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Kain's Story.....

I will never forget the day I found out we were pregnant. It was very early in the morning. My husband and I both worked at the same place, and he got off at 6am. I told him I though I was pregnant, but he heard that so many times before, he really didn't think much of it. But, to ease my mind (and shut me up), before going home, we stopped and bought two pregnancy tests. Soon as I got home, I took it, he was in the bathroom with me. In less than 5 seconds, it came back positive. We were both shocked!! Scott (my husband) insisted that I take the other test, I told him I didn't have to go to the bathroon yet, he begged me to try, so I got a few drops out, those few were enough to give me another positive result though!! We were both very scared, yet excited. Still, we were very tired, so we went to sleep.
The Next Day....

We decided that even though we got 2 positive results, we needed to go to the Doctor, to make sure. Then we would tell the family. Needless to say, we were pregnant, and the due date was June 9, 1999- MY Birthday!!!! That was very good news!! But as time went on, the due date was changed many times, which began to be annoying, we wanted to see our baby so bad!!!
The Problems & Complications...

The first time we had a ultrasound was amazing, we saw our baby's heart beating, so beautiful. Infact I don't think anything was more beautiful than that, except seeing him for the first time ofcourse. The next time I ws scheduled for a ultrasound, I went alone. I knew by how long it was taking there was a problem. No one would tell me though, but after the test, I saw my doctor. I was so upset, and scared, I got to the waiting room, and a nurse grabed me and told me to come with her. I was told to lay down and be patient the doctor would be right with me. I was so confused and terrified. The doctor came in and told me there were two problems. the first was my blood pressure was much too high. That conserned me, but nothing could have prepared me for what he told me next. He told me my babys kidneys werent working properly. I would have to go on bedrest and have 2-3 ultrasounds per week. This upset me badly. I was only 5 months pregnant, but already developed a special bond with my baby. I followed orders and went to the ultrasounds each and every week. The technicians knew my name and became to tell me more, maybe more than they should have...
It's time to See my baby!!!

The doctor's decided to induce my labor, they wanted to wait until I was 38 weeks a long first. They gave me date, May 25, 1999. I went to the hospital and the induction began at 8pm. They broke my water, and the contrations began. I layed there and dealt with them as much as possible. I wanted a natural child birth. About 5 hours into labor, doctors and nurses rushed into my room. The baby's heart rate suddenly droped very low. They made me get on my hands and knees. As you can imagine, I only had a hospital gown on, so I was quite embarresed to be in this position!! One of the doctors saw that I was , hmmm, well uncomfortable, so he covered me up. Luckily, the baby's heart beat jumped back to normal. They said if that happened again, a c-section would be a must. I relaxed and went to sleep. Infact I slept though most of my labor.
Almost time...

The doctor finally came in to check my progress. It had been close to 27 hours. They decided to move me to the delivery area even though I was only dialated to 6. I chose to have my baby in a birthing room, it's a more relaxed atmosphere, felt like I was home in my own bed. I once agin feel asleep. Many more hours passed, and nurse came to check me. I was really feeling the pain then. She asked me if I wanted a epidural and I said PLEASE! But it was too late. 42 hours had passed, I was dialated to 10 and ready to push. After several pushes, my son was born. I just wanted to hold him, but the Special neonatal Team took him. I got a simple glance of him and then he was gone. I layed there for another hour or so then was transfered to a room. Ready to do what any new Mommy wants, to hold and kiss my baby.
So, where is my baby????

The nurse came in to check on me. I asked her if I could see my son. sadly, I wasn't allowed to. He was in the Special Nursery, and needed oxygen and special care. She did bring me a picture though, actually two pictures. He was so beautiful, and looked exactly how I thought he would, well maybe not exactly. He was much more of an angel, something I could never have possibly imagined. I went to sleep and couldn't wait to wake up and see him.
I visit him for the first time!!!!

Finally, we were allowed to visit Kain. We couldn't hold him quite yet, but just being able to touch his little legs and hands were plenty. He still needed the oxygen, but they began weening him, and the good news is he was doing much better. I went to see him quite often. each time, I had to wear protective clothing, and wash my hands very throughly. The special Nursery was a big open place. There were many special babies there. Some had been there for months. Seeing those babies made me realize I was very lucky. Kain was now breathing on his own, and was even eating. I decided to breast feed him, thats when he really began to improve. He went to the regular nursery, then to my room. He still had some tests for his kidneys, but that would be a bit later on. We just enjoyed the time we had with our new baby...
The tests....

Kain's Pediatrician came to talk to me, before Kain was released to go home. The test that were ran on his kidney's came back. He had a condition called hydronephrosis. It would require surgery if it didn't improve. We were worried about the news, but decided to wait until we knew for sure what was happening. Kain had his first appointment with a pediatric uroligist. His condition had not improved, the surgery date was set. He was 3 months old. The entire surgery took about 21/2 hours. Those were the longest hours of my life. But all turned out well. When I saw him in the recovery room, his face lite up and he gave me the biggest smile. I knew then he would be ok. The next day, we took him home. All seemed well, but when we got home, he began to cry. He cryed through out the night, then finally at noon, back to the hospital we were.....
The Results....

The ambulance listed Kain in stable condition, but was still an emergency. He needed to be seem soon. I will never forget carrying him in, an older man (doctor) picked up, he was so fragile and week. His temperature was 104 degrees, and he had not held down anything in over 12 hours. After a few hours and a IV in head, he finally was able to drink pedilyte. They decided to admit him, mainly to watch him, but more because they had no idea what was wrong with him. They thought it may have been surgery related, but after the tests were done, that didn't seem to be it. After two days in the hospital, the last test was ran. Kain has a blood infection and required a partial blood transfusion. I watched , helpless, as bags of blood were injected into my small sweet baby. The only thing I could do was hold his finger, and just be with him. Less that a couple hours later, he seemed like himself again. He was hungry and happy! A week had went bye, it was time to go home, and I was ready, as was he...
Time to Go Home!!!!

We left the hospital, and headed for home, again. Kain was finally well. Today, he is 9 months old, and is a normal little boy. He laughs, he smiles, and he is loved. Although he will have to see a uroligist until at least age 14, he is still happy, and doesn't know. I had a hard understanding why my baby had to go through so much, why should such a innocent person have so much pain? But, I discovered that no matter what the answer is, I am still very lucky to have been blessed with such an angel. Nothing was better than the first time he said MaMa, or the first time he crawled to me, or that first hug and kiss. Those are the things I will tell him about when he is older and has his own family. I think sometimes parents expect too much, but going through this has made me realize one thing, be thankful for what you have NOW, and don't dwell on what you don't have. I know I have been blessed by becoming a Mother and look forward to the many wonderful things my son will and has teached me. Even though my entire labor took 42 hours, I still will never forget it,or would never take it back, the end result was worth it!!!!

Kain, 2 days old, taken in the Hospital Nursery, his Daddy is holding him here.


Special Thanks to the above GranGrans This & That for providing all the great grapichs on this and all my pages!!! Click the banner to visit the site and get the best baby/animal/angel graphics!!!

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