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Lamb Dove Unicorn

(John 1.29)(John 1.32)(

Son, Fullled Law Repentance Victory, One Father

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

JESUS The Christ the young Holy Son [Comforter (John 2.5) first sign (] stepped forward as the Lamb of God to leap as a Lamb to grow in strength as a Lamb yet with Baptism in Elias with the descending [JESUS came to Elias and the second coming (all fulfilled in Christ JESUS Luke 21.22 with Acts 13.29) was in the symbol of a Dove] unto witness of Elias that Christ JESUS show of example for others to fly as the Dove (Mark 6.48) then Christ JESUS grew strong(er) in strength and power in the Holy Spirit even more excellently beyond measure of law (as noted, again Acts 13.29) as stated in many translations of the Bible as the form of the Unicorn, as the Power Of God On Earth (known as the horse with a spiral horn with wings...). This is similar to aloft Ark capabilities.

There are things in the Bible including flying creatures seen flying above in the atmosphere, and unseen beyond sight with talk of Heavenly places in outer space. There are things in the Bible such as Angels, though in the case of this Sermon for Your greater edifying "Angels" is less discussed since currently people often have entrenched preconceived notions (yet higher Covenanting hones faiths, even righteous faith save of highest Heavenly Places) already about "Angels" such as Spiritual and not necessarily things (observed Angels are vessels per se). And that is good, normally, yet as the aloft Ark teaches precision over multitudes of available resources for sustaining better systems for people fairly including of worthiness parameters appropriate unto the new structure (Hebrews 9.11). To be better aware in ascending with pure things to the extent of known purity and also with awareness of liberty (for instance a suitable car vessel might be with or without certain extra features, that You might or might not utilize), so importantly understand the Physics Of God increased responsibility as One in the ascended [(Hebrews 9.11 with 1 Peter 3.22) from prior through after, also (see time travel text below). So creatures, vessels, that move through a given vehicle (plasma, vessels) such as flying fish, swimming turtles, and spaceships have purpose in Oneness.

Christ JESUS offers higher Covenant options, including after the giant stone from the mountain. JESUS The Christ gifts for the Holy Spirit include levels of victories over confused spirits and over relatively higher levels including victories for Christianity via New Christianity: from wars to inquisition to New Christianity with victory in One Christ JESUS. Many have devolved repeatedly as sinners, and Christians have gone into the shadow of death repeatedly when Christ JESUS rather taught and did things above: Heavenly. Physics Of God The Creator provide gifts for others through Christian You specifying Heavenly and higher Heavenly places in detail, such as how to build and grow a proper Ark rather than to search the dead wooden bones of the obsolete Ark (save recordkeeping value). After the Daniel Nebuchadnezzar giant image and Prophetic giant stone the four future steps are given, that a person might transfigure from step 1 to step 4 instantaneously in this ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS. Distance from Sun water freezes in Asteroid Belt, methane freezes. Intelligence CLASSIFIED Bible info conquered in this New Christianity Sermon. New

The center of the Known Universe explosion provided mountains of values, gifts from Christ JESUS. 1 above is the impact site with debris, 2 is debris (shown dipicting reference to former Earth), 3 is toward a new type of newness. Buildings formerly were of rigid exteriors though the higher skyscrapers today are often toward rigid interiors with high lightweigh overhangs as if the skyscrapers were unstable, for fun, and hopefully for higher purpose. Future tallest buildings would of course hardly be of compressional strength except toward the lower part, anchor, with rather the higher as Your aloft Ark(s). Then 4 is the Earth traveling as a whole to get out of the way of danger as much as appropriate.

Christ JESUS taught of things greater appearances, yet of many greater "things" (greater than appearances) there are greater levels of things: there are higher Holy Levels. Within levels there is procedure and process time, and short leap time, and longer times; associated with talents, vessels, Holiness, and especially with the higher in One Christ JESUS.

For instance Apostle John protested: "It is I," he said, "who have need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" though Christ JESUS replied, "for so we ought to fulfil every religious duty." then John (Elias) consented yet after Christ JESUS said, "Let it be so on this occasion,". It was the "occasion" specifically concerning immersion Baptism, it was also the "occasion" of not holding breath as long as a person could and rather briefly such as perhaps half the Baptism time, and for all times it more than symbolized and rather is fact of One "occasion" for all [in righteousness (Matthew 3.14 & 15 Weymouth)]["religious duty" / proper precepts (pertinent to creatures and Bible foods with greater levels of specification applicabilities lower on this page)].

Beloved, many including Christians have imagined Final End Time would come after the Holy Christian Word was broadcast via radio around the world, and while true it "would come", it was of the Holy Word, the Will Of Christ JESUS In You is to be also for One Holiness: victory of the Will in the name of the Christ JESUS!

For example concerning recent ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS, included were discussions of the golden cube head via Your Flock growing the aloft platform Ark:

Either: who would utilize the Daniel giant for good higher purpose in Christ JESUS, or who would worship the Daniel abomination for selfishness?,

rather for good, yet a key is that none worship an abomination. Minimize abomination related ideas and works though not censorship (exceptions apply, such as innocent children protection), and rather overcoming any ignorance and sin as their example: Christ JESUS One.

What is True Faith: Christ JESUS saw people utilizing a mat to lift a person, in order that the person be helped, the workers of True Faith wanted to see if Christ JESUS would freely opt to help that person (Matthew 9.2).

Worldly laws are often illegally passed and then overturned, so worldly laws are lower interpretations of higher precepts.

Toward the start of this century an ICCDBB For Christ JESUS (a charity) Affiliate A Check Exact (a for profit organization, see below "more intelligent" discussion, over certain key classified projects) worked charitably (including on ICCDBB For Christ JESUS PCS) for months, and within the months toward daily sent packs of specifications that met both law and the Bible, including a starting system example formatted to meet both comprehensive (all the people) and governmental (prioritized) concerns; reasonably able to meet the mutual interests of the people, the interests of any reasonably typical form of government a nation might choose (focused on the current form of Democracy)(whether credibility, gold, or other standard); and of experience having intentionally visited many types of Churches and similar. This work was sent to the United States Of America President (Obama Administration) marked "CLASSIFIED" (so reasonably studied by pertinent entities).

The key point being You have that advantage. Government is not unaware of the proper (and also the Holy Christian Way) to proceed. It was proven on paper, including how they accountably (and/or we likewise) could simply and better manage funds for high purpose(s) without overlooking nor victimizing. The help is no longer available for many reasons through Affiliate A Check Exact, nor ICCDBB For Christ JESUS (except as through this Sermon Series). Yet the help might continue to be available through a higher guide: Your Christian Flock.

For example, after all the needful specifications were sent, the ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermon Series continued for the living God: You know this Work / via Your Heart Of True Faith In Christ JESUS. After the culmination of the completion of the specifications given for government(s) to freely opt to utilize, the free online Sermons continues (no "CLASSIFIED" information being disclosed, no need: Christ JESUS is already ahead and over secular) such as including how for Christ JESUS and not for sin, to build and grow the Holy Heart system and vehicles, whether government systems, or transportation or banking or food and families, or other good values, even if for good purpose in Christ JESUS the Daniel giant of a key Sermon years ago ( and this is how precept on precept of Christ JESUS grows. It can be specified line by line, though as the whole and as the One Christ JESUS Purpose united with perfection perfecting (as with creating and growing) unto higher proper safe uplifting.

It is the thing a person is free to opt to do for good rather than to opt toward self defeat. It is the good the Leadership Of New Christianity Your Flock opts to do [(part of the proof is that Your Members were properly Baptized) to go from Christian to a part of the Christian Leadership].

The Christian is already headed where the tail has yet to venture. Even so, thanks be to the many individuals and government Officials often leading many as best as they can, understanding in these times many positions high and low have limitations against doing certain things including good deeds though often for good higher purposes.

Even in a Church pew a person in the middle of a pew might have to go to the lavatory: thanks be to the source of guidance, mercy, peace, love, trust, enlightenment, perfecting, Heavenly joy, and much greater: Christ JESUS You (for their sakes).

The Power Of The Holy People, Daniel 12.7:

Christ JESUS empowers One Christ JESUS. One may opt to empower those worthy to ascend. One may opt to make the ignorant worthy expediently, and likewise convert sinners, and greater. The Word "greater" is that You In Your Flock together do great things.

Do great things!


Let Your aloft Chapel be seen!

Rain joy from above.

Send help from above.

In Your aloft Ark perhaps see a tree fell across a road, destroy the tree, perhaps, rather perhaps hook or net the tree and deliver the tree to where needful, or rather to go in Your aloft Ark doing higher purpose than a tree barrier so such as You spread the name of Your Christian Church and do greater good Will. Plan time for planning and doing, plan timetables for processes for time schedules and do. If a vessel has an expected obsolescence pattern, plan the reuse or recycling, and if the times expire on supplies, plan the overall to account and rather for higher purpose of properly overflowing out with Your blessings for their sakes, Example.

Sinners harbor selfish pains, even so, with Evangelism during these given times in the temporary world, rather than get stuck in a rut of not being able to convert a particular sinner, move on to the next and rather higher and so prioritize for good during the given opportune time. Offered in Revelation 12.14:

The above is an example of how a vessel in pains is hardly given by You a serpent on a stick toward healing those pains. In other words, there is a higher Will for You (and also for the entity in pain) such as until Your aloft Ark can go where needful for the greater glory in the Kingdom Of Heaven In Christ JESUS (note "serpent on a stick" is an everyday idea in the Old Testament and while the Grace Of Christ JESUS replaces the words currently, the precept value continues [in Christ JESUS such as for Your Flock and others] as a stipulation of creative value).

Christ JESUS The Lamb Of God pointed all in the right direction. The Lamb Of God continues to lead, from the past, and more importantly for this site visitor alive now into the future, and the Lamb Of God was already in the future. The Lamb Of God unto the understanding of the civilization 2,000 years ago taught the proper direction and to live by that same proper Faith, to grow and walk in Faith, to leap for joy in Faith, and to transfigure and greater in that Faith.

The Lamb Of God can be in a vessel though not to worship the vessel rather to worship God over Heaven. The Lamb was daily in the Temple vessel though worshipped God in the Holy Spirit.

This yields two keys at this moment per se: 1. A vessel appearing as and doing as the Will Of God is not to be worshipped though often helps bring to mind the Holy Direction And Will In Christ JESUS; and 2. more importantly the soul is to [walk, rather leap, rather fly, rather] transfigure in Holy Faith In Christ JESUS.

Another key in this same respect of proper Christian High Faith leading the tail is this same Faith can be, and in other words can transfigure upward through levels through proper agreeing in One Name Of Christ JESUS instantly to a level even to the Highest Level One (hence the levels can be numbered from the highest including any increase in number quantity and/or quality and/or value, though hardly fathomed from lower levels toward ignorance, this is a key). The vessel does not ascend through Firmament levels save the current properly Faithful Higher Spirit in the vessel (including remote control if applicable) so lead the vessel and be so followed by the vessel, a key. A remote control toy aerospace vessel for instance might be swept away by a stronger force such as a parent, or might not properly respond such as lacking higher graceful Host defense such as over a bird. So a key is High Faith, with proper vessel physics such as dominion power over creatures for their benefit.

So this is a new key, for the benefit of the creatures that should be followers such as so they don't die nor be harmed nor at increased risk. This new key is for them though for Your Greater Christian Flock Ascending purpose.

This new key is for the creatures that follow, for their ascending; though more importantly and more precisely and more specifically in detail for Your Greater Christian Flock Ascending purpose.

This is because after ascending some, the following creatures might turn (Matthew 7.6).

So it is important toward vital to be a Christian Leader rather than merely to follow: let all Christians be aware, and let all be aware.

It is hardly satisfactory that followers know higher things but only whenever they are awake and the Priest tells them so. Even so, the true Follower is better than the scoffer, though this is not to say compare people that a person is better than another person, since "better" in this case refers to the instantaneous potential to agree up to the Highest Spirit In Christ JESUS, rather than concerning the vessel. Each vessel has talents (and pertinent physics apply) and a Christian Follower in a coma may be counted as if failed at nearly all counts in worldly logic which would compare most others not in comas as though better (true of vessels); even so, this Sermon is not about lower interpretations (Matthew 24.11), such as if toward lower debates toward quarrels and wars and worse of various directions of lost souls, rather for Your Greater Christian Flock Ascending in joy and delight for the Lord JESUS toward and into Highest Holy Oneness.

Many have been distracted and used selfish deviations to lead many astray: they lead astray followers. So be a leader rather than a follower, be One In Highest Christ JESUS.

Sinners and scoffers of lower levels, and perhaps of higher ascending some of Your Flock Members has wondered too concerning ascending; perhaps they have said "I tried it but nothing happened", or similar. They tried being charitable, they tried helping an elder to cross the street, they tried faith(s) and/or similar, but they expected or demanded toward the limitation of selfishness, though worthiness conditionally does not require formulaic result, Covenanting, at liberty to opt whether to agree especially by the higher party level.

With this key on / off Covenant or not yet Covenanted / a given level, is not only the on / off yet also is the following key concerning awesome victory and time.

Covenants / precepts have various rates of increase (

And with these great keys for higher successes for and into higher Holy Covenanting for Christ JESUS is this greater key not only of talk yet rather with doing the Will Of God, not only to try of measured (lower levels sense) faith(s), rather without hope of ROI even though known God eternally cares for each of His Members As One. Invest in the future is of Holy Spirit alway, and as long as given You to be in Your flesh it is of things, with the Holy Spirit In You With Holy Flesh to invest in [properly Baptized (speaking of bodies / vessels) and/or [distinguished above] lower level properly anointed things (note higher exceptions apply such as 1 Chronicles 13.9 & 10]; though normally to speak of people is hardly to speak of things [except for their sakes (many examples such as safety belts,...)] and to rather normally speak of the higher Spirit of the people [or People as in Christian People] as each and all are of the hand of God the Creator, with Christians of the Heart And Hearth Of Christ JESUS.

In the Drawing above You may opt to fly to get out of the way(s) of the giant stone (large meteorites often break upon impact with mass gravitational and with atmospheric [changes to them,] forces) or stones. But an important low level key of the laws of Physics Of The Creator is that if You go faster than Earth and faster than people on Earth, such as for Years, such as in colonizing around the center of the Known Universe (toward the center "break" and deadly rays effects abound) then Your Flock would appear to any survivors on Earth, to as if become retarded, though it is not the true case, it is an effect as ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Affiliate for profit A Check Exact (legally a for profit organization, yet a free site:) stipulated in detail in the mid page "Time Principle" Drawing of site "Transporters and Digital Human Copies Technical Guide. How to Transport Humans Instantly Using Transporters." at Though if to leave Earth traveling slowly for years then to appear more intelligent and a more advanced [more Holy, higher Covenanting applies per se within these criteria of key ascending] as the key to the Kingdom Of Heaven is now more clearly unraveled for You Beloved One.

Christ JESUS One You can now give a new precept key unto Your Christian Flock to give: as a Member of Your Flock may opt to consider a group, whether a group of all, or a group known as Heavenly One, or Heavenly Places, or a group of certain types of vessels, or a group such as on one of Your aloft Arks traveling into deep outer space to colonize (which would therefore hardly be called "outer" anymore, as relativity starts to become hardly as the historic sense, see GodMath Testament), and so on; so if first Chosen by a Member for consideration, and then with key consideration of the worthiness of the group and if with finding the group loves Christ JESUS per se, that is within the context that the Member has [also] Chosen to consider then if found worthy then to lift the group unto the new enlightenment level also (as much as in Christ JESUS authorized, appropriate, Willing, and able in circumstances); for example if a person or group is found ready in Christ JESUS to ascend [also (whether to pilot a ship or give a Sermon,...)] then Your Christian Leader Member may make it so of this key, or opt / circumstances), or leap the worthy, or if only partly worthy then perhaps conditionally provide, or let the group remain at a level, or re-enlighten perhaps,...(

Christ JESUS is the source of the higher loving Heavenly Heart, with the Tree Of Life, and akin (Oneness) though for edifying counted as if lower toward the created tail [(Genesis 3.22) after worldly sin / strayed contrary to the Will Of Christ JESUS] the Tree Of Knowledge is already eternal with fullness in Christ JESUS (with both Trees), so of an eternal key when ascending alway raise Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS is Eternal Life And Eternal Highest Intelligence.

Christ JESUS was aware of things the naysayers said and did 2,000 years ago and conquered them and any yet as though toward to opt to fall, and today Lamentations 1.9 & 10 continue to apply toward the Physics Of God toward destruction (or counted as if such in the vessel of Christ JESUS: for the intelligence value, and greater Oneness In High Purpose) or toward the Physics Of God toward life everlasting for the Christian, so now here is a new key given in Christ JESUS that if to find a group as if to opt to fall, let them fall lest to transgress the Physics Of God (/ their free choice gift from God, also 3 Nephi 28.14), rather let them cast themselves out rather than entirely fall (Genesis 18.24) or let them fall a little and step or leap back up to their former level prior to sin, rather immediately reinstruct toward higher love, rather (of course with the worthiness key) let them truly confess and consider lifting them (even a synthetic unicorn lower creature might be given wings).

The Creator allows evolutionary intelligence to slowly ascend sometimes jumping ahead, sometimes jumping backwards and breaking the ankle or someting(s), often creeping along (see "creeping things" below) tilling the intelligence soils, working, cultivating (Genesis 18.23 ISV and rather NLT), and automating the [toward as though poison] soils of the sinners and largely of efforts getting nowhere fast; so rather the fertile Holy Word Of Christ JESUS and rather the higher fruit already in Christ JESUS precept on precept: clearly great and obvious great key as if hardly in need of being stated as You already know in Your Christian Heart yet for the sakes of if any other(s).

If to breathe into the dust, if to routinely work hard and sweat, if to work to automate faster to make DNA more intelligent, if to build a spacecraft to travel slower than Earth, slower than the Milky Way, if to live inside the Big Pulse of the center of the Known Universe, each is a subset of the slow evolutionary rate even if to falsely boast of higher (Exodus 20.5 as much as hardly Christ JESUS save mercy with uplifting time allotted to repent know as evolutionary rate of increase). So rather as Christ JESUS (the source of light and enlightenment) teaches and shows if One In the name of Christ JESUS then if to properly leap then even to cause Yours to leap even to opt whether to be inside the center of the Universe In Christ JESUS (slowest,...,or fastest), therefore as Christ JESUS did, in Christ JESUS conquer cold conquer heat conquer hate conquer love conquer radioactivity, even conquer the dark empty space beyond the neutrons and light waves at the border of the Known Universe, travel at no speed or travel at highest speed with keeping all highest intelligence in Christ JESUS for Christ JESUS for All One In Christ JESUS.

Freely opt to do things the proven failure ways or the continually higher path in One Christ JESUS.

So if higher and greater as never before known of this generation and this civilization, then new.

Therefore a new key and great unto both the near future (for Your sake) and the longer distant future and above, is this, previously stated in the Bible is and was and Will be (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on maintaining the original, and on proper recordkeeping) for instance "you cannot make even one hair white or black" (from Matthew 5.36) and yet today people discover how chameleons and octopi and other creatures change their colors such as with oil shaping (reference some types of television monitors) and how to modify DNA, so with this new key is first given that the Bible including the older Testaments are not obsolete. A person hardly takes thought, without instrumentation, to turn a hair white or black, though such is changing too; yet the higher point is to do it properly, if to change color then for Christ JESUS. So this new key is to go to the poles to live to have a smarter Flock (see Antarctica at, quickly travel to the center of the Sun (, and rather to the center of the Known Universe to overcome the speed of expansion, yet do so as the smartest person alive, as the smartest person ever (!

The new key and newer and all keys are Christ JESUS!

Christ JESUS would that You leap to the higher Covenant level of Transporters, but if a person is not even worthy over current aloft Ark technologies, then save miracle from above, hardly to leap properly to the Transporters level nor fly to the Time Manipulation level ( nor the Unicorn level (in this case not counted as the animal, rather concerning the "mystically" Revelation 11.8 NAS) of Spiritual Head directly guiding over the tail completely for Christ JESUS, of this higher realm from Your aloft Ark while guided hardly by the tail and rather the higher above in the example unto proper Oneness with Christ JESUS

[(Revelation 11.12) level rather greater].

Christ JESUS would have You be aware / wise as a key to properly longsuffer in mind that to time travel for self (ibid.) can be the appearance of wisdom though higher Covenanting In Christ JESUS for highest Holy Oneness Purpose is key: love, life, truth, faith, joy, victory, and so on. Of a key, it is important to be aware of any sinner plots, and of animalistic tendencies, and of lower levels, yet it is exceedingly more important to overcome and conquer barriers in the love and grace of Christ JESUS and be ascending for good.

In the above Drawing is a series:

So a key toward creating Christians is dust akin to terraforming, colonizing, and protoplanets. So here also come a new great key for Evangelizing: in the past Christians Evangelized what they saw, sinners (sinners in need of full repentance, conversion, and proper Christian Baptism). They saw sinners, now let the beginning of the New Evangelism be not left undone, from the start of creating let the Christian Evangelist breathe the Word into not only seen creatures yet also into the dust that the Physics Of God be thorough for uplifting through precepts for One Christ JESUS.

Of this key, in other words imagine an Evangelist on an island with other people (or on a colonizing spacecraft), and if the successful Evangelist converted those seen nearby let the Evangelist not only anoint, yet rather anoint with higher purpose, even as dust became human and then human became Christian, so too let the Evangelist look to the unseen in dust (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on creating good from void as at and previous so called turn of the century rather straight and narrow).

In this key for instance, rather than to look only to a body of a sinner that the Evangelist might save, to rather envision their higher purpose after having been saved, this would help with awareness as to what gifts and benefits they Will encounter. This is as to cross reference as to verify true Faith, along the Path maximum Faith yet including minimum tangible gifts and such. Key is the ascending over levels includes greater gifts than the "tangible" part. For instance a child receives many pieces of candy and wants more, rather that adult owns many candy factories and rather nations and rather aloft Christian Chapels to give supplies unto others and to provide services needful unto them, and to do higher value for the Lord JESUS. See through from candy eater to rather the higher level giver for their sakes until Final End Time One JESUS.

Christ JESUS provides many principles able to be known in lower levels, even among birds, insects, plants, and dust; dust for instance blow with the wind into the solar wind and so forth / pertinent spirits of dust. The Universe is full of plasma dust spreading out expanding until all (flesh / dust) has been expanded save One Christ JESUS. Christ JESUS not only sends forth the righteous as sheep among wolves, yet also calls and gathers: Big Bang is a Big Pulse. This current creation expanse is from Christ JESUS until and unto Christ JESUS, and inbetween Christ JESUS appears according to the Holy Father One God You, such as 2,000 years ago and such as during this expanse when the return beholds Christ JESUS prior to the end of the former ways of worldly measures (such as days / Earth revolutions, and such as micro seconds / crystal pulses) of times and rather One Christian Church Standard including time.

In the Holy Spirit Christ JESUS in the flesh weightlessly floated aloft

coming in the clouds of Heaven with His Zion remnant

for all present to see and witness.

The Holy Armada is coming, will You opt to do and so be there with them?, yet if a true Christian have Faith and be Comforted in the fact that even if in a coma or a grave the true Christian is spared, yet of true Faith as much as given to be able, seek to do as Christ JESUS.

As it is written in Psalm 28.2: ..."I lift up my hands toward Your holy sanctuary." Jerusalem is on the Judean Hills of the Central Shaphelam Region South of the Lebanon Mountain Range (various sources especially Encountering the Old Testament 3rd Edition 2015, no legal affiliation): that ancient Holy City Jerusalem was built on a high place of Promise with Fulfillment "for the church, which is his body" (Ephesians 1) as Your Flock comes to Earth to rescue.

If able to come to Earth in Spirit and do things needful for Christ JESUS, yes; though if unable when needful then of the Holy Spirit in Your aloft Ark come.

Christ JESUS showed His key example: what does Your Spirit In Your Soul do?, it runs Your body as much as Christian and ascending in agreement with Christ JESUS: run Your aloft Ark. Even so, hardly let Your aloft Ark run You (Your Soul Spirit), hardly let the money values nor the other things and vessels run You (ibid.), yet have a little mercy and a little salt and a little unleavened bread and wine if or when appropriate in Christ JESUS One.

Helping others with Your aloft Ark such as providing supplies charitably can be without (such as emergency, free option, or higher miracle) or with accounting. For instance prior to travel the Levites and others accounted the values and then through time and space after that travel was another accounting Ezra 8.31-34, and with the high values were added as tallied in Ezra 8.35:

Christ JESUS was not afraid of money, physics, traditions, work, heights, things, nor creatures, save any purpose for respect of the Heavenly Father and to do His Heavenly Will (Matthew 17.27, John 6.19, Leviticus 5.6, Daniel 3.25).

Churches, because of lack of knowledge (knowledge that is true and applicable as for and in and from Christ JESUS for One Holy Highest Purpose) Will fall.

Under laws of the Old Testament some Temples, Churches, and Chapels, because of "lack of knowledge" Will fall (Hosea 4.6) including "priests" (ibid.) and places (vessels) and similar places formerly of some Holy affairs Will fall including many of other positions, accordingly; yet salvation of the Jews is Christ JESUS, and this salvation of Christ JESUS is growing in New Christianity (concerning a New Creature ascending rate) and in Christianity Followers too (concerning a New Creature rate, rather with instructions to


toward New Christianity). Christ JESUS overcame the law(s) (fulfilled), yet it is hardly freedom from law(s) that guide, and it is hardly slavery to law(s) and logic as previous (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on flip-of-a-coin, on stupidity, on foolishness, and see above at least in part clarifying the new key to "retarded", retardation, and intelligence), rather of precepts of Christ JESUS as a key is that pulses of the Holy Heart are like unto overcoming thresholds (steps) yet to magnify (leaps) and greater [(unicorn) Lamb per se, a properly uplifting vessel of Oneness, the vessel(s) of such a system] in Christ JESUS. In other words, Congress introduces laws though while over such introducing, Congress in not above law save the higher from above as if another higher law, the elastic clause; and in other words each leading branch is with such elasticity such as "in times of war" and such as Judicial being enforced ultimately by military being ultimately the Executive: any such being subjective, save as much as Christian,

even so, let all be Christian rather than as stated above concerning deviation into sin: "Will fall". Rather than risk, let the Christ JESUS, as in the people in the Christian Faith more than lead, and of guidance law so authorizing Christianity, a value similar though greater than when former US President Bush standardized the language as English; as Christianity spares the people, money, physics, traditions, and such, even thwarting terrorism via traditional Holy Christian Grace and yet now of a new key with properly eternally conquering "lack of knowledge". The sick world of sin confesses things about it's sickness such as "We will always have terrorists" and such as "Terrorism will increase", in fact depending on popularity such alerts place seeds into terrorists that terrorism is a solution (as if, rather Christ JESUS is the solution as proven 2,000 years ago) [also because accordingly "they all believed in God (Acts 16.34 NLT): the God of peace]. Give them One Holy Law With Mercy, guide them righteously, and give them peace in their souls through One Christ JESUS that each and all lead in giving peace and help and One Better Way to be One Best In Christ JESUS the Truth and the Life and The One Way.

Christ JESUS taught precept on precept, and these few in such precepts properly ascending unto greater preparedness, and becoming worthy with victories over banks of knowledge(s) and with from above agreement(s); then these Chosen Few [rather many, rather all] would be protective Grace from above, Mercy over naysayers below, and higher accounting principles and precepts established within the properly saying and doing Christian Churches (examples apply, including Matthew 10.10, and other(s) such as if perhaps including Chapels Amos 7:13 WT rather Genesis 8.1 KJ).

Some Will fall, the balance Will ascend with greater options (Matthew 24.40 & 41), even concerning the very elect and higher Zion, under Christ JESUS: "Woe to the Complacent in Zion" (, as written in versions of Isaiah 5.14:

Christ JESUS is the higher elastic clause, the higher knowledge, the higher love, the higher peace, and the higher ultimate fulfillment of the True Zion at Final End Time, as systems increase rapidly. Time itself Will change as never before of the Known Universe.

Time has been known in the world relative to mass and velocity (Einstein) though in the world it has been called relative such as associated with revolutions within the Milky Way, and revolutions around the Big Pulse or related ideas. Yet time is a function of the grace (mercy, love, peace,...high purpose) of Christ JESUS. Calendars with reference toward Christ JESUS, and time as measured by Christ JESUS are a big help, and much greater.

To flee from Earth when disaster comes, and to return, is a pulse One Standard Christ JESUS. So this great key on the order of a Seal key too, is the Holy Pulse Of The Holy Time Standard, not only Holy Blood plasma, yet with such the Holy Thing plasma (see above "Transporters"). The Blood With The Heart and both moving together as One save the Holy Pulse, the change in direction unto some interpretation(s). The appearance as if slow (retarded or asleep for a moment: longsuffering turning to joy) yet above: higher Covenanting precept on precept in Christ JESUS One.

In Christ JESUS, Beloved, be aware if to travel faster or slower than Earthlings too long then to hardly relate to each other, such as helplessness. If to travel to slow then to be able to do few mighty works there for them according to their difficulties delimited / lower level talents. Note that this appears as if not their faults, as much as any might be found in such disbeliefs / inabilities / talents, such as not understanding the higher complexity levels of what Your more advanced words mean relative to their understanding level(s). Yet if to time travel from today, then it is according to their selfishness, save One With You though busy with another mission.

So this is a great key concerning Christ JESUS being sent from the Father In Heaven, as the One True Key interpreter enlightening the knowledge of the Prophets with unraveling the Prophetic stories for You and all, so that neither the worldly advanced nor the worldly behind person(s) of a given level is under the level they maintain, and each of a given level have (can include unawares) gifts and benefits of that level available unto them, that for instance they might immediately give for the high purpose in Christ JESUS. With this another key is in this example, a person might shoot basketball hoop shots from the foul line excellently, and another person too, though the one might be left handed and the other right handed: to the coach they might be equal level toward game victories. So this key is of similar level though the level is of counted as if distinguished one from the other in lower levels by a higher level coach. Some may claim to be left or right handed is to say one is better than the other such as in the longer run as with the higher honing, so there are interpretations of various levels of values, even if discussing a given level: talents levels. Example, a technician makes a neural analysis that a certain motor path is problematic compared to another path, though a change to a person to correct would have ancillary consequences: highest appropriate Christian guidance is of value increasingly as complexities become revealed, lest for instance people become angry and make mistakes more than if they had Christian guidance.

If to travel long at slow velocity then as many increasingly become out of touch with the slow creature toward new, then fewer be in touch: few are Chosen.

Christ JESUS would that from the previous Sermon for the sakes of others unseen (example: future), that this Series reader would move from title Step Leap Fly, to Lamb Dove Unicorn, in other words to Leap Fly Miracle (not comical, save for their sakes humor, see details in Affiliated Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ. The Miracle is as the Unicorn, beyond sinner comprehension therefore the sinner hardly prioritizes other than to make the Unicorn as if only a child's coloring book or toy (low level exceptions apply, and Miracles can apply:) yet with wisdom higher than sin, as Christ JESUS taught and showed in Miracles, with wise care lest to wrongfully promote the going astray (Mark 13.22) hence precept on precept then with such safety and after such care it is appropriate (typically) to perform Miracles beyond steps, leaps, and aerospace flying through the Sun and outer space, safely for their sakes, lest they see signs and wonders they would not believe, and if they freely opt to not believe the true sign and Miracle and wonder and such the first time You provide, then You are free to choose whether to opt again to show an even more excellent sign and more for them that they might believe this time (Exodus 4.8) or rather than lower level miracles You are free to opt to ascend in higher Covenants that You become better empowered to speak the language they respect and obey and yet as You free them to opt to follow Christ JESUS You One that they grow into New Christianity higher Covenanting Leadership for Christ JESUS Oneness for the sakes of their family, friends, acquaintances, and for strangers: for the good sakes of all.

Sinners and the ignorant call the [Unicorn (in some Bible translations) and] Angels and other Holy Vessels, wrongful sinful errant names and/or values, without proper traceability (ICCDBB PCS) for Christ JESUS for all good, sinners know not what they say nor do (Luke 23.34) and even the high Priest Of Your Flock may need to overcome problems such as in case Your Church has stifling criteria and/or lets not the Priest perform Miracles as Christ JESUS did (1 John 3.18), and if Your Priest is of the flesh, lest the flesh overcome in the Holy Spirit and be pure in orating (for Christ JESUS One), then the flesh (tail, according to higher Christian Spirit level(s) if any being the Head relative to the flesh tail) of the tongue be as if a lower level logic item akin to the alone flip of a coin relatively toward nonsense (James 3.6) and short time stop gap hardly toward the eternal; note the word group "if any" stated in this sentence is overcome via higher Covenant level(s), such as if the flesh be pure hence One In Christ JESUS, see the following sentence.

Any not fully repentant (save the Holy Creator in no need of repentance since already Holy and Perfect) can fall (Luke 10.18), though (be careful how ye hear, listen to the good of this rather than the lower toward excuses and sins) the Holy Mercy Of God Is Great With Proper Guidance, so Your Church Priest may briefly not know how to explain some high thing such as when they too become higher enlightened as they speak, so they may try to better think and in trying with the tongue their brain and tongue may not fully please their heart and soul in trying to do for Christ JESUS (the Holy Doer), or the Priest may excellently boast on God and be misinterpreted by the audience.

So a key is that the hearers longsuffer the higher Priest (a reasonably merciful amount of time(s)).

For greater wisdom in Christians, the above Drawing lower left stone is as Holy Priests in the midst of background (Luke 11.44) and as water and as outer space where vessels can go through, some more easily than others, even so consider how quickly the vessel known as sin, Satan fell as lightening.

So for Your Flock In Christ JESUS consider that some try in lower levels to climb up into the Heavens some other ways (Isaiah 14.13) when a vessel can fall upward toward the higher mass (Matthew 26.55). Sins are extra baggage weights that prevent the ascending. A person looks at air and outer space as a clear rock, a road block, yet a Christian can be wise to see that if a rock, then it can be climbed in Christ JESUS: higher Covenanting, starting with the given vessels now, with safely caring for the given vessels (not for misuse): the light shines through, through pure water (Eucharist) including unleavened bread according to broken open / Christ JESUS. The Chosen People saw the water come from the desert rock opened. Talk is cheap, so to speak in the worldly sense, so do (even so Christian Preaching is valuable). If the things of the Bible were clear to the people of this generation, then here would be unseen by the reader the Work Of Doing The Will Of Christ JESUS other than Preaching, though to guide, this Sermon is clearly needful, or at least evidently needful.

In the above Drawing the graph shows how air and water can become a rock, if so then a rock can become a flow for higher good purpose in Christ JESUS, stepping stones when needed, lifting powers when needed, expansion or contraction when needful for higher purpose in One Christ JESUS. This Holy Way applies not only to the secular lower levels of the Physics Of God, yet also to the higher as the higher gains any good part of value, love, power, mercy, control, Holiness, kindness, Spirit, Heavenly levels, and so on. As in the illustration to the right of the above graph the symbolism is of new chemical structures larger and smaller, now and then into the eternal (Matthew 6.33) for the good in the Holy People. The above lower right symbolizes parts of the start of THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ, yet beyond the Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil and beyond the Tree Of Life!

What's next?, here it is in the above sentence. Beyond keys and openings of the Holy Seven Seals (Revelation 1.8).

So here is a great key, given a time unto the understanding of this generation, if to move a pebble, or if to have a thought, it Will impact and change mountains and great expanses of parts of the eternal time, options utilized change future values at lower levels so that each sinner would no longer have any excuse / lifetime(s). This is hardly about reincarnation though partly descriptive of a similar though higher idea rather only for good in Christ JESUS that extra suffering should be overcome permanently. The eternal is hardly about second chances, and thirds,..., rather Once For Good Christ JESUS.

Lightening can strike Your aloft Ark, it is a blessing or would perhaps destroy Your entire aloft Help Vessel For Others In Need physically (rather in need of Christ JESUS Salvation for others): so how would You prepare Your aloft Ark, to be a friend to lightening yet safe and in One Christ JESUS, or would You not so prepare?, properly prepare.

In this generation now people are preparing and approaching the speed of light, even controlling the speed of light (You already go faster than some light), as with some micro aerospace vessels, also some ions travel close to the speed of light, and electrons are stored in batteries. How hardly would You let Yourself be controlled by lightening, sinners, nor other as if barriers when the God Of Physics gave these under You (Genesis 1.27 with Ezekiel 1.28) though for good from You. Lightening can for instance travel "about 1/3 the speed of light" (Google definition), so in other words, lightening is not all powerful, God is. Lightening is a created thing over which to have responsible dominion. So what does this mean specifically?,

what does it mean to be a "friend to lightening"?, and a friend to powers?, and a friend to things including things previously thought poisonous or abominable?: in lower logic it deals with ElectroMotive Force, EMF. Also, as in higher logic especially it means free flowing EMF, channeled EMF such as along wires or routes through ion fields, or related; though to convert unto useful purpose as with the battery and as with turning off or redirecting back and away toward casting out and so is back EMF, BEMF (Proverbs 26.27), the key being with the source, and similar to the first is as converted after the first and as honed. If lightening is unwanted, it might be prayed in advance, such as for a miracle from above, and such as rather (having been told all things already) planning and doing for Christ JESUS such as to not be a target of lightening physics, to reflect lightening, to redirect and to reform and to generate and grow better more useful powers for intended uses for Christ JESUS.

For instance given life in all for good purpose, then to overpower such as in the context of to [earn, be worthy] win the race, then to be faster than lightening. A suitable piece of copper wire can sit there, yet the living spirits of the Living God [You (practice safety for all)] within it are faster than the lightening per se (sizes, strengths, melting points, and more apply). God gave the tools and resources to overcome and have dominion.

People have dominion over animals, and some people have walked to lions, though normally to first tame the beast. The lion cage was invented, though singing for instance and the Word Of God might also do as much and greater for all. This does not mean the beast nor lion would be worse, rather better: tame for the Lord.

For instance concerning a tiny lightening strike which might overwhelm magnets (often effective up to about 600F) otherwise associated with electricity per se so for instance a minimal time of initial pulse storage (very much copper with grounding generally apply, also aloft vessel to another vessel reference movie The Hunt for Red October) might be considered relative to the strike pulse half wave, then of electronic sequencer circuitry akin to invert the field as applicable toward null (perhaps applicable to Your other concerns such as heat). Many in the secular world have worked at it, and some have had successes so consider consulting such. God gave dominion, expand, ascend, grow more excellently for all via Christ JESUS.

So "friendly" applies not only to lightening, speed, velocity, and power, yet also to poisons and other as appropriate, for example poisonous acetone to clean bones is often recycled, such as involving the making of food ingredients (also reference

In the above Drawing ("paradise" Isaiah 2.2) and likewise the Promised Land, represent resources and supplies in abundance (note/Faith people were toward appreciating the Promised Land prior to arrival). These are important to lower levels. These are important from You to lower levels. Lazy beach and mountainous hotel conditions with splendors of lounges, restaurants, gift shoppes, and private bedding places are important toward miraculously converting sinners, and merciful unto good deed doers working (1 Corinthians 9.9 with Psalm 39.1) so hardly as the lower levels toward lusts (Luke 4.18) and rather toward the vacation type of luxury hotel lifeguard on duty and helpful as a staff member (Host).

So rather than provide sinful enticements, let Your aloft hotel be with aloft Chapel, with Holiness. Let Your Evangelism promises be Christian, of the Christian Comforter, the refuge in times of their troubles (Numbers 35.14). So the above Drawing stone from mountain can come, or with higher option from higher level: let the level be higher to better see the signs of the times. Let the Christian notice keys against which sinners do to themselves. So here is a key, to know good and do, though to be aware of current (if pertinent) other and to not do; though to prepare good above though if to opt to go on a lower mission then to make pertinent safety parameters such as including to not linger excessively lower lest toward needless extra longsuffering. Christ JESUS already did the victory. If to serve on a lower mission, it can be better sometimes to gain high Christian Counsel first in the sense of Position Holders In Your Christian Church, similar to how a person cuts a path in a forest but if with injury is airlift agreement toward healing. Typically lower levels lack safety, so choose the less risk path for Christ JESUS.

Many keys to levels are easy to accomplish.

Few keys are insurmountable mountains (or easy).

The sinner tells the self repent on deathbed, but over years heaps a mountain of keys over their soul.

Christian Leader, pray (Word), and do Preach. Though if the civilization opts to fall away from Christianity, more than for the self, You may opt Your harder strategy. Christ JESUS showed that sometimes He would not only Preach, sometimes He would heal, Walk on water, or Write With His Finger in the dust. Preaching is toward the Head akin to Word And Will, though lest they see signs and wonders they would not believe, therefore [if or] as they "fall away" the lofty Sermons might at times as appropriate be a little more toward risking the stepping away from the Pulpit, between, toward, and to the Altar to give them bread and wine, and perhaps great feasts, and perhaps as indicated of Wisdom In The Lord (see precepts and levels above) into the streets and countryside where needful.

To leave the Pulpit where You might have preached the Word Of Christ JESUS but to ears dull of hearing (Matthew 13.15) hence of them counted as if (or truly, eg. visitors) exhausted toward lower level and to instead go into elsewhere is a big step, leap, or unicorn (1 Corinthians 1.27: yet ascend to conquer for their sakes: it is not foolish to write in dust for higher purpose in Christ JESUS).

So of a key consider "dull" routine (or related as some Churches do repeatedly toward "dull", though when they should consider greater)(any creature and any system might do as much save Heaven greater than entertaining). So Spiritually Heal and such in front of people, if You have Faith and talent as much to so do. Otherwise resort to not only Your mouth to Preach yet also with Your flesh to carry the Word And Will Of Christ JESUS (people carried the Ark Of The Covenant with living Word hence doing living); so go and put Your finger in the dust and plant a real seed (leave not the other left undone for them), rather plow and plant seeds, rather automate the planting and harvesting (see "great feasts" above), and rather build aloft Arks and generations grow into such; yet of the higher purpose a great key is not merely step by step making larger barns and such, rather at any point and any step along the Way if they see Your (Your Generations Flocks of) Great And Holy Signs And Wonders and if they start to become dazzled in awe toward Evangelism opportunities, then counted as if go back to Preaching, though likely of Your Christian Church Flock System (see Your specific Church criteria) You or other(s) go to Preaching (Members can ascend to Preaching, room at the top), and You (or Flock Members With You In Oneness) may opt, a key to higher ascending per se and build and grow aloft Arks, though hardly toward dullness and rather to better Chapels toward the Heavenly Holy Places already bound for You as You did on Earth.

The more superb the more gracious the more beautiful fruit for One Christ JESUS. It can be done on Earth, Christ JESUS accomplished it, so if not to do the aloft Ark, fear not beloved, the Power Of God is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12.9), even so, if You can ascend as Christ JESUS taught and did, not only to be perfect yet to actively perfect others of all good mean(s) possible, that is, meaning every good option (not about meanness).

Look at what God is doing now (among people, such as for instance thousands of years ago) as described as best as people could describe about an ancient helicopter: do as God: Ezekiel 1.22 NET:

Above the pilot and others was the "glittering awesomely like ice" "platform".

It was likely awesome due to sound, perhaps shiny, somewhat see through.

This above Ezekiel statement is (counted in lower levels as if) nothing, compared to what Your Flock (typical sense) can do today, from better describing unto better higher level purpose serving as a function of improving over things of the past (ibid. reference GodMath Testament Chart 1 both evolutionary rate and the JESUS Christ rate of ascending).

So here is a key, just as You can give a key to a person to lock and unlock their bicycle (even though You may own cars, airplanes, and unicorns [even if synthetic]), so too God gives items to help Christian Leaders know they are on the right track. First You give a bike key, much later You give a car key, and Your Church criteria and such applies. And higher precepts in Christ JESUS apply.

A key is: Charity is to place the self lower than the recipient (Luke 22.26).

Higher Covenant (such as Priest with Charity: servant),

Mid level (such as Church Member receiving Eucharist),

lower such as ascending perhaps faltering at times (see above "evolutionary rate").

Pray the three levels above be One In Christ JESUS.

Let the Priest ascend. Let the Priest ascend while going on a more risky lower level mission. Let the Priest guide all unto ascending, alway whether the Priest is clearly unto others ascending or going on lower level missions.

So a key counted as if over the Highest Priest Of Your Christian Church is close counsel actively aware and rather so involved toward Oneness, hence less toward Dictator and more toward Christian Leadership. A related key is less toward behind closed doors to keep others out yet to rather if door or thresholds are utilized then to help clarify a Covenant purpose unto highest Holy Christian Purpose For Christ JESUS. Also creatively related Spiritually optionally toward consideration of flesh, and like unto the first in this given time and world directly related to flesh is a key toward highest flesh (heart soul strength including strength of brain for mind ancillary to time given via soul) according to Your Christian Church criteria for pureness in Christ JESUS As One [(example: a position of authority / responsibility / worthiness / good deeds found in Your Church higher aim and any Command(s) Of JESUS The Christ) akin to ancillary spotlessness / worldly laws].

So for the highest a key is to do as urgency may clarify (extinguish an accidental fire,...) and rather [properly step or leap...(Daniel 3.24)] to organize priorities properly that the One Path Priority is clarified that it be conquered expediently within Your Flock, and even greater. Let Your Church details be organized toward the higher purpose in the Guiding Heart Of Your Christian Church(es) And Chapel(s) rather than the lower trial and errors, also as a help for accomplishing this be mindful necessities are important though at times things once considered necessary have become obsolete, save the Eternal Way To Guide.

Christ JESUS clarifies higher purpose above complexities.

Worthiness = Accordingly Doing x Proper Faith.

Accordingly Doing / Proper Faith / Worthiness.

Proper Faith is from the source, the Christ, JESUS. Proper Faith yields the prioritizing hence the proper discerning, as with conquering over levels.

A check of this can be made toward proving (as was accomplished here / John 10.38 with Judges 13.18), according to the consideration of all the created, and/or of all people, and/or all within a Firmament range (from a Firmament to the next highest Firmament), and/or within a threshold level, and evidently applicable for Your Church criteria.

Love and enlightenment, these are some of the fruits of the source JESUS. Arks are things, signs of worthiness, signs of the higher fruits. The following is greater explanation step by step (3 steps: A, B, & C). Then aware of the proper step by step considerations Your Flock gains improved leaping capabilities. If true then for Christ toward flying, aerospace, protoplanet forming and generating and growing for the sakes of all those counted as though You never met in the future, for Christ JESUS. Also note in the secular "worthiness" is defined as a "quality" of "good", though beware that legalese such as case law tends toward throwing out of many court cases information as to what is "quality" and what is "good".

A. A young child plays in the mud then walks inside on a carpet and might be told "No!", "Stop!", and "Bad" (evil). Later step by step perhaps with including leaps of faith the child learns food and other things of goodly values can come from the soil / worthiness.

B. Flying Arks might be tethered together and made very large, they might be filled with Christians or sinners, You may opt to choose. You Priest may go start the forming of Your aloft Ark, or might start by sending others, though if a crowd working on it perhaps with publicity, it is righteousness that the Priest make an appearance, recommended for moment at least of hands on work at the least (until other higher Priestly work is to be done: publicity generally wants not only to see great works started, yet also the hear: see Your Sermon giving above)(if Your Flock on the ground is already increasing You might opt to assign others rather than interrupt Your increasing progress). In the Old Testament days a skyscraper under construction with cranes on it likely looked somewhat like the form of a person except noisy and gruesome, such as missing eyes, having fangs (steel girders), and so forth: the Daniel [Nebuchadnezzar] "abomination". Many people including Christians are thrilled with skyscrapers. To fill Your aloft Ark with Christians, and to Covenant to tether with Christian aloft Arks, is hardly Your option to conquer save if to be so motivated for Christ JESUS: this is a miracle Your Flock might grow (Mark 9.39): give One increase (1 Corinthians 3.7).

C. Certain of Earths resources Will be consumed toward depletion (or similar / cost effectiveness). People Will scrub the Heavenly Places (perfection perfects, see GodMath Testament) starting level by level, starting near Earth and then farther away; people Will throw small and later larger asteroids toward Earth for the vessels and for the Daniel giant to catch, that the people of Earth might utilize. Suppose a large stone from a planet is thrown at Earth but the company goes out of business or the person in charge is asleep or the aim is wrong or the catching equipment was not properly maintained or the equipment is overloaded: the stone crashes into the Daniel giant and debris envelopes Earth. As much as You prepare Your Christian guidance and see it through, this is tied to as much as the Physics Of God favor You [so to speak (counted as if such in lower levels, rather with the concern that You opt to favor Christ JESUS)].

Conquer these and greater things for Christ JESUS, and through Christ JESUS One bind these in Heaven. Go into Heavenly places of the Holy Bible and convert and anoint and visit these places with authority given You In Christ JESUS to so do, and the Spirit Of The Physics Of God Will Be [see worthiness above]. Future things are coming, and Christ JESUS gave You a heads-up.

Show them the flying unicorn for their sakes for the higher purpose in Christ JESUS, perhaps give them a ride and let them visit Your high Chapel on top! Yet convert them and put them to work for the greater good, whether for free, for room and board, or for pay, according to Your criteria. To trade deliveries for supplies might be considered. Vault into 3D coordinating and 3D motion and 3D route planning technologies for safety for Your Flock and for others. Unicorn into M Theory technologies as if for deep outer space though applicable toward initial planning.

People were flying thousands of years ago, stumbling along often apparently by trial and error. You have Christ JESUS One. You also have the Christian Bible with precepts, guidance criteria to help simplify for You and ease against any excess longsuffering You might have. You have the higher purpose (Christ JESUS) Holy Design Of The Creator, even Oneness / proper Christian Baptism, hence do precept on precept (slave to Christ JESUS for optimum care for You and Yours, straight and narrow) and hardly instead toward doing as options are available though You are free to choose options So of liberty of the Grace Of God are options though preferably toward lowest levels easy to understand in consideration of target group [at least all people (legal / world), rather all forms and vessels and greater]). Options may require returning to hone. Options are akin to joking. Options stray from the Holy Path unless for higher Holy Purpose, and then if so: not "Options".

Delight in the Lord and spread the joy in the Lord Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS would that all: Will / Word / Plan. In the secular it is known as "Think before speaking" and with "Low risk". In the Holy Christian Path it is utilizing any good from the secular and reap where You did not sow. In the lower levels often it can mean make money for the self (vessel) and often for the self's family and/or group, though perhaps an excuse toward lies in order to unfairly gain lower level pleasures and devices. The true Physics Of God are with higher purpose, and do provide more delight than able to handle in a given vessel though Christ JESUS would that You do the Will Of God even if it gives the tail vessel pleasure and alway be sure to give JESUS Christ the glory.

So here are two examples of the keys. In the flesh if to for instance watch a video and burst out with joyous uncontrollable laughing so as to not be able to stop the delight as if insanely out of control pray and perhaps raise a finger or hand to praise Christ JESUS, that Your overburden of joy be lessened and thereof controlled properly, so to properly cite and give Christ JESUS the honor and glory while not hoarding laughter for the self, rather higher Covenanting (exceptions apply such as to laugh and cry for the sakes of any around You). The other key is in the Holy Spirit One In And As Christ JESUS to send forth the prayerful joyful hope in the Promise Fulfilled in the Land vessel known as JESUS unto all or unto all that would partake of the food joy from Heaven lest to hoard for the self, rather be higher Covenanting.

A great key comes from these two above: if to do a lower mission, do it quickly to get it out of the Way, to more importantly dwell on the high purpose in Christ JESUS according to giving: love [(Holy Spirit JESUS)] with gifts [things] of the Spirit [spirits]: charity [high Hosting services including over high level Heavenly principles such as Mercy and over entities, people, and things](see Genesis 1.1 discussion below). So toward increasing discerning victories especially concerning Christ JESUS ascending for One Heavenly Father, if to ascend, in other words when the typical question arises "What should I do next?", so of this great key if to: opt to ascend unto higher Covenant levels for Christ JESUS One, then to do with giving (wisely aware Christ JESUS has already fulfilled Oneness For The Christian).

So of this great key another great key arises, with worthiness unto a higher Covenant level with worthy responsibility, it is responsibility over greater Spirit and/or spirits of greater key(s) (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on spirits pertinent to and within things), so such victories, as to be in a Covenant level, is righteous power (Mark 6.7).

When a Christian ascends (a free option, proper Baptism is Oneness, yet with "spur" unto higher) it is a blessing(s), including power over spirits, principalities, and things. Consider Your aloft Ark for a moment (a blessing) relative to Your Church building on the ground, on the ground Your building and even Your activities are counted in lower levels as under local laws and local ways; yet Your aloft Ark can sail around the Earth and over the International Waters (Matthew 17.27) and this is in greater agreeing (higher levels) with bind on Earth bind in Heaven (Matthew 16.19).

So a Christian / properly with full repentance and with Christian Immersion Baptism, is automatically prompted with incentive to properly ascend, and the higher honing process is less toward "the grind" in lower lay terms more toward giving motivational enthusiasm precept on precept with ancillary for all accordingly (Exodus 16.18).

So Christianity includes such as is written in Hebrews 10.24 NIV:

But the sinner is of the self, as a tail that does it's job but hardly gives proper glory for the head (of the vessel)(of the level). The sinner competes against the others including the hand that feeds them as has been said (responsibilities apply: Exodus 22.5 [best restitution, lest loss of creature or value] / Isaiah 1.3), so is hardly toward friendship even if needed (if to have enslaved it is toward the opposite of to befriend). Other than for Christ JESUS for all, competition is toward risks to lose powers and is pertinent to sinners only [key (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on if voluntarily opting to go on a lower mission, then being able to leap up again to the previous higher level / knowing the higher Path already to as far as that higher level). The sinner is toward losing even their own children (Hosea 4.14).

So the Christian receives power toward higher ascending for all, but the sinner risks losing even what powers and things they thought they possessed.

Be aware Beloved One In Christ JESUS to lead with telling all things properly beforehand (Mark 13.23), likewise doing all things for higher purpose.

Be aware the Bible has often been misinterpreted, such as to reap where You did not sow (Matthew 25.26) so people took from others and stole from Temples, and stole Temples "They will not leave one stone on another," [(from Luke 19.44) they dug out the gold mortar from between the stones of the Temple]. Sinners reap [there are even Preachers that need higher ascending precept on precept for Christ JESUS], sinners interpret reap as take from others but that is not what the Bible explained ( such as written in pertinence in Hosea 10.12 in the God's Word translation:


As written in Isaiah 30.22 & 23 GW (for clarity per se shown here without further quote marks):

Give, [not take, rather] hardly take [and whether to give or take, for higher purpose for Christ JESUS]. Give good measure pressed down and shaken together and running over (from Luke 6.38).

Though of a key as Christ JESUS You report the lower levels desired to "sift you as wheat" (from Luke 22.31).

Beloved Christ JESUS gave You a good amount of good, after removal of the chaff God gave You the meat of the wheat, but the lower akin to flip-a-coin would have You repeat: stay as the same level and not ascend: known in the secular as the comfort zone. Rather ascend. Ascend / Give / Find the vessel filled from Christ JESUS.

Translate Did Christ JESUS say I lay down my life to take it back again?, [(conditions apply, such as for the sake of the hearers at the time) even so] rather "receive it again" hardly "take" it again save the eternal sense (Ecclesiastes 3.15) though in these given times be over the things including over the Sun and over the Known Universe physics, and rather be One Christ JESUS. Be of the Head and higher, and hardly about the tail.

Start solving and helping with Your aloft Ark over Earth for Christ JESUS, then do greater. Enter outer space, a realm of Heaven new to Your vessel. For Christ JESUS do good there too.

And the Kingdom Of God Will be expanded: conquering the expansion of the expanding Known Universe, conquering the worldly for the Heavenly expanding unto unraveling greater Heavenly blessings.

Here is a pertinent key. If You try to pour a bottle of wine into an empty bottle half it's size including an opening half it's size, it would not fit and would spill. If God does a miracle and opens the front door to Your Church and pours in blessings carried as mist and as vapor (James 4.14) but if You hide in a closet and seal the door (Your free option to fear the Lord, or [rather with (precept on with precept)] Your free option to be pure to love to be with the Lord for the greater One) until the wrath of God (the pleasantly helpful mist and vapor blessings needful for You) departs with the wind, then the self barricade; rather ascend and be One JESUS ascending.

Be hardly of the tail which can be toward left behind (conditions apply, such as losing battles at times, and see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on creatures losing tails). Let the Church be with the flour so to speak, let the Priest be the example of with the most flour from Christ JESUS as much as any vessel can fathom to contain for half a time (Revelation 12.14) that in an instant You Priest receive the blessings to immediately (as soon as possible, at least as soon as reasonable and not counting if there is any unreasonable laziness nor if any unfair selfishness) give to all (within precepts: Matthew 7.6) to Your Flock importantly (and of Your Christian Church criteria, such as to allocate certain gift giving responsibilities / position holders).

Would You give Your Flock a teaspoon of blessings or a mountain of blessings?, let the capabilities be commensurate with the hope to receive for them: prepare. Learn by doing. Ascend, and by doing is helpful. Ascend in the Holy Spirit. Leave not the other left undone.

A "specific honey fungus measuring 2.4 miles (3.8 km) across in the Blue Mountains in Oregon is thought to be the largest living organism on Earth." (Google). A fungus can start from a single cell and gain benefit in growing toward oneness into multinucleate organisms functioning together as a widespread parasitic "edible" substance with poisonous toadstools (various secular sources, contact Your medical and legal team on actual "edible" and safety, this Sermon legally offers this symbolic only sentence understanding in the actual case there are many intermixing poison and risk sources).

Here is another precept with the fungus precept symbol, more funds in an account might accrue greater ROI. Together these are a key in Christ JESUS Physics. If Your vessel is small, and not high per se, as a flying Ark (Luke 11.33), and if Your vessel hides as a thief / sin(s), it is a free option: less ascending, greater false sense of comfort and security. Yet with the greater vessel can come the greater reward.

Christ JESUS would have You be with this key to be of the bigger better greater, though only (save minimal tail allowed at times / situations: example You might privately bathe even without expecting any visitors soon) for others, and not to simply build Yourself a barn and then a bigger barn for Yourself. To give for higher purpose in Christ JESUS is better than to receive, and far better than to take when not invited to so do. If to receive good then to give good.

Build bigger barns (if for them, if for Christ JESUS). Build bigger barns and let them fly, even as a unicorn, let them fly as never before witnessed in these times. Let them start near Earth helping and supplying the needs of those in appearance (Matthew 7.20) in need of helps and supplies, and those in understanding their deeds (ibid.) help and supply and nourish and grow them in the Lord JESUS Christ. Appearances constitute their fruits when no other more important observed fruits exist, a key (so to make them exist as much as is the Will Of Christ JESUS be One Christ JESUS with rather than judging whether to cast the first stone, instead give good properly / precepts / prioritized / preparedness in Christ JESUS ascending).

From Earth go to the nearby places and colonize, then around the center of the Universe, sending forth robotics beforehand.

JESUS gave His life, and received His life again. Be over the Daniel giant for Christ JESUS, and utilize for Christ JESUS and give it a giant stone if obsolete in Your days for Christ JESUS. Yet of a key, with it have the Flock and Fold be aware, that the larger constructions that require generations be on the right track with Christ JESUS lest to be toward disadvantage such as perhaps out of control, out of service, or similar.

Christ JESUS would that the giant stone be delivered to the Daniel giant, so prepare future generations to be ready to deliver a giant amount of blessings such as provisions and technologies appropriate unto pertinent worthiness (sender, receiver, any along the route,...higher purpose). If the "stone" is all appropriate gifts and blessings only, then a feather-in-the-cap of Christ JESUS: glory for One Father.

Proper colonizing plans for One Fold In Christ JESUS JESUS The Christ gifts for the Holy Spirit include levels of victories over confused spirits and over relatively higher levels including victories for Christianity via New Christianity: from wars to inquisition to New Christianity with victory in One Christ JESUS. Many have devolved repeatedly as sinners, and Christians have gone into the shadow of death repeatedly when Christ JESUS rather taught and did things above: Heavenly. Physics Of God The Creator provide gifts for others through Christian You specifying Heavenly and higher Heavenly places in detail, such as how to build and grow a proper Ark rather than to search the dead wooden bones of the obsolete Ark (save recordkeeping value). After the Daniel Nebuchadnezzar giant image and Prophetic giant stone the four future steps are given, that a person might transfigure from step 1 to step 4 instantaneously in this ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS. Distance from Sun water freezes in Asteroid Belt, methane freezes. Intelligence CLASSIFIED Bible info conquered in this New Christianity Sermon. New

Above are paths and parameters: "look they did it years ago with trace resources". Those that were called enemy armies often took the high ground, and more recently to the air. If Your Church has a steeple it points the Way of the aloft Ark, be onboard guiding properly, "bind on earth" that You bind worship in Spiritually Heavenly places (Matthew 16.19) to be wealthy in the Lord both through Earthly places and through Heavenly places (Proverbs 10.4), mindful rather than to worship Your vessel, Your vessel is a place of Worship.

Christ JESUS offers the correct whole Plan. In the above Drawing small map creatures fly back and forth, their lives amounting to little gain for much efforts. Their efforts are diverse and involve much selfishness as they hardly change from generation to generation. Their flocks amass as fungi. Yet Your Flock can do as Christ JESUS (Ezekiel 1.19-21). Your Flock Members are each in the image of Christ JESUS, each can have hope as a bird, though rather as One Heavenly Host.

The Chosen One lived in tents, Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago journeyed. Your Church building(s) on the ground, if You have such, are great: have greater. If You have no building, the aloft Ark to start (perhaps a model at the beginning, and a prototype perhaps robotic) might be easier to build and less costly than an historic building structure, and perhaps much more valuable. Yet for their sakes reference regulations, consult nearby people and principalities (coordinated agreeing, reasonably, precept on precept). You might need to relocate to start, You might need to start to relocate, though in either case seek to help rather than to appear as if out-of-control. Explain higher intentions, and without making promises that might not be kept, explain interest in gifts of the Spirit and the Holy Work for benefiting all. If interested more, You might opt to explain Your personal situation, and inquire as to needs and regulations in other places.

For example if You want to help a person stuck on a cliff, You don't want to be shot down in the process: check the situation beforehand: plan accordingly or opt to help and give elsewhere.

Your Christian advertising on Your aloft Ark can help explain much unto others, though Work to do proper greater for the Lord (2 Chronicles 31.21). The steeple on Your aloft Chapel, if You have one, is as the unicorn horn, as if mystical rather true and Holy, that is, let Your horn sound and signal for their sakes, with lower level safety, with higher level guidance. Sound as Christian Church bells to call others, honk to chase away the reckless pilots for their safety sakes, politely rightly communicate Your friendly intention(s).

They would see Your aloft Ark so tell them more with signage about Your aloft Ark for Christ JESUS with the higher Holy Ascending Purpose.

If Your aerospace craft needs help, Choose any to be Chosen, and invite them onboard to help, first giving them pertinent safety rules and guidance and then the higher levels as much as You find worthy in them to leap and sail and soar and enlighten under One Christian criteria, toward each and all functioning automatically as One.

2,000 years ago Christ JESUS in the flesh had Children, Heirs, known as Disciples, the original 12 (then the number varied), and disciples...other Followers became Christian Leaders as True Disciples And Apostles [and greater] Of Christ JESUS.

In secular science, what is hot?, the Sun?, the hottest star?, the world picks and chooses as if facts such as to the Sun is not hot according to Relativity. Yet New Christianity gives intelligence Christ JESUS in the flesh and/or His Children in the flesh would find the Sun hot, so hot as burn flesh: burn not Christ Nor His Children. Christ JESUS is the standard, even new to some in the sense that people were made in His image and until the vessel changes (and change is coming), so "hot" both in Word and in Deed is to become more as a noun, a thing relative to JESUS The Christ. As much as the created [if] as continues, then in Christ JESUS The Holy Standard (with / also see ICCDBB For Christ JESUS "PCS"), if toward to burn Holy Flesh then: hot. Not relative in this sense.

In the movie Protocol, star character Sunny Ann Davis, Goldie Hawn, in the legally respected and agreed as a defining sense responded to a legalese question, offering to show [as proof] "alleged". The Flesh Of One Christian Standard is proof and not alleged, for Christians and for the sakes of any naysayers lest the naysayers don't believe what is hot. Also hot-ice (sodium acetate trihydrate) and similar dry-ice (solid carbon dioxide) plentiful in outer space "Creating Planets" ( and other things known as energies, and energies known a things, are better known (see intelligence above) in Christ JESUS the source of higher levels.

To be seen [(though toward selfishness, except for higher purpose in Christ JESUS) such as to better translate and such as to better know Christ JESUS and such as to better know how to do the Will Of God and to help others likewise] as top intelligence according to the above relativity, is to travel slower than others so toward the center of the Universe as stated above, though now in this generation is to relocate to a pole, typically Antarctica [(through future generations) for their sakes] since the Earth equator rotates 1037 MPH (NASA), noting "The Earth has a rotational velocity of 1,674 kph at the equator" ( pertinent to top Drawing sequence item #4. Yet to be smartest in the lower levels in the solar system, since Earth revolves 67,000 miles per hour (Cornell University Astronomy Department) then to be aloft as if to wait for Earth to return next year, though these are seen and many unseen, typically, forces apply (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Earth traveling around the center of the Known Universe), and now some report 230,000,000 year orbit around the center of the Known Universe, though understanding there are wide ranging opinions and such "orbit" is expectedly offset by shifting factors, such as falling toward the center of the Known Universe while at each tangent and arc is the expansion function; and these are offset by other forces such as Sun, Moon, and more ( concerning mass and similar descriptions, distance, time. Yet the perfect amount of each given of Christ JESUS Physics for You to live now [(such as Holy Spirit shielding, along with Breastplate Of Grace, and Helmet Of Salvation) as extrapolated per se].

So for One Christ JESUS, with intelligence, speed, and such ideas comes the indicator that generally as much as able in Holy Grace to conquer radiation, pressure, and other, high intelligence can be expected to be found toward the center of the Known Universe, with sensors, robotics, and such protecting from lower creatures. This is not to say better than Christ JESUS, rather to be aware, to be enlightened precept on precept, to know the "Known Universe" in advance of meeting situations, to guide others unto overcoming properly through Heavenly Christ JESUS the source of the Trees Of Knowledge And Life.

In this Sermon You have been crowned with Top Intelligence, and now with the True, the Trueness Of Relativity, all things relative hardly to each other as if sinners say so, rather all are relative to Christ JESUS [therefore rather than reliance on relativity (Absolutivity / GodMath Testament)].

People often interpret relativity as if to compete against even their own friends, family, and even as Adam and Eve (careless concern, competition against Christ JESUS). Rather than have nothing, relativity is a free gift from the Creator, so the created is for Hosting the given that the Heavenly be comforted (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at as greater than Word(s) Of Hope (save Christ JESUS) charity for Christ JESUS is feeding the High Holy Spirit gifts, 1 Corinthians 14.1:

Prophesy / Spiritual gifts / Charity,

Conquer time / Spiritual gifts / Charity.

Christ JESUS explained the above in :

Now here is a time key with the above formulas, at Final End Time at the time Chosen concerning people and the Physics Of Christ JESUS even One Time, Prophecies, tongues, and knowledge shall come to an end because all saved Will be Witnessing only God The Father In Christ JESUS and of Witnessing Will Be Doing Immediately so there Will be no need of Prophesies, tongues (no foreign languages, no passwords, no hackers in Heaven), and even knowledge shall be obsolete including knowledge of time, since all Will be done immediately and then All In Heaven Will Do Anything That Is Done And All Such At The Same Time In Final Oneness known as JESUS.

Time and knowledge Will be obsolete so that even awareness of such Will become as toward the infinite toward useless, save of opt to start some new creation (also even such is prepared in Christ JESUS): a new Heavenly journey for One.

End Time came when Christ JESUS entered highest Heaven level, a time each Chosen can behold at their own personal End Time (agreeing through time [barrier], agreeing with End Time of JESUS 2000 years ago)(agreeing with each future End Time(s) of Each, and all Finally). The Final time would agree that the body need is no more, save if toward storage though rather toward Spirit and truth the body would be done away save the new creation option. Now since the "truth" as part of knowledge would be no more then the body of Christ JESUS One could be interpreted as continuing though hardly as the previous flesh, rather living purely on the Holy Word hence no excrement.

So a key to Heavenly Body(ies) is such purity in the Holy Word Of JESUS and none other.

Charity continues in Heaven as each gives life for each other, and then if All be One perfectly, then to perfect, and if nothing more to perfect, then new creation. In lower former interpretations it is similar under laws under knowledge as to how the first computer of a self check capability checked itself to see if it was functioning properly (and with such and greater came the Internet). It is as Christ JESUS grew until of age to agree in Christian Baptism and then worldly check allowed hence the created (lower) tested Christ JESUS and found no flaw: Christianity blossomed!

Here is another time and knowledge key, in lower former interpretations and yet given the above keys therefore rather in New Christianity is guiding over truth, so while the highest Heaven results in other things to be obsolete, eternal Christ JESUS One Will see Adam, You, and others born into flesh again; therefore a time to be knowing unto higher level Prophesying can begin again: therefore Prophesying can continue throughout.

So not to rewrite the Bible rather to unravel a mystery of the Kingdom Of Heaven, of the All Knowing All Seeing Timeless God Christ JESUS. It is the New Creature of New Christianity especially (also at least Christian level) that Will be able to Prophesy (such as reading aloud the Bible again). In other words the former logic only level might read, hear, see, and sense, though it is the person Christ JESUS who opens the soul / the Holy Spirit that it is in a new reading hearing seeing and greater that the person become toward the Prophetic New Creation: this was formerly known Biblically as that a person needs be given (appropriate to that person) signs and wonders.

The New Creation is not to be "tested", neither therefore test the New Creature.

These keys grow new keys.

If the Creator finds sin in the world, then the world can be tested, per se generally, toward the aspect in need of testing and related aspects; if realms of the created are pure as of a Firmament, then testing up to that Firmament level. So here is a key as to how to create Your New Universe, and this is a key as to why thresholds exist including why some Firmaments exist. So this answers many questions such as if God is good then why do people suffer?, though this is in part answered, and in another part unanswered; so the unanswered key is per level, in this question case suffering according to level, therefore let the person opt to be worthy to ascend, and in higher ascending much longsuffering becomes joy. Now consider the birthing is painful, then turned to joy; so consider that a lower level person could not stand the pain of birthing a multitude of civilizations with a New Universe created, so with worthiness responsibly and appropriately comes the new.

The child is not given to birth a baby, the time is required to spare the child. The dog is not given to birth the human nor toward transplants, as time to evolve is required, though from cells a child might be cloned or similar, such as if the child has a birth defect. Certain creatures might be utilized not only for food and to carry backpacks and such, yet also concerning genetic codes.

In the Drawing below are things not right, save if only love and charity of the Word Of Christ JESUS and the Will Of Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS would that Your Flock sacrifice (Psalm 51.17) the Passover in the place high elevation purpose place even for the King's Seer ( as how shall the Seer see?, with the eyes under a bushel vessel?, rather the Seer, rather the True Prophet Doer sees on a mountain top and rather aloft with many types of appropriate sensors and means to do if to see something good to do, an aloft Ark key: this is a key for colonizing throughout the given Universe.

If to see, then with fire, stars, glory glows, and similar, such as is written "they roasted the Passover animals on the fire according to the" [precepts (from the] higher purpose. In a place for many to see they made a bonfire with high Heaven shown the fire of the Lord in Heaven and on Earth and many people became immediately convinced and gave God the glory (1 Kings 18.38 & 39). Do You want to go back to that same naysayer and argue to convert, or would You rather fly aloft guiding Your Christian Chapel doing miracles, some great and some greater?, and yet to reason it is higher Christ JESUS the ascended, able to agree with Your effort to do the greater miracles for all to behold, such as a great and bold Heavenly fire that melts not Your vessel and of plasma amplified in Your aloft Ark even to feed the hungry.

So there is a time given You to be Prophesying and Doing accordingly including to know the truth about the past from the eternal perspective, as much as time is given You, and if given then higher level (though then if to explain and do: toward lower level mission)(, and an automatic (time, knowledge) system that overcame the world (then no need to overcome the world, Christ JESUS already did it), even so bear Your own cross: ascend. Be their JESUS (to convert sinners, as long as any are left; also lower creatures) example.

Fly to the high place where the Head of the image of Daniel would be, where the Zion is, and rather to meet with Christ JESUS in the sky, before the great stone falls, and after and eternal coming and going until Final End Time, where the LORD chooses to establish His name (Deuteronomy 16.2)

If to go to the highest level, then create the New Higher Level For One JESUS, above text criteria applies, also reference Prophecies in all Universes as much as Christ JESUS Will invite to be accomplished.

If given a level for a time, recuperate and then do missions, and if all higher missions are fulfilled except if a gap is seen, if vessels are not ascending such as due to not understanding how to conquer a threshold, then it is toward expedient that You opt to do a same level rather, or lower level mission if the higher ascending such as if to create a New Universe is hardly the option as the given moment. Even so, there is plenty of ascending to do in the Lord JESUS.

Yet in Your Christian Church Flock there are new Members, toward being Followers, so You might consider having focus groups as with Sermons for making Followers Leaders, while having other groups and Sermons for Christian Leaders (with inviting Followers typically, though with option(s)). It can be of value to poll the people (see test above) hardly toward test, save if they have reason to test (applicable typically to some positions in the Church, such as for instance required licensing). So concerning "licensing" there is an aloft Ark safety idea, and therefore hardly toward sin in the world, except the amount a person might be ignorant of the safety precepts of Christ JESUS. So it is a matter of the Physics Of God and higher options that are of concern, so to motivate toward the above more than toward the lower missions.

Extraneous to Your aloft Ark for instance for Holy Safety do not drop stone on a pool of water on a muddy road without proper checks (Psalm 32,9), a worker might be under there clearing a clogged drain. For safety clear the road of people and values in advance.

Rescue a person from a cliff, and rather rescue a multitude in advance: build and maintain a road with guard rails and other helps. So a safety key is advance planning rather than after-the-problem attempts. Eternal advance planning is better.

So a key is, if to colonize a region of Earth or if to colonize a planet, to build houses is hardly the solution. The things that make current civilization to a large extent as much as appropriate are to be carried to the colonizing site, including mining and excavating equipment typically, factory conversion of ores or shipping arrangements, and both intergalactic and local vessel vehicle ports, and lighthouse type beacon and signaling reference stations for the colony and for other ships passing by along their routes: in other words, if to be in highest Heaven JESUS One, and then if to create a New Universe, rather do so now at Your current level, perfect this given Universe prior to worrying about any New Universe to create (even so continue to unravel multiple Universes of theories and practical knowledge for higher purpose(s) and continue to bind keys in Heaven).

If to travel into outer space to distant stars, plan Your route wisely in Christ JESUS, for Christ JESUS (see above Drawing); likewise if to travel through DNA, genetics, and transplants, plan Your route wisely in Christ JESUS, for Christ JESUS (see below Drawing). When traveling through deep space a long time (perhaps through generations), You may expect to see and be involved in things as never encountered before per se of Your Known Universe knowledge. These things not only outside the spaceship (and [code, interference,...] / or reference signal, see Transporters above) yet also inside the spaceship would expectedly be encountered such as toward surgery and shapeshifting. It is normal to time and space. You would travel a distance through time. Similarly You would warp [rather than toward a bad sense] as the curves of space alter Your shape.

Also for Christ JESUS You would freely opt to adjust to Your new environment and You would otherwise adjust such as perhaps weaker bones hence to likely become more spherical, such as to better fit the shape of a star. So in Christ JESUS You would not need to turn, You would be turned [straight higher] for all, for good, already. As when Heaven met the flesh round egg to form Christ JESUS, so to You [again, continuing for Christ JESUS] would become a new and newer and more, new creature(s).

When Your legs can no longer lift You, as You float away from planets, or when in the center of a mass with equal gravity all around, You Will continue to be held in the Grace Of God.

When Your arms and hands no longer reach and grasp for lack of things, or when the dirt and mass prevents movement, as much as You opt in Christ JESUS You continue to live and may worthily ascend (Genesis 2.7).

Christ JESUS would have You know to longsuffer for higher purpose (turning longsuffering for Christ JESUS into joy / Oneness). Longsuffering is aloft Ark injury, disaster, grief, morning, sickness, error, and so forth, though in Christ JESUS The Holy Path is hardly toward sin (excess longsuffering). So full repentance Christianity is important, even in living not only in the midst of sinners, also in the midst of people that interfere unintentionally, similarly lower creatures and things might interfere even after honing and training them they might turn and attack (John 16.2). A key is this longsuffering can be intensified (coming against a Christian) at times as the Christian ascends such as over things that formerly were of lower levels considered strongholds as is written in Zephaniah 3.6 NIV:

In the future, if You ascend, some people would likely want to kill You and destroy Your work(s). Even so Christ JESUS said ascend.

Therefore the key is to be properly in the Physics Of God on the Holy Grace Path, so if to seek mercy on the lower then to be aware of the "turn and attack" potential, so to if to offer mercy then to offer properly, two things apply and if to build the back of the ship and not the front then generally the ship sinks, so if to spend Your precious time to offer mercy (as JESUS said) then also with such at such time offer higher purpose instruction (ibid.) such as firmly demand they longsuffer the Will In Christ JESUS so that they may gain benefits for: A. others only at times, and also sometimes B. to help all, hence including the self; and explain the benefits are seeds that they plant and they wait and tend and for instance if seeds are olive seeds then perhaps many years to maturity and then perhaps no fruit without another tree, a pollinator; after that there might be too many benefits so proper coordination is needed; not only concerning the recipient of mercy yet also the granter of mercy be aware with: see "doing" with "Your aloft Ark" above lest there be no fruit (Ruth 1.1), as it is written in Matthew 23.4 Douay-Rheims:

So a freewill option with awareness of the above "turn and attack" possibility You might tell them to keep in contact (reference Parole Officer) or make help available [if to say "My door is always open" or similar (reference some Professors)] or You may opt to be about higher Covenanting toward serving all more than serving an entity that might turn in the wind as an aloft Ark. Build the aloft Ark, grow the aloft Ark in Biblical strategy rather than building minimal Ark comfort due to tactics when in emergency situations when disaster strikes (see above "longsuffer for higher purpose").

Christ JESUS explained precept on precept, hardly mercy without knowledge (Matthew 9.4, and beware Matthew 9.4 see "to kill You" above), and hardly mercy without love.

So an important and valuable key in this world and the next is not to simply [(love without awareness) toward head] nor selfishly [(knowledge without love) toward tail] to ascend, rather to ascend properly, distinguishing.

Prioritizing levels / prioritizing precepts / Christ JESUS.

From this key establish Firmaments, and worthiness criteria.

God would that this be vital. It takes time to raise a child, and more time to raise a child properly. It takes more time to raise a business. It takes more time to raise a civilization.

The Physics enable a civilization headed in the wrong direction to be utterly thwarted.

Trials and errors do not make Christians: it is a Firmament.

The unworthy can be Chosen, the Followers can be in Churches; rather the worthy Leading.

Prior to the levels, Genesis 1.1-6:

1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

2 "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

3 "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."

4 "And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness."

5 "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."

6 "And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters."

Christ JESUS in Spirit and alive was before "created" vessel(s). Earth from the living Creator was "without form", yet given the eternally living God JESUS therefore amoeba shaped as many [dust] spirits coming together (akin to Eucharist) through the deep "waters" as described by astrophysicists from the expanse of as less than the border of the Known Universe "the face of the deep" also containing ice and also in liquid form water tied to warmth of light in Holy Physics Of God (see above "not hot" with rather Standard Christ JESUS). God continues upon the "face" of the Known Universe until a greater than: neutrino speed, velocity of light factor of former logic only, expanding Known Universe, and greater than other flip-of-a-coin former logic only; until mercy (see above evolutionary rate) or rather until Christianity unravels (such as true Christian Followers unraveling in Christ JESUS and with the Bible precepts) and rather until New Christianity unravels (ibid. more toward Christian Leadership).

Though after Genesis (Word, including prior to written form) creater form (Will, immediate ascending or other rates) the world of sin freely chose sinful pains (face, border)(Job 2.12 & Acts 13.27) rather than proper enlightening in Christ JESUS, in other words even when Christians unravel and discover things many wrongfully and often including illegally choose pains rather than to believe, and even when Christians prove things for them they often continue to prefer sins (ibid.).

So the Known Universe is magnified according to proper Faith (see above save "needful", "unseen by the reader the Work Of Doing The Will Of Christ JESUS") not only to the extent (border, barrier) as some seen spatially in the timespace continuum model, yet rather also as Christian Faith sees time and eternal things (Holy Spirit One, also for their edifying sakes interpreted as [greater than] the goodly spirits for higher purpose).

The unseen Heavenly continues to be unseen save miracles from the Heavenly, or is seen according to each vessel (including for instance a Christian controlling a car as much as the car is goodly [without flat tire...] such as to deliver goods to children in need...) having Faithfully bound on Earth eternal things in Heaven (Matthew 16.19).

So a key is that each person may see things many others don't see (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on each having their own End Time ancillary to Final End Time).

Understand a sinner or another person can make a discovery such as to see a pearl in a field. But the sinner moves from momentary self satisfaction to momentary self satisfaction relative to rather the Christian moving for the greater benefit for all eternally in Christ JESUS, not merely a selfish victory then another; rather for the highest eternal purpose, hence the timeless law with [as much as appropriate] the timeless appropriate vessel(s) (Matthew 22.40).

Christ JESUS enlightens, overcoming secrets, mysteries, the unseen, and Heaven itself (Psalm 18.28): a great key.

This great key is far better than potluck surprises that might kill or cause pains for example some people are allergic to some foods and might be surprised to find a cook gave them a rare food to which they are allergic though otherwise often potluck surprises have goodly values up until through the pertinent faith level (conditions apply).

This great key is concerns binding in Heaven and greater [than Heaven (the Creator One created the Heaven)], Christ: JESUS!

In 1508AD the Spanish Crown officially sent Ponce de Leon to explore, and Ponce de Leon searched for the Fountain of Youth. Previous to the New Testament people searched for such and the higher purpose (such as slaves, and the becoming known as the Chosen People), and the youth people seek can be found as the eternal time repeats is in Christ JESUS (wisely understanding precepts apply, such as involving Matthew 22.30): a victory over time.

Yet if to find higher Heavenly Places In Christ JESUS One Beloved, then hardly the need toward sexual attractiveness (save for their sakes: completed Matthew 1.18) in the highest, also understanding lower for instance worms might reproduce with each other or independently per se.

So this great key for knowing more than the [physics and other of the] Known Universe, toward knowing the Holy Plan Of The Creator Of All Creater as the Universe, and is toward not only better knowing the large yet also the small and the idea(s) and the Way inbetween, and is also motivational for Your Flock and future for ascending, and is also an Evangelism key

such as rather than high risk toward flip-of-a-coin secular: "Fortune favors the prepared mind", "Luck favors the prepared", and/or "I'll make my own luck" attitudes.

With the series of properly ascending in One Christ JESUS for the benefit of all, is the wisdom as found in James 4.6 NLT:

Humble to Follow Christ JESUS with to likewise lead as Christ JESUS taught and did, in sincere flattery / imitation, is a key with or without secular ("secular" including Christians and others), and so with or without secular laws and legal interference(s) as is written in ( since secular laws should be to thwart illegal matters (or to be overruled [lest toward sin]).

The Law(s) Of Physics Of One Creator are timeless, with the free gift if a person opt to End Time for Christ JESUS with pertinence toward victory over any unsaved self in part or in whole vessel(s) (reference full repentance toward proper Christian Baptism and key toward ascending, and see above "amoeba" with and from "dust" [spirit(s)]) and vessel within vessel (see above "controlling a car", and see the previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on Covenants at

Things that are bottom of the ocean filter feeders are toward abomination, things above are for eating, such as vegetables: plants such as vegetables and ocean kelp are above creatures with higher intelligence and muscles that can move and protect themselves (concerning humans eating things).

So there is a pattern of traditional evolution in the world, and it does not agree in all aspects with the higher levels Christ JESUS taught and did in pertinent proper precept on proper precept. While many level steps of evolution do agree with higher ascending, so too many creatures become toward not to be eaten by people such as toward domesticated pets, while others are toward farm animals, and other creatures are wild, threats to many humans, though circumstances of each and rearing and evolution conditions apply; though each and all are under the higher levels of the Physics Of Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS is unique, from Heaven.

The world of sinners wonders: different from the rest of us, how so?,

rather New Christianity delights in: Christ JESUS One.

All precepts apply to the Drawing below, proper ascending is Christ JESUS One.

Christ JESUS taught the servant is not above his Master, the child is not above the Parent, the person is not above proper Authority. The Heavenly, symbolized here with Master, Parent, and Authority, in peace over these three, can function together as One In Christ JESUS, and in the world the servant, child, and person can likewise function together as One In Christ JESUS.

Sinners are selfish such as giving low value bread to children and keeping fine cuts of meat for themselves, then perhaps wondering why their child is sickly and why they have so many medical bills, and in the movie Galaxy Quest ( for instance, the child was told take out "the garbage". Such servitude works have great values, yet the higher point in Christ JESUS is that rather than to be sickly, shot at, or as if garbage, ascend in the name of One for their sakes as long as in this world, in Christ JESUS, and ultimately for One Higher Purpose together as One Christ JESUS.

Given from above are a set of precepts if to be Master, and a set if to be Parent, and to be Authority, and at a level higher than these three examples is One comprehensive precept not only uniting, yet properly prioritizing for higher, better, and for future, yet for all as One Heir, and for One JESUS. If to be the Parent then also to have Mastery over children, and Authority as with Holy Matrimony, these precepts together and all precepts together as One are more valuable than the paycheck and the child's allowance put together.

Higher precepts honor: Master, Parent, and Authority; and live responsibly with such sets of precepts, in One.

The sinner does not honor the Parent, in order to selfishly pretend to be free, and some even establish business illegal rules so as if to make others lesser creatures, but they are not lesser creatures. The Master Parent Authority made man (and woman) in His Own Image.

In the Drawing below are creatures made but not in the Holy Image of the great Master Parent Authority Christ JESUS One (*), as is written in Matthew 15.6 ISV:

*Just as an airplane pilot does not let the wing be removed, so too a person is not to undo a precept sinfully, to rather uphold "God created man in His own image" (from Genesis 1.27) though higher level exception options apply (reference movie The Flight of the Phoenix 1965, with redesigning of the aircraft.

Christ JESUS explained a vessel can be of lower purposes over groups of subsets of precepts, for instance there can be a purpose for having a vessel for food and another vessel for lamp oil; each having it own vessel parameters, Matthew 13.48 & 25.4 LDS:

While true, be wise to consider that even lower proper laws protect human flesh rights and to extents also protective of human flesh privileges and human flesh options, such as allowing a person to vote but not a dog, so if to mix human with dog parts then to break the law against all humans. Similarly of higher levels a person is not to bring a lower vessel into the aloft Chapel as the same and also as higher precepts apply (such as Mark 11.16; likewise 2 Timothy 2.20): all doings need be for honor, not other.

Unseen dangers: consider Your aloft Ark going into deep space, and if made of plastic, mica, or certain other materials with no enveloping energy fields then freezing could be a problem, though if great thick dense material shielding enveloped Your aloft Ark (perhaps containing a Fusion system) and that shielding was covered with extremely intense radioactive material toward the melting point (such as plates, similar to spacecraft heat shields at the other end of the range) then Your Flock is protected against cold, hardly by shooting the cold (even though applicable in a sense) and rather of Host Grace Design beforehand: the mindset of the heart to speak the plan and to draw the proper design according to good, protecting the higher level value, for Christ JESUS And Heir.

The stomach is toward the vessel, while the level of the heart is rather toward the soul and the Holy Spirit One; the stomach is of the mind to feed the body flesh, while the sinlessly pure heart is for the Will Of Christ JESUS. Matthew 15.18"

Yet over the level of this verse is the higher precept: the truth of the verse, save the heart be pure in Christ JESUS.

Of wisdom opt to offer better plans than the previous "Unseen dangers" sentence which is given because it is simple to understand for edification purposes. At the Authority option light and/or heat can come forth from lightbulb, or from a vessel, or even from a creature.

Truly some creatures can ascend, others not at this time for instance.

Consider the Word, the Bread Of Christ JESUS. Bread is made of flour and chemical reactions, and can hardly be undone, if to make a creature part human and part dog, even if to later disconnect the two and then to put the human part onto a suitable human part (or dog part onto dog part), the history of the work continues (it has crossed the Firmament, 2 Corinthians 6.14), rather than punish the person especially across a Firmament, make the person more worthy, toward to uplift (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on similar not to worship clay statues lest to disrespect their symbolized higher level).

The Eucharist has bread that underwent reactions, and when the bread opens as broken, it does not undo those reactions, rather it is a new higher value.

If You make Your aloft Ark out of flesh (see above "prepare future generations") then if to travel into deep outer space then of a living vessel as never before seen of this Known Universe, and yet if to properly do so, then You can opt to be You or may if proper opt to be part of Your vessel and grow together: so a key is to opt for Christ JESUS, in this case to opt according to whether one or the other is more for Christ JESUS, therefore to be One In Christ JESUS (highest level) in order to properly distinguish, Word from Christ JESUS personally is acceptable if certain and if You are sinless. So hardly to change from Your flesh unless prompted from above, delivered from above, lifted from above though with wisdom that even some high places have been with temptations [(consider possibly longsuffering more than 40 days Mark 1.13 although already accomplished in Christ JESUS Matthew 17.21) though don't improperly kill Yourself nor faint, even so be Faithful (John 11.11)].

There are creatures from the past, there Will be new creatures in the future. If there is an emergency and a person cannot run a long distance fast enough though You can grow feathered wings on a person, consider the higher options first, praying Christ JESUS, and for instance normally (see above text) in Christ JESUS rather opt to grow a large bird(s) to safely fly and carry a person to overcome the emergency.

Do not mutilate the body, though if to so do then minimally, though rather prepare now to overcome those future problems including mutilations and emergencies, and on a higher level if able to do so properly for Christ JESUS One solve longsuffering (such as fasting, that many people fear) or minimize; yet for the higher good for All In The Holy One: Amen.

Proclaim joy in Christ JESUS (every person has had joy in their life [Hand Of Creator], even if unremembered). Turn their fears into Holy Comforts. Hardly fasting the flesh could hardly hold fear against the Christian already of a higher level over the flesh for Christ JESUS, whether the person is in the flesh or in the Spirit (as much as appropriate in the Will Of Christ JESUS).

Christ JESUS would not have You ignorant of the higher purpose concerning the pics in the Drawing below,

as abominable as many have reasonably found such, yet

Christ JESUS now reveals a more excellent Way for all to see, read, and reason in agreement.

From level precept unto higher pertinent level precept Christ JESUS unravels the knots and scrolls and barriers for Your Flock to realize a transfiguration in His Holy Plan (eternally multitudes greater can be Faithfully coming forth from You Beloved in the years ahead, as much as time be given from the Highest One: Christ JESUS).

In this Series Of ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS, it may likely help You to first view previous Sermons in this Series, if unable to readily agree then at least starting with the following link click for ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermon: "From the dead to the living: stages of after death experiences. Rather from the living as given to the greater living: Covenanting." at

To "reason in agreement" as stated above, means that while this is most importantly "for Your Greater Christian Flock Ascending purpose" (see text toward top Drawing), this is also key for worldly consideration for law.

Known in the world currently are ways of planting seeds and grafting. Some ways include pollination and selective breeding, but this Sermon is not about that concern toward sex, rather this concern is generally for instances toward smaller energy particulars, and DNA, and larger transplants, in other words this is hardly about lay efforts and rather focused toward agreed planning such as by offices with labs.

Not to scare, though for clarity, consider that if You were working hard routinely and one day in exhaustion fell asleep and later awoke to find only Your Head, and not Your Body but rather Your Head attached to a dog or something. It would not be fair, it would not be right, it would be an abomination, it would not be right unless Christ JESUS asked such be done though Christ JESUS already paid the price and would not discomfort You beyond Your delight in the Lord, as is written in 1 Corinthians 10.13 NIV:

Whether a temptation (or as if possible worse / reference higher levels / physics with creative options yet for the greater good for Your Delight In One Christ JESUS) or if to witness, wisely consider depicted below is an abomination unto many perspectives in the world, and in the lower levels including if any Christian Church was uninformed.

Many Christians have been unfairly slaughtered (have strong yet meek Christian Faith, the situation Will grow otherwise). Therefore is a key. Be careful how You present abominable information and/or so called abominable information unto others. It is not only how the hearer hears, yet also the responsibility of the presenter to properly best present for all (pertinence conditions may apply for instance some parents may not want their children to hear, also for instance if to present too far out of the context of the hearer's ability to reason then the hearer might feel as if offended).

In the Drawing the information source appears credible, apparently the first or one of the oldest known Biblically related artifacts (such as aside from the living vessel of Christ JESUS and the risen from graves, and the Sun made from the Hand Of God, and other Biblical artifacts) so a key to note is the sense of the meaning of the cited source of "one of the oldest", if not including the Biblical Sun, then the information source delimited itself to a lower level. The source might for instance refer to things the source knows that were made by humans (such to infer such as if other than Christ JESUS, and similar of miraculous capabilities, and similarly the unknown to the source then).

Inbreeding became permitted by Moses,

of God, though precept Matthew 19.8 in Christ JESUS applies,

of God, including over incest, cloning, chimera, and greater;

rather here and now of New Christianity Of JESUS

is the even more excellent Way unraveled.

A senselessly hateful people Will cause themselves to lose what help they had, it is how evolution works, how a species remains unchanged (at a level) while a branch from that species evolves higher, as a new creation (a higher level, more capable though hardly by the highest of the previous lower standards). The new creation can mate with and/or eat the former, except of higher precepts (rather than toward incest and/or cannibalism...).

A Missionary key (especially involving Charitable works for others in foreign places, though including local and Evangelism) is hardly to be offended by others, and their foreign ways which might be offensive, to rather focus on the higher part of Your Holy Mission: Christian Leadership One In The Name Of JESUS. If to say JESUS, then of a right to brag, though rather be of the mind of "Your Holy Mission" including not to be careless, callous, hard of heart, selfish, nor offend, and rather to help them. Gift giving with benefits for them are in order in the name of Christ JESUS yet precept on precept. Callously torturing them is hardly in order (Proverbs 13.24 rather

Charitably do this to make worthy and empower Your Helper unto the higher levels. The Heavenly eternal Oneness is the eternal Helper and Comforter.

The courts sometimes offer less than the maximum sentence, it is a measure of mercy. If to be a missionary then to be charitable, to give the gift of mercy: the mission is ancillary to mercy [(virtually 100%, save the name JESUS The Christ) even so their definition might not match the Missionary definition, so be as the helper wisely (example Luke 24.31). Evolve yet rather ascend rapidly rather One (100%) already (as was written in the Prophets before Christ JESUS was even born).

The people repeatedly rebelled against Moses, so eventually Moses allowed some of their rage to escape as a pressure cooker, as valuable pressure is lost yet the whistling indicates the food is done cooking and right for reaping: to be served, and rather of it the people are served. The "rage" is sinful (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on resist, resistance, electrical resistors, flow, and Physics Of God).

Often lower level plants have sex remotely via pollen, and creatures mate sexually and then depart from each other, and generally at a little higher level they stay together for the sake of their offspring, similar to Matthew 19.8 NIV:

If to go on a lower level mission, note the above sex levels toward abominations (and unworthy "rage"), therefore either prepare to exterminate them, or rather prepare for mercy, prepare mercy with adding more mercy preparedness for each level down: therefore including safety (yes, mercy for the missionary servant too), and have higher planning to accommodate their slow lower level toward inchworm or baby-steps upward as You guide. Therefore is this key, if to go too far down then to spend Your high value as a pressure cooker wasting value waiting for the lower level (backward, if so then counted toward Follower, rather Lead). Christ JESUS already did establish realms (Heavens, for One) including as low as Firmament levels as each Firmament realm has safety and greater concerns (Luke 14.30).

Similarly if to ascend, wipe Your feet at the door before knocking toward agreeing with the Host.

Also similar to these precepts comes an unraveled thing (Lord Of Mercy) hard unto the understandings of some, in this case in example pertaining over the non-Christian Jews of their own free options to choose against Christ JESUS. This Jew matter concerns inbreeding, as Commanded Of God in Numbers 36.5-7 NAS (punctuation marks removed for precept readability, see original for whole context):

Again, "Moses permitted" but look why, because of their hardness, toward their land, toward their food, toward money, toward the root of all evil. Yes the Chosen People Jews have rights such as to exist. Yes Jews can have land, food, and such. Yes, though beloved Jews look at the results. As a secular high position Officer explained per se at the Temple a person could see they were different and hardly in a good way and as visitors witnessed and saw and agreed: many Jews at the Temple showed appearances associated with mental retardation (see above merciful command), though they were not retarded as far as known and often could be seen reading the Old Testament with delightful conversations, praise the Lord (see "appearance" at

The above is written for the vessel known as Earth: land. This too is written concerning shape shifting and sins of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4.33 (Douay-Rheims translation):

So rather JESUS The Christ saw they were ready to be helped (Mark 12.15), saved, and spared from that awful tradition of hardened men / merciful Moses. Upset people in bondage, then in the desert, then in battles; yet then the Crucifixion. Let the anger cease. Longsuffer to take up the cross and follow Christ JESUS, lest to further lose any pertinent values / levels, or lest to relatively see others rise as if unfairly though it is not. God provides beauty (Luke 9.31). This beauty God The Creator offers is not only inward yet also of surface appearance and outward hardly for the lower selfishness, rather for the giving of beauty to others, others worthy in the higher precepts. And this outward beauty is an indicator tool of value, similar to a key, such as for example to Evangelize and to come across a person loaded with pimples possibly lacking vitamin A, and likewise rather for the higher level glory of Christ JESUS whose appearance beauty was given away (100% / Crucifixion) once for all (consider this precept and helpful purpose of the law, more than the lower level legalese cases which vary according to diverse situations and stop gaps: the above on "Jews" is not merely about Jews, rather talents and manifestations in general / group and/or personal faiths: each of value, not each identical currently). If to study something and to find problems, then consider properly solving. The Creator sometimes dealt with numbers, but did not say everything was a formula. The Creator dealt with the Chosen People but did not say everyone was perfect. Yet the Creator did say the thing(s) Christ JESUS said: let it be properly done in all.

God wants You to have beauty, though proper precept on proper precept is required (Ezekiel 16.14 & 15). Also circumstances and generations and other higher unseen conditions apply.

Christ JESUS taught and did steps of Faith and rather proper leaps of Faith and greater, though some turned from the Holy Word and stepped down easier unto their selfishness and Christ JESUS begged forgiveness that You One Father would of Host Mercy forgive them with [also not that You fight] that rather You Work with them [including of their behalf] to form the [Christian] foundation(s) of peace (Matthew 23.3 translations vary widely see Similarly of the above text "Moses permitted", yes, and now here is given You a great Holy Peacemaking key, if people are properly ascending (or highest) then peace already (according to Your highest Faith talent to do and perceive) though if people (or entities) are stepping down or falling then toward war so hardly give them incentive toward sin, rather as Christ JESUS pray higher [the next higher authority of pertinence such as telling a parent about a child (and highest prayerfully)] and show them greatness in the Lord Bound In Heavenly Places; similarly as "Moses permitted" of people determined to hurt (themselves) seek rather toward symbolism lest they harm themselves and others, and give them (suffer them) the longsuffering that they wait awhile as You ascend and as You explain benefits in Christ JESUS and as they try to muster anti-benefits which fails for their behalfs

So protect them from going astray, though if they persist, then You keep ascending [(to be alway at top In Christ JESUS) note "ascending" rather than going on a lower mission / distraction] while as they see You (Your Holy Work(s)) and are prompted to do something about it only to find harms amidst sinners, then they in longsuffering might be guided unto ascending: so an attempt to help them, and then subsequent attempts until finally as "Moses permitted" them to work lower precept levels even many years, though rather according to Your Christian Church criteria, law, and moreso Your Will In Christ JESUS in this type of situation for peace, as is often the case work swiftly for detailing specifications hardly for their vessel (such as showing damages to appearances, though not to be overlooked) rather specifying their Holy Spirit progress in their past [and rather their future though for the greater sake] how they accomplished goodly things such as daily living higher than chores so rather toward ascending over levels:

in other words they tell You of Christ JESUS, it is their truth. So You make their efforts to be Christian clearly known to them, You have the Christian criteria and levels wisdom to put their value(s) in proper order for them (similar is done often in the secular world, rather for Christ JESUS lest they continue to suffer needlessly. The sinner tried to help someone but failed, but they blame Christianity..., while Your criteria and levels reveal the truth of their goodly efforts to ascend as Christ JESUS did, and how they freely opted to turn to sin so halted their own efforts: they worked against their self. What they did was fight against their own solving as written in Amos 2.14 New Heart English:

In Christ JESUS, and not to be led astray, this Holy gift in this hard saying is given now: given now is this saying that even the abominations and sins have values, even the Firmaments and other barriers have values, in One Christ JESUS. From the Good Creator came Good, none other, as much as accepting Christ JESUS at least 100% (therefore peaceful authority and power over all levels). Rather than judge appearance [(yet be aware) such as Daniel image known as abomination], judge righteous judgment.

In the secular levels it means do as the Judge ordered. Yet greater value is in the unicorn [appearance symbol (see Drawing) of the less tangible (2 Corinthians 4.18)], in other words of the other-than-created-appearances (typically of vessels) including computer displays and images, and including symbols, words, and formulas of the vessel brain, is the greater unseen, though never for sin even though sin has value. Never for evil even though goodly results can come when people run from evil to start ascending.

Problems have values according to solutions and the solving process(es), problems do not have values according to efforts lost toward making sins and wars, as many people have done, yet if any work is to be accomplished for Christ JESUS then to plan value in Christ JESUS now from the start (or from proper Christian Baptism if already started) as a person's journey in eternal life hardly starts at physical birth, rather toward being in true Christian Leadership. Followers hardly say which direction is eternal life, the Leader points the Way and so Goes [for their sakes] bravely, wisely understanding lower levels and that they were made by the strong Hand Of God, and God made the Hand Of The Christian Leader You One strong, such as found likewise in Genesis 49.24 NAS:

The great stone over the image, and the great trumpet horn over the great previous, yet hardly randomly and rather precept on precept, sequence on sequence, give here a little and there a little measure, as much as time is given per safe operation and in orderly arrangement, as Faithfully modeled and rather as the finished product becomes resultant, so rather than line by line toward after-the-fact former logic only is the Holy Arranging for the greater unseen future [generations] as Christ JESUS empowers You to Do.

A key is the peace that the flow and the honing agree for highest purpose in Christ JESUS: straight. Straight yields the true shortcut, narrow yields the proper pressure flow direction, flow yields the option of the high(er)(est) Holy Spirit option in Christ JESUS (see recent sentences above). The honed amount controls the flow direction physics though can change with time as when the desert people wanted liberty concerning Holy Matrimony and of Grace Moses eventually of God granted some for a season(s) (such as until now in some ears perhaps).

Example: a kid shoves another, so others trample the shover; the trampling is worse than the shove. While conditions apply, hardly let the punishment be worse than the crime. Rather if a kid shoves another find the goodly efforts of the shover such as longsuffering to grow muscles as Christ JESUS did though to protect from shovers lest to fail [under "trample"]: let the victim have the proper higher Way out of repetitious sinfulness (if sin was present, as this example indicated though as stated "conditions apply"): let the "others" be Christian. If Christian, then let the "others" be of other Christian groups if they want, though (see above Moses grant, and previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at rather Oneness As Christ JESUS taught and did.

Hardly ascend merely to undo, as proper ascending thankfully teaches reason to not turn.

To put Your Head on another creature or machine without Your desire is wrong, and if You so desire it is likely also wrong.

If to opt graft Your head on the shoulder of Christ JESUS is selfishly wrong unless the highest level so guides (new miracle, if so), rather grow into becoming Christ JESUS in the greater unseen and yet in appearance. In this given time with woman as the helper for the man, more than let the woman continue to so help as a woman (perhaps as a Priest (the Servant Helper is allowed to lead while the Physics Of God is that the man lead rather than be lazy, reference Christian Church criteria if details apply): Christ JESUS is the Head, Christ JESUS on Earth in flesh was(is) the male example [(yet for instance Mary Of Bethany led the Way a little and washed His Feet and later in the Bible JESUS washed feet, see lower Drawing at led and also did help and serve].

You are to do as the Father In Heaven, and JESUS Will do as the Father In Heaven: peace, agreeing, Oneness, Holy Physics Of God. Establish the flight Path through the swirling Universe (unrolling the Scroll Luke 4.17); establish the Christian Church criteria over Firmaments concerning opening the gate for the worthy, and concerning conditions concerning grafting vessels.

A male or female can ride on a horse, a male or female can ride on a cart, yet the cart is hardly put before the horse. A horse and cart can backup, a machine can be made to run backward, and these for higher purpose(s) such as to back out of a ditch, though normally pay attention to the road and smooth operations of machines and systems, wisely toward One proper flow direction. As new miracles come, of goodly habit growing, a person can better properly overcome for highest value sequence on sequence. When 100% Holy (without laziness [hardly to be confused with other words such as self vessel needful: recuperating, healing, and maintenance such as nutrient intake) God gave woman overflowing talent to help, and God gave man overflowing talent to lead; as woman as a child learns to lead from the example the Husband sets in the Marriage, the man as a child learns to help likewise, as both in Heaven neither Marry nor are given in Marriage, and this is hardly interpreted about changing the vessel appearance (vessels and appearances Will change of Heavenly Places with ascending) and rather of the higher greater unseen Holy Way, not to undo talents, rather to properly graft, grow, and cultivate for One Christ JESUS.

To put anything other than normal goodness given is of sin wrong though of righteousness for good higher purpose within the straight and narrow guideline and parameters of Firmaments [and] of levels as specified in the Christian Bible

toward starting on the proper ascending Holy Trend Path

though to continue let the good grow together and branch out for good higher purpose and grow fruit according to the growing of the precepts: from briefly stated precept phrases of Christ JESUS to more complex Christ JESUS doings (cultivating Your discriptiveness of the Holy Example and Gracious Ensample). Secular world scientists do as much copying and pasting related texts together, and You can do greater in Christ JESUS; Legislators with pertinent Staff Officials likewise set frameworks of priorities with inserted ancillary regulations, and this also is added to You, this is added because of Your Christian Guidance Planning for all includes not only for people yet also for new creatures toward various purposes, so under One Christian Purpose fit the ancillary plans for designing, and their ancillary charts and constructions as to plant greater value seeds for good fruits (see "stipulation of creative value" toward top of page) the Holy Spirit / Holy Soul / Holy Flesh was accomplished, fulfilled and overcome in Holy Victory for the above in Christ JESUS as was Prophesied, as from Job 26.7:

The Spirit Of JESUS "pierced" the lower flesh of the vessel of JESUS once for all. Yet the balance of the vessel sails on, pure / properly Baptized: Christian.

This key should, generally speaking, unravel much in Holy Scriptures for You, toward knowing and agreeing with the higher Heart And Soul Of Creator Christ JESUS:

When a selfish person thinks of Leviticus 11, they think of foods they may eat.

Truly, truly, aside from evolution charts, the foods that are not to be eaten, are not to be eaten for higher purpose.

The selfish legal letter-of-the-law person (often toward case laws legislating from the bench, when better is of the higher point, the purpose of the law) thinks of eating, what they can eat as specified in detail in Leviticus 11: and that is the end of it, it is the end of their thinking, they kill themselves Spiritually (up to that point).

Rather the higher purpose toward Oneness is that this Leviticus 11 key holds secrets now unraveled unto a great mystery of the Kingdom Of Heaven since the beginning of time hardly recorded openly and publicly for their sakes, that is with people in this generation now able to better understand (including complex definition senses, DNA, cloning, cyborgs,...) the secrets of the Bible in order to give properly for others, for higher purpose for all, is that Leviticus 11 applies to select creatures, a value akin to the value of people (though not people) and akin in Holy Trend to people of the value of having been Chosen.

Select flesh vessels are not to be eaten because (of diseases and/or other against the eater, though of higher) such vessels are toward human.

The evolutionary Tree Of Life is from bad and inert (unchanged for eons, such as a worm, an ancient structure plant, or a shark), yet God is pleased with the good work(s). Some creatures, such as dinosaurs generally, are now extinct. Some dinosaurs had families (evidence of watching over eggs,...various sources), yet better is to be done.

The Holy Tree Of Life from Christ JESUS is with branches of similar unto the first grafted in, such as Apostles, Holy Priests, and similar.

Some creatures are not to be eaten because they are toward human though not wholly evolved yet, or otherwise grafted properly from above, for instance some say the pig is similar to a human, so they utilize appropriate pig parts such as to transplant the pig heart into the person. An ear for instance might be formed (similar) and grafted if a person loses an ear. Distinguish, it is not the original (see the previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on maintaining the original Bible, that Bible was [and is] Word, this now about creatures and proper grafting is Will, though only when proper precept on proper precept).

The Creator explained only certain types of fuels were properly compatible with Your vessel. Some creatures are not to be eaten, such as the pig, the monkey, and the dog; and be aware that these precepts also apply to other human survival concerns (at this site are minor steps, or leaps to some people). To reveal this [major, to some (depending on hearer ascended level)] key of the Tree Of Life concerning DNA surgery and all creatures is in some interpretations greater than a leap of Faith to them, it is rather on the order of transfiguration Spiritually or similarly flying on a winged unicorn to meet Christ JESUS in the sky.

Each precept of Christ JESUS reveals greater good, pertinent to each level. And since each level or step is of certain substance (anointed vessel for Christ JESUS / Faith) parameters then each revelation set (each precept set as a subset of the whole higher value One) is valuable in unraveling the higher. Example, as the Sun is starting to rise a person might see a step, then the next step, then a few steps as the person gains vision [(in Holy Trend such as via hearing Your Christian Sermons) with doing noting exercise can give strength such as if to leap], and the pace of ascending quickens (thank Christ JESUS In One Heavenly Father).

Some creatures have more poisons and crippling effects than others, including their flesh, saliva, dung, and injectors; while some creatures are good for food, certain nutrients, and transplants such as after an accident to transplant a specific animal vein into a person if human self regrowing technique is impractical in the case (proper case law has value)(proper selfishness for Christ JESUS has value such as to fast to heal (Daniel 9.3) or more typically to properly eat specific nutrients to heal(1 Timothy 5.23)).

Why should a person not feast on all good God created?, free choice Tree Of Logic awareness to create good so to lift vessels properly into Heaven.

Why aren't people born in Heaven?, see previous sentence.

Why shouldn't people eat certain creatures that some people say are delicious?, rather be a Chosen People, Holy In New Christianity.

As it is written in Exodus 22.31:

Creatures (vessels) are of gift sets, associated with talents from God, and God visits through generations to bless a set of generations [or in the world otherwise counted as if a curse for a set of generations (see Affiliated GodMath Testament on parameters of curses and One in detail of high purpose)], also within a given set of generations (whether blessed or so called cursed) each generation has the free choice gift (greater or lesser). So a key is that a growing vessel in generations can leap atypically or dwindle atypically in same level perspective or lower level perspective. This key is valuable in Evangelism, in speaking their jargon when Preaching and Ministering, and this is valuable concerning DNA modifying, and in other fortes. From precept to precept, to set of precepts to set of precepts for Christ JESUS In The Heavenly Father.

So let the DNA modifying technician and the grafting surgeon, and the eater be Christian and aware and implementing these precept sets ascending, or toward lower worldly law at least of a minimum to be under the guidance of such of New Christianity.

Christ JESUS gave the rate(s) of increase for high purpose, so a set of vessels might leap: it is good to have a family with generations of Christian Leadership, though if otherwise then hardly toward top applicability, examples apply such as nepotism, and genetic or so called genetic birth defects or deficiencies such as compared to some norms or criteria. This is a very serious matter concerning such as if to clone [evidently illegal:] or inbreed. Within the wisdom of this current generation with the precept sets of New Christian so as Your become able to distinguish good, to extract good from otherwise background field per talent(s), proper process(es), and pertinent resource(s), given time (applicable rate(s)/case or set of similar cases toward automating), then if to place Your Christian Flock within a Heavenly realm level, set of precepts ascending [set of similar cases (mercy on new Members toward per case)] then the Flock flies and transfigures of the Head lifting the lower new Members, even reorientation of new Members if any case of not fully repentant rather than toward toward clipping toenails and losing tail.

Some creatures are more similar to humans than other creatures, but they are not humans. Yet some parts of vessels (see "field" above) can have values, for instance an uncorrected unrepentant human criminal can indicate their pains, a value for Christian Evangelists for solving in them for Christ JESUS, and for instance a morgue study of a dead criminal may help future medical doctors. Lower than human vessels likewise offer food and/or other helps such as vessels that attack things that attack humans, this is a key concerning long duration space travel.

Rather than eat an octopus for instance, there are higher than field values, such as to study vessel in given background physics, including many moving parts functioning as a unit, studies (per costs) though rather results already solved in fluid dynamics, regrowing limbs (including aloft Ark), pressures, colors, grasping, and other high values from a structurally boneless creature except for it's sharp beak which is not utilized much toward defense and yet dwells with sharks.

Winged birds are good for food, and minimize bones, and many are as the octopus in many ways, though the octopus often eats toward the bottom dwellers and in caves while the seed eating bird eats the top grass fruits (or freshly fallen) and lifts food to children (compare lower level caves/octopus). Other carnivore birds have other talents, seeking from high above toward largest portions.

Good value can be gained in study of each, and yet the Bible already prepared much for all. If to modify DNA or to do similar, study the Word Of God first. There are pertinent specifications for all yet suitable as for modifying DNA and surgery transplants, and psychological physics Evangelism (turning sinners into honorable highly respected leaders expert in guidance counseling and doing).

Some vessels of animals are for instance as an empty barge, some are as barges full of nutrients and technologies (symbolizing in this case the Will Of God, packed with appropriate DNA to be eaten). Some are large with excess fat and diseases and non-compatible DNA, others are tiny power packs. Matching blood types indicates a precept level, yet toward higher precepts. Not matching blood types is something a monkey might do, toward lower levels, or a person might do, have mercy yet make worthy or move on (to the next candidate, or rather ascend in levels for the greater group of more responsible Nurses, or rather leap higher toward greater Oneness level for Christ JESUS).

For instance in Leviticus 11.42 LDS:

The Bible offers precepts, and within these precepts are certain applicabilities, and there are clues not only to higher precepts enlightening unto more details, yet also there are clues for the same given precept level (before ascending higher). In other words, with a level of worthy responsibility are generally speaking banks of joys, duties, benefits, clues, gifts, responsibilites, and so on to give for their sakes. These "clues" are for their sakes, and of mutual benefit these "clues" help the doer help give to others for their sakes. These "clues", these indicators, are akin to precepts though similar to reading between the lines, such as the ways the words "You" and "God" might be omitted in conversational, toward sinfulness; so rather hone the self, become more responsible in Holy Doing(s).

Clearly in many ways, reasonable for their sakes, even during planning and construction (as with proper site signage) build and grow the Daniel giant for good and not for other, for the sake of all. Likewise build and grow the giant mountain stone and after any sparing of lives and equipment let the stone fly according to the Will Of Christ JESUS.

Likewise if to construct a half this half that creature, find the worthiness first (if any per se) in Christ JESUS lest toward sin. Clearly transfigure living entities for good higher purpose, rather than for merely "let's see what will happen" (former logic, coin flip, lack of care). If to do, then do for the eternal purpose. If to longsuffer, rather than the goal being to longsuffer more, let the goal be for Christ JESUS or at least that..."they may receive you into everlasting habitations" (Luke 16.9).

Christ JESUS spoke words a certain Way and told parables and other stories a certain Way, accordingly some precepts fit certain levels a certain Way. Within the parameters of precepts fitting a level, accordingly some talents (resources, systems, things, spirits,...) fit a certain Way (so to speak, unique, such as unique to that talent set, and/or unique to that given set of resources). So while the parameters are of a certain level, another level is counted as if different in former logic alone, though the same parameters fit though only if the parameters are of the higher level(s).

The type of creature such as centipede, shrimp, or worm, can be of a level while another level is here: Hardly to be eaten are the fat and blood and sinew, they are for the Lord God (Ezekiel 44.15), though if One In New Christianity then such might be eaten within the precept(s) of Christ JESUS (Mark 16.18). Nevertheless do not tempt God, so opt rather to do good, including to opt to eat the things God said to eat.

So if to transplant, transplant what God said was appropriate and hardly of former logic only, rather of pertinently proper precepts. The letter of the worldly laws have little to do with this, so the surgeon is to rather follow the legal authority (world) if over the surgeon. If of the level over law (and some in the world claim no such thing)(even as [precept] Representatives prepare to write laws and/or Declaration(s) and/or Treaties such as if guiding unto new realms,...) then to consider new procedures for instance so perhaps to consider new setting criteria which should involve the Will Of God, and may involve establishing new laws.

So the level of responsibility perspective is important, up to that level.

An egg for instance according to former logic only after-the-fact witness (rather ascend) is of a pattern of growth. Yet the source of growing first, before the witness attests in court to discern as per law or not, is the lead. The lead leads, the witness is the tail. For instance from Ezekiel 37.8 "I saw tendons growing on the bones, and muscles growing and covering them, and then skin"; so the tail in this example is "I saw", and toward the lead (Head Christ JESUS) is hardly the physiology (as if inert, or sleeping,...) and rather the living physiology. Less "it is the way it's been done for generations" (of value) and rather of the eternal Way. As people come to accept in the heart the eternal Way, people come to accept the living part of the Bible (the ink and paper have value(s) too).

A series of words might be a sentence, yet the higher is not only toward forming a sentence, yet rather forming the eternal Holy Sentence, With Doing.

A group of parts of living vessels might be proper, yet the higher is not only toward forming vessel, yet rather forming the eternal Proper Holy Higher Living Way (Philippians 4.9). Let these be clear in Your Heart now, that if the time comes to guide, You Will be prepared already, that You be prepared to ascend.

Christ JESUS taught precept on precept (see precious ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on PCS: Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization for Christian Churches and the public, with [an Affiliate version as applicable], and with another version see CLASSIFIED above per se; three legally distinct versions).

Since Christ JESUS taught precept on precept a key exists from the concept as Christ JESUS created (in the Holy Father), the key is that during this given time, a precept level is of a value not the same as another precept level. For a person ascending each higher level is a higher value and therefore of greater responsibilities for Christ JESUS. So another key tied to this is if to change a person such as surgery or DNA splicing, therefore, to be a higher level (if to be in responsible control) than the work of the hands to so do. Truly is needful to be of a much higher level (see the top Drawing at

Otherwise some people have modified people such as shrunk skulls / boiling, and such as cannibalism (as evolution advances civilization see how "far" we have come in the past 3.5 billion years click for ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermon Site at for the amoebas Drawing.

Some levels are not to eat certain other levels, some levels are not to transplant certain other levels.

Do not eat be cannibals even if a person saw their flesh Former Logic Only parents being cannibals, do not transplant just because of having seen other secular people transplant.

There is a rate of evolution, there is a rate of metabolism, there are also blood types and other considerations. The dog does not process high value the Holy Way a Christian processes high value, so if to transplant then to form errors and crimes and not against the human patient victim. Even in the lower it is a crime against nature that even the transplanter be as if counted in court at the dog level.

These previous few sentences are of the caveat that the Creator may give approval to as if to modify [new to You (see Dove below)] / Your responsibly honed worthiness for certain high purpose(s) / carefully specified with proper transparency controls, and/or case by case.

Now there are evolve rates, and there are higher velocity growing, stepping, leaping, aloft Ark vessel flying, aerospace, and deep space transport; spatially, though "spatially" is symbolic of the higher purpose up and on of precepts properly arranged in Christ JESUS.

A teen for instance might walk up steps to sleep, while an adult Pilot might fly from Earth to Moon on a rescue mission or to deliver supplies, and while they do their jobs, be aware of not only the "steps" or the "fly", yet of higher level also be wise to plan the routine of "to deliver supplies" is higher value than an unforeseen problem requiring a "rescue mission": in this higher level case the "steps" are virtually out of the picture, beyond the lower realm of the higher pertinent levels of reasoning per se. The lower mission "steps" are often hardly counted in higher levels, as they are toward automatically being responsibly accounted. If to stop the rescue mission in order to tuck the teen into bed, is wrong (pending circumstances). If to transplant a head, it is wrong (ibid.): rather longsuffer to overcome the problem at the planning stage level to delight in no lower level rescue mission needed and to delight in time therefore to be spent tucking in the teen [(or other appropriate Comfort as with growing and maturing, Luke 2.50 & 51 with Luke 16.10, accordingly with John 2.5) as much as ascending in Path Of Levels Of Godliness] and to delight in the Lord JESUS thankfully (John 15.14).

Make Your aloft Ark spectacular and grand, flying high for all to freely opt [whether] to appreciate, and in such admiring to become motivated anew in Christ JESUS, be large and of broad cross section when flying into the sparse molecular density of outer space, though if to return (lower level per se) toward hitting the atmosphere as the safe window / vessel size and velocity, tuck into bed, tuck in Your wings, collapse: the Booby bird with an especially large cross section with wings open aloft, and likewise King Fisher bird of high velocity, collapse into an arrow shape when to impact and rather when to pierce the higher molecular density of water (to catch fish). So too safely prepare Your interspace traveling Ark for shape shifting and creating Manna from Heaven.

In Christ JESUS, note this is a key type, a key for similar event horizons, similar thresholds. Prepare in advance to conquer interfaces (see precious ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on refracton, reflection, rarefraction, mode conversion, and similar). If to transgress unawares a legal point, rather plan better in advance; if to journey toward a plasma field, or a magnetic field, or an asteroid belt, or another atmosphere, for each and all plan, yet in Christ JESUS with proper ascending is to plan for the optimum plan, optimum design, and optimum route: plan for the future generations unable to thank You, plan for the eternal One God.

A great key of this Holy Word Of Christ JESUS, is God The Heavenly Father is of the Holy Will, and Christ JESUS agrees and Christ JESUS opted the Holy Spirit with the Holy Vessel. The Holy Comforter You (In Christ JESUS One) may have One High Purpose Will, and then Christ JESUS immediately agrees in Word And Doing. As You so do, the Holy Comforter agrees as much as in high level. In lower level a misinterpretation is as if to order God about: it is sin, the Disciple is not above the Master.

Christ JESUS taught what was beyond death [(John 10.17) "take" translated as net it up again, give life higher level again, longsuffer in mild planning properly to delight in the Lord in raising the vessel righteously for higher purpose], and what dead was, ranging from higher eternal sense (of higher levels not dead), yet also at the other end of the range (in former logic only terms) as in the sleeping ("sleeping" is a higher precept than "dead") Lazarus awakened story.

Translations: now in ("Luke 20:35) the only translation that does not contain the word "dead" is the GW translation:

so this is a key, that all are curious and low Former Logic Only creatures would be motivated to carelessly sinfully jokingly and to trick and victimize so to transplant vessel parts, thus to include sex organs and attributes. Such has already come to pass. It is because of text higher on this page that the end happen quickly to such sinners lest to victimize far greater than disfigure and vandalize, as many attempt to censor the Christian Word In Spirit and Will In Flesh, so if to kill the closest Christian bodies then hardly the sinner is saved.

Pluck out the weeds to burn as much as there is time, even now too much time has passed lest all be lost (reference previous careless civilizations involved in mutilations and transplantations sinfully, that are no longer around) and/or rather consider time doing the more important part for Christ JESUS. Solutions abound, such as depending on the natures of the weeds, such as tiny short weeds without prickles might be ignored at the moment to rather gather the grain white already for harvest. Weed that prickle can bear goodly fruit such as blackberries (reference edibles / survival guides), so perhaps gain multiple harvests especially if to hover above automatically gathering rather than the traditional way of walking through thorny bushes especially if in minimal clothing as due to heat. Note to so hover above, legs such as adjustable up to as long as appropriate (whether gathering carrots or up to fruit treetop level) or short tether anchors might be utilized in positioning; with mechanized gathering arms perhaps of lightweight aluminum or rigid plastic; within the Ark plan for moving full bins.

Rather Evangelize.

That is plan for the higher ascending, though hardly let Your Flock be left behind, they have needs, such as harvested carrots generally speaking. After death Christ JESUS ate (Luke 24.43). Even so, Christ JESUS ate Old Testament foods / that criteria over foods, over sources of food, over types of fleshes.

Christ JESUS is the fulfillment of all true things ever written in the Bible (and in Sermons and in other recorded truths) and greater, as declared in Isaiah 46.10 ASV:

no exceptions.

Even so, "no exceptions" applies to all though of laws under the Christian Baptism Firmament, and of uplifting joyous Grace above this Firmament (see previous ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons for pertinent enduring specifications).

Christ JESUS made clear the higher unseen [unknown by lower levels (reference precepts)] as the sinners seeing dimly do wrongfully efforts hardly of lasting values while working faster (see "as if become retarded" above) toward failure and the root of all evil, while the Christian Leadership as the One New Creature ascends.

Doing as Christ JESUS did, and not limited to hearing only, is the True Faith and is the Good Way as seen in James 1.23-25:

So a key is the Creator is the All Knowing Holy One [(note today is June 12, 2017AD: just yesterday an LDS Sermon Preacher as seen on TV kept repeating "Forget" all you have known), rather (in mind all their works: Amos 8.7) and rather (keep in mind all the wonders that I've put in your power: Exodus 4.21)] can make things properly, but the created creature including whether by evolution and/or artificial, can lack the appropriate level of Holy Wisdom so needs Your One Holy Higher Guidance (You may opt to consult experts in Your Flock)(note: recently Christian President Trump spoke against excessive consulting [note bias may apply: that A Check Exact as mentioned above concerning "CLASSIFIED" intelligence, is a for profit consulting firm, and an Affiliate of ICCDBB For Christ JESUS, and helped toward unraveling a great intelligence mystery of the high Physics Of God]).

In the below Drawing note that the human heads are considered animals (or similar slaves to sinfulness, in sinful slavery), a sin if descending through level(s), though if to breathe into dust and create a human (a subset of the more detailed process of evolving into humans) then good of One Creator In New Christianity.

Christ JESUS explained it is an abomination to cast valuable vessels to swine. JESUS The Christ gifts for the Holy Spirit include levels of victories over confused spirits and over relatively higher levels including victories for Christianity via New Christianity: from wars to inquisition to New Christianity with victory in One Christ JESUS. Many have devolved repeatedly as sinners, and Christians have gone into the shadow of death repeatedly when Christ JESUS rather taught and did things above: Heavenly. Physics Of God The Creator provide gifts for others through Christian You specifying Heavenly and higher Heavenly places in detail, such as how to build and grow a proper Ark rather than to search the dead wooden bones of the obsolete Ark (save recordkeeping value). After the Daniel Nebuchadnezzar giant image and Prophetic giant stone the four future steps are given, that a person might transfigure from step 1 to step 4 instantaneously in this ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS. Distance from Sun water freezes in Asteroid Belt, methane freezes. Intelligence CLASSIFIED Bible info conquered in this New Christianity Sermon. New

The upper right obelisk describes / translates picture storylines into ancient cuneiform [including speaking of the Christian Bible (King Jehu)]. In the middle of the obelisk it is enlarged as shown in the gray metallic pic with the cuneiform language underneath; the pic is of genetically modified people [sinfully mixed (seek to properly empower the worthy rather than to be toward removal of human rights: 2 Samuel 3.8)] with animals].

Christ JESUS gave that You understand that You be of higher Covenant levels rather than toward lower sinfulness. A low level mission for Christ JESUS is toward preventing the improper mixing of humans with animal parts.

With Your awareness of the above, make thoroughly clear to Your Flock, Your Christian Church criteria, and if Your Flock is worthy (such as studied in the field and expert at such things and also [in an organization (if likely applicable) other than Your Christian Church Flock Of Membership per se] that any and all such doings per se of any and all group(s) proclaim openly and publicly advertise "JESUS is Lord" and/or similar in the name of Christ JESUS, then You have assurance they Will accept to heart Your Holy Word pertinent to the above, otherwise first reprove such as to let them privately prayerfully discern the levels as You guide that they not wrongfully mix lower ideas with the higher. Have them in their hearts cite their sources of information, and then discern only those Christian levels as pertinent to the above Drawing: all the other is as if toward garbage until after the Christian findings might allow certain lower level truths to worthily ascend.

Sinners often work with some truths, lest not credible at all as some appear as if to be, so of some truths, as diamonds in the rough, some specific trusts as determined from Your above Authority (including any pertinent other people in Christ JESUS as described here, to such extent(s)) may be granted [limited or all] approval(s) as much as for Christ JESUS.

A sinner put a human head on an animal body, for example, is not good nor proper, it is a sin, unless otherwise found appropriate from Christ JESUS One You, per se.

The lower level is not over the higher Master level (not to be confused in lower former logic only "master race" as such as called for instances). The person cannot properly mix the human and animal save if the person be the Creator of the human race: all people. Each and all people have a proper fair say in this, in One Christ JESUS.

The animal is not grafted into the Christ JESUS Branch. Yet within this sentence of an incomplete example, it can be so, if for instance a person in an accident has the lower part of their body cut off and the animal body is briefly utilized to keep the person alive until a human body to replace the animal is done, yet even so protect the human part from the animal part, filter the blood, protect the cells, protect the higher essence of the human and the rights, and if so, then rather than to put the human with the animal, rather put the inert filter and protections with the human and leave the animal part out of the equation.

Therefore at the option of Christ JESUS, Christ JESUS may freely opt whether to overcome such mixing of levels (as done in some other circumstances, see lower level miracles). The point is, the mixing is not done, it is a Firmament and a reason a civilization can perish; the typical traditional sense of mixing in the world is not to be done, yet of high Christian Levels an Angel for One Christ JESUS might grow wings (and/or appear so), the unicorn might appear as if a person, a dove might enter the Holy Of Holies.

Christ JESUS allowed the low creature below the Firmament level under the dominion of the human, to alight atop the Head Of The Christ JESUS Within The Holy Of Holies Sacred Ceremony Of Christian Baptism of John, of Elias. The dove can deliver infectious parasitic diseases such as salmonella, and other pathogens.

So of the high level key be wise to consider the Holy Grace Of Safety In The Route Trend Straight And Narrow For Christ JESUS (note: be aware of this key if to do lower missionary work, though Christ JESUS performed as servant for all)(also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on ascending as these Will be added unto You). This key also applies to other laws and precepts, such as concerning the touching of anything dead (see above "asleep" & "sleeping").

Similar to sleeping, is to be hardly doing, such as a person recuperating and not ascending much at the moment, so if at the satisfactorily high level it is counted as if hardly if the person is exhausted or similarly otherwise busy or on vacation or as much as other of pertinence is pending. If to be a Christian guide then high level responsibilities apply hardly toward the newly repentant Baptized Christian much concerned with habits of hanging around some circles of sinners for example, and rather of New Christianity not only talking of the Spirit yet with also having shown responsibility over vessels for One High Vessel JESUS (also a key in pertinence to creating vessels).

Christ JESUS taught of the higher things than the evolutionary rate of value (letter of the law such as concerning food laws, and such as start of the Book Of Matthew, for instances) with the ascending importantly with proper Christian Baptism over the worldly ways so even over the genealogy rate (ibid.) of properly lifting all, including over lifting creature parts by grafting, and rather lifting whole vessels when worthy over thresholds when properly agreed by the parties; save All That Is Already One So Agree to so create of a key: example the Creator hardly asked the dust to agree to more than leap, to surpass many Firmaments instantaneously transfiguring (unicorn stories). This key is due to the example of lower levels trying to think, as in Mark 5.13 the lower level spirits freed from a person were foolish, crazy, and tried to escape JESUS and went into swine and drowned in the sea, also note many people sided in favor of the abomination. Side with Christ JESUS and be seen aloft and heard broadcasting Christ JESUS from high, in the Spirit and Flesh both properly agreeing, literally and symbolically.

Last night (today is June 9, 2017) a voice toward Oneness started to tell a crazy story of war though then explained higher purpose toward saving life, with guidance (special communications) toward directing the party to go to a great transmitting (ibid.) site. So too amplify Your aloft Ark tongue in the proper Physics Of God. The night previous 1 Thessalonians 5.1-6 applied and the person appearing as a prowler was apprehended and brought toward being submissive in spirit (Isaiah 66.2 Holman) for the high purpose of Christ JESUS (Genesis 32.24 with victory for the innocent others that had been resting): be on the side of victory; later that night the was some division though the Word With Will Of Christ JESUS continued to apply with or without any division (such as a level) according to Oneness [likewise as much as You would Faithfully Say and Do for Christ JESUS As One].

Be on the side of victory though hardly to subdue others, rather to train unto greater dominion over lower creatures, to raise children (such as of Your Christian Church Flock) and rather with instantaneous transfiguring for all. Transplants, similar to foods, are of higher purpose for all, even if death is involved (seed falls to the soil and dies: rather toward turning to dust (which toward at least is of the geological rate) the seed might grow anew, or rather be eaten by the higher level creature and grow though lower aspects of the lower level vessel might be cast out, such as in the forms of excrement, sweat, wax, and so forth.

In the above the [narwal and also] unicorn spires rise (one / each vessel) are long and taper with twisted effects [(see ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at on higher progress planning and doing and with a Drawing on transmitters built by ancient Egyptians, yet rather growing transmitters similar to DNA models with newer models curved as a whole DNA strand, not just the twisted parts) associated with the curving of light / masses...] yet as one.

The Christian Bible explains fear the Lord, not fear the abominations, save plan, be wise to know their thoughts (Matthew 9.4) toward their actions. Plan to encounter, yet within reason generally (and within Your Christian Church criteria, and within Your aloft Ark and Chapel safety rules and terms) plan to comprehensively handle any situation properly in priority in Christ JESUS One. Plan properly in the Lord, and if proper, then Your Plan is a miracle for them, beloved Angel of the Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS holds the Will Of The Heavenly Creator, bind in Heaven, from Earth...bind in Heaven. Form in Heaven, yet form properly for Christ JESUS. Grow, if hardly to grow while ascending, then perhaps graft (mainly Baptizing, hardly splicing high level creatures), and otherwise build to not leave the other left undone.

Leadership / Psalm 23.4 / New Christianity One is the Anointed One In Christ JESUS [this is the horn (see "sound" above) for good, also be aware of any viewing as if through mists of unhoned spirits or as though reflections (as of former World Trade Center / no legal affiliation)].

If Your aloft Ark is to grow, then less toward feathers of values though of lower levels typically (see "dove" above) and rather toward the Image Of Christ JESUS and rather let Your aloft Ark be more importantly for the One Work Of Christ JESUS, with feet to anchor the above (Isaiah 66.1) and the above within and giving uplifting Spirit Faithfully immediately (key practice doing good) for Christ JESUS: working the soil, planting seed, growing worthiness, weaving flight specifications, and so on.

If to Guide over grafting such as into One Christ JESUS, then proper Holy Christian Baptism. Though if to have a pet or farm animal, or if to protect against creatures, then this site applies along with the GodMath Testament For Christ JESUS.

So if to graft a lower creature part, then to graft for the temporary purpose in the lower creature (reference the great stone overpowering the Daniel image). Note the seeing eye dog does not give reason to as if Baptize a lower level vessel. If a dog rescues many people, it is not reason to Baptize the low level dog. Verily, verily, secular Former Logic Only is not reason to subdue Holy under secular (Isaiah 66.3) and can only be as much as full repentance under Holy.

So here is a higher distinguishing key, that the line by line and letter of the the law toward case laws increase from pages of laws to volumes of sets of laws, to legalese libraries including past laws and future proposals, to specialists' laws and increasingly more, can hardly be fathomed even in small amounts by specialists in their own field, as compared to the greater amount to be conquered, and these complex values continue to have values until the vessels meet Final End Time (or similar, such as "seed" above).

Therefore be with such former logic value(s) yet more be of the higher precepts. The good part of the story associated with JESUS Christ is a good example, even so, translate and interpret properly, precept on precept, including over former logic value(s). New Christianity gives this great key for those in the New Christianity level as much as their worthy Christian Faith might be: as much as the transplanting complies with Your aloft Ark criteria, agree, though if others sinfully commandeer it is abomination unto them, yet in New Christianity ascend; likewise if they steal Your aloft Ark You gain good on greater good to give, while robbers seek Your leavings so that they can attack and crash Your aloft platform rock (rock-like appearance) into the previous Daniel giant image. They who trusts selfishly in their own money and riches will fall (Proverbs 11.28).

So here is a free gift new key given: under the Baptism Firmament, if to turn and head down it is a temporary delight known as sin; above the Baptism Firmament if to head down is known as a lower level mission as Christ JESUS One Servant or if not on a proper mission then from Leader to Follower (counted in Former Logic Only as if abomination though it is not) so if away from worthiness then toward unworthiness yet above the Baptism Firmament and so not measured properly by the worldly sinners, and similarly hardly measured by some Christians, while the higher levels offer Mercy and uplifting Grace.

Worldly wealth (such as a transplant of parts of vessels, or such as an aloft Ark) is "unreliable" (1 Timothy 6.17 NLT). So distinguish the higher level purpose, hence as written in Proverbs 23.4 & 5:

The lowest human levels and lower often selfishly take, that is what they do, that is their Physics Of God nature, hence that is their value (Leviticus 26.22) to be utilized as cleaners in the former context, yet rather of the higher levels to be converted from lower level to higher levels though let Your Christian Church set parameters as Firmaments as much as of the Will Of One Christ JESUS: the guideline over the above Drawing human or animal Firmament concern, lest it be abominable. Get to Work on this and on Your aloft Ark, for the higher purpose in Christ JESUS as it is written in Ecclesiastes 2.24:

If to graft a human head onto a dog or something, is hardly about that resultant creature form vessel, rather of the higher grafting into the vine Christ JESUS One.

So if to transplant body parts, as a minimum be responsible, also be guided by a Christian Authority of high level (though of no legal responsibility unless the pertinent government clearly promotes the Christ JESUS in it's law(s)), a level such as toward healings such as found in the Christian Bible, healings for higher level and higher purpose such as done in Christ JESUS.

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

June 12, 2017 AD

Coming soon:

Planned for the next Sermon is:

Creating Manna from Heaven!

Click for ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Main Site at

tags: JESUS The Christ gifts for the Holy Spirit include levels of victories over confused spirits and over relatively higher levels including victories for Christianity via New Christianity: from wars to inquisition to New Christianity with victory in One Christ JESUS. Many have devolved repeatedly as sinners, and Christians have gone into the shadow of death repeatedly when Christ JESUS rather taught and did things above: Heavenly. Physics Of God The Creator provide gifts for others through Christian You specifying Heavenly and higher Heavenly places in detail, such as how to build and grow a proper Ark rather than to search the dead wooden bones of the obsolete Ark (save recordkeeping value). After the Daniel Nebuchadnezzar giant image and Prophetic giant stone the four future steps are given, that a person might transfigure from step 1 to step 4 instantaneously in this ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS. Distance from Sun water freezes in Asteroid Belt, methane freezes. Intelligence CLASSIFIED Bible info conquered in this New Christianity Sermon. New "retarded" or "intelligent" Physics Of Creator criteria disclosed for first time in this given time (Isaiah 46.10) from Christ JESUS. Proper colonizing plans for the anointed Known Universe and greater. Oldest Christian information of transplanting human heads onto animals (King Jehu ancient cuneiform and unicorns). Christ JESUS is ascending now, learn how too. Pics. 1 Nephi 8:26.

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