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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

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Christ JESUS freely offers all now, though if unprepared to receive then disaster: 2 parts: A. if God gives You too many dollars then others would see and be tempted and perhaps destroy You to steal from You, and the wind would blow Your money away, and the rain would cripple your money, and the critters would go through, and kindly people might feel jealous and forgotten, and so forth; B. if to receive from God, be already thinking of agreeing and doing for others, prepare Your systems, with Your Holy Standard For One, prepare is to be worthy and also rather be found so doing. Part A is the higher threshold of the two, yet Part B is Your needful step typically, even if to leap, prepare to leap as perfectly as You have talent to so do and be joyful for more than the hope, for Christ JESUS.

Ask and Ye shall receive, yet ask for their sakes, and prepare ahead of time rather than wait (Matthew 3.3). If in doubt pray (alway in Your heart) yet given the typical situations generally pray and whether doubt or not, do, starting with the Christ JESUS, and with what simple things abound (this can clarify what to do), yet if for their sakes, and if You are prepared (to ascend) in Christ JESUS though limited and stopped, then what's missing?: prepare them.

Christ JESUS taught then yielded fish,

so great a catch as to start tearing the netting,

and starting to sink the boats out in deep water

(Matthew 12.40: rather conquering / prepared). Formulas for free IPOs. As seen on TV new changes in tax laws. Get in free or opt to invest. Protecting Your Investment. Proper planning for the future of Your portfolio for Your heirs with increasing profitability. Turning risks and losses into profits. The path of future technology and trading. Diversification of aircrafts yet with focused investing on the greater future ROI in aerospace with higher purpose. The next step for near earth mining in outer space. New Types Of Talents being discovered. Alfot Ark, the vision of Daniel the Prophet man feet of clay and iron legs of bronze loin of brass torso of silver chest covered in jewels symbolic of the twelve tribes of israel neck of guiding focused glory head of the golden cube of jesus christ zion cube arms of helpful and healing splendor rewriting the Bible in Christ JESUS for new improved civilization, with leadership of JESUS One Bible, Rabbi Schneider on televisions' Network Impact show The Jewish JESUS. biblehub. ICCDBB Sermon for Christ JESUS

Crown Christ JESUS. As shown above, a crown can be as Trammel net design turned upside down. Adam and Eve were two people, after God created perfection two people freely chose not God (sin) and for generations many people have been in non-perfection: hardly let it recur. Prepare all people (1 Corinthians 5.6) and as each proper preparedness is present, victory can come for the giving of glory unto JESUS Christ. Return On Investment without JESUS Christ is as an insufficient net and as a plan to be swamped so as to lose all.

Christ JESUS offers great things and if not prepared / if not worthy, and if unknowing to agree in Holy Covenant Word immediately, instantly, and [then] if not to immediately act on that duty, then to risk the longsuffering per se or more. This is a great key. It is as if a great barrier against those stuck in dangerous very difficult jobs as if stuck in a rut (even though some good can come from such compliance, for any victim(s)). Some worthy people of the same talents per se, leap above that given difficult dangerous situation: plan in advance for their sakes.

To lose all is the free choice given of God, it is a precept key (bones, see above). Sinners are luckers: they got lucky once or normally more than once, then the sinners notice the pattern of lucks as if the Former Logic Only level was ascending above other levels though JESUS The Christ taught the truth to properly grow in precept on precept rather than luck; the sinners believe the appearances but not the truth and so do lucking as if their own money is sufficient eternal truth even though they enslave themselves to follow after money addictively so they lie to themselves as money proves not "sufficient" since they gamble more going out of control of higher purpose reasoning as they try to gain more they tell and do other lies such as enslaving themselves to money as they seek to replenish the money they spend therefore another lie they falsely promote is the money they appear to have is not "eternal" as they imagined therefore not the eternal truth nor the eternal fact so therefore is not the Holy Way In Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS provides precepts for people to not be sinners so to make no errors but if to love money or other things more than the-precepts-given-to-each-personally (a personal great soul level key, even without position, even see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on spirits in dust and things, and on evolution, and on anointing Members for Church positions) from Christ JESUS, then the people or vessels sin but the precepts from Christ JESUS are not sin; rather is this great soul level key that the precepts of God should be preferred by sinners toward full repentance, and yet hardly to compare (though reference records of Christian Churches on types of Church governments et al.) and much rather for Christ JESUS is that the greater amount of precepts of eternal volumes of precepts more than the Known Universe can hold [(contributing evidence: reference physicists having called the Known Universe also the "expanding Universe") as if into the unknown though if so under Former Logic Only then beyond Former Logic Only: illogic; though in New Christianity such is already logically solved in Christ JESUS] is for the Holy One, the Holy Comforter, the Holy Ghost, the One Fold, the Holy Spirit Of God (see Drawings) of the Oneness Of Christ JESUS.

This soul level key, whether a person immediately realizes or not,

is that higher Covenanting is mainly for Your Christian Flock, for One Fold In Christ JESUS.

Lower precepts are clear to sinners, it is known as the law, and even the law states that ignorance of the law is no excuse. The important part of True Law Christ JESUS taught: Love God (in the name JESUS, the Christ), and the similar second law is see first law and with it concerning neighbor (see Drawings).

In the Drawing below, to the lower left is a small dot, Earth, while the larger part of that part of the Drawing is the Solar System, a tiny speck compared to the entire Known Universe. Even in Former Logic Only, Earth contains nearly everything that was written by humans since Adam about Christ JESUS (with such as broadcast into outer space). Yet for Christians ascending, Christianity is written in the stars and galaxies and in the hearts wherever Christians go, even wherever people go, though sin does not present it properly, even so the Christian can properly elicit goodness from sinners such as to make known openly unto the sinners that the sinner confess the truth in Christ JESUS properly to agree with the Christian Leader (if the Christian is afforded fairness to so accomplish for all), it is known as Evangelism.

Sinners can hardly advance more than the evolutionary rate though luck adds or subtracts a little [(relative to the far higher due to Firmament) not of this world, Heavenly (John 18.36)] (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on permutations).

Holy Leader Of Your Flock, here is a key: of Christian Evangelism a sinner may fully repent and be properly Baptized and be Christian, the result is: 1 level higher. It is the typical nature of a Firmament and of learning to ascend in Christianity such as to eventually hold Your higher more honorable key Church positions. Yet a Christian can ascend many steps such as from Usher to Head Usher to a higher Church Leader position (or similar according to Your Church positions) and/or may be found worthy to leap up, the result is: 1, 2, 3, or more levels higher [all at once (depending on accounting perspective / criteria of Your Church might apply)]. So this key is that a sinner can move at roughly the evolutionary rate not only to ascend but often to descend, while the Christian may ascend at a relatively alarming rate so to speak, not of the same scale of rate as the sinner, similar to how a person can take weeks to walk around a vertical face of a mountain while a bird can nearly immediately fly over (Luke 3.22).

Christ JESUS reads the Holy Scriptures properly, the Way Heaven reads; but sinners read to see if they can break the rules and not get caught and to rule over others for sinful selfish delights, some even amass cash fortunes, whether the luck causes others gain or defeat. So luck can harm family and friends, businesses and investors (reference addiction, and such as any angrily pushing to do things whether right or wrong (Luke 10.40), also source ICCDBB For Christ JESUS checked many translations of pertinent Titus 1.7 but found none completely stated superbly according to the teachings of Christ JESUS though each and all translations were superb in parts and overall in lower precept levels (Matthew 26.48 with Matthew 26.48), and concerning "each and all" each person is to ascend their own ascending Path toward as shown in the center of the top Drawing at even though all (Moroni 8.9 rather with wisdom then free to opt 3 Nephi 11.37) were supposed to stay on the One True Holy Path).

With higher Covenanting the sinner may save their soul in Christ JESUS,

yet in New Christianity higher Covenanting can accomplish far greater

for Christ JESUS newly applying Your Faith, in New Christianity

the Christian Leader may save multitudes of souls

(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Evangelism with rather on higher value higher Covenanting) higher New Evangelism: mass Christian Baptisms are already being televised, with many other Christian mass activities too large for the former Church building structures which limit according to building size and land lot size, as skyscraper of apartments and businesses grow around their buildings. Today are more people than ten years ago, certain buildings are great (including historic landmarks) and some Churches need to rethink their expansion / Membership goals being met, while others might reconsider such as to merge with other Christian Church(es), and so on.

Christ JESUS explained in

Some people hold to the Holy Way more than others, and in the above verses JESUS Christ spoke of scribes, "scribes were accountants" (many sources).

So to help guide Your Flock Members with their responsibilities concerning the positions for which You anoint them, utilize this key that JESUS be part of that position concern (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on PCS at;

So for example if to fill an accountant position to handle monies, it is not for a business the ways other businesses are in business, such as an accountant for a secular restaurant, gas station, nor bank; rather for Your Church let the position title include JESUS, such as Christian Accountant For JESUS, or perhaps such as Accountant For Christian Growth. They are typically looking unto the higher level holder(s) for such guidance.

Be wise to understand You want Your Christian Church to grow, be better, be a good example, and so on (generally), so let them know clearly in the position title; as for example an accountant otherwise may purchase the cheaper of two buildings and proclaim "Behold I saved the Church money", when the Accountant For Christian Growth might rather say "Behold the building evidently most suitable for Church growth was acquired".

For higher Covenanting, consider things done by ancestors and when better is found, hone and ascend, for Christ JESUS. The bones of the obsolete systems of Church operations have values, so with such let the new better systems agree [(Matthew 5.17) do as the King Of Prophets].

This bones key (above Drawing) reveals another key, that lower levels, that any if in Former Logic Only believe and/or maintain that they are doing their best so they are right and others must therefore agree or die, or suffer, or other aside from good. The bones throne above, is symbolic of Former Logic Only as associated in this secular example: former Soviet Union Khrushchev when interpreted as "We will bury you" also meaning "Our system will outlive your system". So if a Church system and/or other system (see above text, the same precepts from JESUS apply to Christians and to non-Christians) Your Church does otherwise such as destroy old paper files because a new software system is utilized, then toward destroying, if not switching to the new software system if it is better, then toward not ascending (even low levels have levels to be ascended even as new things in this expanding Known Universe of New Talents being discovered and more are unraveled in Christ JESUS: a key: precept levels are added

(Expansion Key)

between levels. It is alright to discard waste, such as if old papers become considered useless though it is recommended that You please check with any who utilized the papers within the past year prior to discarding, and check the appropriate opinions of people if to introduce any new system as if better. If there is negative feedback request a solution from that source with Biblical reference, if none is made available within reasonable time let the higher level authority dictate. If there is a dictator, whether respected for monetary support, corporate knowledge, Christian Leadership, wisdom, and/or other over Your Church, it is recommended that Your Church provide clear means such as due process criteria for the peaceful overthrow of such authority such as by Members voting (perhaps unanimous or other criteria) or such as certain position holder(s) voting or assigning, typically, for instance if there is only one person that Founded and funds a Church, then it might often be better that any dissatisfied Members make it peacefully known and then if not resolved then they start their own Christian Church or go to another Christian Church.

Let any dissatisfied Members understand, their ideas might be better, though certain other ideas are for certain reasons: the types of reasons may vary widely, such as symbolically: a Church building in a town rather than at the entrance of a gold mine: either idea might be better depending on Church goals, for instance a town may yield Members directly, and a mine may cause dangers too excessive so may bring light to the Church in town idea or a mine entrance Church may yield more Members anxious to utilize closed factories to build low cost Eucharist Chalices and Minorahs for examples for outreach to help other Christian Churches, expanding town growth and likewise Christian Church growth, though in any case of course alway do the Will Of JESUS The Christ and not to make the Father's House Of Prayer into an house of merchandise.

Christians have often allowed the secular worldly ways to take the lead, and in fairness for You Christian Leader, the same was often the case 2,000 years ago which resulted in losses as the world had never seen. So for the sake(s) of all the New Christianity is to endeavor the best it can to save and lead especially for any future generation(s), for One Christ JESUS. For example, the typical Christian Church has not had much technology, so secular sinners have had leaderships with advantages [counted as if over though] against Christians: it has been a Christianity-self-allowed threshold against Christianity. For example an oscilloscope can show symbols (see PCS below) such as associated with input, so if the input is an energy wave pattern, the oscilloscope can show representative images of that pattern, such symbolized to emphasize certain key aspects, but Churches generally don't have such equipment even though it helps people to better understand Christ JESUS and the Holy Bible, such as the above "Expansion Key" with the equipment symbolizing expansion.

Here is a key, a very low level has value, though a moderately low level has a little more value, so a moderately low level oscilloscope reasonably has greater value than a very low level prop such as a spring; and a key is these together properly increase overall value typically (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on props at, as to Biblically help show expansion akin to growing with Evangelism, a key relationship of the Holy Spirit of and for Christ JESUS (Luke 12.49).

If not to have technologies in the Church, then toward hardly able to discern such, hardly able to control such things with spirits, and hardly able to guide people in such with useful helpful pertinence. Sinners do low level works of the hands, yet great Christian Leaders do the Holy Work Of The Hand(s) Of One God In The Name Of JESUS Christ, the Lord of Lords, the Technician of Technicians, the Manager of Managers. Your Christian Church is free to opt according to talents, interests, resources, and so on. With this is the equipment value to cost relationship (example, some broadcast on cell phones) often freely available, that is, You may have Members already utilizing such for You; but if not to have equipment (example, aloft Ark) then hardly to be able to attain edifying value and more importantly key utilizing value: Holy Word, more importantly Holy Will Of God (Luke 12.44), similar to how a stalk with leaves has edifying value for starving people though it is of the fruit that the true Faith is revealed (John 4.48). The oscilloscope hears the Bible in outer space, and can see into the heart and womb, can measure fuel, and can lift materials into the air as if by magic yet it is not magic trickery, though it has lacked in having thorough Christian Leadership guidance in these past days and eras.

Christ JESUS rather has an even more excellent Way, a greater key and yet with the bones, whether or not they appear as if a misinterpretation, or a Game Of Thrones (no legal affiliation unless otherwise stated), or some other flip of the coin type of loose talk [especially if lacking pertinent PCS Standard Of The Church ( for Christ JESUS].

Christ JESUS is aware of Final End Time for One, for You Christian Leader, and that You excellently know the kind and loving Holy Way through, having been saved, and yet [such as if to guide and hone the self more or rather to best guide others] concerning the throne of bones. This key is for You to let Your Flock and others know they are right if they are in Christ JESUS, otherwise they are as a flip of a coin and as dust in the wind, yet in the Lord they might opt to sit on the bones of others similar to how an exhausted soldier might fall asleep on dead bodies, yet in the high Level(s) Of The Lord One is alway kind even if others insult and destroy themselves [even while making a margin call (Lamentations 1.13, Ezekiel 37.8, Luke 24.39, Ezekiel 24.3 & 4, and Isaiah 58.11) for the greater good in higher level(s) purpose, even the new].

Whether an Initial Public Offering, stop gap, money, medicine, gristle, or other, these each and all fit into the True Pattern, the Holy Trend Of The Creator (see above Trammel Net, and Job 40.17 & 18) so with this key comes another key, praise God, though hardly let One praise the self much if at all: all that God has Will be Yours / Your Oneness In Christ JESUS, the amount You are in (ascended level) Christ JESUS. All the meat and grains and such food as in the Old Testament appropriate to eat You may have now, though in appropriate Oneness You may when (pending higher levels Acts 21.25) the of the Will Of God also have the gristle, bones, fat, and shards and pigs and other harms and poisons [longsuffering (2 Timothy 3.10 with Luke 10.19) victories for higher good] though the following is important.

Under law is the saying "Don't try this at home", it is pertinent, goodly, and do it; though similar to how a low logic legal scientist can do things impossible to the uninformed such as handling things that could kill lay people, similar are (see Trammel Net above, full of holes: pitfalls) leaps and even seemingly careful steps (for instance between the pulpit and the altar though at neither): consider how a person flips a coin and if the call is both: heads or tails, then the call is sometimes wrong since sometimes the coin lands on it's edge, and since sometimes the coin is lost.

Don't touch anything dead, though higher level conditions apply, such as pertaining to sunset, and such as pertaining to the outside of the cup, and inside, and new wine and containers, and vessels and rather the more important higher vessels and Way of the higher.

The keys don't function always, unless alway for Christ JESUS; mathematicians have formulas, but accordingly the formulas do not function all the time though many might expect in anticipating since growing in value comes from the Lord JESUS (from the True Will Of The Father) and not from other. So a vital key to money printers is that the script have the Christ JESUS name on it, if they want money to work most properly (Acts 4.12). Key is proper power, control, authority, and so on, so if to be that mediator (1 Timothy 2.5) then over script, the Monetary System, banking, and so on: properly.

Talking with Jehovah's Witnesses [continuing to grow the Fold rapidly (] (no legal affiliation unless otherwise stated) at the door this morning (April 12, 2017AD) speaking verses for Christ JESUS and they mentioned Luke 22.19 & 20 (a reason for people to visit Your Chapel, exceptions apply see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on lower or rather higher Covenanting missions, and on minimizing maintenance to maximize for the glory of Christ JESUS, and on not leaving the other undone). They came at no price to the hearer, freely and for Christ JESUS, similar to a room full of sales people making cold-calls yet for Christ JESUS. To be in a person's way for their sake is hardly the same as typical low level cold-calling which is also often associated with less desirable high pressure sales.

If to be proper authority over the people then to truly be for their sakes and not halfway nor some. In Christ JESUS is the key, the source of love, and the source of money. Love money though carefully for others and only precept on precept in Christ JESUS, love money in the lower precepts (in the tail, hardly left undone, typical supply) though do not love money greater than the Firmament of things (in Former Logic Only known as lifeless dead and inorganic, in higher Wisdom / New Logic known as all alive in Christ JESUS though "things" are under the pertinent Firmament toward inertness, toward less formed dust, and often of turned spirits, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS). Love things the Creator made, the amount(s) appropriate; also love to not love sin, according to loving the good eternal One with the Tree Of Knowledge with the Firmament over sin, the Firmament over selfishness that the One be eternal and eternally good so that love be not stained, two is better than one (Ecclesiastes 4.9) though only when two are One (as sinless in Eden, and/or as One Zion In Christ JESUS; lest Joel 2.3).

In the above Drawing the mass of fish is so heavy as to start to tear the net, so the call the other nearby boat to help them since two [properly] is better than one (ibid.). But that calling of the other boat to come help has relatively little to do with it. It has little to do with the Creator. Christ JESUS gained for them and Christ JESUS can set free the fish in an instant, therefore do no sin against God.

Invest nothing, and give no so-called "charity", and save no money, unless so doing for One Christ JESUS. Touch nothing dead, sit on no bones, unless for Christ JESUS.

Abound in love and pour out love, and with such have proper Holy Faith in Christ JESUS. So love the higher Holy Purpose rather than the lower level vessel even if love exists in and/or about the lower vessel (also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on lower level missions for higher level purpose(s)).

So to love others is to love people much more than to love things (Luke 6.35 with Luke 3.14) and to so much more prefer to love Christ JESUS so much (immeasurable Isaiah 9.7 eternal dynasty 1 Chronicles 17.27) as to nearly seem as no room to rest the head of love elsewhere nor anywhere though God provides in infinite loving caring wisdom (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at When God sleeps then Your Flock is supposed to be doing properly yet unattended or seemingly so, such as to be found properly flying the golden cube (see bottom of page), with all the proper permits and safety (including matters of Christian Faith such as leaping, reference 1 Corinthians 7.32, careful for safety for their sakes yet ready to immediately do the true calling of JESUS Christ even if initially it seems risky) and all the bases covered, nothing left undone, nothing left to chance of failure.

Make Your aloft Chapel. You can start with words and lines and increasingly complex drawings, and with models and tiny versions of the enormous cube of the Second Coming, to meet in the sky and be coming with Christ JESUS. Plan the best things, plan the best route, make the best happen for One: for the greater good for all (hence without sin, see text above).

Be the source of money rather than the burden on society, be the value of all rather than selfish, guide unto greater prosperity rather than follow though if to follow then follow for Christ JESUS: be over things and critters, though prefer that all be One In New Christianity.

Pray over new technologies, for One Christ JESUS, pray over the ancient and the foreign and the future and the higher and the more in depth and the simple and the more complex, for One Christ JESUS. Key is that Christ JESUS is able to make the difficulties into simplified joys for the Heavenly Father, and is able likewise to afford the moving into the higher Covenanting over greater amounts of conditions and steps and keys.

For One Christ JESUS prepare, with greater monsters lest to be surprise attacked and eaten by sinful lower level monsters. Let One Faith be sufficient, even so protect Your Children for Christ JESUS, protect their souls of course, and even protect their vessels with properly protectful gracious [any and all] things that are valuable for doing good, as much as this key: as much as a level of things can be for goodly purpose and rather for One Good Purpose.

In the above Drawing the Trammel Net design is of a layered pattern with some depth (3D, and not shown some Trammel Nets have close mesh pockets so fish swim in though can hardly turn to escape) though largely two dimensional (2D), and in either of the 2D directions one or more layer(s) of netting can be pulled to cause other effects toward linear lines in the pulled direction and causing 90 degree effects such as visually such as associated with polarization filtering as to enable controls over certain heat waves and light radiation intensities. Polymers are often of turned and curly aspects (some until stressed), though automatic changes can be according to manufacturing guidance from You, so that if lower level things (such as weather) try to change Your preferred values of Your aloft Ark such as temperature, Ark skin hardness, flexibility, light intensity, and/or other, then from the planning stage the values might be introduced for automatic helps from the materials rather than from higher level humans having to work tediously and unnecessarily on lower missions typically.

In the below Drawing are unusually shaped Arks, with free means to power them. Be mindful, people can properly leap, or can be of small steps that often prove more sure and steadfast to the people (their interpretations). Not shown is that in the power production (H2O example at former logic site has many valuable details with illustrations) there can be within the fabric array (ibid.) virtually immediate power distribution according to power (as in hardness / force): the power and force of God at Your automatically pleasing self control yet for passengers and others for Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago knew the Holy Physics Of God so for instance He did not bite off His own fingers, rather He protected His flesh (yet served as Host to all people including lawmakers though He did not serve sin) and likewise obeying the Laws Of True Physics Christ JESUS dealt with money, finances, merchandisers, scribes, and so forth yet all within / under the True Physics gift from God, for instance a scribe did not leap as fictitious Superman and fly about exerting powers (lest to be struck down for not giving God the glory (Romans 11.8 with Acts 12.23), rather Christ JESUS did according to True Physics, and here is a Former Logic Only key in two parts, either Christ JESUS was accounted as having done no miracles (many sinners pretend such) or Christ JESUS is counted as if haven broken True Physics Of God (ibid.) toward lacking higher Covenanting so toward crucifixion (Psalm 26.6 with Matthew 27.24); so the New Logic solving key is that Christ JESUS was and is One Miracle, though in the eyes of sinners did no miracles [their lack of Faith (Mark 6.4 & 5)] in situations, save in other situations according to their higher Faith yet not only their Faith In God In Heaven yet also with their Faith On Christ JESUS on Earth as never previously known among the people 2,000 years ago (John 11.21), and properly in higher Covenanting hence in not breaking True Physics and rather honing (see next sentence) Christian: Faith + Faith = Miracle.

A fish too small is tossed back into the water, a person with arms full of money hardly stops to pick up a penny lest to risk dropping the greater amount of money held in the arms. A net too full of fish squishes fish tears the net and too many helpers cause too many hands in the pot. Yet the same higher Covenanting "Miracle" applies over such fish and monies, similar to how a person constructing an annex onto a building may not need a key since they with proper authority remove (Matthew 7.4) a wall that the given plan be accomplished.

True Physics is such that a hook is as a diode, the fish is to go onto the hook but not off until the master dictates. The above Trammel Net (may be placed as a safety net, or...) may be lowered into the water and then the net exerts no significant energy in the sense that it is so-called self contained needing no fuel nor tending until the final raising of the net with fish that capture themselves, similar to how sinners without higher Covenanting are blind to key pitfalls, snares, and impending barriers.

Christ JESUS offers good True Physics, therefore some keys are functional unto multiple values, for instance a hook might be turned upside down toward keeping fish from jumping into the boat and such as to turn the Trammel Net pockets in the opposite direction, and these things may have never been seen before in this world since Adam though hardly a person would call them miracles, yet all life and living is a miracle. The key point is that if Your Flock faces adversities, the True Physics are functional to overcome victoriously, control, and to reverse [ascend (Matthew 3.2)].

Christ JESUS provides that in the case of cube, platform, arm, and/or leg propulsion systems there are multitudes of solutions in True Physics for the greater glorifying of the Holy Father. For instance concerning the hook Your aloft Ark might anchor until the wind shifts direction, concerning the net Your aloft Ark might act as a sail and arc around the whirlwind until the right direction of wind is resultant.

Here in the name of JESUS the Christ is a special case example for Your Flock toward making higher Covenanting less complicated, utilizing this example of Your own aloft Ark idea for value(s) now without price (Jeremiah 15.12 & 13 NLT). Rather than have problems trying to ascend in Covenant(s) and fly properly, try this example. Money is thrown at problems by sinners, therefore sinners find many solutions. Now the military and NASA might or might not have sinners, but they do not reference Christ JESUS as much as You In Your Christian Flock beloved, so here is an opportunity to help them and lead them back to Christ JESUS publicly (2 Chronicles 24.19), though not all attempting this would likely see the quick value(s), given this timeframe of 1/2 year (pending talents, interests, efforts,...).

The aloft Ark, see Drawing below, starting with the traditional concept such as of polymers might be cut or melted, so for this example for 1/2 year (independently from any pertinent current investing and/or occupation) put aside secular helicopter (invented / evidence ancient 400BC) and rocket (ancient torch) technologies toward cutting, decapitating, and hell fire (as found in the Bible: Deuteronomy 25.18, [grace over (Matthew 12.29)], &

They Will have value(s) again given time, though for now consider other, that is, rather for Your Flock, have Your for 1/2 year in their free time as much as they want, consider the latest technologies even if at first appearing as if too expensive and too complex to fathom, for moving Your aloft Ark without utilizing helicopter nor rocketry technologies, and rather find "aloft" pertinent and "Ark" pertinent Bible verses and then for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS, within the goal(s) and criteria and hope of Your Christian Church apply the verses traceably for better solutions (so You know it is not based on human thoughts and rather from Christ JESUS: Galatians 1.11 Holman Christian Standard translation; also you don't have to tell Your success(es) nor answers to ICCDBB For Christ JESUS, as plenty is already given from Christ JESUS and received with great joy).

Sinners throw money at problems but that normally means until they find the first solution (so sinners make more money more quickly) and not the best solution, example yet to the point, how to get from Virginia to West Virginia?, a quick response often evidenced is to fly, though a better way, quicker, safer, and less costly might be to simply pray Christ JESUS, put on sandals, and walk across the street (Ephesians 5.15 & Matthew 10.10), multitudes also drive cars commuting work days, others travel otherwise between the states.

Praise be for Christ JESUS: it is a good gift to be able to keep clear the mind from many of the temporary experiences in the world in order to better agree in the soul in the name JESUS, to best help those unable and in need (James 1.27). Become better able. Some Christian Churches and some communities lend tools, some even lend vehicles and heavy equipment such as a bulldozer. Christ JESUS offers plans and designs. Provide the best designs so You know accordingly the best tools to offer. The plan and the design are of the higher level(s), with the pertinent tool(s) ancillary. Generally, a person can buy tools with cash. Better designs improve tools, they lift the spirits of tools, such as concerning usefulness and such as concerning tolerances; higher Covenanting likewise lifts the spirits of designs even up and over the cash level.

Christ JESUS would have that sinners have no eternal truths to undo, such as if a sinner would unfairly gain an IPO and unfairly gain from that IPO for sinful reasons eternally, hence a key is Christ JESUS already is victorious over the worst, also hence a key is sinners can only think of non-eternal hence temporary things (see following on Prophesying and bottom of this page); also likewise a Christian can think of higher Holiness and also of the lower according to knowing the Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil / Garden Of Eden therefore a Christian is able to be counted as associated with false authorities (though are not, and rather are saved) of temporary evil deeds so this is a lower level Former Logic Only key (it may be very valuable in Evangelizing / talents and cases) to rather than go on lower missions in the Former Logic Only sense rather go on higher missions only, therefore as Christ JESUS, be the lowly servant [even if higher authority is already conquered (Luke 14.9) for their sakes] so therefore of a higher level is this key that Heaven serves, outpouring the Good Holy Spirit From One Christ JESUS.

So a valuable key to be a True Prophet, is that a True Prophecy lifts others, so another valuable key is that to be a True Prophet is to be the unselfish servant (Christ JESUS), giving (Christ JESUS).

When physically lifting others in this world the person doing the lifting, such as a parent lifting a child to the highchair, the parent lifts the entire child such as a child body length, while the parent does not lift the parent, the self; the parent would normally raise and lower their own body parts only.

Christ JESUS would that Your Flock Leadership In New Christianity be mainly for the higher Covenanting purpose in the Father Of Precepts And Physics, including the needs of others, so of a pertinent key is Prophesying, predicting, and analyses of fruits that Your Flock discern the higher Covenanting Path more clearly and so continue ascending as much as appropriate for their sakes, as One and symbolic of One Christ JESUS that they to ascend, so to symbolize (similar to speak) is to show the appearance (of the heart): so this great key is that the appearance outwardly indicates the inward [( know and identify] so Your Flock Will know not only them, yet also their paths: let Evangelists and others know this, and this series showing the higher increasing value(s) of these higher precepting higher Covenanting revelations for their sakes (Hebrews 12.19 with Mark 4.24).

Be caring how ye perceive. In the Drawing below some people might see flying monsters, some might see entertainment, some might see new pets; Christ JESUS sees the truth the Eternal One has experienced, is experiencing, and Will experience; Yes, and even so here is a great key unraveled for Your Flock In You One, like unto the Holy Creator, You build things, You might even grow Your Flock, heirs, and the Temples and Arks and living trees built into the Arks, and the very stones that would cry out are according to the inner living shining out for their sakes as they see symbols and much more than symbols that they realize the good greatness of New Christianity, ascending, and living more excellently serving others for the greater sake, yet serving properly along the Holy Path.

With this great key from within pouring out (another key, if to cast out, then this key of pouring serves the good higher purpose of casting out) is another key already given in this series of Sermons and pertinent here that Your Flock Heart be pure lest to reveal unto others false leads, example: in the Drawing below of fierce monsters there are sharp teeth, so when You make "monsters" or rather great things, make them great obedient beasts or rather better, in the image of Christ JESUS, and allow a true smile be shining forth with teeth for their delight that they properly fear, a great mystery key: that they fear the Lord hardly about the Lord bringing destruction and rather that they fear that the Lord might walk over them [due to their own sinful self destruction (Luke 11.44)].

So a key is that rather than scare people with giant monsters [and self mutiliation tatoos for instance (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS)], offer instead delightful platform, and of a key, if to be in the Way momentarily (for higher purpose) then if to know the Path ahead a little bit then to better know how their fruit would be pleased to be guided for Christ JESUS. Give them new and greater land and see the resulting benefits ahead of time in Your One Heart In The Word manifesting (Ezekiel 36.24): key! Key also: let people be immersed in the Holy Spirit and so immersed in Holy Water Christian Baptism, and let things of lesser / novice turned spirits be anointed with lesser waters sprinkled, and the last prior to the first. Anoint Your keys. Know Your One True Holy Path, and with it then therefore that the Holy Bible be properly interpreted in Christ JESUS For The Holy Spirit Of Your Flock For The Greater Glory Of The Holy Heavenly Father.

You might have a Flock that includes a Christian Member that spends much time at their job destroying properties with coworkers, here is a key, they might have monster trucks and monstrous machines with giant steel fangs out in front that bite through concrete, so of a minor [so stated as "minor" for Your sakes (1 Kings 2.20 ISV) for improving ascending, as everything is important (Matthew 5.18), another key,] key is the worker may (permission considerations apply) freely opt to paint Christian friendly symbols and Bible verses on their monstrous machinery ( verse 20 through Drawing).

Change the problems and barriers others confront, into blessings flowing properly for all. Of a Firmament level under people, let people help, and of another Firmament level above technology, let technology help up to that Firmament: a key of Firmaments is to hardly allow a lower level improperly pass a higher value holder (Isaiah 3.9 with Jonah 3.7 , Matthew 7.6, and with Proverbs 31.4).

Examples: some people like direct sunlight on their boats, beaches, crops, and land based solar panels; some people like to watch clouds and stars. These are growing Membership opportunities for You (rather than there be complainers that would have You Holy One confront legalese suits which do not perfect), so rather than merely block their watching of clouds, offer them 3D cloud watching opportunities from Your aloft Anointed Holy Ark; and rather than for instance block land based solar panels as if carelessly, bring people aboard to show them how clouds don't interfere when above the clouds and they can have greater solar power likewise with greater blessings too! Yet when Preaching be aware, just as worldly laws do not perfect in Former Logic Only, so too things hardly perfect (spirits of lower level things need to properly be of higher Covenanting too: only One Way properly through Christ JESUS: key). If You show them how to make much money, excellent that they may find cause to return to Christ JESUS (John 4.48).

But of a precept key, if any make too much gold it can be more difficult to lift the weight (Matthew 19.24: see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS for proper interpretation of this ancient verse about worldly wealth and merchandising), though new wealth needs be placed into appropriate (in the Lord JESUS) new vessels and systems, for instance heavy gold and silver and such are often useful in higher ascending, physically (rocket component examples), and spiritually (Eucharist examples). Likewise be aware of supplies, vessels, and people boarding and exiting, and of energies also per se.

Now if trying to do good for Christ JESUS, but encumbered such as by things, people, situations, obsolete criteria (affiliate site, and such, there is deep space where many cumbersome things at Earth hardly apply there (where other things/Creator Of Things, and other forces/Force Creator apply). A key is that some situations are better than other situations for certain good deed doing (some addicts are spatially relocated for instance, and some agitated and some depressed people go on vacation, or some workers appreciate the Sabbath knowing others rest so have joy for them).

Plan in One Christ JESUS, plan with others as much as appropriate though hardly fall into lower mission ruts when supposed to be ascending unto the greater comprehensive mission to better prioritize for Christ JESUS as example unto others. So of a key plan and don't stop their, continue planning (see Drawing below), God does supply, and as much as favorable in God seek to be the gracious proper delightful awesome Holy Host. Tell them of the Biblical wonders found in Christ JESUS. Show them, and if they yearn, show them more: often it is a function of how much they help (under Your One Authority Guidance In Christ JESUS). With power to lift in talk alone (1 Corinthians 13.1) and rather as Christ JESUS did, of higher Covenant properly over a situation speak as One Of Authority, therefore know the pertinent precepts and scope, the priorities and the comprehensive. Comprehensively the child has the parents, and the Christian parents have Christ JESUS: so the comprehensive reveals the priority. The priority came from Heaven, as also did the comprehensive, therefore one can check and prove the other (see PCS above for key(s) details).

Christ JESUS would have You do needful things (James 2.16) for their sakes, which is often accepted as meaning go help others, and such is true. Also true is the "needful" part in terms of the aloft Ark as to not add excessive weight (and other unnecessary complications, see "making higher Covenanting less complicated" above) so consider for instance the usage charts of utility companies, many have had extra heavy copper wires and extra large pipes for regular service including for peak times when more is used, such as to be able to deliver more electricity such as to prevent electrical outages. But often [as in slightly hot or cold climates (cases vary widely)] electrical usage is only 30% of the peak usage level for 2/3rds of the year, in other words the heavier wires and larger pipes are only "needful" 2/3rds of the time. So for Your aloft Ark You can opt to have lower weight (lower amp) lines except for higher peak system(s), and likewise concerning fluids which can add significant weight. Likewise concerning weight if to only plan to tie to land structures and other aloft Arks, then no evident need to have heavy anchors. Or You can stay aloft as written in Job 26.7 NLT:

When Your aloft Ark conquers Earth, You have become reasonably worthy to consider conquering other planets / colonizing. Some planets have explosive gasses (see "less complicated" above), and some planets lack oxygen (ibid.), so plan accordingly when You do as Abraham and seed the Universe with living flesh and higher level living Spirit.

JESUS Christ laid down His life to take it up again, a key of the Holy Trend, from Heaven to [return to] Heaven, this key is sufficient at least for awhile at that level on it's own to a person ascended thus far and not of higher Covenant reasoning in their heart yet to ascend greater (yet).

That is, a person steps up a step, or leaps up properly a few steps and then it is sufficient unto them, such as as they gain their bearings, their equilibrium, and until they check to see if they stepped or leaped in the right direction, and related reasoning. To longsuffer a step or a leap is work, so the person might want to rest awhile, vacation, or even to be stuck in a rut for excuse reason(s): laziness, safety on the step as opposed to single footed or no foot support leaping, and so forth (hence another great and mighty leap key: there are thresholds requiring leaping properly and not stepping, such as the full repentance step with the proper immersion Christian Baptism step).

So a key is that virtually any given Member Of Your Flock might prefer tiny safe and comfortable steps so as to not rock-the-boat (such as with new money sources, and/or such as with new modernization technologies, and/or such as with new types of Church advertisements, new annexes, computerizing obsolete processes (impersonalization though of value such as with Church positions appointments: let Your Church criteria grow in Christ JESUS), and such. While to be Christian and on a level is sufficient in Christ JESUS, sufficient proof and the Christian has no need to prove more than that; also of greater good is to continue doing as Christ JESUS. Then some situations become better quickly, and some situations may be a long time as often there seems no solution in this world (Heaven On Earth, End Time Per Person, Final End Time).

For One Christ JESUS a pertinent edification vision has come this morning April 25, 2017 in the art style of ancient India as a brief video clip. This is now explained with two interpretations. The vision had to the left a tree with apples, with some space between, and then a line of trees with apples; in the space a tree was planted and the apples from the left tree went onto the newly planted tree, then the left tree moved a space and had apples (1 by 1 again) and another tree was planted and the apples were (1 by 1) gone from the left tree and apples appeared (1 by 1) on the newly planted and the process repeated and the line of trees with apples grew longer (the speed was about as fast as able to see the details, about a second or less per new tree), the next part showed no trees and just apples appearing on top of apples. This vision is now interpreted, giving the lower ROI interpretation first [(Matthew 20.16) lower precept to higher, that is, lower mission after first checking higher mission (higher conditional circumstances apply in this case)] that controls over fruit trees might be that fruit is to be grafted onto new trees (John 15.16), and this interpretation is also interpreted that trees take long times to bear fruits so buds might be grafter onto various types of trees (as has been done in ancient times), so that the wait until mature to bud on their own time is overcome, and with it fruit might be cloned (workers may have already achieved such today toward Heaven on Earth). The second higher level interpretation is that Christ JESUS instantly gives fruit to each properly Baptized Christian, and with it the Heavenly is fruit on fruit (until Final End Time when no dust remains to be converted).

Newborn JESUS God had/has all power(s), before birth, through birth, and after birth. When You properly (including their full repentance in agreeing unto Baptism: key is their agreeing with above that the above lift) Baptize a person Christ JESUS immediately gives all eternal fruits to be available in and unto the Newly Baptized Christian [(John 6.37) in all things never turned away], even though a person might know it not immediately. So two keys functioning together are Word key to know all good fruit, and Will key to do all good fruit. With this is another key: fruit for whom things have been prepared (Matthew 20.23). So to help explain this in example is that a toddle asks to play outside where the parent sees a pack of hungry wolves, and the wolves might ignore or adopt the toddler, or other, and the parent opts to not take the risk (Matthew 7.6), so rather let the toddler grow muscle and wisdom such as perhaps to overcome the wolves perfectly, perhaps to collect them and insert genetic code so they help Christian Holiness rather than other (Isaiah 11.6).

So if a person is unaware (such as per unable as of yet, such as per situation) of how to utilize their Christ JESUS given fruit talents such as to feed thousands, heal, raise the dead, walk on water, and greater for Christ JESUS, then prepare the person and Righteously make able, lifting such through threshold(s) per se, up the Holy Steps, the same Steps that be enduring to the end (John 6.27) and beyond as much as appropriate.

Christ JESUS would "not" have You work for the ROI that perishes [temporary gains, aloft vessel,...(John 6.27), instead to labor for the food (ROI) that endures]. The gift of God through Christ JESUS is JESUS, that all be JESUS, that all as One as JESUS "endures" God gave gift JESUS the Christ and then gave via JESUS the Will Of The Heavenly Father, the Holy Flesh Of Christ JESUS (Matthew 1.25 / Matthew 1.21) and then after that Holy Flesh then the Holy Word (much in the Christian Bible (John 21.25); then the fruits (such as in You) from Holy Flesh (You) to and for Christ JESUS And The Holy Father (hence including to You and for You) the Eternal One ["not a mortal", "not a man", "not a human" ( So a key is the Holy You is not a human. This agrees with and verifies God is Spirit (John 4.24).

In dreams are spirits, similar to software. Software is similar to things that have many inputs and many operations and many outcomes, for example a car key might start the car, or it might unlock a car door: people have talents, a person is in a situation, types of fruits abound, types of weeds abound, types of ROIs are knocking at the door according to high pressure sales and peer pressures: these are complex key and complex threshold situations, yet unraveling the mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven and showing things to come is the Holy Spiritual job of Your Flesh (Daniel 2.28) made into a simple and light burden in Christ JESUS [and with the gifts accordingly, including the tangible gifts, especially as You lift and/or anoint] as You simplify toward making less complex the explanations. So the Word comes less complex for edifying the Christian Church, while the real world Physics Of God are increasingly unraveled [as people evolve and greater and as things and systems grow and expand and ascend] so the increasingly complex Physics are increasingly conquered in Christ JESUS while the sinners beg themselves be conquered (reference base jumping, volunteer military service, the loving of pets more than people, the loving of lower levels more than higher levels,...). So for instance while things have values, including "jumping", "service", and the other words in this sentence, the greater unraveling for them is in the less complex Holy Spirit Word keys, then known in the heart, to yield the improving of the arranging of these enabling the improving of peace and higher systems increasingly.

So a key can simply unlock a door or it might start an engine that lacks a higher level of knowledge so the engine equipment might kill many even if the operator is innocent and legally started the engine, and then the machine broke and killed many (for this edifying case).

So a great key, similar to the "great seal key" ( is this key that worldly law(s) Will end and be done away, obsolete and perish and useless.

A person can dream and see spirits similar to people though changing forms so not real people (flesh), and while peace can be made to happen under worldly law(s), it can only be so to a pre-delimited extent (Original Plan Of God), for symbolic example to have peace in physical worldly law(s) terms, the leaders and all people might agree to have peace each and all would be put to sleep a very long time such as by drug injection (also reference deep space travel ideas), so with every person and creature asleep there would be peace on Earth but only to an extent, the dreaming might continue with unpeaceful dreams (Luke 12.4).

Truly, truly, needs be trials and tribulations Will come [(2 Thessalonians 1.4) hence steps (see Drawings)], so rejoice (Romans 5.3) that You revealed unto Your Flock and others these key steps (while the proper vertical leap is preferred, proper including wisdom: love x logic) (JESUS).

Trouble sleeping?, (ascend properly in Christ JESUS); being shot at?, (ibid.); problems at home trying to feed the kids?, (ibid.): the solutions come from Christ JESUS and are in the Holy Christian Bible, with current pertinent aspects in Christian Sermons. Also be wise for them to learn by doing as the symbolic example of Christ JESUS (make the aloft Arks, reference sandals).

The Christ JESUS explained He is the vine and Christians are grafted (John 15.5) and the above story is similar though the Christ name JESUS was noticed as happens at times, so be careful how You read and interpret; and You may note similarities in precepts though in every case do not let Yourself be led astray, and note that Christ JESUS gathering You (John 10.4) or sending You out as a Sheep among wolves is not the same as "astray" (Psalm 23.4): a key.

Last year for instance increasingly beautiful Sermons, and electromechanical and aerospace designs were on the increase in this writer, lately Holy keys, visions, dreams, and being physical touched by the unseen (such as a hand on the shoulder on the back), are headlining and increasing: from types of fruits to types of fruits: with freedom to let all be for the glory of the Heavenly Father through One Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS did the Will Of His Heavenly Father, and Christ JESUS traveled straight or to and fro (as people do), not always to the Temple, such as in Mark 8.10 Christ JESUS went into a vessel and traveled to the town of Dalmanutha. Christ JESUS also traveled to more than one site within a given town, from Holy City Jerusalem to Holy City Jerusalem, such as from the sanctuary to the altar (Numbers 18.5 with Luke 11.51). If a person walks on Holy ground, the person can go and anoint other ground: let all be Holy as much as able to receive, [mainly] as much as able to have fruit to give freely [reserving no large excess for the self, though the tail hardly left undone (John 6.39 with (Luke 12.49)].

A secular burden against ROI is risk, yet of Heavenly precepts Christ JESUS taught more important was overcoming selfishness, such as selfish greed.

Charity then: ROI?

When a person invests, giving money to the exchangers, then at the appointed time they expect (within agreement parameters) to receive their investment plus interest (ibid., typically funds: Matthew 25.27).

But a Church is not typically called an investment firm, so then, when a person gives, then for what do they hope, for ROI, for stock dividends?, for a reed shaken by the wind?, perhaps. Here is a symbolic example, a person stuck-in-a-rut at work, becomes properly Baptized and starts to going to a Christian Church and tithes at Church while otherwise working at a business weekdays, and the person might be told that they are to receive an unexpected raise, and later a promotion with raise. From prior experiences the person associates money with investment, but the Bible explains the person "shall be redeemed without money" (Isaiah 52.3) so the person might be helped of Your Sermon guidance. If not money, then something else; if not the root of evil, then rather the good source Christ JESUS. To explain this symbolic example, it is toward the Holy Trend that the person would do better with Christianity rather than sinful ways of high risks and fellow sinners anxious to be careless toward destructions and losses. So at least relatively in former logic the person heads toward lower risk, caring about the safety for others, and so on so would automatically be toward maintaining money and wealth, and toward mutual healthiness, so their boss in that business might notice and give raises and promote; though often also God would have clearly miraculous revelations often referred to as "coincidences" as for Evangelism (see above cited info).

Yes there is Charity ROI, though often in the forms (/talents) of wisdom, love, healings, and other, and not necessarily money. Why does a Christian lose their house and funds papers and perhaps even their family?, expectedly from what Christ JESUS taught it might be to steer the Christian away from things of this world, and even if they love people more than God: Word for Your Members. Yes this seems as if an hard saying, yet their families in Heaven together with Christ JESUS is immeasurably better. Also key is that if to treat a Christian Church merely as a place to selfishly gain ROI, then hardly to expect ROI and if received then hardly to expect much long good to come from such.

Charity yes, ROI yes, for Christ JESUS yes.

When a person gives money into an investment, they hope for ROI, though when they give to a Church, it is as the higher purpose transformation rather than traditional ROI such as of interest on compounded interest.

It is for a higher purpose than money, it is higher than money, the root of all evil, higher that to keep the money selfishly (lest to be stuck with previous phrase).

Christian ROI is a higher level than money: transfiguration of value(s). Formulas for free IPOs. As seen on TV new changes in tax laws. Get in free or opt to invest. Protecting Your Investment. Proper planning for the future of Your portfolio for Your heirs with increasing profitability. Turning risks and losses into profits. The path of future technology and trading. Diversification of aircrafts yet with focused investing on the greater future ROI in aerospace with higher purpose. The next step for near earth mining in outer space. New Types Of Talents being discovered. Alfot Ark, the vision of Daniel the Prophet man feet of clay and iron legs of bronze loin of brass torso of silver chest covered in jewels symbolic of the twelve tribes of israel neck of guiding focused glory head of the golden cube of jesus christ zion cube arms of helpful and healing splendor rewriting the Bible in Christ JESUS for new improved civilization, with leadership of JESUS One Bible, Rabbi Schneider on televisions' Network Impact show The Jewish JESUS. biblehub. ICCDBB Sermon for Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS explained Creator Plan Physics. These ideas are facts, useful unto all as much as all freely opts to become counted as enslaved according to lower less civilized ignorance. According to the Christ, JESUS, these free unto doing greater for others as much as doing for JESUS The Christ The Holy Son Of The Heavenly Father. Though if to opt to transgress then against the selfish option. Example: to anoint investment funds for ROI is to sin save if properly (precepts) of Christ JESUS.

Be careful how ye hear, giving properly to and for (Luke 6.35) the Christian Church has a threefold yield as explained here. If to invest money in the business financial sense often is the case to be hoping for more money to return (Ecclesiastes 11.1), values, though giving money to the One True Christian Church(es) is better.

Consider that You might give a present to a person, and they give it back, the return might seem as though an insult. Consider a divorce and a party gives more back than the minimum (hence ROI) as the party stays in the residence and madly states to the other party "Yeah you can have the car, and don't let the door hit you in the butt as you leave"., in other words an agreement that the other party have the car they gave to the marriage (or the other became worthy to have according to the legalese) and the other was given a loving wish blessing in hope of their safety, a true concern value from above even if misused as a sinful tool for selfish purposes such as to insult and/or to get-the-last-word-in as it is called.

The threefold key of rather charitably giving (money, typically) to the One True Christian Church(es) is:

1. the Church derives immediate benefit (normally, criteria applies, such as if known to be stolen money),

2. the Christian(s) in the Church allocate the money legally and properly for Christ JESUS For The One True Higher Purpose, and

3. the giver sheds the root of all evil (not the knowledge) making room for greater good of higher value (see above).

So the Christian Church In JESUS, and all are blessed (even if a sinner gives stolen money that the Church might refuse) including the giver, and the higher levels at least of the true physics and with it of the options of Christians to help others (see servant above) and the giver receives ROI though not always in ways the giver expects, also if to brag then brag on the Lord JESUS and likewise if to be proud be proud of the Lord JESUS [(2 Corinthians 11.30 & 31) keys: bragging and pride reveal self weaknesses (for the tail (see servant above))] yet may include to proudly brag not only on the self giving yet also on the recipient the One True Christian Church(es) Evangelistically and perhaps greater, therefore key is that in all three points, in Point 1, Point 2, and Point 3 above the giver can gain (ROI threefold or greater).

Key on key on key: for Christ JESUS.

So it is impossible to be unselfish, save One Christ JESUS has the gift of enslavement to having free choice and with such "save" key is another key save God first loved. Giving love was at the beginning of the Plan Of God.

Another key is for Your edifying of Your particular Flock and particular Flock Members is that the above sentence includes "JESUS" and "Christ" and "God first loved" and "Plan Of God" but was not in large font, hence not emphasized: this is key, many things preached and taught are repetitive, the hearers (very typically) already know these things, so as seen in this Sermon the newer greater things FOR-THE-HEARER (VISITOR) are emphasized with larger fonts: about what Your hearers would each newly hear and accept in heart and do for Christ JESUS.

So here is another key not to overlook things heard while not to think toward sin and rather to see the good especially concerning Christ JESUS The Lord and keep in mind, so therefore within One Christ JESUS consider the new.

From hearer, now to doer [(You and/or them) yet One doer] for Christ JESUS.

In the top Drawing there is a net, symbolic of a Firmament to catch people up for Christ JESUS, as for Evangelism. Also in the top Drawing there is vertical upward proper Christian (Exodus 30.29) Most Holy Baptism [including things (ibid.)], with the leaping option, and with the vertical also helpful there are stairs (vertically up x horizontally right = diagonal upright vector). For instance in volleyball there is a net Firmament, and victory is in the free gift of higher purpose over the net, with lower mission of rolling the ball under the net to the next server Host. In fishing for instance, especially 2,000 years ago reasonably there was normal lifting of fish in the net though sometimes a person would jump into the water to help hold the top of the net closed and those in the boat would rightly trap the fish but not the human helper [serving high purpose also (see "Host" above)].

Here now is a time for Your Church to leap unto greater victories for JESUS Christ.

Christ JESUS has higher plans available, that Your Flock serve others for their sakes and for Your Flock, be mindful that You may have Flock Members that of Your Flock Members there may be for instance three general categories toward greater Oneness in Christ JESUS for the greater glory of the Heavenly Father, rather than as if to disorganize:

A. delighted growing in Christ JESUS Members leaping to forming the aloft Ark for others and mutual benefit,

B. help available Members that would like to help in a big Way but have not found significant things to do in the Church to help others, and

C. routine Members, that may be exhausted, stuck in a rut, hoping for help, or Members toward less leaping (see steps above) so might have opted against change.

Both A and B above are yearning to do more, and C sees threshold barriers with some hoping to overcome (toward Following) and some not interested (indignant toward naysers Matthew 26.8).

While each and all might be helped with Your Flock doing the physical Work Of God, with evidencing works such as [Eucharist and] aloft Arks [count costs relative to the tradition of building Churches (Luke 14.28)]. As taught in the Christian Presbytery for instance learn by doing [(Proverbs 4.7): wisdom ROI]. So a key point of the above A, B, and C is motivate all yet importantly group B. Group B is ready to act now, they simply need the right Word From God, from You.

Have them count the cost, and You with Your high Church Position Holders count it too, prepare in advance of announcing for Your general assembly and/or for Your Sermon hearers, and/or Church classes.

Christ JESUS shows the Good Holy Path, but sinner want to make un-holy monies from as-if-prophesying such as on stocks unfairly but sinners are wrong in such Former Logic Only since as God has given a Firmament ( that sinners cannot cross per such attempts of useless extra works sinners have evidenced in fact. And since sinful ways do not contain True Prophesies and since Christians also need to be true (Jeremiah 28.9) so then comes the true reasoning gift to rather be as Christ JESUS. Hence yet another key reason to properly be Christian and of eternal high Covenant per se (minimum), hence yet another key reason in proof of the existence of God.

Real ROI: stepping, leaping, and heading toward the eternal Holy Spiritual; is like unto how hearty meat of the Word Of God is for the Christian caring to be One in perceiving via Christ JESUS to discern all that is and everything unseen in order to distinguish good (Hebrews 5.14). Merit good according to Your witnessing and testifying, typically orally immediately as in conversing, or writing (such as for preparing Your Sermon); yet with the self enabling the good to be agreeing also in the grace of Your heart in ascending.

Sinners have been as terrorists, having done things counted as if random, including that sinners for ROI seek to destroy families, companies, nations, and Christianity. And now stated not for defending sin, rather because Your Flock can heartily eat meat, when seeking ROI seek ROI from goodly sources only and rather of the One True Source JESUS only. If to not only pray, and not only talk, then invest as Christ JESUS for to do as Christ JESUS.

Church buildings are built, yet Christ JESUS said be with a cloak and sandals and little else. Good. And also good Beloved is a saying now that many might find hard yet is a key. Of the Holy Seed Christ JESUS, build any and all for One Good Higher Purpose In God Christ JESUS. If anything is to be built with flesh and hands, if anything such as sandals, fishing nets, safety nets, manna spaceships, tents for the Chosen, Christian Bibles for the masses, genealogies of the flesh and DNA of the hands (higher level rate than evolution), gifts for neighbors, tithes for Christian Churches, vehicles for greater outreach services, broadcasting technologies for the Holy Word that the Holy Will be done; if anything be built in this world to save sinners and to help Christian Church Members as long as properly useful unto Your level of Covenant With Christ JESUS, then build it (or guide and agree unto the proper building of it, or similar as much as good and proper in Christ JESUS).

And so with this building key (with Your anointing key) build anything at all, and if no longer properly of value allow rebuilding and/or growing unto the good higher purpose; now this is key because many would misinterpret as if to say this is the key to destruction, yet Beloved One In Christ JESUS this is key unto undoing that which is lower level unto providing for that which is needful in God Christ JESUS (of high level, even if JESUS seems to be on a lower level mission temporarily, JESUS is alway on the higher mission: so do, save JESUS opt otherwise).

Source(s) and examples are: do anything and everything God Christ JESUS would have You do so do all good to fulfill the Earth and outer space and all things that only Heaven remain even One JESUS, if the tail is to be lost for higher good so be it, interpret the Bible properly and not as sinners save to understand them for their sakes and so rather see the good in every story of the Bible such as the outside of the cup physically aligned with supporting the higher part the Eucharist inside and yet the Eucharist outside of the cup physically touching the flesh of the Christian for Oneness in Christ JESUS, also the tail if lost or cut away can at Your option be replaced and made by hands such as to form a tripod such as to form a tent for Chosen People and/or such as to build a fourth leg to form a throne for Christ JESUS for His return.

Sinners have told lies, yet of the above key (heal and/or) let the dentist repair their dental problems when needful. With their hands sinners falsify Christian Testaments, the true History Of The Church Christ JESUS, and if a person is in an accident let their hands be fixed.

Overcome wars with Holy Peace And Blessings In One Christ JESUS. Overcome distractions sinners offer, with continuing to do good.

Overcome things that sinners said was evil, with continuing to do good for higher purpose in Christ JESUS. Truly, truly, people witnessed and wrote things describing the best they could, interpreting the best they could, yet a great key is to see through the Eye Of God, to do with the Right Hand Of God. Look, behold all God created for good, such as sinners having nice dental work and such as sinners having nice hands even though some Christians might not and yet the Christian can fathom the greater good from Christians helping others. So too of a great key is that people testified of the good the Creator made and the people wrote the Bible their interpretations and also the more specific Word Of God (examples: Words JESUS Christ spoke, & Moses Commandments Of God) at times. False predictions [example: burning sulfur / a false prophet beast / flesh (Revelation 20.10)] and writings focused on wars were written, in the Christian Bible.

Yet Your Great Key is that Your Flock One In Christ JESUS overcome the lower level(s) (Tree Of Knowledge). And with this key is the key to ascend, not because of selfish false predictions, not because of anger nor exciting things nor money nor land nor colonizing; rather for because of Christ JESUS build crowns for Christ JESUS, because of Christ JESUS Prophesy, because of Christ JESUS grow, because of Christ JESUS do the Will Of Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS said eat and drink JESUS. JESUS said become Christian: be JESUS. Though if the tail of a person drags on the ground or even the feet crawl (reference stone to break the lower platform of feet when obsolete after anoint time [as though limit yet agree (Ecclesiastes 3.1)]) then hardly to have any eat:

here is a seal key and be caring for Christ JESUS that You hear properly, make practice of continuously improving in JESUS, ascend in Spirit yet let Your vessel agree, make it so; creeping things with many legs and crawling things are hardly for food with toxins as filter feeders, and let swarms become of One higher purpose in Christ JESUS; those hiding in the forts and caves will die of disease (monies profits from wars ROI alert):

so if to build, then begin toward the lowest seat preparing to be ready to start higher yet alway for the head, form good habits, have them eat the good Manna From Heaven (John 13.10, with Leviticus 11.42, and with including commentary on proof of conduct, and with

Start to love the wisdom of Christ JESUS, Your New Christian Church Member is at the starting point for growing in the true loving wisdom in Christ JESUS Above, rather be above unselfishly, One. Be above and with others with aloft Arks conquer the swarm, even so, it may be found that lower missions are important for higher purpose such as to gather industrial resources similar to going to stores to replenish, so do the perfecting while times allow, so do quickly, pray, seek, find, raise in Christ JESUS, glorify the Heavenly Father, conquer the Covenant of peace with greater more useful and more pleasant peace of functional beauty in Christ JESUS.

Consider that if You go away on vacation (or some other absence reason) then the next appropriate position holder needs be acting Priest properly. When physical JESUS is not physically noticed by You, then Your time is now to properly lead as Christ JESUS taught and did when His Heavenly Father was typically aloft elsewhere, in Heaven.

A ROI for all seasons:

Christ JESUS offers the Holy unraveling (Scriptures / scroll) Word gift key with the edifying unto applying key as much as the hearer permanently accepts in heart key to agree in timing key unto soul key unto higher Holy Spirit Covenanting key opting key to give the Will into the pertinent heart(s) key to do good. Otherwise a person such as a sinner might opt to selfishly gain not only for the higher yet also mutually including for the tail (feet, flesh, body), though beyond that limit (Physics Of Christ JESUS) to hoard excessively for the self is to pretend for instance that time does not exist, or for instance that width does not exist. Yet God made and gives time and length and width and metabolism and processes and greater.

Without Christ JESUS the sinner chose to ignore some physics and chose only physics of immediate selfish gratification.

The Holy One In Christ JESUS chose all the Physics Of God including the eternal.

The sinner chose to love money, sex, laziness, food, drugs, and/or other, instead of Christ JESUS.

The Christian chose to love Christ JESUS, and invites Christ JESUS to add and multiply all Holy Physics with all Holy options for all.

The secular in the flesh judges law breakers.

The One Christ JESUS judges good work(s).

The secular in the flesh considers mercy for the innocent.

The One Christ JESUS offers mercy unto law breakers.

Sinners' ROIs range from devastations, to secular ROI / limited (see above) "facts" as so called so therefore bias judgements (Ruth 1.1).

ROI yielded in the One Christian is higher Covenanting (efforts toward rewards as listed: Philippians 4.8) and key is rather than "limited (see above)" is greater know how: the Way Of Christ JESUS.

A secular person predicting without One Christ JESUS truly is toward a coin flip guiding the person,

hence no need for the person to have a brain, a rock rolling down a hill can guess as well,

no need for soul, no need for everlasting joy, no hope, no ROI,

rather Christ JESUS has a better plan in the Heavenly Father. If You do perfectly does it specifically mean going where Christ JESUS goes?, no, that is, not only the Physics Of The Father above apply yet also the option(s) of any higher level: Christ JESUS give You to know the higher Holy Way: You go up [such as steps or leaps] as You do and Christ JESUS opts higher leaping for You (John 7.8): individual paths yet honing that all be on One Holy Path In The Father And Son JESUS Christ.

The above Seal of war has been in spiritual places, such as edifying unto Christianity. Though translations and interpretations often need corrected: honing.

So here is the Third Seal Holy Word Of Christ JESUS on the key: the true famine is to not eat the Word Of God [(John 4.34) the Will Of The Heavenly Father already conquered in the Heavenly Spiritual One and in Christ JESUS].

Consider a person that never heard the Word Of God, innocent and pure, at the beginning of human communication; and at such hearing the Word Of God they began to write forming the first information becoming the Holy Bible. Since they in the flesh wrote, the best ever done per se (this current civilization in the greater sense), though since interpreted into letters of novice language, then reasonably (God is reasonable) and for higher love (God) the "language" was least proven, unaccomplished, uncivilized, and less lofty in Christ JESUS.

Consider talents, a person is talented in interpreting the Will Of Christ JESUS, and another person hardly evidences such talent.

This Third Seal key as many know is the Holy Word needs be clearly refined, witnessed, heard, sensed, truly recorded; and yet without sin.

The Physics Of God cannot be broken, ignored forever, nor otherwise overcome [( save the highest level has options such as over allocation(s) of gift(s) (the gift known as choice, is given unto each and all)]. Stated better, the Physics Of Christ JESUS are eternal. These Holy Physics belong to the Creator One, the designer has control over how such created is formed, from plan to finished (it is finished, already) product. Any eternal ROI is already incorporated as Christ JESUS has given in One Christ JESUS for all. Human bodies have hands to build. The Designer has authority over the Holy Builder (also over more wasteful sinners). The Builder comforts with their level of options, such as when a better new product becomes available of less cost (perhaps free) and it is opted to be utilized (conditions apply, the original text has value). So greater value can be produced (grown) by the Builder (than planned per se, per given situation, given time,...) though not greater than the top authority (Matthew 10.24).

If You find a Testament story about anti-Christ, devils, sinners, sores, wars, famine, and so forth; first You can understand why it is in the Bible, that is, You understand the higher purpose and the goodly lesson You learn from that story; and secondly likewise and yet of higher value for the Holy Authority, You can do better (not saying it is easy, especially at the first step or leap). Did the Bible stories say think of devils and sinners and lusts?, hardly, rather to think of love, good, and the Holy Work Of Christ JESUS: therefore You can do better, and what does this mean?, rewrite the Bible?, rather as Christ JESUS did return people to the truth and higher loving purpose. Christ JESUS made much of the Bible concise, though did not contradict the high Holy Purpose Of The Father.

Not all Bible stories are of true Prophets, not all Bible stories are perfectly written by people in flesh vessels distracted by many events occurring. From the Point Of View Of Christ JESUS, as least as much as is Your talent, You need not repeat lower things if unnecessary when already reasonably understood by future readers, hence You relatively have more time to speak of good and higher purpose.

For Christ JESUS go add value(s).

Now in closing this Sermon are given a few things concerning systems new to many people of the public, in their experience sense.

Outer space travel, and even piloting within the atmosphere is new to many people, as if out of bounds, illegal, unlicensed, and too complex. Though low level flying requires very few criteria. People already know much more than they evidently give themselves credit for knowing, a goodly thing is knowing, though if to have to struggle through school(s) to learn and pass exams and to then not go do (as Christ JESUS taught and did) due to false excuses, then hardly to reap the value(s) while having already suffered the lower worst part(s). Flying is an ancient technology, people attached feathers and made huge wings with some gliding successes. Since cavemen days have come greater wood and metal inventions, each invention having many ancillary level innovations increasing value(s) (the physics of ROI, the Physics Of God). Today planes have parachutes, seat belts, air masks, heat, window shades, and many more safety, health, and joy features, praise the Lord: let Christians make plenty more and better features for the Lord, leading in example for their sakes.

Let the Christians offer continuous improvements, such as to perhaps innovate Your aloft Ark with white polar bear (some sources say are becoming extinct) technology, that is while white reflects heat, each hair of the polar bear fur is a clear hollow tube gathering sunlight and converting it into heat.

Consider that if to tie Your aloft Ark to another aloft Ark then to bump together, and if so then to squish passengers unless You add each safety measure as appropriate. Amusement park bumper cars have rubber bumpers and travel a few miles per hour, automobiles have steel bumpers that are typically insufficient though helpful as they travel 55MPH, thick steel on rockets likewise does not help much with speeds tens of thousands of miles per hour; so rather as in refueling jets in the air and in outer space vehicles linking together coordination of velocities is key (/ lower level covenant). To accomplish such for Christ JESUS:

coordination of velocities / planning ahead in the flesh level for the higher Spirit Level In Christ JESUS / Spirit Level In Christ JESUS.

Spirit Level In Christ JESUS (New Logic) = coordination of velocities x planning ahead in the flesh level for the higher Spirit Level In Christ JESUS.

So the above formula is for Christ JESUS while of graceful planning with others protects them, and the formula protect Your Flock(s) and anointed things (from Matthew 9.28 & 29 Berean Study: "blind men came to Him"..."He touched their eyes"..."According to your faith will it be done to you."):

ROI = go meet JESUS in the sky x connect with JESUS One.

Note that in the above is cited the Berean Study, though in the Berean Literal translation "men" is italicized. Just yesterday on April 30, 2017AD Rabbi Schneider ( on televisions' Network Impact show The Jewish JESUS said concerning John 1.17 the italicized word meant the word was added in the KJV (so might likewise apply in the above "men") and explained their help [was hardly appropriate, toward secular, toward disservice,] the [higher interpretation and what the] real meaning is "law was the first dimension of grace". Interpreted in this ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS as specified in great detail in this Sermon Series is the "dimension" is the lower level relative to the more comprehensive [helping toward prioritizing] higher Grace Covenant In Christ JESUS the Creator of both the lower law precept and the higher Holy Grace.

To try to help others often fails (see their "faith"(s) above), it is risky. So rather seek the highest first in Christ JESUS that all these be added unto You [for them]. Now is a harder key, the higher is added to all already, though two ancillary keys apply: there are sin limitations (see "specified" above), and there are talent limitations. Concerning talent limitations there might be such as healing, growing, and/or miracle(s), though it might involve a Firmament that Christ JESUS single out Your Body flesh for a special purpose such as to opt rather than now, to later heal in front of certain witnesses that the certain witnesses be converted.

The Holy Word, the Holy Bible, needs healings too, as there have been mispellings, misinterpretations, and so forth. The thing the flesh needs healings at times and so does the thing the Holy Bible, and these things need growing, ascending. For instance now that You are here on Earth (or outer space), Christian Leader, You know how to help as the Master explained daily in the Temple of that Holy City Jerusalem, why?, how so?, who are You to correct others?,:

Beloved You Christian Leader Rabbi Master Priest Pastor Minister x Christ JESUS In You = ROI.

Christ JESUS said go do likewise, for the Holy Father, as the Holy Father One.

If to travel via aloft Ark with planning coordinate and give the Word and point the direction clearly to edify others Your plan to move Your aloft Ark, Your New Vessel, Your New Greater Body Anointed In Christ JESUS. Let Your Church Building walk, and even clearly unto other rise from the ground symbolically for Christ JESUS for the sakes of the witnesses beholding: symbolically and yet real, and doable unto oh so many. Many would come unto You from advertisers, contractors, and governments offering You (generally speaking) funds and/or other helps [(see next ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS) You might opt], to helpless victims of storms, and other individuals in need of Your Holy Help according to Your Free IPO(s).

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

April 30, 2017AD

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tags: Formulas for free IPOs. As seen on TV new changes in tax laws. Get in free or opt to invest. Protecting Your Investment. Proper planning for the future of Your portfolio for Your heirs with increasing profitability. Turning risks and losses into profits. The path of future technology and trading. Diversification of aircrafts yet with focused investing on the greater future ROI in aerospace with higher purpose. The next step for near earth mining in outer space. New Types Of Talents being discovered. Alfot Ark, the vision of Daniel the Prophet man feet of clay and iron legs of bronze loin of brass torso of silver chest covered in jewels symbolic of the twelve tribes of israel neck of guiding focused glory head of the golden cube of jesus christ zion cube arms of helpful and healing splendor rewriting the Bible in Christ JESUS for new improved civilization, with leadership of JESUS One Bible, Rabbi Schneider on televisions' Network Impact show The Jewish JESUS. biblehub. ICCDBB Sermon for Christ JESUS

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