather plans for those You Choose as appropriate for offering Your Evangelists unto them so therefore for mutual benefit gather Your safety plans and since, they, includes secular of free option(s) gift from One Christ JESUS, gather from Your safety plans in order to gather the dangers the weeds and overcome via Your safety plans and Your Holy higher Christian Church criteria that the weeds and dangers be overcome that the Chosen may safely be properly guided of You to properly ascend for Christ JESUS.

    Be wise to consider information gathering such as toward the end of the planning stage per se (with continuous improvement generally) as with the Internet and reconnaissance, yet with Holy Doing.

    Christ JESUS the bread of life broken open for many to receive Will that Your Flock be wise to understand that Evangelism is outreach to sinners (similar with a Christian Church Designate [or similar] responsible for hiring contractors, and similar to a Member responsibly going to the secular store to buy such as groceries for the Eucharist and/or for certain Church Doing(s)). In this [previously known as Bigfoot] human DNA (and some other sources agreed) case from the wild wilderness amidst animals there are lower level concerns, for instance it is hardly typically reasonable to ask an Evangelist to go into a hungry territorially protective den of lions to convert them [even though good results may come (Daniel 3.20-24)] as this Evangelism is for the purpose of for their sakes to save their souls [even though also for the sake of Christian Church Evangelism with Evangelists ascending] but there is a Firmament level below people and above animals (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on part human part animal transplants, on artificial heart, and on not putting animals over people [such as not with a dog as a babysitter]).

    So an animal might turn and harm, kill, and eat a person, similarly history showed some people were cannibals. The Holy Physics Of The One True Creator are such that some sinners punish themselves by eating any they love (Leviticus 26.27 & 29).

    So a key is let the love of Your Evangelists be more perfect via their recent Eucharist, that Your Evangelists be better prepared for their journey and tasks, in other words, with love in Christ JESUS prepare with the Good part of the Tree Of Knowledge. Generally speaking (You have options), if to convert formerly sinful Philistine giants evidently recently known as Bigfoot, then:

    do not smell of [having recently eaten] fish nor meat as such might tempt sinners and lower level animals,

    do not take meat nor fish even if sealed air tight, even if to be given since they might view You as a food source, and/or the odor might linger.

    A person is made of meat. Though if a civilized friendly person is found, the Host You may opt to give food that might include and feature meat. Even so, consider that wild creatures in the region might smell any meat.

    If to sing appropriate Holy songs in the woods [diurnal or nocturnal as applicable], often creatures Will come nearby and hide behind a tree or bush, to be entertained yet for Your Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS: leveraging Your Holy talents. So after consulting with any already civilized friendly people that have already interacted such as to have left food out for vessels "recently known as Bigfoot", and if they recommend setting out food "to catch a glimpse of Bigfoot" (they might say), be also aware that some people have been attacked (and/or interpreted as such [such as near presence]) according to reports. Also some people have not been attacked.

    If to feed (some places have laws against feeding animals [note that while some consider a certain creature an animal, other people consider that same creature a person]) perhaps consider a local vegetable, a piece of fruit, nuts, and/or water might be put there such as on a stump clearly for them.

    If to offer gifts, then hardly looking as if a trick to trap. Note it is illegal generally to trap a person, also laws exist concerning the trapping of animals.

    While generally (see above "consulting") it is recommended that meat is not set out for them, also rather than feed wild animals it is good to give other such as song and cloth on which to sit, such as partly hidden cloth behind a tree and partly exposed cloth where they might appear or indicate their presence. Be aware not all these details have been tried, though Christian Evangelism is toward the opposite of chasing away [such as to prevent attack (see below "to confuse the senses")] though sending forth Christian Evangelists is of Oneness.

    Food is mentioned for their sakes, hardly about food, rather toward growing trust, likewise is the followup visitation key.

    Concerning risk, it is mainly per Your Christian Church criteria (such as concerning Parental Authorities), and yet Your Christian Church might find it wise to guide over the mission stipulations such as perhaps: "This mission is to be with an Adult Christian Counselor on site, and not about hiking separately, and not about other activities such as kindness to other lower level creatures (which with considering any risks, might be done on other missions)."

    So Your Christian Church might opt for specifics, though rather than legalese (Ruth 1.1) Christ JESUS would that all rather be toward Hosting Holy Grace (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on "the proper defense of Holy Grace" at

    Often people try to say and do the right thing(s), though often for other reasons people such as on television shows on this topic people often have sinned against the innocent, by having instead offered confusion, so not only know them by their works, yet also upon the higher precept grow on their good part and not on their own confusions as written in the Christian Bible in pertinence (1 Samuel 14.20): note that some people behave the confused careless ways the giants behaved in David's time.

    It is a low level key that has been often wrongfully used: such as if attacked to return equal force. When the situation really is consult Your Higher Christian criteria and say and do as Christ JESUS said and did and says and does and Will Say And Will Do evermore (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on leading as One, rather than following the leads of sinners).

    For example, a Christian Highest Priest [of a particular Church] giving a Sermon, does hardly ask the visitor nor even the new Member, rather leads in giving the Sermon. So the higher level decides. The higher worthy One is at liberty to fill the content of the Sermon, it is not up to the sinners which might be shoplifters even though the Sermon might be about shoplifters: their input has no pertinence unless the Priest so opts. While the Evangelist represents the Priest likewise, this position is more toward a measured input to be controlled rather than out of control and dangerous.

    So the Evangelist may opt to allow some things to be stolen, therefore rather is the giving Charitably rather than toward nurturing sin toward enemy reinforcements. So a key concerning the above Drawing is to plan ahead, such as for their sakes to carefully hide certain things so they won't be stolen / tempted, and then according to worthiness reveal some things and give some things at the opting of the Evangelist as reasonably as worthiness accord is in them ["Do not" save worthy, so hardly give lower level creatures pearls they would trample or eat and perhaps have digestion problems (Matthew 7.6), rather speak the Holy Word Of Grace In The Lord JESUS as much as they would receive though if unwelcome then opt whether to go and hide Thyself And Your Christians And Anointed Things (John 8.59) and whether to return as much as of higher priorities, though if received then ongoing as they ascend give Charitably freely also with accordingly to reward in agreeing(s) in precepts in moments and later though for worthy responsibility per level and in ascending levels (Job 15.18) rather toward full repentance for the sake(s) of others that witnesses realize their ascending if so (Psalm 52.7 or rather as One God might bring about "suddenly" (2 Chronicles 29.36 NAS)].

    In Christ JESUS Evangelist Work for this "suddenly" event, though in practical defense matters, beware if toward being stirred toward perplexity, frustration, distress, embarrassment, and anger if You don't get Your Way as such are hardly the ways of the Lord; this is stated in precept preparation for stating this following key of leadership: if to take a weapon then toward minimum necessary (such as the Word Of God) according to Your Faith talent [and other (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS including the above Grace defense site)] though if to anoint a firearm (see laws over above "people are being hunted" as You go into their home areas), then normally toward higher purpose such as scientific demonstrations for their sakes, and such as race starting guns, and such as to protect them from wolves (Micah 7.14 & Isaiah 2.4 rather than Joel 3.10).

    Seek first the Kingdom Of God And All His Righteousness (Matthew 6.33) that then Will be added unto You to know how to conquer rather than to spoil (, so rather as interpreted / Commentary "While he may yet be influenced rightly, and before faults are rooted in him." (ibid.); as Evangelism includes the improving of habits.

    History shows a related example, some Churches were toward lower levels evidently, monotonous and rather than ascend for solving for Christ JESUS there was such a thing as a Church Appointee (perhaps a Church Barrister) that would carry a Ball And Feather Septre such as with a golden ball at one end and a feather at the other end, and would walk through the rows between pews and if a male was sleeping then to tap the ball on the head, and if female then a tickle to the nose with the feather. Note that the point is, the feather can also awaken the male (pending exhaustion or other health condition). Your Members work for You so be kind to them (Matthew 24.49) [similarly potential Members as though "already happened" (Ecclesiastes 3.15 NAS)].

    In the above Drawing to the left are black font words added to the DNA info source findings, as a key concerning not only secular abnormalities as as depicted of great value(s), yet also concerning of higher level the ascending.

    So this is a great Wisdom key. This is also a great key concerning ascending.

    If they (DNA involved medical healthcare professionals with above noted source) did not find these great discoveries (about "abnormalities": hence different than normal in the secular sense), then hardly would this Sermon for higher purpose be so stated.

    Some person discovered (as the top expert on the subject at the moment) something and called it DNA, and after that therefore the Christian Church can opt to discuss "DNA" for higher purpose.

    So this great key is not only love, yet also with logic, that enables Your Evangelists to find greater opportunities to convert and save lives.

    Yet Your Christian One Church is with the saving Grace. The secular has been with sinners, so for instance "normal" to both sinners and other people is not the same as the true "normal" the true norm Standard For Your Christian Church One. Sinners hardly set Your "norm" Standard expectation for Your Christian Church, Your expectation for Your typical Member.

    DNA counted as from the lower secular level remains at that lower level unless lifted from above. Then after being lifted and found worthy, then DNA can lead. A person can be lifted, likewise [each and] all other can be lifted as much as for Good for Christ JESUS for their sakes (reference exceptions according to free options otherwise, and High Miracles Of Christ JESUS for the greater unseen). Even so, to lift is not alway(s) the same as for such to continue at that level or higher (Ecclesiastes 9.11 [preserving freedom to choose][for the greater unseen]).

    Christ JESUS gave awareness of DNA, and Will give much greater. Timbers for one vessel, DNA for another vessel, clothing for another vessel, and so forth, and each is a gift waiting to happen for potential Members.

    So here is an Evangelism key, since they would not believe lest they see signs and wonders, then in recent centuries many already had timbers and clothing and other things that Christian Evangelists had; yet now Christian Evangelists have so much more than sinners living as if wild creatures in the wilderness (note many children and even adults yearn for such experiences, so do not overly temp Your Members to do things that may too much tempt them). So since having many signs and wonders great to these of new DNA findings, then Christian Evangelism now holds a great advantage (along with things such as behavioral studies, mental telepathy values, and even such as medieval armor)(see "Bigfoot defined" section below).

    DNA is of a lower level indicator, therefore of higher Faith in Christ JESUS (such as in the Word) and more in the Work Of Christ JESUS consider things Christ JESUS did in order to have yielded certain results. Also consult Your Christian Church criteria on specifics (also consider if any updating is appropriate while maintaining any and all substance that is Good and higher in purpose: updating often involves putting things in modern terms, for example to translate a Bible for those of another language).

    For instance animals have primitive language elements of patterns. The more certain aspects are utilized in certain ways (known to others such as of their group) the more there is a pattern (for instance the more types of ways a word is utilized and each utilization within a meaningful way), such as frequency times an element (f x element), measurable as when plotted, such as to yield a 45 degree angle in advanced civilization languages as some have found (SETI, and various sources), that is, lower level vessels are of associations of elements while higher are often of 45 degree correlation (toward Top Level Christian Oneness [note the secular has had many opinions, rather (Acts 4.12)])(also note the free option of the Highest is not according to the lower sin formula perspective; nor of laws not yet written).

    Some repeat songs, some repeat the Word Of God; and such is goodly often (see above Septre) though in ascending is the [higher rather] highest value in new higher Way(s), rather than for instance technology used toward sinful lusts, destructions, and abominations. Lust not after the wild person, save the person be Saved and also if appropriate such as to date (reference Christian Family (see "criteria" above))(also concerns such as cleanliness, similarly appearance with deeper concerns, bathing, circumcision, girding, and other topics that can be found in detail in the Christian Bible). Also note a grunt by a formerly wild person and similarly hair and carelessness concerning public decorum and Christian Church etiquette are things [Your Christian Church, as in the True One] Christian Church should agree upon lest to unfairly handle the situation (concerning the Holy Invitation according to worthiness: full repentance).

    Let the Evangelist know in advance: hence here is a key concerning new Members interested in Evangelizing, hence toward first knowing Your Evangelism criteria rather than toward merely making it up as it happens so to speak. So maximize guidance toward solving (Host Grace) before any problems might be able to arise, while minimizing ignorance and foolishness (allowing for some measure of freewill fun according to appropriate allowance in Mercy).

    In Christ JESUS One: to know the right thing to do, and with doing the right thing, is to solve many unseen problems in advance (reference True Prophets). Though to sinners such problems would be seen (then also Witnessed, as Christians go from "unseen" to seen); though rather seen as unraveled via Christ JESUS For Christians Ascending.

    Bigfoot on the ascending level.

    Christ JESUS agreed with Elias in Baptism [Christian Baptism: as suffered (Matthew 3.15)("suffered" in context: see above "feather" with "male", and see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on properly turning longsuffering into joy for Christ JESUS)]. This is the agreement that the follower of the Heavenly Father In The Holy Will be raised (already accomplished, Christ JESUS came from Heaven already): Oneness, counted as if suffered, hence counted as if a sinner (counted as if the vessel was important) as the sinful body wants to ascend, so there is One Righteous Way to ascend.

    For Christ JESUS One Christian Church In You is in this time of this and these future generations as much as time is given from Heaven, is the key value over the vessels [(toward minimal vessel checks and maintenance, with rather toward maximum ascending as already specified in detail in this ICCDBB Sermon Series For One Christ JESUS lest there be impurity in the flesh), that is, toward minimal bodily function maintenance but not sin, rather thanks for One Holy Christ JESUS].

    With the key value over vessels is the greater key for the higher unseen.

    Christ JESUS agreed with the Baptism, though concerning the tribes of people formerly known as Bigfoot there is another concern, in context it is a concern of far greater importance than such things as their bodies being covered in hair; even so there are other secular and legal concerns, possibly barriers in the forms of Firmaments. These may include the further eventual concerns such as legally appropriate blood types to allow legal marriages. Other similar concerns should be quickly investigated by all, especially by experts such as Churches.

    This is hardly to make Churches nor others work harder toward enslavement [(save for Christ JESUS) as much as freely opting to agree to ascend for Christ JESUS], rather this Bigfoot DNA situation is more as though counted toward an exception, an emergency if the humans would be anxious to fully repent and be Baptized to be Christian. Worldly indications are hardly toward such, though note not all Bigfoot sightings [whether or not alleged] were attacks, rather toward the opposite very often toward peaceful curiosity though often guardedly evidently.

    In this ICCDBB Sermon Series For One Christ JESUS is emphasis on planning (for good higher purpose, yet also to avoid later problems). So of emergency proportions to save souls it is immediately important to note any exceptions such as above stated legal concerns over blood types, and other lower and higher concerns, and make these public to Your Christian Church Leadership and to others. To do so, thank Christ JESUS for awareness, and in so doing present of Your agreeing Talent the honing solving in thanking Christ JESUS (Christian Bible support and Christian Counselors often help), for instance in so doing You would likely find a Bible verse that would apply. Even so, rather than if confused, fear God: the Physics Of God Will prevail save the One True Creator Christ JESUS opt anew: better (Christ JESUS may opt to put truth new to You into Your Heart, such as a new Way to explain a specific detail).

    Also in the secular are many legal concerns, and insecurity feelings many may want to address (note that rather than longsuffer higher ascending to solve peacefully, sinners often tell others to attack). With lacking of much in terms of forensic type studies in much of televised opinions there may be found other medical causes [counted as though independent from legal causes] of great concerns, so for instance [of given talents] while able to do some things better than the larger group of civilized people (such as perhaps run faster and see better in the dark), there may be too much lack of some brain and mind in some of the smaller group(s) as "the smaller group(s)" as a whole, to be able for "the smaller group(s)" to be like unto the image [in fullness, per se] of One Christ JESUS; specifically per se is of the role of Wisdom as a key, since Wisdom = Logic x Love (GodMath Testament). Even so, Miraculously Christ JESUS One is able to be counted as such as to override if so opted, over secular perception habits, over lower ascension levels.

    If unable to be wisely civilized in Christ JESUS, then (2 Corinthians 6.14) unevenly yoked is hardly an option at this time, even though as shown above the Christian can guide the above Drawing DNA splicing, genetics controls (see above "blood types"), and similar. Yet if a creature group is unable to be wise currently, then to solve is the evolution rate (with the Finger Of God lifting over the Firmament level) eventually, perhaps in an eon; or to work to solve via secular which might cause disaster for unrighteous temporary profit; or to solve via Christian Miraculous uplifting guidance, as a spark of light to light a candle in the dark:

    in other words, perhaps to opt to let any Willing and considered Worthy And Able of Your Christian Evangelists plan and agree and try to check the situation and report back to You. You can appraise the situation and see if there are fruits of wisdom. Later likewise You may opt to check on whether Christian Word seeds took root in the hearts.

    Christian Evangelists would like to convert immediately with proper Baptizing into Christianity, yet Christ JESUS showed another precept step that can be opted to apply in this situation if applicable as apparent.

    Christ JESUS agreed with Baptism though did hardly leap toward Baptism, when other precept actions were more appropriate. Be wise to consider this is hardly a barrier as if to stop Baptism, rather important in order to achieve proper Christian Baptism. The key is, Christ JESUS cast out improperly turned [evil] spirits (Luke 4.36); later the person could opt to be fully repentant and properly Baptized into Christianity.

    So if for instance Your Flock includes three individuals such as expert at tracking and camping, an expert at casting out unturned disagreeable spirits, and a Member with a talent in Evangelism, then You might opt to prepare and send such a team.

    Christ JESUS explained, concerning rewards, as caring how to receive the above Drawing DNA finding: protohuman: whether of a lower level (see above Philistine sinner info) or of an advanced level [reports of advanced abilities (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on ancient aliens, on not of Earthly origin, and on advanced civilizations)] [(also see below "Bigfoot defined" in secular such as of a Christian Church or a business or a government security level not otherwise of general public level) as any tribe(s) might already have religious practices], so as written in Matthew 10.41 NIV:

    In this Sermon You are called to not only represent Yourself, nor only Your district, nor only Your nation: rather all Your previously known civilization [generally back to the time of King David and earlier as a young lad]: representing such people before many of them were born.

    As the Holy Christian Ambassador of Your civilization, You One are called to meet the Bigfoot people (GodMath Testament page 219).

    You are to negotiate the terms for their souls, You are to oversee benefits with gift giving to them for their benefits, and so on as written in 2 Corinthians 5.20:

    You Beloved have advantages in Christ JESUS, for instance in the secular world sinners vote, therefore government might not be perfect, and because sinners vote then therefore secular law does perfect. Similar applies to any secular group [(save ICCDBB PCS, or similar for Christ JESUS) group criteria over it's own group vessel may opt to change in lower levels and/or as with changes to their group's leadership, and such].

    If You encounter imperfections, in Christ JESUS You can guide unto the removal of such imperfections.

    In the Christian Church it is normal that the Chosen Righteous vote [and/or appoint] (2 Corinthians 8.19).

    So while sinners are problematic, You can guide to victory Righteously, having been Chosen In One Christ JESUS.

    Bigfoot type creatures and sea monsters.

    Christ JESUS would that You be aware even from Genesis that many types of creature were created.

    Also many types of synthetic creatures have been form of DNA modifications, transplants, implants, and other; including by sinners.

    So as stated above is a key that You are over such natural Physics Of God creations and over other synthetic creatures, therefore You are Ambassador over all these too. Legally, if to obey the law then to do as the legal Ambassador, though called as if a secular public [servant] person typically [unless properly appointed by law of secular government to be an Ambassador].

    So while a Holy Christian Ambassador, let the title(s) be such as is legal and hardly as if to offend (Matthew 18.6): Christ JESUS One called Himself "slave to everyone" and "servant to all" to "gain the more" (

    Today a simple DNA match is added unto the Christian as though to help guide the Way, yet as also evidenced there are other matches that predictably would be inconclusive or not applicable. There Will likewise be the coming of creatures to Earth and creatures developed from Earthly origin. Some Will have wings, some Will have spacecrafts, some Will come out of holes in the ground, and Christians Will need prepare concerning the casting out, the Baptizing, the marriages, and concerning many other things (for example 3 Nephi 18.29).

    Note that the Philistine giants sinned and so were driven away (cast out), and of the free gift of God they may continue to freely opt live as beasts of burdens in sins, though as any person, a person may opt to be properly converted.

    Christ JESUS would have the wise know ascending is hardly for the satisfied nor the lazy, and ascending is not for sinful plans. Ascending is hardly for any interested in living as wild beasts (teens and others may reference the fun entertainment foolish movie Animal House), as if goodly to be satisfied with uncleanliness, carelessness, thoughtlessness, and reckless destructions of other people's properties (often also bound in Heavenly places: as though trying to bite the hand that waters, feeds, and comforts them) and their own properties, though it is not.

    Truly, truly, the satisfied lazy person for instance is the person that discovers DNA and/or ways through DNA modifications to overcome "Breast cancer" (see above Drawing) but without giving rightful glory (citing) for Christ JESUS (give credit, and overflowing, such as for the talent to overcome).

    Truly the selfish sinful lazy person (note proper Christian Charity covers a multitude of sins, though hardly let the sinner sin again) has freedom to do goodly works as to "overcome", though hardly wins nor earns the higher rewards and gifts that come with such benefits. For instance the sinner is hardly associated with peace, even though freely available and without cost.

    Rather ascending, such as if the Bigfoot, if the big footed person per se would ascend, is if toward peace hence if toward good ( though rather than "good will toward men" reference "peace to men of good will" Douay-Rheims and [similar to the first] "peace among those with whom he is pleased." GWT) (hardly to be measured from lower levels, though often measurable from higher levels, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS for Drawings with details such as on described vectors and types of levels).

    Peace is hardly for the person that does not give Christ JESUS the credit, whether a DNA modifier or a Bigfoot human, there You Christian Leader do not have to accept such a sinner into proper Baptism and Church Membership (though don't be deceived, don't wrongly interpret this, Christ JESUS worked to rescue and save vessels [in some law(s) on international waters a craft must show it's flag]): Your Christian Church has some law(s) and/or criteria. In other words, if Bigfoot vessels enter Your Christian Church and Your Flock runs out and scatters, then Where is Your Shepherding?, rather as written in Matthew 10.34 WNT:

    Some Christian Churches screen (if too much then toward Satan per screener, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS for Drawings with details) to stop people from the Eucharist (3 Nephi 18.29 likewise "men drink damnation to their own souls except they humble themselves" (Mosiah 3.18). Though Churches are busy (often under excessive legalese without proper representation) (for example in the secular the Notary Public no longer knows each person in their area) so Churches might opt to spend more time on their talent areas, and/or on those that are already saved in their Flock, Ministering, and/or Guiding, rather than repeating for any visitors things their Flock has heard often previously: so there are good and/or goodly values in each Christian Church: Members Of The Greater Fold And Body Of Christ JESUS: with some Members (Christian Churches in this case) often more toward Evangelism while some others are more toward Shepherding and other for Good High Purpose In Christ JESUS.

    So Christian Churches do not have to fight against each other if when a Christian Church accepts a Bigfoot type of person and another Christian Church does not, even so as each Christian Church is with a Holy Sword, let each Christian Church opt whether to broadcast and/or such as plead their case and/or otherwise be heard and/or give proof for all to see and consider: as a person walks, one foot leads, while the other is left behind for awhile.

    Also a person may like a certain Church more than another, perhaps because of the Sermons, perhaps because of the people, perhaps because of merely the flowers outside, even so let Christ JESUS be preferred. If Bigfoot goes into another Church, not Yours, You might be relieved of many immediate concerns and forthcoming issues; or if Yours You might find fun and rather greater joy in the Lord JESUS in a new perspective. And one side of the Sword might be cut as evenly as on the other side of the Sword (1 Corinthians 12.16 & 17).

    Christ JESUS would that all Christian Churches function properly together for Good As One: hardly that the eye should be the hand, nor that the hand should be the foot, generally speaking (as the foot and hand can see better than the eye in the dark, while to touch and walk is better with the eye guiding in the light).

    In the secular world (Christ JESUS was in a flesh body and obeyed law) an Officer for instance administers an Oath or a Sobriety Test, but if the person does not agree to such then there is not the otherwise typical ascending.

    Let Your Christian Church likewise fulfill not merely the words of the laws, rather the higher purpose so plan now for the Bigfoot situation and any other such as concerning non-human dolphins, and consider in advance agreeing for clarifying higher purpose (rather than bias due to after-the-fact). If for instance You find You and/or Members require more proof, perhaps determine as much in advance as possible what specifically is required, or perhaps consider what caused any extra requirement, if any (such as cite a verse of what Christ JESUS said in pertinence, that is: reference Your Christian Church criteria, preferences, and see "talent areas" above).

    For example if a thief goes in and robs and vandalizes Your Christian Church (such as building, body, and/or vessel) then their going into Your Christian Church might not make them a Member or Your Christian Church might also give some other hidden items of value(s) [so concerning all Churches and vessels (..."Let the one who is able to receive this receive it" Matthew 19.12 ESV)].

    When considering Bigfoot humans as evidenced (hence humans, often stated as "Bigfoot" in this Sermon not to unfairly discriminate rather toward initially describing Philistines and/or similar of the Bible anew for this current generation and future generations), consider that not only Bigfoot needs be worthy (such as of full repentance level toward Baptism), yet also there is a level of talent and interests of a given Church. For examples, some Churches are relatively strongly focused on wine making, or on science, or on camping retreats, or on ancient Bible texts, and so on, so some are better at guiding Bigfoot people, naturally: the Physics Of The God Of Nature. With such naturally, such as of Christian "camping retreats", a new Christian Bigfoot might feel more at home at first and perhaps for generations.

    As the New Christianity Ambassador over ascending, You might find such humans (see above Drawing) appropriate, or not, or the search for Bigfoot might continue.

    Bigfoot defined by civilization, governments, and other groups.

    Christ JESUS would have You be aware of secular knowledge and doings, and rather intents: so You might guide them away from sinful works that they have not extra burdens needlessly. Christ JESUS would have You be aware of secular including about sinners though rather more aware of the higher levels. In the higher levels is found the source of peace, truth, enlightenment, love, caring, and other goodness: these are toward Evangelism, Shepherding Your Flock, Christian outreach, and so on for Christ JESUS.

    The secular also has many vested interests, such as selling Bigfoot ads on television.

    Governments are interested in protecting themselves, hence protecting their people and their systems: protecting their way(s) of life.

    Some vessels and realms in the world are dangerous, such as cliffs, and such as waters that became naturally contaminated (such as red tide), and such as radon/ore regions (unseen radon gas). Civilization also produces dangerous chemicals (including waste) and bombs (ibid.) and other dangers seen or unseen, and wants to protect people from known dangers. So to protect people is not to shoot and kill people, so civilization wants to scare away people from certain regions and buildings, and ancient structures of archaeological [coded] message value(s) into the future; such as the way a scarecrow scares away crows but does not kill crows so that for instance corn is protected and the farmer does not have to hire people to shoot crows so the crows are protected somewhat.

    Many people reported some creatures such as Bigfoot confuse the senses with foul smells and alarming odors (possibly synthetic odors that effect certain talents, responses, functions, thinking, and memories). Many reported Bigfoot was hard to find even after being found whether having run away, climbed trees, or simply vanished (secular invisibility cloak) (Biblically with intensely bright light Matthew 17.2). Also many reported glowing red (as some cameras show) "eyes", strobe lights, loud sounds, and many reported large rocks being throws, but not hitting them [scaring them (if Bigfoot hunts or defends against wild animals, then accurate) their generations may have seen what the "lad" did (see above).

    So the intent of truly higher level law is similar to what the higher Christian Church does.

    So let people be scared and run away, lest to transgress this higher purpose.

    Even so, let the worthy of appropriate talent, if any, address and oversee these concerns. That is rather, let Christ JESUS oversee, and rather be One Christ JESUS.

    In the above Drawing lower right are A, B, and C, representing an robot, a person utilizing robotics such as perhaps to: have more communications and sensory devices, to see father, to run faster, to lift heavier weights, perhaps with projectile proofing [it may help to be aware of the secular Science definition of proofing: "A demonstration of the truth of a mathematical or logical statement, based on axioms and theorems derived from those axioms." (] and so forth: such as to be able to beat up Bigfoot per se and/or other people if Bigfoot attacks, or to defend.

    Christ JESUS has already shown You the value of putting new wine into new bottles, and not mixing rotten fruit with healthy fruit, generally speaking. So You know to mix some chemicals and plasmas but only with certain others (Ecclesiastes 10.1).

    Frankly, Bigfoot belongs in front of Area 51 type facilities, as long as appropriate (details toward bottom of this page). In the above Drawing, C represents not only camouflage yet rather symbolizes another bio-mechanaical step (note that the opposite brightly colored camouflage often helps protect against being shot by other hunters). For instances, some flies navigate very well around things, some cheetahs run faster than Bigfoot possibly, and other creatures swim excellently and so forth. Rather than mechanical devices made of things that do not grow and evolve (or better), C symbolizes growing into a new creature Yourself, not only in Holy Spirit, yet also transfiguring, whether to hide or fly or swim through rock.

    A soft tree root breaks through rock, a gentle breeze pushes a great ship. All these living gifts and forces of nature God gives people, are to be utilized yet only for good higher purpose in Christ JESUS.

    Wind and water are hardly Baptized, so let the Christian discern wisely. The fly is not Baptized, not even the human sinner.

    Let Your yes be yes and your no be no (James 5.12), save to properly quote or cite credit for Christ JESUS.

    Distinguish between the robot and the person in a robot suit. Distinguish between an animal and a person in animal [living] suit (Bigfoot is easy compared to this, yet be worthy, ascend, and greater Will be conquered in You for Christ JESUS) [distinguish (Matthew 7.15 with Leviticus 3.8) with higher purpose].

    Ascend to distinguish more perfectly into the future for their sakes. Consider the past True Prophets and how ambiguous many parts seemed to be (reference below "dream") though when given time and resources specify for clarity and mainly the good higher [steps,...] and higher purpose in One Christ JESUS. In ancient times in writings and of artifacts people, not necessarily Christian, sought to tell others of awesome things that often scared the portrayers of the stories. Fear, such as fear of Bigfoot has safety value(s) for You And Your Evangelists, and if Bigfoot human opts to visit Your Christian Church then also for the balance of Your Flock.

    Though hardly let fear nor feelings cloud Your facts as the truth is with One Christ JESUS. Even the evolution rate of truth eventually overcomes wrongfully puffed up bias.

    So a key to helping future generations is being aware they Will find You out: You may be reliable in telling the truth, though stay away from assuming things according to worldy assumptions, and rather state the facts, then after that, You may cite Christian Bible verse references (see below "New Anthropology is hardly a spectator sport") or conditionally other such as to clarify by citing a source.

    If You say something seemed to be a certain technology, the future youth of the greater unseen with those technologies Will have a better idea of whether You are a True Prophet and story teller for higher Good Purpose In Christ JESUS for their sakes. If You converse or dine with a Bigfoot human family and it seems too amazing to tell the tale, be bold in Christ JESUS and tell it as much You know the truth. You may want to have a [plant,] animal, and human communication linguist on Your team with computerized electronics systems (a lot to carry into the jungle while being meek): recommended, or at least prepare in the lab and perhaps take appropriate small translator / communications devices (reference spy bugs too small to notice to be stolen if You plant some in the woods).

    Be wise to understand their ideas. Of Your Christian Heart know their hopes to know Your leverage key of Your team talent(s), to build and grow on their own ideas (as much as found true), things they already behold as true. In friendliness [predict and] show signs and wonders of the level of Your technological civilization, and also rather Prophesy and Do properly, Faithfully, and Truthfully in Christ JESUS.

    It is the truth that Will set Bigfoot humans free.

    Yes in this case for the sake of peace (with a sword in Christ JESUS to cut away any sin) spy on Bigfoot humans some initially of You have the means for Evangelism purposes (2 Kings 6.13 with Alma 43.23 and Alma 2.210 though not to spy to steal food from Bigfoot humans nor other sinfulness.

    In Christ JESUS keep in mind Your higher Holy Ascending Path criteria, plan, goals, and the proper stimulating of the Bigfoot human yearning for Oneness in Christ JESUS.

    Maintain records, be accurate. Many specific details seem already widely known or vulgar and inappropriate to record, though future people may not trust the records of others, and may find vulgar ways of great importance values such as concerning ethics, acceptable behaviors relative to reliability and utilizations of technologies for good care, and even things so called vulgar that become known in Christ JESUS as rather preferred (examples John 6.57-60, and Exodus 4.6-7).

    Friend, be on guard against unrighteous pride, and be ready to perhaps be enlightened, even Your natural Bigfoot children in Christ may teach You some high truth talent secrets such as regarding: humility (Luke 14.10), wisdom over pomp (1 Corinthians 1.28), and doing without (Matthew 10.10), longsuffering and so on.

    In so helping Christ JESUS, and Your crew and Flock and others, You Will be helping Bigfoot humans reasonably (though of predictions: not necessarily the case: be ready to leave: leaving can be toward permanent, though may help show respect for Bigfoot [reference also in the secular that in peacefulness Nixon became first US President to visit China] toward gaining trust through repeated visits by You and/or others likewise): Bigfoot could come to know Your fruits.

    Beware: if the sinful Philistines would teach the Chosen People, then as much as able be sure the teachings are true, hence within Christianity. It is toward bad to be unevenly yoked together, though toward worse if to be led by any if they be unevenly yoked together and leading and You honor their leading while if causing Yourself be be in the position of being only able to follow whatever sins they might do (with and over You). If there is anything Bigfoot humans say or do that might lead others astray, truly report, and if to make conclude assumptions, opinions, and feelings, then report as such specifically to clarify that the clear truth, is also with Your interpretations added and give any reasons for so doing (reference secular ISO [Swedish] US [honed] auto industry initiative circa 1995AD).

    Work with people for peaceful solutions, though hardly be swayed save of true higher Holy Guidance. Make certain Your facts of record are true, as true as the Holy Christian Gospel as much as You can make Your Records (Galatians 2.5). Therefore Your True Record becomes The Holy Flow Truth, a thing yet a Holy Thing Working For Christ JESUS One, since first comes the Word and then the Will Of God, yet the Will is more valuable, until the top level of Oneness of Word and Will in One Word Will: JESUS.

    In the above Drawing upper right is a man apparently sitting on a wheel with wings (if wings then hardly need of a wheel [perhaps an engine], even so) holding a bird. The communication might be symbolic and/or practical and secular. Not shown is that the man might be plugged into the winged flight system, or the man might be remotely guiding the winged system with his mind, or as if toward fantasy though actually of truth in pertinence the man might be wearing a living bird robotic suit while on the hand and looking at the Daniel giant (in some respects akin to Bigfoot).

    If You don't know what they are doing, then just do Your best to describe.

    So there is evidence of the human previously known as the Bigfoot type creature (above Drawing), and there is evidence of imitators of such (two types so far).

    There are also two subsets of the imitators, the legal and the illegal; the legal being costumes such as by private [business and other] interests such as to keep certain things private, or to publicize to sell Bigfoot items, or such as with such "items" as costumes for entertainment and other; the illegal subset is for their various reasons.

    Christ JESUS said in John 10.16 LDS:

    Christian Leaders be aware: any imitator is not necessarily and attack though of precepts of Christ JESUS may be toward an attack against True Christian Faith (see Matthew 17.2" above). In the secular world ID theft is increasingly harmful, and in previous times such as 50 years ago and more people felt strongly about "impersonating an Officer" or another though with increase in television entertainment and other as much as pertinent that empathy has waned somewhat. If Bigfoot humans have their own tribal entities respected as Officers, it might be something to be reconsidered legally. In Christian Faith matters, to symbolize people properly is hardly the same as if to intentionally misrepresent (, such as to say bad things about people unfairly for selfishly sinful reasons.

    To unfairly oppress a people is hardly to help Oneness via ascending.

    The third Bigfoot type involves ascending, with two subsets and one indirect subset. Note in the above Drawing the rapid evolution permutation (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS) of adaptations (lower level secular ascending, save if proper credit is given for Christ JESUS), A, B, and C, involves the [real with symbolism] change from inorganic to totally organic (in higher Christian levels: Oneness as much as any such vessel is properly appropriate).

    Likewise this third Bigfoot type is similar to such growing, more than developing, as B is a new creature relative to A, and C is a new creature relative to B. Christ JESUS said He has "other sheep". Your other "sheep" Will continue to appear, at a far more advanced pace so as toward making evolution and even the previous rate of adaptation and natural selection as toward insignificant (though hardly insignificant): see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on maintaining the original though in this case this is a new key.

    If the original is alive and ascending, then the original becomes hardly in the original state, hardly measurable within previous parameters. Hence new parameters are to be established.

    This new parameters key solves for the above concern about laws: as the law is fulfilled already via Christianity, then no problem. Though in the former state and if there be any sinners their guilt remains such as if applicable to illegal sexual perversions, lusts, and imitation marriages.

    "Stop becoming unevenly yoked with unbelievers"...(2 Corinthians 6.14).

    The Holy Ascending Physics Of The Creator One are such that the properly ascending Christians are already of such rapid Oneness [even largely unknown in this world as much reliance is on flesh, and there are high Heavenly places each Christian Will come to know more perfectly, as written in Hebrews 2.5:

    Rather this ascending is of God through the Holy Spirit offering signs, wonders, various miracles, gifts distributed according to His One Will via the name of the Christ JESUS (Hebrews 2.4). It is hardly to witnesses (exceptions apply see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS), rather with the Holy Doers.

    Life changes, things grow. Of the corn, first is the seed that falls and dies, and next it's vessel is discarded, then the root (rather graft in Christ JESUS), then the very different type of vessel the stalk, then bud, then full ear of corn of food, seeds, fuel, and greater. But the sting of change is more as the sinner strays (John 8.52) and less as the honing succeeds (rather the perfectly straight and narrow toward minimal longsuffering bearing each cross yet turning conquered into joy).

    This new parameters key solves because it is a Holy type. If for instance to carry night vision goggles, then without such talent as soon as when the goggles are set down. Though if Christ JESUS gives miraculous power when needed, such as to see in the dark, then available as much as appropriate [similar to when needful, such as instantly] and if no measurable per former standards is available then the key is the growing in Christ JESUS The One Creator and yet human as much as measurable by former measures (John 9.39) as written in Isaiah 60.19 ASV:

    As Christ JESUS stated there are "sheep" and there are other human friendly "creatures" (see next section below) evolving and adapting, including being lifted by humans as with training, teaching, Preaching, and also by their imitations and observing human systems. Furtherover (precept on precept) creatures are building nests from human synthetic materials, yielding stronger nests; and they are utilizing stronger picks such as to dig into the soil and into trees to gather grubs. They are advancing on many levels of many higher gift talents.

    This is what New Christianity does, growing from above, rather than from selfishly sinful lusts

    (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on minimal lower level vessel maintenance, with maximizing the higher One Purpose In Christ JESUS).

    With this third Bigfoot type are two subsets: Grace, and Mercy with subset Peace (see Sword discussion above).

    Grace is from above in this sense, for instance Christ JESUS was in Heaven briefly and then returned to the world and Earth [(Matthew 17.3-8) as witnessed, though distinguish this from the Second Coming event yet to occur]. So of higher miraculous Grace the Holy One is able to be or not be seen, transfiguring or not.

    Of Mercy the higher transfigured may lift and carry a person to other worldly places and times and other (see below) (Revelation 4.2). Of Peace is with the Merciful agreeing to the above Holy Higher value per se, whether in this vessel or that: the Holy Spirit dwells in all Righteousness: beyond speed (see previous sentence "times").

    Like unto the greatest of the two commandments of Christ JESUS, is the second (Matthew 22.37-39 / Deuteronomy 6.8): the Heavenly realm and the Anointed Holy Vessel(s) in the world realm and in the subset as the grafting continues.

    For example a Vessel (see above "Revelation 4.2"), a Holy Person reports back to the people and this same Holy Person can Anoint things and can Baptize and so on. If to so choose, then the lower vessel can freely opt to agree to become as high a Vessel as so chosen to be: to agree to be a certain level new higher creature. So for instance if a sinner creature, such as of former ignorance ("exceptions apply", see text above) arise whether or not for instance involving a DNA modification, then the creature might be new, whether human or not; also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on lower level missions.

    So too nations are effected by Peace Missions, And Treaties: transfiguring can also apply to many at once: reference Mass Marriages for instance. In the secular, for instance in USA there were many recognized languages and then it was an English speaking nation (with other talents).

    In the Drawing above C can be as a transformer yet living, able to instantly be with talent (much evidenced, greater is the higher unseen). Of Mercy (lower level mission) to be made into a new creature for higher Oneness, of Merciful Peace to be Chosen and then to freely opt to agree and then to become the new creature.

    Other types apply (greater unseen).

    Christ JESUS would have there be of free opting that people choose wisely alway, at Church at home at work, and so on, and of the Heavenly Creator that each and all these agree, hence toward Heavenly value(es) that money cannot buy, along with the body yet the body led by the Heavenly and not in reverse [(stated as "not" for their sakes) in the sense that for instance they should not be toward eating their own arm (]: secular governments, businesses, and others eat their own arms, and they have records to prove such so they burn their own ["truths" (1 John 2.21)], they consume their own living testimonies so hardly to be at Peace with the Holy All Knowing Sword Of Justice Christ JESUS, and hardly able to even make a true whole confessional toward FULL REPENTANCE save the Mercy of Christ JESUS and refrain from trying to use Christ JESUS as an excuse to sin.

    Christian Leader(s) be wise to understand that sinners might not agree with You, and that they might try to compete against You and such can appear as conspiracies and some are, though of the Holy Physics Of The Eternal Creator they eat their own arms to hurt You until they can hurt You no more: let Your longsuffering become joy for them in Christ JESUS [as in the previous sentence they cannot find lasting joy on their own (save even so this context is hardly about an Evangelist Member's accomplishments or lack, save rather of the Holy Whole Eternal JESUS)].

    As much as able, even if secular, let government(s) and buiness(es) and all tell the truth and with such to not fight against any that tell the truth and also consider the context (the precept on precept)[(as previously in this Series if a child knows "Hot" pain and the child runs toward the busy street the parent might yell "Hot") if to be struck by a car is pressure: heat]. Tell truth wisely for their sakes lest to lose helping hands that might wash tired feet.

    Now the truth is Christ JESUS would have civilization make progress and logic is not the key, logic is a key. A high tech house and car are not as much value now today if they are buried or the sun: the key context of love must be present, and greater in Christ JESUS, that the technology and government(s) and system(s) and such apply properly. A logic device is as a small stone that was flipped a thousand years ago and is as though lost and buried and forgotten. Such is the business and civilization of today lest of the higher keys as One, such is a person lest of the higher keys as One.

    Through these keys is how all would agree, whether terrorists, or bank robbers, or Church burners, or victims: One Civilization (Final End Time), One Government, One System Of Free Enterprise Business(es) [and other Group(s)]. To properly agree is the ascending with those who cannot help themselves as much as they so agree to properly ascend. Hardly of words and then to turn from them, since such becomes lies (rather True Prophet), so if to want to know the future stock picks for instance then to be of real truth already, then therefore to know lovingly to not so pick unfairly against others: One Law, One Money (not two monies, one for you another lesser for them).

    Whether democracy or communism or monarchy or other, such things are merely tools, save the higher keys, otherwise such tools virtually have nothing to do with the root of all evil. Tools, such as sailboats for instance, can be utilized properly and all the families enjoy the day, though often sailboats have been used to cut the wind from other sailboats unfairly toward causing and perpetuating retaliations (see above eating arms). Example: "Most of the people I contacted spoke of the center in vague terms. The most common refrain: "I don't know what they do over there." (

    Ignorance is not bliss (Leviticus 5.15 with Ecclesiastes 9.11 YLT).

    Ignorance of the Law Of Physics Of The Creator is toward "eating their own arm" (see above).

    Yet the Christian Church is able to make conversions through Christianity in Christ JESUS though Christ JESUS One ascending finds decreasing need of money toward obsolete (if Luke 9.3 then to hardly have to worry about Luke 3.11 save if they need a coat it does not mean they need money if no coat sellers are available), even so if the ascending Christian has higher purpose through the higher keys for their sakes then conditionally there can be types of values.

    Bigfoot human would need to learn many truths, Christian Evangelist. First the keys above found in Christ JESUS, also consider how an immigrant might speak little of the language though often is found such understands money.

    Money is important because it is a standard in usage as practiced by this current generation [and more or less in other generations (those in authority might call themselves friends of the people though more or less be friends of the money as benefactors,]. So Evangelist for Bigfoot human as for an immigrant, edify in Christ JESUS as with gestures, sounds, and gifts, advancing proper communications, yet eventually leave not the other to be left undone, that is, from the highest level then to the lower money edify that the trust be arranged properly (this was and is to fulfill, so that Christ JESUS was able to fullfil the law), in other words and not to excuse sin, there is One Way money can be counted as if clean (toward the opposite is that Christ JESUS was counted among the sinners), yet the Holy Creator created all for good higher purpose. If Christ JESUS visited in a time that sinners used money to commit sins, then Christ JESUS was counted among the sinners (this is hardly to judge the money, system, nor Christ JESUS, rather the discerning of the fruits with awareness [not ignorance] of the Tree Of Knowledge).

    So Christ JESUS utilized money properly even if paying taxes or if giving money in Charity, even if the recipient(s) might previously have opted toward sin(s) (Luke 19.3-8). Note that Christianity is not for money laundering, as otherwise is currently establish money standards (reference checkbook for example), though Christianity is free to opt whether to guide (perhaps for a price, per se, and the price might be -high, -medium, -low, zero, or +charity).

    A Christian Evangelism key is to know the high keys, precepts, standards, Flow (priorities, upward direction, higher purpose anewing,...) as appropriately for fitting into a vessel, whether the vessel is an aloft Ark design on paper or on computers, or an aloft Ark design in practice with construction and growing, or whether to fill a human body vessel with goodness righteously and properly. For instance if given two brick sized vessels, and one is a brick and the other is a sponge, then although the brick is porous, the sponge fills more rapidly with the Blood Of Christ JESUS.

    The Bigfoot vessel might have greater or lesser talents and rates and capacities, so while You have Your Christian priorities standards and optimal (as far as Your ability as much as known currently) rates such as fill rates and such as keeping in heart (in the world measured often in reverse, such as memory retention; rather from above solving from the Heart above [given situations apply]); the Bigfoot vessel has had it's own formed habits with interpretations accordingly.

    So a Bigfoot Evangelism key is to overcome their lesser value habits with greater value habits and rather the Holy Flow.

    You might make the anthropologist mad at You for instance unless You first have the anthropologist investigate toward first contacts (even if also for secular private interests, see "price" above), therefore first make sure the anthropologist is Christian (if so opted, hardly toward stopping from helping Bigfoot tribe(s) if such want to be Christian). So there are authorities and scientists with responsibilities that often serve goodly purposes. If to utilize inert (see above "zero") materials to build a flying Ark vessel is difficult, then so much tougher is to properly Baptize what was a sinner (see above "-"), Who can do such things as these as the world has not known?: Beloved Conqueror (Acts 18.10).

    The anthropologist would study Bigfoot human society and culture and other things unusual to Your civilization, so if the anthropologist is absent, let the Evangelist consider such anthropological documentation for each case, though of routine is much already from within Your civilization as previously, though now with Bigfoot human is cause to be especially caring to listen to each thing and gesture..., and often especially their seemingly more silly sayings and doings that might seem out of place and hardly toward reality, since God gave them to You for a higher purpose, such as if they communicate some strange power that seems nonsensical. To measure and categorize such things can have not only great Christian Evangelism values, yet can impact civilization in various ways.

    Hardly toward censorship, though for their sakes let some be considered and opted as private for a certain level (and similarly grouped in the secular as much as applicable) such as toward confessional toward full repentance (honing might also apply, reference Your Christian Church criteria).

    New Anthropology Methodology In Christ JESUS: As is written "stay awake at all times" even in Your dreams (see mid page). In bed in a dream early this morning was the self in the dream in a low bed near the floor with right hand hanging toward the floor [and while in the dream] the dream self felt someone or something grabbing the hand (Daniel 5.5) and long story short the self pulled the person up through the floor which remained solid throughout and they appeared to gain health, and the self Blessed them in Christ JESUS. New Anthropology is hardly a spectator sport.

    There have been reported cases in which the news reporters did their jobs per se, they reported about victims when they could have solved and saved the victims. In any line of work and/or adventure and/or other, a person may find opportunity to do good above and beyond previous methodology, beyond previous parameters yet for good higher purpose.

    If to have a Flock and/or crews of experts, then earnestly seek that they be Christian or at least seeking to be anxious to help others; they don't have to show physical energy, nor speak excitedly, nor to be as a pep squad, unless pertinent to the mission. Otherwise it is generally sufficient if they merely agree (James 5.12).

    If an anthropologist observes and records as they were taught (good or goodly so far) but they do not help the Bigfoot human such as toward Evangelizing, then they are not part of Your Team. They can be likened unto 2D [toward paper (or computer or television...) and pic and word documentation] when You require 3D Will Of God action: Your Team conquering for Christ JESUS. To be more clear, if a person falls into quicksand and another person thinks this would make a great story instead of thinking to pull them out of the quicksand, then both may lose. Truly, truly, many people would rather die than get dirty even if to save their own life (note related to this and the great outdoors as with camping: if to step into quicksand immediately lie down and swim out, here is a related Affiliated old site

    Christ JESUS went a little lower to serve (see lower Drawing at, and people were decreed to till the ground (Genesis 2.5), and to rather do as Christ JESUS wisely understanding for unseen higher purpose properly Baptizing and Shepherding similar to how a seed is planted with no visible results for a very long time, perhaps through many attempts. It is written in Genesis 2.19 DBT:


    "animal" "soul"

    though of precepts of Christ JESUS, and not as many confused people wrongly admire (see ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS at and the bottom of ).

    There is a Spirit Of God in each and all created by the Holy Creator (see ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS) but of the free gift of knowledge many have chosen to turn away [(cast out) or toward such]. Everything is alive (ibid.). The ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS has been specifying the details, with where people can find pertinent details in the Christian Bible.

    Yet concerning the "soul", it is slightly in another context, more pertinent to the prior couple of ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS. Even so, the soul is also of the worm, applicable to each and all, though the soul is of the flesh in this world. Similar to how the anthropologist may at times need to not only report on findings yet also anew launch out to help an injured person or a person about to eat spoiled foods, or a person otherwise in immediate need; so too is the making and/or finding worthy to lift properly in precepts of Christ JESUS unto the higher unseen Value.

    For example, if an anthropologist helps an injured Bigfoot human, the New Anthropologist may be risking their life, though the New Anthropologist may be making a breakthrough that the injured and others become civilized, and hopefully Christian.

    This is Sermon is hardly toward increasing risk, rather the opposite with proper preparing to minimize risk, in all situations, therefore in Christ JESUS, therefore increasing Faith In Christ JESUS per incident, therefore increasing Faith In The Holy Flow In Christ JESUS (Grace: Soul: Heart: Blood).

    Roundup all the troops You need, whether to go camping and in search of Bigfoot humans by Yourself with God, or with Your Christian Crew. Perhaps find them and show them how to build a fire or how to better start a fire and cook, perhaps show them how to fish. Maybe You would enjoy such for a change of pace. Yet keep the mission in mind lest to become vulnerable in the forest as a fish out of water, away from street signs.

    The higher ascending Path is the righteous Flow Way of higher missions, yet leave hardly the lower missions left undone, in this sentence referring to two things, Your recordkeeping, and Your physically reaching out to help Bigfoot humans perhaps with gift giving such as cloth, fishing line, and/or other. So there are minor lower missions, not hesitations (, Joshua 18.3, and Proverbs 23.13) though might be counted as if such times by the secular witnesses clamoring for their stories (Ezra 3.13). Stopping and stooping to help someone is no big disgrace (Psalm 113.6).

    Your civilization(s), government(s), and other group(s) [plural, depending on point of view] are Blessed, lest You be not one of their members. So You Flow from their Blessedness unto higher Blessings for them and yet in Christ JESUS distinguishing the fruits of the precepts.

    One such is their [Your / previous sentence] definition of Bigfoot as human, and their defining authority (note: many worldly definitions are very wrong and sinful; even so of proper Faith In You Ascending In Christ JESUS the good part if any is added unto You) is as: Experts have reportedly found Bigfoot DNA as human, and many non-DNA experts though experts in their own fields have agreed (whether secular or Christian) as: For instance as reported Dr. Melba S. Ketchum attended Texas A&M University where she received the Doctorate Degree in Veterinary Medicine and is Founder and President DNA Diagnostics, Inc. d/b/a Shelterwood Laboratories which was established in 1985 ( above Drawing "announcement" of "Constitutional rights"): legally recognized entities.

    Bigfoot: creatures that escape from people, and other info.

    Christ JESUS knows that a person one moment might be in a friendly mood and kind, and in another moment that same person might be ferocious (Matthew 26.55 Darby). So too are the temporary creatures of the wild, though some are toward always being on the attack, and some are toward always being Graceful (example: impala) (Matthew 26.55).

    On television people have reported Bigfoot escapings, moving very quickly, though often silently even when nearby; stealthily, Gracefully.

    If of the Drawing B or C of currently understood advancing technologies: kudos. If of the Drawing the big top center pic of evolving and adapting: kudos, even though of possibly hidden technologies: understanding there is a cooperative nature to Bigfoot previous to the DNA sampling, the footprints, photos, and films: previous clarity (see above "rather than bias due to after-the-fact").

    Concerning B and C, the Christian Church is hardly the place to selfishly sinfully show off new costumes though helpful if such is for their benefit rather than for the self, such as to be appealing for the sake of the Lord JESUS [(Job 38.3) higher purpose], and such as to appear toward civilized and friendly rather than toward gang wars, though if anything atypical then toward consulting Your Christian Church criteria and making Your Christian Church Official aware, and make aware as many others in advance as much as appropriate (examples: one had a ballerina, another had cheerleaders, another had poisonous snakes; such and/or Bigfoot imitator humans might seem out of place to various people (Psalm 5.7 NIV) (the word "imitator" in this sentence is stated for readability, when actually the purpose might not have been to imitate); otherwise, other than the imitator:

    A key is natural wild Bigfoot was similar to the other vessels unseen [of a given level], for instance the big fish Coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) was thought long extinct, and was not known for attacking people nor things people valued: toward human friendly. Many vessels come with no guarantees, especially living entities; powerplants, houses, cars, and aloft Arks might come with manufacturer guarantees, and for instance a sales person might sell a bird and say "I guarantee it will sing".

    Though for Bigfoot human to enter Your aloft Chapel, such as near the Empire State Building ( may quickly change from Evangelism delight to many big problems. If given the natural creature Bigfoot human entering Your aloft Ark, there are obvious concerns, such as too bulky to fit through the otherwise human entrance (note other big or small people have such problems too that You might address), also there are fingernail and toenail snag concerns, disorientation panic concerns, altitude panic concerns, mass weight pressure adjusting concerns, and such: Bigfoot human might run amok in Your aloft Ark, or in Your Earth based Church building, or in the midst of Your Christian gathering of people.

    This is hardly to blame Bigfoot human, rather the importance of prepping Bigfoot human, planning ahead: this can also be problematic (Luke 22.31) as Satan desires to sift each heart, so if You show by example to sift to refine Bigfoot appearance prior to acceptance then hardly toward the goodly example. People that are fully repentant and anxious to be Baptized into Christianity should hardly be rejected [(Matthew 3.15) for higher level, same level, or lower level this precept applies since a yet higher precept applies (Jeremiah 3.19)].

    So a key is, if human then You may Baptize; if not human spirit authority as the head guiding then You may Anoint: at least Anoint any good of Your Universe One.

    If Bigfoot is not trusted in You as being human, check Your reasoning(s) in Christ JESUS; whether right or wrong, be wise to bear in mind the cross of the secular as part of Your burden to carry, and that the secular might have offered the wrong information, so correct their erroneous ideas at least in Your Sermons, and continue on the Ascending Trend that expertise over such be added unto You, that in victory You be the go-to-Authority on the subject. Understand the media may flock to You so prepare for them and their viewers (note: if on radio hardly drone, if on TV hardly be as if a statue).

    In the secular entertainment television series of great current popularity Game of Thrones, the secular are "frustrated by his inability to enact meaningful laws to protect the common folk," [showing the need for New Christianity, in You for their sakes; they:] "became obsessed with dragons, which had been extinct" [but there were] "dragon eggs" (

    Today in this generation is evidence found of ancient advanced civilizations and other civilizations, with evidence of giant Philistines and/or Bigfoot humans; also existing is evidence with proofs that DNA can be manipulated

    casting evolution aside

    (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on time and on timelessness added to You), note that some secular groups are closely aligned with Christianity, and others less [though (Matthew 5.45)]:

    an extinct creature can be reanimated and You can tell it what to do,

    You can manipulate it.

    You can cause it to tell the other historic creatures what to do (cyclical wormhole timewarp)

    and the key is Christ JESUS.

    If You have built Your growing aloft Ark then You know much more than mere cyclical, spiral, and straight line wormhole theories: utilizing for Christ JESUS: see this verse as written in Genesis 6.3 WBT:

    So with Your One Pure Christian Flesh In The True Image Of Christ JESUS In Heavenly Father Holy Spirit of Comfort to give joy eternally Your Godly age limit is eternal though toward as much as others You JESUS are lifting. As a matter of Grace defense as written in John 10.34: Jesus replied, "Is it not written in your Law: 'I have said you are gods' ?

    "Ye are gods"

    (from Psalm 82.6)

    But when sinners mislay trusts to honor transplants and modified clay vessels built by hands (in secular Former Logic Only such is known as barriers, and of the saved such is the full repentance requirement process [Matthew 17.4 for example] is known in higher levels as honing). An example including both secular and higher is "He said, "You took the gods I had made and the priest, and went away." (from Judges 18.24 HCS).

    Such civilizations of sinfulness come and go [destroyed], as the Eternal continues living.

    What should You tell them to do, to make things better eternally?: Christ JESUS.

    Now: since one (and greater) tried to go back down without success into lower level mission attempt(s) be wise to understand some was forbidden (Luke 16.25) lest they would have had no free gift of choice; though some was allowed (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Firmaments and other levels).

    Natural wild Bigfoot human needs to know and do full repentance, and pending Your Christian Church criteria, they might then continue in Your Church or might no longer be around (Luke 9.50). Example: Bigfoot human might prefer to live in the wilderness or on a tribe as Your ancestors did and be toward setting up a new [Branch of Yours or] a Christian Church there. In another example Your aloft Ark might be comfortable for people except Bigfoot type people might find it too stuffy and lacking trees and body odors that help them live.

    Christ JESUS taught Grace, Mercy, and Peace; Love, Charity, and Guidance; and greater.

    So to live shall a person repeatedly cycle through a wormhole?, more no than yes, save on the higher levels in Christ JESUS One. If to explain in secular terms, then no, it is hardly of significance to cycle through a wormhole repeatedly since for ascending for Christ JESUS, also hardly about round cycling and rather of the straight and narrow.

    Consider how a lower level person has thought to do good, such as the hero of a time travel movie going back in time to fix what was changed, or such as a slightly higher level going back such as for the purpose of Evangelizing the Philistine giant [and nation] so it wouldn't have to die and rather to save the soul: both of these are items: during the length of Eternal Time these two events / examples are brief moments. Rather the Heavenly One is continuous, glory both from step to higher step and glory inbetween any measurable steps: hardly of step events and victories, rather ongoing higher victory.

    The high Heaven is the eternal now adding and magnifying Holy value (with immediate outpouring). It is counted in the world as victories, things; though is rather as the magnifying rate of increase

    (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS with Drawings showing the purple curved line ascending over yellow).

    To pick up the Christian Bible is toward goodness, toward the Word and Will, though toward a step in the right direction. Many Christian Leaders speak of the flow: the Holy Flow, and of the Path, and the Holy Journey. Similar to road signs, items along the Way are unturned spirits (normally, if any created remains reference Final End Time). On the Path though if not ascending is as if to place an item on the Path similar to a parked car on a highway as a barrier as [followers,] drivers swerve to go around or have accidents and many become misled (detours) and many slow and stop in the traffic jam.

    Your Aloft Ark can flow with the tailwind and can lead in rate of travel along the Charity Path such as to search for Bigfoot humans. To pick up an item such as a Bible, is a brief flow victory such as Your eye and arm so doing. To ride Your Aloft Ark advertising Christianity is toward a flow of picking up Bibles and for others. This is similar to broadcasting Christian Sermons yet with You personally being the broadcast energy: Your Flowing Holy Flesh energy for One Christ JESUS.

    Furthermore this flowing of You above guides You unto created physics flow(s) (nearly all can be measured if sinners so would do, save the greater unseen, that is, the Known Universe can be measured by nominal definition since known). Set Your Heart And Mind on the higher things and more comprehensive the proper order (Commands Of God with precept on precept properly in Christ JESUS One) toward the proper magnifying victory Flow Path.

    To do so is toward Your flowing vessel. And You can literally flow with others. A boat captain can head downstream with a crew and others, or similarly on the greater ocean, the smaller craft helps a little though of important value, the large ocean going craft caries and serves the greater Flocks: helping to Flow people and supplies, and the people and supplies might come and go according to aircraft or adjacent watercraft (or other, perhaps brief layovers at ports). This is a key Flow Trend (motif of a pattern example).

    If Your Aloft Ark For Christ JESUS colonizes and supplies through the Universe, then acting as a Flow on behalf of Christ JESUS Beloved One.

    The secular sinner might claim they invented the wormhole and eternal life accordingly, and the secular has it's own hell to reward them such as if they so journey and see the same events repeated cyclically such as daily (reference secular great movie Groundhog Day) or every decade for eternity or even if only a few trillion years.

    While the sinner can imitate the Holy Christian, the sinner fails while the Holy One ascends.

    The Bigfoot human, since human, is also in the image of Christ JESUS [Spirits can be in (see above "greater ocean" vessels)] (Berean Perspective Apologetics site with pic

    So while there are vessels within vessels (, not each vessel is the same level, examples: You can be in a lower level boat, while Your lower level intestine can be in You. In other words, the word "up" in the secular is hardly symbolic of the One True Up In Christ JESUS.

    You, Bigfoot human, and people with transplants have "up" within them, up to the human level, or with added higher magnifying Christ JESUS One.

    To communicate then is within Holy Love Flow, save wisely of the Tree Of Knowledge (see above Known Universe) then with as much as counted as [measurable amount(s)] from Holy Flow to Holy Flow: from Holy Wisdom Flow to Holy Wisdom Flow.

    So You can talk to and/or with the spirits of things (such as to trees, rocks, and cars [such as "Christ JESUS please let this car start") even if You don't understand what You hear from them (from their lower level confusion [or if concerning any higher level then if not listening properly]).

    Yet rather seek to speak and/or prayerfully abide for Christ JESUS with the higher of their vessels group.

    This is hardly therefore of a vessel, such as Your Vessel, Your Body in the flesh. This key is Your highest of the group of vessels: Your Highest Holy Spirit within Your highest vessel, if You have any vessel measurable (such as prior to this Creation or after Final End Time [save if such would opt to measure]).

    To communicate such as to not have an accident, though normally for higher purpose (no accident understood, conversationally), it is written "To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood" (Galatians 1.16).

    So of this key was the Spiritual "conferred" with the Spiritual in Christ JESUS. Note that if to need to confer, then of the "need" is that there is a higher level aspect; subsequently then with agreeing is an aspect ascending or both ascending.

    In lay terms for now, it is not appropriate to Baptize a fish, but if that fish is genetically modified, or if a monkey has certain transplants, Your Christian Church should study on these things and the Holy Flow for their sakes; ascend to study on greater with greater expertise: New Christianity.

    You can anticipate accidents to come, and be aware the secular sinners and the young and foolish would seek to test the limits and wrongly beyond (reference human animal symbolism on the walls of the Great Pyramid Of Egypt).

    Also be wise in Christ JESUS to lovingly know from above One: some people view Goodness as if against themselves.

    The UFOs have come from other stars reasonably and evidently (see below "The Grays!"). God gave dominion over animals and lower creatures. If a more advanced civilization comes to You, seek Christ JESUS to be revealed in them quickly, as they might be technologically advanced though not Christian. While over lower vessels, the greater unseen includes greater high level vessels [whether of flesh or other (Ezekiel 1.20)] over which is hardly Your former fleshly dominion though according to Your One Grace.

    See that Your Flock be of Faith In One Christ JESUS. Rather than Member and then Baptism, You may want to alway protect Your Flock via Baptism then Member. Perhaps You would say "You have been Baptized by Us In The Name Of Christ JESUS so according to Our Christian Church custom You are now Officially a Member Of Our Church".

    Note that some creatures do not want to be under water: Baptism is of free choice, not by force (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on infants and the young being Christened). If Bigfoot human is not Baptized, and since human (see above Drawing) and not a thing (less about Annoint), then if of sufficient agreeing (not force nor against the Will (not lower level law, rather with their free choice agreeing with Your free choice) then Bigfoot human might be Christened if not an insult to Bigfoot as Christening would be for Good for Bigfoot human.

    The Christening that parents may be anxious to do includes for their protection: Grace. It is a new start in the proper direction, though proper Christian Baptism is sufficient to cover such, as the young are protected already (yet of Grace, Love, Mercy and such hardly let Church fight against Church on such principles; even so consider Baptism and whether of higher level any distinguishing is in place, and even for their sakes as much as not straying from the Holy Path consider current civilization laws such as concerning age discrimination, DNA modification responsibilities, humans from Manna Machines (future), remote Baptisms, and so on.

    Of hybrid humans, consider Christ JESUS came from above, another type of vessel (Spirit, plasma, and greater) yet often in human form in this world.

    UFOs come from the sky and interact with the deep waters evidently, and may contain Bigfoot humans in the form of the natural or the synthetic or greater (see above).

    If a partly higher lifeform with a partly lower (animal) lifeform attached, then to address the highest [human authority, since You are human level [secular] and since You One is human sitting on One Right Hand]. In other words hardly address the lower spirits of turning under Firmament, rather address the highest of a given vessel (and hardly leave the other left undone (Matthew 5.25), and as written in Judges 15.12:

    so be aware even if lower levels attempt to guide otherwise (such as so the lower levels don't have to do extra thinking and working), You can negotiate at virtually any and all levels, though seek to gain the top vessel level awareness of Christ JESUS (as much as Your Priorities Over Mission(s) is applicable). Consider that a person suffering mental retardation might be hardly in condition to agree nor disagree, similar with an exhausted person, and a person unawares, and of language barriers: so according to Your Christian Church criteria consider vessel (with Spirit) integrity.

    Christ JESUS is revealing the end of an age, in many ways, all for One higher purpose in the Heavenly Father.

    One of these is since the beginning of time there was the Eternal Spiritual Worship until [less toward end and more New Beginning] Worship became also in Created Christ JESUS [Doing Righteous Things (example Luke 7.44)].

    The end, rather a New Beginning was when the flesh no longer died per se according to overcoming higher Firmamemt(s) via lifting from above (John 15.16, John 11.43, 2 Peter 1.5,...).

    The end, rather a New Beginning was when the flesh no longer was lost (Tree Of Knowledge) rather of other levels ascending in worthiness (see below 2 Peter 1.5...).

    Since the Christian is in Christ JESUS, the end, rather a New Beginning was when the Christian(s) made and Will prepare for others the Properly Guiding Flow Way (ibid.).

    Since the Christian is in Christ JESUS, the individual ends, rather a New Beginnings are when the Christian(s) made and Will make New Vessels and New Creatures [(Matthew 28.19...) perhaps in this generation Bigfoot human Christians, pending properly].

    The end like unto these previous is Final End Time though rather Each And All One New Beginning(s) (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS with detailed Drawings).

    Christ JESUS is of the true future as though already come to be [flesh] in other words True Christian Planning hardly for a goal rather constant highest goal achieving rate for all. This is not without the next higher step nor leap, this is not without victory after victory, this is not without precept properly on precept, rather with all these good things as One Good [Thing] Work In The Heavenly Spirit.

    The above indented lines each and all as One show the New True Faith In Christ JESUS Holy Trend specifically in details. Rather than a cited reference source is the bounty of Each And All Truth And Proper Reason In Proper Wisdom.

    To lovingly caringly charitably know this ascending One Faithful Reliable Flow is for instance to know an item along the True Flow such as concerning Bigfoot and Christianity: let Your Flock be toward agreeing in Your Christian Church criteria and then let Your High Christian Priest Lead (see above "top vessel level"). That is, High Priest hardly leave the other Members be left undone concerning input (perhaps first at the Officers level, then the adult level, then [as much as parents agree for instance] at the all Members level), yet let the Top Leadership lead, and responsibly (which may be personal and/or representing others, so You may want to specify for legal reasons, and for higher future guiding in case people want source reference citing and/or further guidance).

    Superadd properly, add properly on top of add on top of Christ JESUS (magnify and grow properly in Christ JESUS) as written in 2 Peter 1.5 YLT:

    Bigfoot is reported as having superhuman strength and superhuman abilities, such as of the idea of creatures from outer space (reference the stars and creatures displayed on the walls of pyramids, and similarly the artifacts, noting not all artifacts are ancient, and some are to be formed by You and/or Yours see the previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on New Manna Machine(s) with new forming and creating capabilities).

    Bigfoot likely has had a big [secret] role in drug research (including DNA matters, and transplanting) as much as Bigfoot has been able to be caught (if so, even with various evidence, not discussed here due to possible conflicts of interests: for their sakes). People for instance test drugs on animals that have traits similar to human traits, so if Bigfoot was legally considered as not human, then the health and research communities for instances might likely have been thrilled if such a creature was caught for testing: though the above Drawing now shows: human.

    Bigfoot humans may have been oppressed, if so be quick to make aware in Your Flock similarly the Chosen People had been oppressed and You are aware God did something about it (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at see above "hunted").

    If some or all Bigfoot humans came from outer space, then expectedly from an advanced civilization in terms of technologies, hence powerful and more powerful than this current Earthly civilization, save as much as Faithful Christians and rather Faithfully Ascending In The New Christianity Flow of the Teaching And Way Of Christ JESUS precept on precept as One. In context in the movie Big adults formally discussed the charts and numbers until a boy character, Tom Hanks, humbly said "bug" appropriately in the right time and place and in so doing solved their many various concerns (Isaiah 11.6) with the greatest meeting the "humblest" ( GWT with Ellicott's Commentary) in One.

    Being humble is toward eternal living. Greatness as viewed by others in the world, is according to worldly fans with associated periphery that can come and go since of worldly sinners and things involved with sinners). So if to be met by any higher civilization (technologically) then first to humbly offer Graceful Guidance In The Name Of Christ JESUS, then to offer great gifts as much as they might be ready to properly receive (yet allow Mercy to flow for their sake(s) especially initially). Also, if otherwise such as if to defend technologically, then to undo the self since as stated they be more advanced "technologically".

    Similar is if any approach with talents unknown. Similar is to form good habits and rather Oneness, so if it is known that You are more powerful: accept humbly; exceptions apply, such as if You properly understand they are currently attacking, then Grace and since not only Spirit yet also with Anointed Things as discussed above, then such as to shield against the onslaught (1 Corinthians 10.13 and as comes available as with Matthew 10.10) as Christ JESUS One provides.

    If Bigfoot human comes from Philistines or other humans then as much as toward repentance then legal, and so forth ascending.

    If Bigfoot human comes from caves living as animals (not counting above Drawing A, B, & C) then humble Grace to make peace and guide is important toward trusting and communicating in the name of Christ JESUS One, to start. Since a "human" of the habit of having preferred to be "living as animals" then accounted legally toward either legal or illegal (whether attacking humans and/or things legally belonging to humans, or whether not attacking), also concerning Holiness levels whether of sufficient repentance and interest in being Baptized. Interest may be measured depending on Your Christian Church criteria as stated above, and while medical things such as organs, shape of feet and other may have a role in determining legality concerning human, it is a Church factor unless the Church finds an illegal law or a law being misinterpreted as often has happened in the world.

    Christ JESUS fulfilled the law. Be wise to consider the law is the One Christian Law, even so, Christ JESUS also fulfilled the good purpose of worldly law(s) which otherwise involved severe and taxing discipline [for instance JESUS carefully chose His Words (Matthew 27.11/Matthew 2.2) doing the Will of the Heavenly Father].

    With having been given the above, now therefore a key can be given. If legal and if Bigfoot type creatures are similar but not technically legally human, then it is the Flow Way Of The Ascending Creator that One help the nearly human become human. This also involves the maintenance factor, of the worthiness factor, save of higher need of simply choosing to so Do for Christ JESUS.

    Concerning maintenance and worthiness is the higher concern that if pertinent ascending is lacking, then to move on: ascend with the ascending, the agreeing, any agreeing to ascend and also they and You ascending together toward higher levels for Highest Oneness Purpose In Christ JESUS.

    But if the sect such as the Philistines preferred sins, then be for helping rather to guide any as appreciative and rather to help any according to highest priority of the Will Of Christ JESUS One. In other words, rather than take away any ascending and any free choice, rather best help those in need of help and those also Willing and not toward casting pearl before swine.

    So if to DNA manipulate to change an animal into a person, then to first (do the Will Of Christ JESUS, and) check to see if the animal is so toward agreeing for higher purpose (in Christ JESUS One). If not toward agreeing and the animal is made into a person anyway, then check to see if the secular works yielded goodly results, and then if You Christian find such Good, then agree to such practice(s) (though check Your Christian Church criteria, and perhaps check to see if the criteria should be updated for the higher purpose in Christ JESUS).

    Likewise if to raise a robot to a living cyborg toward human, similar applies, with or without computerization (former logic), though if of thinking, then (ibid. and) as much as able of talent (with any consulting) to be aware then so establish concerns, such as to allow much but not if unable to fully repent for Christian Baptism Firmament, or repent sufficient to satisfy a pertinent lower level.

    Of the Holy Flow allow and enable these precepts to be functioning together as One, that Your Path be the Eternal One for Christ JESUS.

    Christ JESUS would have people abide in the True Path flowing with living, as Christian lives continue (James 3.18) while others hone themselves, sifted away by the excessive cares of themselves (ibid.) and the secular generally does not call many sinful things toward illegal such as cutting off body parts due to exhaustive lack of reasoning in the workplace or similarly such as asleep at the wheel. China for instance was known for such discipline with lack of mercy, though as previously stated in this ICCDBB Series Of Sermon For Christ JESUS, China has had increasing Christianity.

    Now reported this year "A Chinese Christian woman sings during a prayer service at an underground Protestant church in Beijing" ( 23, 2017 -) (Revelation 13.3).

    Humans have been splicing animal genes and increasingly identifying and modifying particular traits. Now in this generation the Chinese have "For the first time," modified "DNA in [86] human embryos," 2015 (, though the article and others failed to cite and give credit for Christ JESUS.

    So a key is Christian Humble Goodness Of Spirit arose, the nation advanced, the nation did not give credit for Christ JESUS, and of the True Flow then next is what?,

    next is either it falls in part or in whole, even perhaps a flood of fire over Earth and the Milky Way,

    or depending on the Christianity of others there are options, or also from above levels options are available.

    The Chinese did some secular things goodly modifying DNA so embryo blood did not cause fatalities, though without giving Christ JESUS the credit hardly Good and more likely toward Good. For instance a sinner can look at a Christian Church (toward Good) but then might turn away toward loosing what they seemed as if to eternally possess. The eye-of-the-needle is both a physical door(s) (bread) and a Spiritual Door Christ JESUS (ibid. with wine: yielding greater unseen Heavenly Eternal), the eye-of-the-needle of the Physics Of The Creator is a beautiful entranceway as beautiful Heaven is on one side without evil, without sin; so the extra burdens sinners carry are unable to enter the eye-of-the-needle Firmament, the sinners are not allowed to contaminate Heaven.

    To the secular the eye-of-the-needle is the hollow needle that splices DNA, that even with many successes the greater Flow Higher is unseen [similarly (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on parents that hope children will do better than the parents [goodly] though the parents do not so do) as it is easy to leave the ascending part to others, generation after generation].

    Bigfoot humans have done such generation after generation, above Drawing main pic, perhaps adapting as required (B and/or C might apply at times) though the Christian Evangelist needs to overcome in them the stagnation. For example generally a beaver dam might be walked across, though once a modern bridge is made the dam may be removed lest to flood the bridge. Likewise the DNA modifications to humans such as Bigfoot involve risks to all parties. If the Bigfoot human repents and is Baptized into Christianity but the DNA modifying person rejects Christ JESUS, it is such a symbolic situation that fits the flow-of-natural-physics that the self proclaimed Modifying King sinner (if applicable, see above not giving credit for Christ JESUS) would likely be surpassed by the Christian Bigfoot Human: rather is the solution: Christian Oneness.

    Similar is of animals, so the Planet of the Apes movies can become realities in the Christian perspective of True Prophesy contingent upon humans: life is evolving, growing, adapting, and greater unseen; so if a group is stagnant then another group grows over: New Authority (for Christ JESUS) properly on Authority (ascending but opted to turn to sin, or to no longer help the Holy Flow In Christ JESUS)(One True continuing exception is One Christ JESUS properly on One Christ JESUS).

    Every person is precious, though sometimes a person or people literally get in the Way and clog as barriers. If to stand in line it might be acceptable, though if to wait in line excessively, then such as according to higher standards it might be found not acceptable that a change is coming.

    Thanks be to the Chinese DNA modifiers, and to others similarly, to save lives; though rather more importantly is the emerging Christianity in China and as much as elsewhere, with ascending in New Christianity.

    If any become sinfully posturing themselves as if King Of Modifying DNA, then likely toward making all (including Christians) into their own image (even if to make into the image of their worldly leader(s)) so let Christians plan ahead, the days are hardly coming, the days are ready to perhaps do so now. Look on the fields of peoples, many with self made mutilations (including medical professionals practicing mutilations that are not for higher purpose in Christ JESUS)(let Your Flock Members be fully repentant of such sinful ways).

    History shows sins in the binding of babies' feet to show elite class not needing feet to rather be carried by other people, and the binding of babies' heads to elongate skulls to look more as if Heavenly visitors from other planets reportedly, though let such practices be done away, as such cripple and shorten lives. Aside from surface skin interference from head binding was a medical perspective: "so much pain was caused that the children died" ( Google search).

    So this is a key that applies not only to physical things done by hands, yet this key also applies to precision machinery such as nanotechnologies (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on nano [molecular], subatomic, and other specialized things and systems). DNA modifying and other technologies are not to bind, claw through, nor harm viable human living vessel constituents; or of Your Christian Planning to identify / discern the fruits, and guide unto minimizing any detrimental effects and affects.

    Historically a civilized nation would explore the unexplored territories and would often happen upon what was called less civilized tribes. This is a key concerning Bigfoot humans today. If to suppose for instance a Bigfoot tribe requires practice of killing left handed babies, then not fully repentant (Matthew 5.21), though if already Baptized and such is found out after-the-fact work to immediately correct (see above honing).

    The pure child is innocent as long as pure, the Christian is become pure in Christ and remains so though if not ascending then slightly toward ignorance toward few stripes (Luke 12.48 note within Christianity such symbolism only, to clarify toward immediate corrective action may be sufficient, also note excessive "stripes" can be counterproductive). While this part deals with culture and possible cultural conflicts of interests (often ambiguous in the world, though in this generation more toward lifestyles and such as flavors, praise the Lord), this of higher Christian level is rather of helping each and all unto Oneness with cultural options.

    This may sound as though a hard saying: let the natural Bigfoot human [toward] prove they are civically responsible / agreed law, and then toward Baptism (see above "on the attack", and on ability to "communicate", and other above though the Evangelist In Your Christian Church criteria may opt otherwise aware of risks yet of a leap of Faith: perhaps clarify legal responsibilities, Friend In Christ JESUS add logic properly to Your love, Mark 9.50).

    Be aware of care concerning levels and great high concerns over Firmaments as shown here in these following text triads. The following are formulae in the related Holy Precepts including formulas vertically as shown sense (while "formulae" is toward knowns or strong correlations, reference precepts of Christ JESUS; some have viewed such as archaic but proffered "duality theory" which has been evidenced as relatively toward inclusions of suppositions and loose association stop gaps as the secular tries to solve the higher level (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Firmaments and other levels as shown in many charts in Drawings, and on formulae):

    Christian Firmament human Firmament animal,

    Christian / human / animal,

    or rather than to confuse Firmament levels with other levels:

    Christian // human // animal.

    Higher options are included as normal, though not shown in the above formulae for edification purposes, though cited here, since otherwise would be toward repetition and would be the often adding of "for Christ JESUS" as much as to state properly with other words to put into context for each level per se. While the secular formulae are not concluded as perfect (since secular, see ICCDBB PCS requirement(s))(electrical example: RxI=V with IxV=W, can also be written in string of ascending or descending chain form as shown here in example W>V>I>R; reference "chain" example: Prophecy Bible).

    Christ JESUS would that humans (and all) ascend though if the natural Bigfoot human fully repents and becomes Baptized as Christian then the above concerning "Area 51 type facilities, as long as appropriate" becomes hardly "appropriate" anymore, and rather as an option (see above Drawing B & C). This is highly significant when dealing with ubiquitous subjects not previously relegated to precise formulas and calculation consistently upheld and clearly revered as truly relevant in the secular world, toward agreeing with the Chosen People key of rather than subjecting humans to slavery or similar such as any caste system, rather in the secular to work people into society (see benefits below), and rather find suitable for Christian Churches with eventual ascending in Church positions or rather proper Christian leaping.

    Natural Bigfoot vessels may have been in areas where governments warned against public entries, so governments may evidently have setup secret facilities there whether in agreements toward higher levels, or in noninterference mutualism of secular [or lower levels applicable reasonably concerning the wild natural vessel (no longer applicable given the above Drawing findings, if such is actually correct as evidenced)].

    Christian Leader, You should plan now (pending Your Christian Church criteria) to gather sensory related items and energies evidently known about Bigfoot to help Bigfoot humans feel at home in Your Church and in Your Aloft Ark, for example there have been reports Bigfoot likes to climb trees, so such becomes a venue not only for Evangelism yet also for Shepherding such as to show awesome Christian tree climbing talents likely attracting many visitors. Yet likely more in line with traditional meanings of Sermons inside buildings You may plan to have recordings of Bigfoot sounds with Your Members interpreting and putting to songs: Holy Flock Comforter(s).

    Now there were feasts of the Temple that were grand events with tons of wine, cattle, sheep, vegetables, and so on. If to plan to help Bigfoot human to fit with society, You may let Your Church such as with food donations, and other helps (see above "visitors" / invitation: opportunity to dine with awesome Bigfoot humans [perhaps]) of a specially awesome event [(perhaps such as with town financing, also many government entities have facilities and countrysides available for large crowds) as long as Christian], with plenty of what Bigfoot humans enjoy eating; yet with plenty of elbow room with recommended especially toward the start with outdoor activities (Deuteronomy 16.11 & see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS for pertinent details).

    Hardly overlooking the tail, You would likely want to alert medical and protective services, since appropriate "measure of reliability" (see above) is important, perhaps vital. In secular terms: track record.

    Establishing a record of civilized reliability is important through several or many years, and Bigfoot humans might be unfamiliar with alcohol [if provided (Titus 1.7) minimally initially closely monitoring and recording recommended], and it's effects (also likewise anger, tension toward exploding, and similar emotional or other outbursts) which tend to warrant reason for appropriate readiness with tranquilizers and other protections, with much depending on technologies available, Your feasting activities location, and other (

    Keep in mind this is to be welcoming Bigfoot humans into Your Christianity One, though this is more importantly about Christ JESUS and Christianity.

    Christ JESUS said let Your light shine, yet as in this case Bigfoot human has often been reported at night, so per se Christ JESUS otherwise said to not offend (Matthew 17.27).

    Videographers for Your Church Records (cite: see above)(ICCDBB For Christ JESUS: PCS)(3 Nephi 23.11 LDS) often for related situations want big especially bright lights, as may Your video making Members want, and Your visitors, and otherwise news reporters and Government Officials; but rather be the Gracious Holy Host and be Merciful upon Bigfoot humans as they likely have eye sensitivity: too much bright light might hurt. Check here a little, there a little, now and then (per Your Plan rather than trial and error)(One caringly know of a surety, progressing with mutual ascending responsibly Job 34.12).

    Many would want to touch a Bigfoot human, some may want to harm and kill, for self (perhaps including group or as an excuse as often evidenced) protection or to test Bigfoot human concerning vulnerability, safety, and conquering,...though if to invite and Host, then to prevent them and oversee Bigfoot human and others.

    Many would righteously want to guide Bigfoot human unto Christian involvements and practices, though again [You] oversee Bigfoot human and others.

    Your higher Christianity Mission per se is hardly about unfair paparazzi types of situations unless Bigfoot human understands the predictable ramifications, yet also key is the concerning of how Your Church might be represented by the new Member (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS rather for higher level positions since new Members may misrepresent Your Church and Christianity, though hardly toward forbidding and rather toward guiding new Members Luke 9.50).

    Plan therefore as Christ JESUS explained, to make clear Your Plans to all pertinent, in advance.

    Concerning the above Sermon and this atypical situation in the sense of Bigfoot human being so different previously, and in appearances and very possibly internally, it is also recommended Your Christian Church work with experts such as B and C above, perhaps even with military on site for initial situations. So a key is the above Christian feasting, if any, would be following this recommended step. This initial step (after intel gathering for Your initial Christian Planning, see text above) concerning actual contact toward ongoing interactions, involves two aspects: 1. Your Christian controlled enterprise amount in this context, and 2. military or other which may involve expertise and advanced technologies that may be Christian or secular.

    If item 2 is not chosen such as to replace with "If to sing" (see text above, and consider the risk or leaping as Your Christian Faith might guide), then it is nonetheless often important to make responsible others aware as appropriate.

    Keep in mind in history for instance the Philistines were the intruding attackers, but in this situation of Evangelism the Evangelist may be counted as if the intruder and perhaps therefore even as if an attacker, even if You are the legal property owner. For instance Bigfoot humans may have tribal laws and customs. Also if a person happens upon a campsite, some campers shoot (reference gem miners/various sources), and some campers might count them as if the ones that recently robbed them (when actually it was another person or people or animals/various sources): in other words, civilized people often have very clearly defined living spaces (houses, lots, fences,...) but in the wilderness often there are territories, some marked with urine, and in the case of Bigfoot humans [reportedly (various sources)] marked with trees and perhaps other.

    Please be alert to consideration of Endocrine gland related matters, and/or such as the Hirsutism medical condition, and understand the situation might be genetic (see above Drawing on DNA findings, and "For the first time," modifying): depending on such, it may also directly or indirectly associated with HIV and found in animals. In other words be aware of unseen dangers and plan accordingly.

    It is easy to make mistakes when doing new and important things (such as to Evangelize Bigfoot humans, and such as to grow Your Aloft Arks), yet the more important part is of the Holy Flow as people are expected to so go Evangelize and grow for them in the name of Christ JESUS.

    You Christ JESUS One on the Path and tracking Bigfoot! New Bigfoot Evangelism opportunity enables Bigfoot agreeing opportunity. How Christians can live in their young and healthy bodies forever as DNA conquers 120 days limit of Genesis 6:3 via the Tree Of Life as the True One Eternal Gift From Christ JESUS. Why and how to Evangelize bigger and better than before as Jesus Christ promised. How to investigate, locate, distinguish, Evangelize, fully convert and save Bigfoot both legally and Spiritually. Bigfoot DNA proof repeatedly wormhole flow found grays, medical conditions discussed, with gene and DNA modifying under Christian guidance and law to civilize Sasquatch, Yeti, and/or Game of Throne dragons evolving from modern drones on TV exosuits to living camouflage videos through altered space and time travel as to actually fix Planet of the Apes to movie Animal House problems and rather a child will lead them as in the movie Big Tom Hanks said bug and greater movie Groundhog Day was to make perfect yet rather Christianity. China increasing Christianity for the first time made viable humans from scratch recipe from animals and/or Philistine type lineage Homo sapien hominid tribes hemoglobin protein ID theft impersonating an Officer at ufo and nuclear sites deadly poisons secret rocket bases overcome the senses mind control fear extinct gods lusted heavens outer space ancient helicopter frequency waves, rather all for one good FaithLight.png: ICCDBB for Christ JESUS.

    As the Christian Bible details, the thresholds [(including Firmaments) shown as white] of secular faiths and higher Christian Faith [shown as black] become increasingly known: key of higher Christian Faith, and the victories [the knowns] are added unto You and a helpful guide for all. This key is symbolized in A through D above, with A showing many secular trial and error attempts (being born in flesh with Spiritual gift of choice), B shows the secular learning to ascend as if a formula (up or down), C is as the New Christian Member Of Your Flock headed in the right direction generally though honing [cultivating, tweaking, minor adjustments, aligning,...] is needed (such as via Your Christian Sermons and example), and D symbolizes a person walking in Faith In Christ JESUS.

    The "tweaking" is the fine adjusting. A and B above show gross mistakes. C above might seem as if an error (and true depending on interpretation context) though the arrow point left is simply continuing at the same level awhile extra (extra longsuffering by choice, similar to a person passing a school grade though with low marks on the report card hence hardly bringing higher value(s) for the journey ahead and/or upward); this is similar to how the Internet is not broken if it doesn't select the site You want to see since that is Your end user free choice to tweak.

    Of similar spelling and pertinence here is the "tweek" (Wiktionary in a sense definition:) "A form of atmospherics (radio interference) produced when the high-frequency components reach the receiver before the low-frequency". This is pertinent to Your aloft Arks, though generally included in pertinent equipment.

    This "tweek" is also key to the above Drawing on levels concerning higher Faith. Faith is more of the Christian Holy Spirit than the seen (flesh, things, and known victories). Known victories help a great deal in the lower levels. In the higher levels a person walks by [free choice gift] higher Faith In Christ JESUS, rather walks in higher Faith In Christ JESUS.

    Faith goes before the properly ascending Christian.

    Similar to how the faster high frequency goes / arrives prior to the arrival of the low frequency signal, so too the higher Faith goes and arrives and then the victories arrive.

    A, B, and C show many attempts in faiths and even in New Christian Member (and similar Christians) in Holy Faith though hardly ascending perfectly.

    With this key is another key as Christ JESUS explained, the innocent Christian would see their victimizers undone, conquered before them [(by the sword Christ JESUS [One] Leviticus 26.7), that is One, though in this sense rather than meaning carry a weapon, this means Christ JESUS is Your "Sword Of Justice" (see above, also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the Holy True Physics Of The Creator), as written in Matthew 13.30 NIV:

    As You ascend Faithfully in Christ JESUS (above Drawing symbolized comprehensive of Faith victories with the big white arrow pointing upward) the lower is as the circumcision of the Faith, revealing New Faith for higher purpose in You; with the higher part above the big arrow symbolizing the sheathed greater unseen (higher value, even as likewise most of Your body is covered with skin).

    First is higher Holy Spirit Faith In The Heavenly One Father In Christ JESUS, also pertinent to Bigfoot males and other males concerning the flesh as rather than for fighting, for higher purpose and potential joy ahead as in circumcision (see above, and 1 Samuel 17.26). It requires a bold Christian Priest (or appointee, such as an MD) to so cut such as of a virtually unknown giant gorilla clan, yet let the greater boldness be in the Bigfoot human, perhaps showing medical text pics and illustrations, with discussion of sex (at coming of appropriate age, referencing legal matters). In other words, especially in the beginning contacts, deep communicating skills are important, verbal and/or otherwise, prior to many things, perhaps prior to Baptism (1 Samuel 17.26, Abraham, and consult Your Christian Church processing criteria and plan with any appropriate in advance [of explaining to the potential New Member]).

    In other words, some people hear Your Holy Word and see Your Example Of Holy Work, of that group of people some might drop out (at the pertinent time) though the others may continue with You and be properly Baptized and processed unto higher levels: so the drop outs represent the weeds, of values, greater if of legal doings, and rather greater as they may "repent" (Doctrine and Covenants 98.44 LDS): the Physics Of The Creator are such as to guide each unto righteousness, unto ascending, let each and all endure to be saved (Matthew 24.13). So a key is that those that turn from the source of life are less able to endure in their worldly vessel(s), such as a system [vessel] to lose a corrupt scheme to attract money, and/or more literally such as to lose their body to find they are a worm [(Mark 9.48) impossible to turn downward any longer (Matthew 19.26) praise the Lord].

    So a key is hell hath it's end at it's bottom, with the other end at it's top: the Firmament (see mid page Drawing).

    So You now have awareness of the tweek energy Faith in communicating and guiding, along with the tweaking energies applied to physical controls and flesh and weeds along with keys to the parameters of hell per se. Rather is the greater higher unseen value for Perfecting Faith In Christ JESUS.

    Planned for next Sermon:

    The Grays!

    ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

    July 21, 2017 AD

    Click for ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Main Site at

    tags: New Bigfoot Evangelism opportunity enables Bigfoot agreeing opportunity. How Christians can live in their young and healthy bodies forever as DNA conquers 120 days limit of Genesis 6:3 via the Tree Of Life as the True One Eternal Gift From Christ JESUS. Why and how to Evangelize bigger and better than before as Jesus Christ promised. How to investigate, locate, distinguish, Evangelize, fully convert and save Bigfoot both legally and Spiritually. Bigfoot DNA proof repeatedly wormhole flow found grays, medical conditions discussed, with gene and DNA modifying under Christian guidance and law to civilize Sasquatch, Yeti, and/or Game of Throne dragons evolving from modern drones on TV exosuits to living camouflage videos through altered space and time travel as to actually fix Planet of the Apes to movie Animal House problems and rather a child will lead them as in the movie Big Tom Hanks said bug and greater movie Groundhog Day was to make perfect yet rather Christianity. China increasing Christianity for the first time made viable humans from scratch recipe from animals and/or Philistine type lineage Homo sapien hominid tribes hemoglobin protein ID theft impersonating an Officer at ufo and nuclear sites deadly poisions secret rocket bases overcome the senses mind control fear extinct gods lusted heavens outer space ancient helicopter frequency waves, rather all for one good: ICCDBB for Christ JESUS.

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