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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

Step Leap Fly

Christ JESUS offered grace, though some things were commands. It is recommended that You consider this "Step Leap Fly" Sermon For Christ JESUS as a command in Your Heart And Soul. You already know wings are not required, if Heaven wants to lift You, then You Will be lifted (such as mornings, and leapings, typically).

In lay terms, either fly now and with Your Christian Church too, or build Your aloft Ark. Christ JESUS is alive in the flesh now, what if He is up there already waiting for You, this is what He taught "Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face continually" (1 Chronicles 16.11) with ascending from lower levels [child & face to face (1 Corinthians 13.11 & 12)], if not already flying with Your Flock, make ready the best You can. Prayer is good, pray alway in Your heart, though hardly pretend prayer as if an excuse to be lazy, hopeless, or sinful.

Conquer the Fourth Seal. Christians conquered the Fourth Seal, Death, in Christian Baptism: One in Christ JESUS. Heavenly miracles help, though many have found the crucifixion of Christ JESUS hard to understand (with the Eucharist). To help edify the Church, consider three levels such as levels D, H, and V, and imagine level D is the highest level of the three, and V the lowest, and the public was on level H which the public considered civilized, and level V was conquered by Christ JESUS though hardly from level H where Christ JESUS dwelt in the flesh, rather from Christ JESUS Spiritually at level D: in this case at least level D is required to conquer level V if to have eternal life with (or without / optional) the body.

This is similar to how a person can ride a tricycle though not a car, since there are physics limitations, license regulations, commands of the parents, safety concerns, and many other concerns, though the public properly conquered cars. To properly conquer death requires Heavenly Covenanting [(In Christ JESUS) in the level so pertinent, so created / Plan Of Physics Of God].

Conquering death such as of Lazarus and others, and of Christ JESUS Himself, was and is and Will be as Christ JESUS explained, precept on precept: proper pertinent precept and onto higher proper pertinent precept: the learning to walk in Faith, in the case of this Sermon the learning to properly fly Faithfully including [as if walking] on water [on ground / landing], and in the air and outer space.

Mary for instance was commanded to not touch Christ JESUS because JESUS had not yet ascended into Heaven to the Heavenly Father, and then after Christ JESUS went into Heaven (or the Heavens, depending on level of interpretation in New Logic, in Former Logic Only reference examples: the scope of a book or concerning testing the area of interest) (Revelation 6.7 with John 2.11, and John 20.17 with Luke 24.39).

Christ JESUS offers steps, rather leaps, and rather flying into the eternal with and for them. JESUS: Great Seals with proper interpretation precept on precept in Your New Christianity: Christian Baptism rebirth (victory over reincarnation) Monarch Butterfly life cycle example for helping others: hanging on cliffs, stuck in mud, crashed, emergency response, feeding farms. Your UFOs and future Prophesy with specific benefits in details. How to benefit from Christianity: How am i supposed to feed my family?, Who has employment for me?, I need a job, my kids need food, we need a place to live, who can help us, i need help, Christ help me, give me crumbs, please i beg you, i need money cash now where what do i have to do car kids are sick doctor hospital. Bible for Priests Christian Church Leaders Holy Spirit JESUS Christ One, how to help others in the future, build bigger better increase value in JESUS. How to rewrite the Bible. How to see into the future. How to be Holy. How to be perfect. How things grow why things grow metabolism new discoveries. How to build appropriate spaceships for colonies in outer space, how to colonize planets, helium 3, methane, green energy, aloft ark, the best rocket design 2018 Google, Exact Seek, Yahoo, Bing. Television Preacher Robert Morris. How to build the Daniel image giant man, golden cube. Moon tides pollution colloidal air strata chaff. One victory for them ICCDBB for Christ JESUS.

In Former Logic Only, to move from Step C to Step D, meant a season of metabolic rate, rather of a higher precept (of lower level precepts) to [move faster with the hands as can be evidenced, such as to result in:] modification of the animal, the caterpillar worm, as with introduction of a DNA change, but that in itself is an extra step, even if to yield permanent change in the species; and as evidenced when a thing is changed it changes other things not necessarily for the good (Relativity) so other modification steps have historically been needed (often emergencies) even toward eventually evolution overcoming increasing errors. It causes that part of the Known Universe, to become rancid requiring decomposition. This is true according to the evolutionary rate which is toward the flip-of-the-coin factor relative to the higher Holy Covenanting. Former Logic Only returns to the self as the continuing agony of precept of fear upon precept of fear (Jonah 1.7-16), rather Isaiah (28.10).

Christ JESUS came circa 2,000 years ago and made many changes according to many, but it was not Christ JESUS that changed from the Holy Path Of The Creator, it was the "many" sinners that had strayed, and Christ JESUS preached the criteria of the Creator (including such as found in the True Prophets) toward bringing them back to longsuffering the Will Of The Creator, that they too properly overcome: for others, for the Creator, for the Plan Of The Creator; lest they suffer extra toward self destruction and loss (

Similarly there were people from all walks of life and talents (forte(s)) and much in the Bible was written poorly by today's standards, even though they did better than anyone else at the time! Thanks for Them, thanks be for Christ JESUS. Yet Christ JESUS your time is alway ready [now] to testify verbally, to write, to do make and fly, to accomplish greater "than anyone else at the time! (John 7.6).

For Christ JESUS go do fly, start now [soon, advertise (Luke 12.49) be the symbolic example].

You are to convert / gather, that everywhere You find Yourself in the midst of Heaven (Matthew 10.16).

Your body does not have to die per diseases, wars, nor years, in order to be in Heaven, get up, do; rather give unto higher Covenant For Heaven and do likewise (as Christ JESUS taught [in New Logic (Zechariah 1.4)] and did): there were Priests and similar 2,000 years ago that told people to not sin, but they themselves did not seek to longsuffer the higher gifts (ibid.).

Pray yes, do charity in the Christian Church, yes. Yet outreach as never accomplished by other Churches, hardly to compete, rather as the One Christian Example Of The Conqueror.

Hardly to rewrite the Bible, yet to write the Bible more perfectly, to show help for others, to show the more excellent Way: Christ JESUS edified as to the Holy Path and the One True Direction: the More Excellent Way In Christ JESUS. These site pages are hardly perfect, yet You can do much to overcome problems such as ads that might distract.

Yesterday April 30, 2017AD television Preacher Robert Morris said He went to 60 countries and with translators Preached but in each and every case at some point in the Preaching the translator would stop Him and say it was illegal to say it, it was "profane".

It is true today, it was true 3,000 years ago: people censor people. So when You have opportunity to speak the proper Holy Truth Of Christ JESUS One, You can find a precept of JESUS and apply it to an Old Testament story, for instance, and/or to a testimony yet to be told; and as Christ JESUS said rather do. Build love, grow love, be love, symbolize love, properly symbolize the meeting in the sky, properly unselfishly for their sakes symbolize the return of JESUS The Christ. Do the Word properly, then likewise the Will. Do this and greater Will become enabled as much as You trust Heaven faithfully, with properly interpreting in Christ JESUS.

Prevent the construction of the abomination, save if Christ JESUS taught otherwise: Christ JESUS taught and did according to the Will Of The Heavenly Father yielding to do as Elias John The Baptist and so Christ JESUS did according to John The Baptist and became Baptized and The Heavenly Father declared "This is My Son, the dearly loved, in whom is My delight" (Matthew 3.17 Weymouth) ("My delight" = "My Son" [Heavenly] x "loved" [flesh, vessel, thing, per se, yet greater bound in Heaven / proper immersion Baptism]) not a sinner though an example that sinners become righteous (proper Baptism); so prevent the construction abomination unless [hence to lead] Christ JESUS [with this part is known as New Christianity] in You is able to turn up and straighten for One Good Higher Purpose: for Christ JESUS.

So because of Christ JESUS, a sinner can be Evangelized to become properly Baptized and be Christian One, and the Christian can lead to properly Baptize people and Anoint things precept on precept, from lower precepts to higher precepts (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on pertinent situations).

Things are per given time(s). So the person needs alway be led by the Holy Spirit, a key.

Another key is things heard, such as background sounds that might sound like voices, and such as dreams, may not have been properly turned per it's allotted time,

so another key is how a person hears, hear wisely in Christ JESUS aware of the Tree Of Knowledge and aware to be aware of all knowledge in Christ JESUS,

so another key is to know all is for eventual good so walking in Faith as though already come, though not to help toward sin(s) nor to cause the Faithful One extra needless pain(s),

so another key of Romans 5.13 is to know the Tree Of Knowledge is not sin (if without law then no sin), yet to not make sin by misrepresentation (Matthew 18.6 Berean, with details at text & second Drawing).

With the above keys, then knowing from the start the creation, high Holy energy Spirit was put into the created, as with flow and eddy currents and such (various talents to describe) things are to be anointed by higher [Christian Church] positions according to things being found worthy, not because a thing is worthy but because of being found proper unto the higher purpose (see "pertinent situations"): key.

So it is not because of having made lower level decisions nor activities in lower levels, rather the higher is the One able to properly free the lower (2 Timothy 2.7-9) from any sin(s) and interpretation(s) of sin(s) and abomination(s): that all be made proper and righteous in Christ JESUS For The Most Holy One True Heavenly Father God.

For Christ JESUS and for their sakes, consider just a moment that if not to build the giant Daniel image into the real thing, but then sinners form such a thing and it knocks innocent people to the ground and steps on Your Church, what would You do then?, what would a crippled Christian (if not dead) do then?, what is it to choose to lose the body God gave You so that sinners could have more fun?, sinners have values, yet for converting / Christian Leadership: New Christianity.

If to build for instance a strong fort wall, it is hardly an attack per se against any enemy, rather it can be for peacekeeping, though there are higher precepts than merely walls. If to build something for good, others might call Your efforts abominable, yet in Your heart You love higher purpose One Christ JESUS beloved. Similarly there are so-called righteous wars, and high spiritual battles, and even so Christ JESUS taught peace and goodness.

A person can read of a war and can interpret as if fun to kill others; yet another person can read of the higher purpose and the futility of war. Christ JESUS said for instance forbid a sinner from consuming the Eucharist unleavened bread and wine, but Christ JESUS did not say if a sinner tries to so consume kill and start a war, rather Christ JESUS made it clear that the sinner would cause problems against their sinful selfishness (Jonah 3.7-10).

Christ JESUS gives keys: a key is that You properly build the thing envisioned of Daniel The Prophet, and that You do so or help do so, and yet for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

JESUS The God Of Nature And The Physics Of The Created And The Future Good / Plan Of One True God Of Heaven, has provided helps for any if of immature faith (Matthew 8.26) following good though hardly toward leaping into New Christianity, the leadership part of Christianity, and the greater part of Faith.

Christ JESUS gave examples in lower, mid, and higher levels, such as the worm in the above Drawing, as a plague to farmers, yet the mature Monarch Butterfly is as a special delight unto children.

The distinguishing factor is that the farmer tries to provide for the lives of people, and the children see as though a living rainbow toy.

The relatively lower level child (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Christ JESUS up to age 12 under parents symbolized in Drawings as curved part of purple line above yellow) is stuck innocently in ignorance until a higher level position holder (such as the farmer) frees the child toward better loving the higher levels, as to love people more than worms; yet the farmer too can love the worm. The terrorizing worm provides values such as indicating to the farmer the higher Way In Christ JESUS, the Born Again Way, as the worm returns to similar to the mother's egg and womb (John 3.4 & Isaiah 49.1); and as it is written in Genesis 25.23 NAS77:

In pic C above, two creatures are in the worm (history: pic A) and two creatures are in the worm (both the present flesh of the worm pic C, and faith of the unseen future butterfly pic D).

So behold, here is a great Word of the future, and of the sinners, and of the destructive worm above, and of the abomination of the Word and imagery of Daniel The Prophet as in the Drawing below: time of the future is as coin flipping and with at least evolutionary rate and with permutations evidently for gain from the Original Plan Of God; except

via Christians the future can be better.

The worm renews, whether steps or leaps, and appears pleasant as a butterfly (and it is pleasant on a higher level toward rainbows, ibid., per se) though the cycle of generations continues and greater destructions would come as generations of worms eat (save the evolutionary rate, and any applied higher good grace).

Any eternal purposes found in the future in the world, the Christian provides (Ephesians 3.10 & 11) via doing properly now for any of the future.

The future holds things kept secret from many, save True Prophets. If the worm knew the future it might reign instead of humans, even so, let the image of God reign with God Christ JESUS, and let the worm be of a lower level Firmament and be dominated and exist and live and grow and ascend properly as much as the higher levels find appropriate; there Will come other beauties and values from worms, in progress examples: dyes for clothes and for money, DNA and drug ideas, silk or similar, glue, and so on. So the sinner can turn the destructive worm into value, yet seek the eternal Christian One JESUS.

Turn the abominations into greater values. If worthy to turn a destructive worm, such as into a glue solution, so consider doing. Yet if to find worth to turn into an eternally higher purpose so do. Advertising is often temporary, yet let all the Christian Leader does be for good for Christ JESUS the eternal so therefore to advertise for Christ JESUS is eternal.

Also the above Drawing bottom shows plenty of reasons to not fear evil (Psalm 23.4) nor similar interpretations such as "abomination" though be wise, for instance a viper head even after it's head is removed is still dangerous.

So a key is some would rightly interpret and do, but only up to a certain level. Therefore they might make mistakes (Matthew 22.29). At a higher level they might not fit through the gate so need honed, or might not be found worthy, or might not pass a test. Also key is that Christ JESUS has the option to cultivate (John 15.2).

Christians are eternal, though Christians have been put to death, that is, their interpretations by other humans and lower creatures has been wrong and for needless and improper death.

So a great key is of The Fifth Seal over The Martyrs (Revelation 6.9).

So seek to make many aloft Arks to help many as of the above Drawing bottom, and continue with the even more important higher guidance in Christ JESUS, safety prevention of problems in Holy Spirit (as with Covenanting) and in the flesh headed by the Holy Spirit over types of Arks and systems; and guiding, and the higher colonizing key (Matthew 16.19 with Revelation 21.1).

Do not be afraid of the abomination of the vision of Daniel, rather build it to help others for their sakes, and not to be misinterpreted advertise the higher Christian purpose clearly, with signage, Your Christian Chapel, broadcasting, and/or so on, understanding many would nonetheless misinterpret and be afraid and act crazily. Christ JESUS said "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves"...(Matthew 10.16).

So now is given also a lower level key, while the Christian yearns to do the Heavenly eternal things, the Christian often finds pressing concerns now (even so seek to do the eternal), for instance this Series of Sermons is mainly for the future viewers, nonetheless for You Beloved Christian Leader And One. So a lower key for their sakes counted as if for a lower mission is to make clearly known the intent to help reasonably as time allows, with advertising or similar helpful to their understandings, perhaps with mild compassionate music on approach rather than terrifying sounds.

Another lower level key likewise is the Daniel Giant is temporary. You may continue to find it useful, though You need lift Your Flock to higher purpose [Head: (Cube Of Christ JESUS) then key greater than Holy Word alone, with Holy Physical Symbolically as the new minimum with the Word yet toward the Will Of Christ JESUS In The Heavenly Father].

From the mountain a giant stone would strike (Daniel 2.45 see Drawing below) the obsolete per se, so a greater than former golden head cube, or an individual cube (reference higher level options above) or Spirit only Final End Time JESUS (ibid.) and yet otherwise are living expectations (Deuteronomy 6.2), so wisely consider the stone not cut by hands, might (of freewill higher options) include as evidenced (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on outer space ancient aliens) that the Guiding Spirit was in automatic stone cutting tools, such as directed plasma, laser, focused high pressure water, and/or other technologies that could also lift great masses.

Hence is a great key, if more Christians gain this great technology to lift great masses, then the Daniel Giant is already obsolete, so to speak, even so it is currently of great value (see above Drawing evidence), as for emergency helps, and as for outer space colonizing.

To build something obsolete is not necessarily crazy, for instance television tended to make radio obsolete, though today there are far more radios than before, in many cars and in many businesses; so if any naysayers seek to stop You, You have this grace over such naysaying, nonetheless this is to help all with higher thinking in the heart, higher technology for love, and for the highest purpose in Christ JESUS: for Christians colonizing the Universe, to be with Christ JESUS in the Second Coming, and for other great achievements safely guiding others such as any for righteous scientific purpose yearning entry into the center of the Sun for the greater good and while hardly today for future generations to make peaceful the stars for Christ JESUS that "JESUS" be clearly written in the stars via Your Christian Leadership now in Your lifetime. Great pyramids were built, You can do greater: if for future generations, then understood is that generations grow, and so You not only guide the building of the greater Holy Constructive Work yet ye Yourselves With Your Flock unto the future Flock(s) enter into the building efforts so You grow technology properly (Matthew 23.4) and since growing is a greater level (Romans 11.17 NLT) than to build, You also magnify and augment benefits for all.

So another key is, whether to build a Daniel Giant and/or a radio, do so for Christ JESUS, and in so doing, greater than words alone, You Will be leading for the sakes of others and for greater unifying purpose properly.

Your aloft Ark may rain on dry farms, and/or You may opt to have an onboard water filtration system, and/or have a manna machine, and/or (a low level safety key) have a loudspeaker (such as to instruct a cliff vehicle driver of Your intentions, and perhaps [such as if there is noise] ask for a nod of agreement such as if to lift the car), and/or have an onboard supply of Christian materials (see Testament below, and consider high level desires of impulse buyers especially those wanting to thank You).

Local interactiveness can be great as with bringing joy to Christian Churches with Your (/ invitation option) visiting, yet being mindful of the higher Heavenly purpose, Beloved Angel Of The Lord, is to continue not only for God on Earth yet also unto outer space Holy Anointings Your Grace.

More than understand, great is Your above stated growing key as You do for Christ JESUS: You do, Your longsuffering turns victoriously to joy with greater helps for others, so if more longsuffering comes You may more quickly know the Holy Path and what to do about it that Your longsuffering is also Your Flock longsuffering that together more quickly it be far greater joy, precept on precept: Your Work With Their Work With Growing Covenanting Physics Of God With Victory(ies). Your Physics then automate some former problems making some problems obsolete so reducing longsuffering while growing (overcome growing pains key: 1 John 3.18): grow Your aloft Ark for Your Children and their Children. Make proper Christian Baptism available in far reaches of desert places, and on other planets including at Your Chapel waystations (many train workers, truck drivers, and supply shippers have no home: be their home).

You might opt to harbor mailboxes, government, and other comforts, with Your aloft Ark. Be the anchor to their souls (Hebrews 6.19), perhaps with honeymoon suites with reasonable privacy (generally Your Church might consider some soundproofing, perhaps romantic/sexual parameters, similar with bathrooms, and housecleaning criteria).

Your aloft Ark would expectedly have many viewing decks (enclosed; if any otherwise then with many safety features such as small pressurization egress / exit foyers, and such as many tethers plus guardians over youth). Yes there are many considerations, so grow these with One Fold (if refusal, start on Your own with much more than a treetop [(Luke 19.4) yield higher Faith].

In the Drawing below is one of many guidance technologies, yet the Holy Bible is better, for now. In doing for Christ JESUS is the better (see 1 John 3.18 above): do physical good while in the body. If in the Spirit: Create!

Prior to Final End Time of this given season of [Biblical] times (True Prophets), function through the specifications, goal over goal for Christ JESUS. Beyond now, with hardly having started save the Word, let the Holy Will advance upward [(see the many illustrations with text in previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS) truly, truly, the Word is reasonably complete already thus far: do: Angelic help unto others (Matthew 7.12).

Guide with Your personal instructions and repeat as often as needed and to each person personally, and/or rather automate Holy Guidance Criteria over pertinent Technologies, Systems, and Operations, understanding this level per se, and that in Christ JESUS Your Highest Priestly criteria is to be over such level. Tweek the system, also tweek the levels, increase value with proper higher tweeking of parameter precepts over each level, note also this pertinent defined sense:

tweek(s): "A form of atmospherics (radio interference) produced when the high-frequency components reach the receiver before the low-frequency"...(Wiktionary) valuable in locating, in guidance, in GPS,....

In the Drawing below attempts were made to symbolize for Christian edification some things reported in the Holy Bible For One Christ JESUS, and with some things at times seemingly sketchy ( an attempt accordingly (for the given level for One Christ JESUS) was made to fit to the scale of the golden cube of Christ JESUS the Prophet Daniel "abomination" or rather converted anointed aloft Ark(s) of Yours (Matthew 9.29), rather than folly (Job 42.8 NIV).

Christ JESUS is a miracle, was and Will be a miracle, the One source and full of miracles, and yet Christ JESUS did the things the True Prophets and the True Holy Leaders did, in other Words, You can do greater (1 Samuel 11.10) than anyone in the depths of recorded history and even into the depths of the future (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS Drawings on horizontal timelines and vertical, and on umbra and penumbra), key if with pending only the Eternal One having created and witnessed every possibility previously [as a minimum within this given creation and time (see text below of higher "good purpose" of Fourth Seal)].

Better than JESUS Christ!

Today, in this given time, Your time, a person's time, and the time given for people to repent and more importantly to ascend properly precept on precept of Christ JESUS, is within the parameters of (not chaos, not insanity) former logic and with knowing the One True Holy Path Of Christ JESUS.

In other words, in Former Logic Only the logic is sane and the illogic ongoingly is insane as medically and legally known; except of Christian Faith not covered by law things are existing not under law and certain of such things are known as the True Word And Will Of JESUS Christ even if beyond logic, even if beyond worldly laws, and some evidences, and some proofs.

Therefore under laws it is insane to know the higher, more enduring, eternal; with the exception that people and civilized nations allow some liberties, as of Christian Faith.

So without the higher Holy Way Of Christ JESUS the world cannot understand (see previous ICCDBB Sermons for Christ JESUS on Firmaments, and the bottom Drawing at And if not civilized the world therefore would fight against Christianity, also if not Christian the world would continue to think about whether to start a fight Christians.

Christ JESUS said the servant is not above his Master, therefore the Former Logic Only person cannot ascend above the Christian Baptism Firmament, not even to make such a correct decision since it is under higher Holy Firmament (see "responsibility" below)(the best such might do is full repentance).

Oneness With And In And For Christ JESUS can ascend: into otherwise unknown new heights.

Surpassing the goodness of JESUS, is this to brag, no, as it is not true (see "Master" above) since to be One as Christ JESUS ascends so One Master ascends with or without flesh, hence One Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit ascends with or without flesh, and not beyond the Master JESUS, save beyond the previously known about Christ JESUS!

So a great key here is that the Christian Bible is not wrong, yet can be better than ever before.

Be better than Christ JESUS was 2,000 years ago. Go, do, Christ JESUS (with [other] Christian(s)) provided this advantage for You, gave You this advantage over previous works of the flesh including witness interpretations, writings, and other records.

The True Living Christian Bible is as an egg that hatched, and as Christ JESUS when He was 12 and starting to do adult things (perfectly, more / Elias).

The True Prophets and True Believers did things, and the perfect of these Christ JESUS did, and more though mainly only about the extent the people were able to understand (1 Corinthians 14.28). So while apparently doing greater things that JESUS Christ ever did (2,000 years ago), the fact is the greater things according to goodness properly and righteously within Christianity, are only better than the appearance [(Isaiah 52.14) hence interpretation(s) decision(s)] and not the fact (see "Master" above).

An "anomaly level overcomes" (see text below) but not over the higher level: nothing over the highest level, as the highest level ascends.

Lower levels might struggle for time(s). Such for instance is a struggle for more than the cliche of: 15 minutes of fame. Of the highest of lower levels, just below the proper Baptism Firmament, are some goodly efforts such as to establish fairness laws, for instance a teen might ask a parent "Since I've been good can I stay out until 10:00 from now on?, indicating responsibility so far thereupon indicating worthiness to overcome greater responsibility, yet it is the higher level parent that is lifting and raising the teen that holds the key, and might have witnessed irresponsibility, or might have other plans, or might have been awaiting the teen's leap to so ask responsibly. So in lower levels the Christ JESUS precepts apply, even though non-Christians freely might interpret otherwise. "I've been good", if true, is a measure of responsibility, and yet is a measure of leadership in doing charity.

So the key point now in this is the Physics Of One Creator Christ JESUS is physical laws apply including high level ideals and goals, so a great key for Your Christian Church is even though many have not joined Your Christian Church, they are helping You even if unawares; the sinners are unaware, also there may be unseen, unperceived of flesh and instrumentation Physics Of God at work in others for Your Flock.

If to build Your flying Arks and giving some away charitably for Christ JESUS [rather than others stealing Your flying Arks (even so Physics Of Creator apply for You, Psalm 37.11 and own the great stone from the great mountain Isaiah 57.13) even so yet with free gift options] You become more expert at Ark growing for the higher eternal purpose, so if to grow yet more Arks such as for Christian anxious to do more and far greater colonizing on distant stars' systems filling the Universe with Christians, then Your plans become magnified.

The key point in this part is a Christian Colony Of Your Flock might be in emergency conditions and sinful thieves might come to steal but notice the situation and so instead help / the law of Physics Of God; similar to the Way a farmer might help a lower level cow even if the farmer doesn't like that cow but in order to have milk the farmer helps. So those that steal from You might convert (of the same Physics, more likely / Your charity) or might want to protect and nurture their cash cow.

So even if attacked and such, higher Physics apply, along with higher level opting. So hardly be distracted of temporary situations. Temporary situations often involve limitations, even so for their sakes, even so for Your sake for Oneness; though be Faithful In Christ JESUS even if it looks better to hide Faith for a moment or a season (save of higher purpose option in You to do the Will Of Peace, see previous ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons on speaking their language and their lingo, and not only talk yet doing).

The above reasons to possibly opt to love sinners, if not loving sinners already are in addition to the Physics Of Christ JESUS being already in all, including in the heart (or artificial heart, conditions apply, such as pertinent to reincarnation, see text below) options of higher, as the Physics as of thresholds lower than the higher level options over thresholds apply. So a key is that (conditionally: such ibid., such as new discoveries in the Creator, and such as miracles apply) the soul communing with the Holy Spirit as the Holy Spirit opts to do a high purpose Creation thing in the flesh, of the directions, of the Word, the energy specifics [as much as needed, often more (John 3.34): pulse] is become into the time to ascend in the flesh according to the level purpose; higher levels in greater purpose. After that is this key, after that is the logic (brain, thing, vessel within a vessel; see previous ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons for specific details, especially Sermons "One Rather Than Separation" and "Help all"). So first the love soul receptor (sense organ situation, and much greater / Holy Pulse) aware as needful per se, and then the logic follows according to interpretation levels (meaning according to the highest level attained, though forgotten may apply, and sinful other efforts apply). One God is aware, and then the created responds (likewise as of Step, Leap, and/or Fly; or in lower levels toward evolutionary rate).

If a person has a mindset to crawl, even a butterfly is sent from God to edify. If a person is too fat, the butterfly is sent to the pertinent low level to eat their farm. Be rather prepared in the mindset on higher things, greater than talk alone.

If to catch a ride on an asteroid to colonize outer space, figure how many Arks of colonies might board the asteroid prior to causing mass change if to change the flight path of the asteroid (with energy from God already prepared for Your Riders), prepare. Here is a key not to be used as if an excuse to improperly wait, if the big stone is to break the Daniel giant then for instance (reference similar such as at to form or split Heavenly [flesh] bodies for higher purpose(s) ( &; & new creature & new creation).

You hold a special knowledge of what Members Of Your Specific Church want, especially the higher part, Holy Priest. Yet Your individual vessels Members have physical and spiritual needs that vary from person to person (talents, times, situations,...). You account for their flesh in Church, perhaps with pews. Though You, typically, less account for their flesh when not in Your Church. So a key is for aloft Arks to prepare Your Ark according to journey time aloft, also according to loading and unloading Your Ark, and Your Ark on the ground at rest or colonizing.

So an important key in planning Your Ark is to plan from the Baptism level and up. From this range plan the lower toward lust and sin and animal and other creature comforts (such as pews perhaps), and up to highest Holy Spiritual, also reference for instance computer upgrades, that is, in a related sense if to opt to have an Ark for instance with grand doors (reference retractable roof arenas)(see previous ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons on connecting to other aloft Arks for higher purpose, and on coordinating, and on atmospheric and outer space docking). This key means planning to handle any not fully repentant and/or if any sinner visitors. The point of this key is how to plan to handle such, and You Own Christian Church is free to opt and conclude for Christ JESUS for their sakes. Options include the Word, and physical restraints and guides. Toddlers break many things. Many people like to show off. NASA for instance spends much effort not only on the equipment, yet also on the people before-the-fact.

Team selection is important including ground crews. If to be of New Christianity then to seek to found the guidlines in Christ JESUS from the start, that for instance if Your People construct protoplanents and land on other planets and colonize, then while allowing change for higher purpose, the plan You found should be in least need of being changed in the future.

Do these things / Spiritually / One Higher Holy Purpose. Do these things to know what to do: to know the path. Become more accustomed to doing the higher Will Of Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS sends You as a Sheep among wolves:

into technologies You would benefit to understand of Grace rather than under whip. JESUS: Great Seals with proper interpretation precept on precept in Your New Christianity: Your UFOs and future Prophesy with specific benefits in details. How to benefit from Christianity: How am i supposed to feed my family?, Who has employment for me?, I need a job, my kids need food, we need a place to live, who can help us, i need help, Christ help me, give me crumbs, please i beg you, i need money cash now where what do i have to do car kids are sick doctor hospital. Bible for Priests Christian Church Leaders Holy Spirit JESUS Christ One, how to help others in the future, build bigger better increase value in JESUS. How to rewrite the Bible. How to see into the future. How to be Holy. How to be perfect. How things grow why things grow metabolism new discoveries. How to build appropriate spaceships for colonies in outer space, how to colonize planets, helium 3, methane, green energy, aloft ark, the best rocket design 2018 Google, Exact Seek, Yahoo, Bing. Television Preacher Robert Morris. How and why to build and grow the giant Daniel image giant man, golden cube. Moon tides pollution colloidal air strata chaff. One victory for them ICCDBB for Christ JESUS.

Some longsuffering can seem to endure beyond fairness, yet some Biblical things of the future can transpire quickly, prepare. Given the above destruction of the Daniel Giant, high molecular density massive elements would fall to Earth [(evidently the Sixth Seal: Revelation 6.12) unraveled now for Your Flock One], so a great seal key is this: accordingly, ancillary to "evidently", prepare to leave Earth prior to such event: build Your aloft Ark! As if the stars falling from the Heavens, the reflective metals would rain down for a very long time. Consider that often clouds in the sky do not rain, they just sit up there. In the lower left is a gyroscope, a low level key is to look at the designs, there are many types and if to fly guidance is important to guiding others. There are visual guides, though many fail with more bodies in motion. Also be with communications and GPS related products. So You would likely have self contained guidance onboard Your aloft Ark, along with externally interactive systems for guiding and cooperating, all for Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS is alive and is greater than the recorded Bible [(John 21.25 with John 20.30), and (John 5.39 with Matthew 19.24) therefor precept on precept as a great key is spirits do not always carry Bible Books] as the living Bible is written in the Holy Heart (see previous ICCDBB for Christ JESUS Sermons including artificial hearts).

The Heart Of One Christ JESUS carries the living Bible, found in Christians and mainly in New Christianity [less historically per se, yet starting with Christian Leadership].

Here is a series of great keys concerning this above Drawing of the image [(ibid. with Genesis 9.6 ..."God made human beings in his own image") so wisely interpret] of the "abomination" or counted as if such in Former Logic Only.

You, in a symbolic typical sense, were a sinner and found it so unfulfilling as to think there must be something better, even One Most Excellent Way, and so Christian Leader You repented as the Christians said to do and You were properly Baptized and it was explained concerning Your new name JESUS.

So therefore JESUS [(One) cited for Your sake, (Luke 21.34)] some interpretations are that You do not want to build an "abomination" and maybe don't even want to look at any such image, and that is good save to have all knowledge to be all wise to be God, JESUS, also this so called "abomination" is an extreme giant as a person could hardly gain the permits much less build. So what might You JESUS do about it?, wait until after it is built and then destroy it (Jeremiah 51.25)?, while with values attached, even so hardly, when of a key You JESUS might rather "cultivate the ground" (Genesis 3.23 NAS) of precepts including removing weeds before they germinate that the "abomination" never take much if any root to grow, good, in many cases, but in this case since Christ JESUS said the Word of God cannot be broken [the Scripture cannot be broken (John 10.35) then of a lower level key the Daniel Giant would be built and would come to pass, so of a higher key what would You JESUS do?, the following keys over this specific case should help.

A great key is to bring to mind the two Holy Angels concerning the story of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19.1) for instance (a precept), and how the Holy Leader begged God in negotiations (such as Genesis 18.24). There are similar Holy Precepts in the Word Of JESUS. So this key at the start is to evidently allow the destruction except for "righteous people".

Another great key is to convert an enemy into an asset ( bottom of page "convert"): what good would it do?, look at the above text and pics of so many helps such might bring, so whether You build it or they, JESUS One knows of a Way to do so for good; even so with this and all, let all a person does agree with the Eternal Holy One Christ JESUS.

Yet of another great key how hardly You or any person could build Your aloft Ark much less manage so many involved in what is to come to pass, yet You JESUS have the Way to solve as found in Matthew 19.26 NAS ..."With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

So here is a key plan, perhaps Your plan (perhaps within Your Christian Church criteria). If "possible", construct many Daniel Giants.

People need help at times, see above, so start leading with the starting to build an aloft prototype design, then multiple prototypes (even toward Earth atmosphere bound, and even toward outer space planning, see protoplanent above; reference movie Star Wars [without the "Wars"]). Then build balloons and rather aloft platforms and aloft Arks and legs and torsos and giant gem breastplates and so on. Then if to have completed with anointings the Daniel Giant, and if Christian, set it onward into outer space to colonize, then start building another and another (in pulses, see previous ICCDBB Sermons for Christ JESUS on heart and on Big Bang rather Big Pulse) until "abominable" is found and would not convert, or rather until a better solution is found (some are available, though if already available and people still need help, see above, then such are run under low precepts). There are better solutions and You JESUS may unravel. Even so, Your One converting of the Daniel Giant has great value(s) in terms of edifying and moving people from letter of the law legalese [not laws / people including sinners ( rather a great key] to precept on precept properly in and for Christ JESUS. So while building the Daniel Giant also info Will come unto You (ibid. with Matthew 13.12). Start one and gain to start the other, yet bear in mind the story is first the Daniel Giant Man, then the mountain rock. If needful to destroy the first Daniel Giant Man, so be it and move on to cutting the Giant Stone From The Mountain.

In the Drawing below to the right are two UFOs though the cited source page illustrated them enlarged relative to the rest of the painting / pic. Also the pic to the left does not have the original detail which shows the antenna to the left with a cross on top (typical of the ancient transmitter symbol) while the antenna to the right has a spherical top (typical of the ancient receiver symbol)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on ancient aerospace technologies as found among pyramids).

The Giant Stone Will strike and overcome Earth.

Christ JESUS sends You higher precepts:

arise, and let aloft Arks grow unto pertinent designs. Giant Daniel image mountain stone of UFOs grows for JESUS: Great Seals with proper interpretation precept on precept in Your New Christianity: future Prophesy with specific benefits in details. How to benefit from Christianity: How am i supposed to feed my family?, Who has employment for me?, I need a job, my kids need food, we need a place to live, who can help us, i need help, Christ help me, give me crumbs, please i beg you, i need money cash now where what do i have to do car kids are sick doctor hospital. Bible for Priests Christian Church Leaders Holy Spirit JESUS Christ One, how to help others in the future, build bigger better increase value in JESUS. How to rewrite the Bible. How to see into the future. How to be Holy. How to be perfect. How things grow why things grow metabolism new discoveries. How to build appropriate spaceships for colonies in outer space, how to colonize planets, helium 3, methane, green energy, aloft ark, the best rocket design 2018 Google, Exact Seek, Yahoo, Bing. Television Preacher Robert Morris. How to build the Daniel image giant man, golden cube. Moon tides pollution colloidal air strata chaff. One victory for them ICCDBB for Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS provides guidance over images symbolizing the Holy Flight Path with text technical specifications of proper Holy Interpretation, rather than having far too many depictions of people in hell so to speak (Matthew 8.22). In the left ancient painting signaling is done, the main part being to obey Christ JESUS as Christ JESUS already knows the secrets and other plans of people (Daniel 2.22). The right ancient painting of UFOs shows a certain type of UFOs that are spherical though pointed in back or in front.

The Book(s) Of The Bible function as One for Christ JESUS. The Holy Vessel(s) function as One for Christ JESUS. The Holy Spirit(s) function as One for Christ JESUS.

The New Christianity heads aloft unto Heavenly places / Holy Precept on Holy Precept, reasonably / Wisdom Of Christ JESUS. Otherwise sinners make themselves accustomed graves by hiding behind closed doors, under rocks, and in the mud; even so, this is stated here reasonably within parameters above such behaviors. In some cases symbols are sent forth miraculously from above, hardly to scare nor to terrify sinners as terrorists have done, rather for the above and especially for the repentance cause for the greater glory in any repenting, and for the glory of Heaven.

So here is a key, that even if a person is worthy of a higher level, the person (or entity) is to agree in their heart (or their One True Heart, as for a very high level) in Holy Covenanting. It is not sufficient nor satisfactory to conquer, if without giving Christ JESUS the glory, and even is so abusive that the soul be required (Luke 12.19-21 with Mark 8.36) and so not only is minimum Covenanting key, yet also greater (Luke 17.17). Guide them higher, go do likewise (Matthew 23.3).

After building the first Daniel Giant Man, consider whether to start another Daniel Giant Man or start another project, to do for others in an even more excellent Way For Christ JESUS.

Just to mention some cutting tools, there are the giant cutting wheels, rope saws, band saws, chemical cutting, explosive cutting, electron, laser, plasma, and very effective yet simple high pressure water technologies (see previous ICCDBB Sermons for Christ JESUS). Your technology selection might cut lift and deliver to location, or You might utilize multiple technologies (or Holy Spirit miraculously yet available as much as appropriate, precept on precept).

You Christ JESUS One see in the above that there are people in need now. So accordingly You find now a great key is given. Because Your need to go help others with new technologies, to save souls / Baptisms, and to help those such as in distress as shown in the top Drawing in order to give them worthiness according to providing clear Christ JESUS Chapel with signage as signs and wonders that they might believe [a key (John 4.48 & see previous ICCDBB Sermons for Christ JESUS)] with truly helping them, You, as each and rather all as One Christian Evangelism Leaders do, want to have time, to help them for their sakes. So You want to slow time for their sakes. So You of a high Covenant agree for their sakes for the Kingdom Of Heaven, though as Christians are victimized, therefore to have greater time key and to have graceful protection (also a key / ibid.) in You is given from the these that the higher Covenanting is full of the Holy Grace of the high Covenant (already with "agree" in You) and therefore the great key lest there be eternal sin and it cannot due to the Just Plan Of Precepts With Higher Level Option In One hence not forever time to Evangelize for the sake of Christianity yet rather for eternal Christianity, and as edified in Christ JESUS to have some cut off points known in New Christianity as Firmaments [and measurable under You if You be of a level higher that any pertinent Firmament (Mark 4.28 / Romans 11.16)] hence a season and/or time per se, that is first the discerning of the spirits of the higher priority parameters that Your system technology parameters planning might be established: similar to first the [goodly] soil produces the stalk, then the stalk produces the head framework, then comes the fruition for their sakes.

So this great key now given is hardly about a giant mountain boulder eventually fallen on a foot, rather You finding how to produce fruition better. So time might have been previously known in You as for the slowing of time (reference low keys of how drying, salt, refrigeration and likewise help preserve food) yet if You Christian be destroyed then hardly to maximize the God given fruition process for Christ JESUS. Therefore as a living seed ripens and falls and dies, so too the non-eternal times found in the fullness [people and/or creatures of] lower levels gain reduced amounts of times while of increasingly longer time(s) the higher levels need be acclimated unto the higher eternal precepts including any higher Arks and vessels of spirits for given times (also see previous ICCDBB Sermons for Christ JESUS on lower level mission options hence toward minimization of tail efforts when appropriate).

So this great key for You (for if any other(s)) is: for the sake(s) of any (and all), time is given for each and all, and as much as Just Good Deed Doing is within any, then the time continues with any such Good, including if per a Holy Spirit among other turned spirits within a given vessel, system, technology, area of interest, plasma, and/or other realm.

More time is therefore with the higher Covenant levels.

So while the lower precepts are not done away, Word (see previous ICCDBB Sermons for Christ JESUS on lower framework for higher purpose in You: with second Drawing middle rocket flame framework and next higher rocket), the Will is transfiguration of lower level time for higher level purpose. Example: sinners might opt to kill each other so time at that level is not needed while others might opt to help each other toward living eternally in Christ JESUS (just to be clear, sinners that freely opted to have sinned and died even as if to protect their sins, would not be the same as "Martyrs" noted above).

Final End Time / Limitations to accomplish levels / Making all who would to be worthy of each and all precepts of Christ JESUS / Time is needed to Evangelize.

So for the sake of Your One Evangelism effort, God made Firmaments (ibid. on parameters of Firmaments illustrated), so that there is a Firmament over lower vessels and a Firmament at Baptism, with humans in-between, and with Christians In One above the Baptism Firmament. So time is removed from the sinner realm level, while time is increased higher for the entire good.

Now with this be wise to consider the seed beneath can last a long time, when many other indicators see no sign of such seed. Therefore in Christ JESUS the body was broken for many, a key for edification unto a great mystery key. The seed of the Creator is already be broken in Christ JESUS through Christ JESUS One to indicate any such indicator, to reveal if to consider any such if any such be any problem [(Daniel 2.18) that the problem (counted by many as such for example Revelation 17.5) already is overcome (an example Daniel 2.28 NAS)]. This lower level key [in edifying (yet higher precept key concerning time ancillary to the great time key "Just" cited above)] affords greater distinguishing, as some time has already expired from the lower of the worldly levels for the sake of the Elias.

With more time, the joy of longsuffering greater responsibility for Christ JESUS (Mark 4.11).

So with this worthiness from the source of love Christ JESUS, hence of this level of worthiness attained hence this level of knowledge, this level of threshold overcome in You victoriously for Christ JESUS, can come this additional and this further and higher great key unto a higher level be unraveled now and made clear toward the eternal good purpose of Christ JESUS.

Yet due to this level of "responsibility", like unto being responsible unto the true Physics Of God (illustrated in pertinence starting with top Drawing, yet in part per se / edification purpose(s), is the pulsed continuum of these given created physics including as largely tied to the velocity of light ( time umbra with time penumbra illustrated) popularized in: E=M (C squared). So while hardly light, time (see previous ICCDBB Sermons for Christ JESUS) normally One save the lower moment(s) of missions, helps, services, gifts, signs, wonders, and so forth though to revert to lower is not forever (, in other words, the lower levels are as a person gathering salt from the Earth to feed their family salt (et al.), so for instance if to gather light such as in a slurry (slow light) then to be able to transport that light to family (or other destination). If to gather light and time is tied to the same light, then to transport time (see ..."penumbra illustrated" above). If to transport time only (see previous ICCDBB Sermons for Christ JESUS on distinguishing), then the eternal, generally speaking, yet within this context You are to deliver time to the higher levels: key; even so is this responsibility key that You deliver time at the appropriate time, therefore since appropriate in Christ JESUS is the determining factor, then according to the worthiness, the good found. Now be very cautious of this coming key now stated, if to measure good at a high level then all is time it to be delivered to the same highest level, otherwise let Your moving of time concerning any lower level(s) be within the accord of the teaching(s) and doing(s) of Christ JESUS (including 1 Corinthians 12.31 / next key) so time is hardly free to give randomly, rather within such responsibility. Also with this is the key responsibility over the time level to know the Path Of The Lord if to allocate time, even so, alway know the Path Of The Lord JESUS.

JESUS The Christ also with this unraveling would that Your Flock be one Fold, so with appropriate time in and unto higher appropriate Covenanting and Time Covenant Level victory, gain the One Fold Soul For Christ JESUS. So from many, yield One. So for instance in these currently given days You may wisely consider One Holy Spirit may be found with unconverted, turned spirits in vessels. So of this great key, is the broken bread of Christ JESUS with the proper utilization, the wine, the blood, as the light is normally tied to time, so too the Holy Spirit is normally in Christ JESUS [(save for Your sake Matthew 27.50) for the sake of the Saved]. As for instance the wine can be measured, so as the blood at the cross (yet in this case the Holy Spirit is not measured).

So the higher Holy Spirit is not measured in the traditional sense per time, rather is over time (conquer time) as the Holy Spirit is eternal. Other spirits for the high purpose of raising for glorifying One Holy Christ JESUS, are often found with the Holy Immaculate Spirit though not in the Holy Immaculate Spirit, even though within a given vessel (until Final End Time).

Now this is a great key, put Your Holy Spirit into the lower level to unlock, but if to see no good [(Matthew 21.19) / see above distinguishing key]: lock. So rather than unlock and lock, rather than undo and redo and suffer work and suffer the same work again and again (Matthew 18.21) distinguish for them, the higher Covenanting key overcomes repeated longsuffering times, so rather than redo times, distinguish: precept on precept. Go to the source Christ JESUS, then do likewise. Here is an example, a translation of the Bible is given unto a person and the person finds lower level interpretations as if a list of regulations, so the person (preserving the original as much as reasonable in the Lord Of Higher Precepts) translates according to higher precepts: both translations have values such as to Evangelize, yet the "higher" is hardly toward any popular sense of a definition, and rather the true higher meaning for the glory of Christ JESUS.

So You might open or lock a thing, yet be responsible to hardly lock against the Holy Spirit, so if to opt to lock then it is good to know the Path that the results of such locking be clearly known. If You know a time (including mercy time) and there is not agreeing and aware they have a right from God to consider, then perhaps the moment of time was found lost in them in lazy sinful ways (Matthew 21.19), and there is a typical sense and there are other senses and concerns and stipulations, such as a vessel value might be lost currently though potentially of value later, so in this case and certain others, knowing the Path distinguishes whether of value later.

So You have:

The Fourth Seal key the Death Seal key: Evangelize, freely opt miraculously in the Holy Spirit and/or freely opt to prepare, lead, and properly utilize tools God gave.

The Fifth Seal key the War Seal key: Martyr, freely opt to properly Baptize and/or at least make peace worthiness fruit yielding Children Of God.

The Sixth Seal key the Anarchy Seal key: One, after the fall of the Daniel Giant, with Your free options, fruits of higher Covenanting or flee.

Keep the original and similar original translations and such, yet rewrite the old for the future new for their sakes; let Your writings edify to cite these with Words and Ways Christ JESUS taught and did in One:

Fourth: Evangelize (therefore Your hearers and readers better understand how to [Evangelize and do good, why, and so on).

Fifth: Martyr (ibid. courageous Christian Preaching And Doing).

Sixth: One (ibid. JESUS Oneness).

Name it JESUS Testament Compendium or similar. Put You JESUS into the Bible, place Your highest level value into the Testament for their sakes for Christ JESUS. The Bible has been the best seller, join into the press for Christ JESUS. Rather the Christian Bible is the best book so help them the best Way (1 Corinthians 14.20). Rather than talk about higher good, do, learn by doing, edify by doing, help for real by doing, so do this in book sales, in Sermons, in broadcasting, and in Your aloft Ark (such as the name on the bottom of it as You help people actually clearly in need of help).

With these Great Seals Of Christ JESUS come other keys of understanding the higher loving eternal purpose, such as responsibilities over time applications, and how time prepares people for the change from the temporary unto the eternal, how to fill the heart with the more enduring rather than below current level pertinent Firmament concerns. For instance, You spend time preparing Your Sermon and then giving it to the mass(es), so while vital, typically, You may opt to spend more time with Members Of Your Christian Church that hold higher positions, and if seemingly too much then perhaps consider making room at the top that others if Willing and Worthy lighten Your burden: understand this counted as if selfish act in lower levels is actually for Christ JESUS in higher levels for their sakes because You would be spending more time with such high position holder, and while there might be minor distresses among the general Members especially with initial Sermons, You would be there with the new Sermon giver (allow graceful intervention, plan ahead so as to minimize embarrassment if the new might fumble the words and lose track), also the hearers would have two of You instead of just one, so to speak; many are better than one, two are better than one (Ecclesiastes 4.9) but only if yoked properly together as One In Christ JESUS, and not to the calling of a subset group nor calling a single person [or entity] as evil (John 11.50) if innocent.

In exception to the rule (lower levels), rather precept on precept give mercy time also for instance a new Member may be anxious immediately, so give time; even so, if anxious this is a sign of help for Your Holy Work, yet is a sign of high leaping. A minor step to one person is a giant leap of Faith to another person as it changes their whole life or much of it: their home sexual matters, possible addictions, their friends, their hangouts, their business affairs, their leisure pursuits, their Church involvement, and so on. Consider how in Hebrews 9.6 & 7 only the High Priest entered the Holy Of Holies while the other Priests performed their next high (lower level) sacred duties. So the High Priest functioned most closely with the other Priests, and the other Priests were toward the Mass, the Holy Congregation.

A key is that level holders interact with adjacent levels the most, and so a great key is that if to interact with non-adjacent and distant level holders then more toward being considered a miracle, and miraculous events with signs and wonders and such.

Therefore given You this key now is that if You do something good and proper and normal in Your Christian Church, that is good. But Beloved even if You give excellent Sermons, Your hearers' ears are dull of hearing [the close proximity routine (Matthew 13.15)] as of a truth no prophet is accepted in his own abode (Luke 4.24).

Therefore In The Name Of The Christ JESUS a great key is given unto You and each (according to each entity's personal viewpoint) that if You go to the truck hanging off the cliff with Your Aloft Chapel With Appropriate Safety And Rescue Technology: fruit.

The Fourth Seal, Death (Evangelize), is not listed in the Bible as the First nor the Last Seal, yet in 1 Corinthians 15.26 "The last enemy to be destroyed is death."

Therefore comes this key (even to Heaven on Earth e.g.) that at least in part the Bible shows the middle, the Fourth Seal, as counted as though the end: for the sakes of the hearers. This key is of the continuation counted as if a circle or closed circuit pattern in lower levels: what was before Will come to pass again. It is true including in Former Logic Only, and yet it is true for any in Former Logic Only [(2 Thessalonians 2.11) that for any in Former Logic Only this be a miracle sign for them toward their ascending].

So of a great key in certain higher levels per se (such as if talents or other stipulations / missions apply) it is known that lower levels repeat unto higher responsibility purpose that the lower joys in conquering properly thresholds for higher purpose rather than repeat pains forever: such repeat is eternally known (Tree Of Knowledge): good purpose.

So beware and be of proper Christian responsibility over this "Death" rather Evangelism related great Seal key. Concerning reincarnation, there is repeating, though concerning flesh there is no ascending, and concerning spirits there is Christian, or unrepentant spirits. Reincarnation does not go above any Holy Christian Firmament.

Unturned spirits, such as in dust, are not for instance reincarnated into people, save as in Genesis 2.7 but then it is not reincarnation save if in the definition sense of the Creator Christ JESUS creating and then if "creating" new, then not re-creating not "reincarnation".

Even so, Christ JESUS is able to reincarnate (John 11.11, edifying, enlightening) though hardly toward confusing, rather for clear higher reasoning, loving kind wisdom, and Holy Oneness.

Truly a person can go through a human existence at least counted as again, reincarnated (ibid.), yet rather continue to live and continue to ascend and these knowledges and spirits Will be added unto Your responsible arranging straightly in Christianity. To know the past including from perceptions as if unknown sources, is not the same as reincarnation; and God is not of the dead per se, rather of the living and Evangelizing and raising (otherwise Mark 12.27).

There truly have been unconverted souls, also there truly have been from such abominations, with related images, and also less careful discussions, less Biblically specific with verses cited, more importantly there were times of less discussions of the precepts and higher purpose of Christ JESUS.

In Daniel Chapter 3 with similar in Psalm 106.19 there were promptings as if people were to "fall down and worship the image of gold", rather Christ JESUS taught and did otherwise and better.

Hardly give only the proper Word definition sense (Former Logic Only) rather give the higher Holy Purpose of the lofty meaning in context [better though toward legalese relative to (rather of the highest eternal) and] for the highest pertinent [application] level or for the highest One Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS One would have that if any (Jeremiah 51.62 / Genesis 18. 27-32), such as Your aloft Chapel colonizers of other planets, would "flee" the debris field as stated above, it hardly means to undo responsibilities [save free option of higher Covenanting (Luke 2.49)] including as much as appropriate for their sakes specifically concerning the care of those left behind on planet Earth, a duty if the Chosen One Remnant has opted to remain behind, or a consideration (such as for the moment or for later) if only sinners remain behind (that Christian Colonizeers might return with power to claim Earth as the True Heirs).

Concerning the debris field, it would be correlated with the tides (some types of the debris more than other types of the debris, see plasma in the lower right of the above Drawing), so as "electromagnetism interference" (lower mid text in above Drawing) sends many sinners (and lower creatures and perhaps other higher levels) back to the stone age (save according to any higher level purpose(s), Hebrews 13.2) they would be exhausted (Jeremiah 51.64) from wars so an opportunity for True Heirs to return for their sakes and their New Hope(s) in the Lord Christ JESUS. Written in Jeremiah 51.63:

as to stone is associated with death including things written on the heart of the vessels (though written within the heart is toward the blood [and plasma] level [opt unto higher purpose]), rather strongly correlated with Evangelism opportunity (see above text). Greater image size and growth is as to greater Evangelism opportunity, Your Flock might opt to likewise establish ratios of the Seals and other values, and hone, while keeping in Heart the higher options.

Not to leave the other [counted as if tail] undone, for their sakes as Christ JESUS taught and exemplified and so symbolized, if to speak their lingo to address their concerns, if any sinners remain after the Giant fall, and if to importantly help any Heavenly Flock Angels left behind on Earth, then here are helps (and these also typically apply to other planets becoming colonized). As shown in the Drawing above there are tides (the cited source exaggerated for teaching purposes). Some calendars have tide info, there are tide charts on paper, and some clocks have a rising or falling tide hand (so concerning clocks consider the wind-up-spring type or other such as water falling type, due to "interference" stated above) so as to plan ahead concerning aloft debris flow patterns toward turning the unknown and the abominable into useful tools for higher purposes (You may reference for types of time measures / three types of civilizations Biblically toward greater, pertinent to precision Holy Work specifications as with top Drawing "Zion").

For Christ JESUS One High Purpose is if to be in the debris field or now or in the post main part of debris field, then to be concerned with air quality. Currently there are much higher concerns than a few decades ago, and air filters became very expensive / demand, such as home very fine particle air filters (microbes, spores, and similar) can cost $50 and more (note fiberglass air systems are illegal in many places)(various sources) with replacements in months. Though a nearly free technology is washing the air [yes, yet here is a higher level example: (John 5.8)] as with water separator introduction / popularized in the 1920s with subsequent filterless Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner which put dirty air under water. Separator technology improved with electronically induced ionization in the 1980s starting around $50 (various sources) with no filter and no water, then soon on the larger scale power plants incorporated similar yet more advanced technology per se to help prevent pollution from becoming airborne (though see "interference" above).

Certain types of businesses especially in the chemicals industry are very concerned with odors, vapors, soot, atoms, and subatomic particles, and related energies, and these are pertinent to aloft Ark, some more than others (see recent ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on high altitude hydrogen and helium gathering, also see below).

Similar to collecting dust is the aloft mining in the air for [heavy] gold dust and silver dust and similar, and rather other lightweight materials of value(s) (see above Drawing top center: when tossed up the wind is automatically winnowing the [fruit] grain from the chaff, and on the larger scale the "wind" is the rotation, and on the larger scale the "wind" is the revolution around the Sun, and on the larger scale the Milky Way route,...)(reference air scrubbers, such as concerning CO2).

Note on the largeness "scale", the International Space Station (and similar, such as if Your aloft Ark is to attain orbit) is shown in the above Drawing; look toward the middle of the Drawing at the black circle representing Earth, let the inner face of the black circle symbolize the surface of the Earth and the outer face of the black circle symbolize the orbital height [not the oval], and orbits can be more distant from Earth until an anomaly level overcomes (Job 38.33), such as Moon latent gravitating effects: oval/exaggerated).

Concerning the dust, the Daniel giant Will go to pieces and chaff, reference colloidal strata particles too tiny for each to be observed by people without such technology, so a personal witness (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on including Witnesses) testimony if without such technology might be missing the unseen (Daniel 2.35 with John 21.25). This cleaning, this removal of unseen debris aloft in the atmosphere as this current civilization would find reasonable per se, is important lest to cause suffocations and ailments. This gathering of the unseen is also key in higher levels. Starting with Your aloft Ark make Your design and architecture so that there is no expansion nor compression such as to suffocate, improperly squeeze, nor otherwise do harm (pressurization associated with filtration types), and finally per this Sermon involving the colonizing of planets may likewise filter the air, for instance Mars has dust storms (so filtration with preventive measures even if to initially start subsurface colonization for higher purpose [die from Earth, New Christianity Chapel on Mars (John 12.24)], and farther planets have methane and valuable (relatively green energy) Helium-3 for instance; and the planets each have key pressurization, heat, geophysics, and other concerns (1 Corinthians 15.41). "Robert Zubrin identified Saturn, Uranus and Neptune as 'the Persian Gulf of the Solar System', as the largest sources of deuterium and helium-3 to drive the pending fusion economy, with Saturn the most important and most valuable of the three, because of its relative proximity, low radiation, and excellent system of moons" (

So now You see yet more Holy Prophecies coming true today as You view this Sermon. In this Sermon Series it was Prophesied that because the Will Of God can come quickly unto True Believers when the Holy Word is given, and because the Holy Word was given mightily with greater signs and wonders of multiple Blood Moons, it was told in ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS that soon in the years ahead meaning the midst of this decade, Christ JESUS would provide even greater signs and wonders and more meaningfully unto the Faithful Doers Of The Will Of God as is becoming fact(s) increasingly, though many Jews wait for the coming of Christ JESUS while many Christians wait for the Second Coming Of Jesus Christ (

From nanotechnology sized spacecraft, to free "helium-3" as stated above, the news is announcing "2017: Self Healing Nano-Electronics for Nano-Spacecraft", and "Game Changing" NASA Heat Exchangers 2017, and increasingly people are building near light speed "tiny interstellar spacecraft" ( and previous).

But the Holy Bible is not a "Game". The Holy Bible explains what Will happen as they give not credit to Chris JESUS Their Creator (Joel 2.9 & 10): so the Earth Will tremble and their formerly reliable foundation roots on which they selfishly relied Will become as rubble that buries, with dust in the wind.

Yet the Faithful doers in Christ JESUS step as the Chosen People in the desert, and rather leap in higher purpose and joy (Song of Solomon 2.8 with Luke 6.23), and rather fly above (Psalm 11.1, and with Revelation 14.6 and with 2 Nephi 16.2) as the Lord JESUS explained needs be done lest to be struck down with sinners. For the Faithful Doers the Heavens not only Spiritually Will with golden clear aloft Arks be prepared and Will meet Christ JESUS in the sky (Matthew 25.4), all that's missing is You.

God gave the gift of free choice.

Freedom is from the heart, though liberty is of the soul.

Freedom is carefree, caring or careless; true liberty is righteous, precept on precept, doing the Will Of Christ JESUS.

Freedom is akin to the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. For a moment consider the following facts of Christ JESUS, with "Game" folly foolishness for Your sake to see a key perspective for doing the Will Of Christ JESUS. Christ JESUS said to be of the above and these things would be added unto You. Things to be added for good include characteristics of values, for instance lemmings have a great ability to withstand cold, a major concern in outer space, so Christ JESUS Will can add this value set unto You but the good but not the lower problems (generally: except if a person sins). Every few years or so many lemmings run off high cliffs. Here is a fake "Game" reporter on a ledge interviewing with one of the falling lemmings:

Reporter: Lemmings are great at withstanding cold weather.

Lemming: Thank You.

Reporter: Do You want that falling lemming beside you to be in pain and die.

Lemming: No.

Reporter: Then why didn't you stitch leaves together for a parachute or a glider for that lemming?

Lemming: The kids ate up my time, and stitching is hard to do,...I don't even have a parachute.

Reporter: Farewell.

The Bible is not about games, so Your children are not about games, and Your Flock is not about games and Your meeting with JESUS Christ in the air is not about games.

Generation after generation is not about games.

Specifications, details, and such things in pertinence for Your People now belong in Your Sermons.

Many Biblical stories apply today. Prophecies, stories of new peace victories, and conquering the Universe, these things Christ JESUS taught and did every day; that is, Christ JESUS gave for You the more delightful of these things to go do. As if carefree, to go about in sandals and such to help others, though if given more then more is expected of You.

You are responsible to do greater, You are to do the spectacular! You have language, Internet, contacts, and power from above. Give power from above.

The Bible is a Book Of Faith For Christ JESUS One, yet it is literal to be applied in the literal sense even as Christ JESUS taught and did. Will Your aloft Ark Chapel enable Your Flock to glide their feet on the surface of waters?, to net men?, to bump into clouds to possibly make it rain on dry farms, to pull some people out of depression?, to deliver emergency supplies?, to be a helpful tool toward establishing greater just cause (not merely symbolically), toward greater expression of love, peace, and joy in the Lord?, make it so. Make things that help others as God said in Exodus 25.9, 18, 20, and 22:

Truly great works can rise above, or can leap up at times and situations, or can start with a single small step in the Righteous direction.

The greater the work (relative to not having seen such greatness previously) typically the greater the complex details that naysayers point out (against themselves, they need Your help). If known / Prophecy in advance concerning things pertinent to Your aloft Ark, then for instance to invest in air scrubbers and rather plan in advance to remove valuables (Exodus 25.7) yet to invest in scrubber stock and to buy wet vacs in advance of the fall of the Giant, though Christian rather than the option to invest in wet vacs (John 2.16) is the setting of the mind, heart, strength, and soul on the more lofty level(s) above.

Also concerning Your Heir returning to Earth consider that if there be any sinners remaining on Earth there might be of them the gathering of gold to make themselves rich and similarly to build their golden calf to sinfully worship (Exodus 32.8) so for the advanced technology of the True Heir Of Planet Earth (and more) the collected gold might be utilized for the higher purpose technology (e.g. manna machine, Eucharist, and triangulation communications automatic devices such as French CERES and the sinners and/or others might be made motivated toward becoming properly worthy (Exodus 32.26) and/or toward higher levels: to the sinner repentance toward the hope of proper Christian Baptism and to the Holy Angelic toward the highest purpose in One Christ JESUS [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on spacecraft pertinent to ancient civilizations) as for mining for gold].

For the Spirit In You for those in Your aloft Ark and on Earth and on planets, consider having rebreathers with You for their sakes, and similarly appropriate health supplies.

So a key is that when higher Covenanting, lower things are entered into You, into Your victories over such, and into Your new responsibilities; yet also when higher Covenanting You can encounter lower level entities automatically, hardly because You seek lower per se (1 Corinthians 9.19). So of this key is the reaffirming that people are to be [Head] higher Covenanting rather than of lower purpose missions helping fewer [toward tail] though not to leave miracles completely undone for their sakes (Matthew 15.27) as some amount of goodness is even in sinners.

Christ JESUS taught the Bible and did as written including as Prophesied and taught to do the higher precepts.

So Christ JESUS revealed a great Seal key (3 Nephi 23.11) of the Holy Word to no longer heal them today so much as healing them in the future, no longer help them today so much as helping them in the future, no longer write ROI possibilities for the self in the flesh as much as to give unto strangers and others unseen in the future via low maintenance appropriate precept on appropriate precept.

Christ JESUS for the greater eternal glory of God, even One In Christ JESUS, provided that appropriate subsets be with this great Seal key: 1. JESUS, 2. JESUS only, with the Christ position meaning One JESUS, Father In JESUS, 3. other subset keys apply. Low maintenance: the Bible was written by people, let Your neighbor write their most Holy testimony, and let Your Flock Members individually and as One write their most Holy Testimonies and also compiled Your One Christian Testimony: for future readers, viewers, watchers, interacters, and more (Christian Churches have already started). Automatic: Not only the Word automatically (automatically the Bible is available often, as if written in stone [if food, it would alway(s) have fruit available all season(s)]) yet more importantly Christ JESUS would that You do automatically for any of the future, so to grow thing(s) (Spiritually anointed thing(s)) starting now that hardly need tending therefore of such great Holy Prophetic value(s) as to be that future others would of New Christianity uphold and rather uplift the cause to finish what You started (as You conquer fears concerning other than God, Luke 14.29) or at least to continue Your One New Christianity Holy Work.

Benefits: this Seal is where the greater blessings vest, are stored, are ready for Your starting and applying for the unseen for their sakes, for utilization prior to fruit that goes rotten as a plague toward death.

This Seal key is of the greater vessels of the greater Christian civilizations arising, this Seal key is of the greater vessel of the greater Christian Holy Word And Spirit, this Seal key is of the greater vessel of the Holy Divine Spirit Of Christ JESUS vested as One for the greater Christian Will throughout the Universe that it be the Holy Universe that it be God: JESUS.

A gallon of help is hardly placed into a person's thimble container. New greater help from above is of lower covenants counted as wasteful and inefficient, if without You, and this great Seal; and not only You yet greater than previous You with greater anointed and more the greater properly Baptized vessels as One; lest the floodgates of the windows of Heaven(s) be opened and too many blessings be given You and virtually all be lost or counted as if lost unto Yourself (Malachi 3:10) that only a relatively small amount be the benefit per Your plan, so rather let Your Plan Be JESUS One.

As Your Flock becomes more accustomed to becoming worthy as with growing the aloft Ark(s) (such as about the Spirit as applied to vessels) and therefore as Your Flock becomes more aloft physically and Spiritually ascending in Christ JESUS, therefore becoming more practiced, there may be talents to preserve this Sermon and other talents to improve especially in certain specifics (such as Spiritual guidance over certain chemical (spirits) interactions) such as pertinent to automating certain types of resupply outer space ships; therefore of new Sermons / Your Flock author new Sermons, Sermons that are higher in certain aspects and/or overall. Consider for instance how a shark has powerful sway in the sea (reference top of food chain and/or similar per se) but while the shark has existed eons as written by sharks in the records of their shark fossils, there is a higher level than shark, and the higher ascending can also form records, even living testimonies including on how to conquer sharks, such as with hooks (not covered in this Sermon save this example) from aloft Arks (ibid.) (reference GodMath Book 5).

So in ascending are the high regal throne(s) (John 14.2), and also the counted as if low servitude (yet from on high). To serve Christ JESUS is to automatically serve all so consider freely opting to be boss with authority to be ascending with proper highest authority One In Christ JESUS.

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

May 16, 2017 AD

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