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About Me

The following articles were written by me in 1997 for a magazine which my sister was the editor of. They are taken in their entirety, and are basically written for a non-pagan readership, explaining about me, and The Craft as I see it.

First Article.....June 1997

An article by my brother who is a practicing Wiccan.

Let me start by saying that witches are not Satanists or devil worshippers. A witch believes in the Goddess and her consort The God. Witches do not believe in the devil, this is a Christian description of evil. Christians have taken the 2 sides of the creator, worship and pray to the good (God), and condemn the evil (the devil).

Witches accept the existance of evil but do not label it "the devil". Evil is entirely the Opposite of good. as yin is opposite to yang. as left is the opposite to right. It exists. It is powerful and dangerous - but it is not "the devil".

It has taken me over 10 years of fairly constant study to clarify in my own mind exactly what evil is - it is any thought or deed that will be detramental to yourself or others, any action or word that will damage your spiritual well being, any feeling or idea that will delay your journey to the light. (In this case light being the loving embrace of your God (or Goddess).

I count among my closest friends a Muslim Holy man and a Corinthian Priest. To hear us talk together it must seem strange to an outsider Christian, Islam and Wiccan. We are all spiritually enough advanced to realize that, although on the surface we have nothing in common, we all strive for the same end and live our lives the same way. Be kind, be nice, be considerate, help others when you can etc. etc. The specific name you give your God doesn't matter too much, it is the way you lead your life.

Christians have 10 Commandments and The Bible. Muslims have The Koran Wiccans have but one Rule, and 2 additional laws. The pledge "And it harm none, do as thou will" and the 2 laws of thrice return, and As above/so below ( so known as The Law of Cause and Effect).

While I think about it, I don't like the term 'Wiccan' particularly. It is a throw back to the 'Burning Times' when 9 million women, children and men were executed in the flames of Christianity. A very sad time for all involved. 9 million is The current figure. Personally I don't think it was higher than 3 million. In the Middle Ages, 9 million people was the population of England. Add to this the loss of life from war and disease and there would be no ore left alive!

Persecution still goes on. Things are getting better, but it was a hell of a shock to be spat on in the local supermarket a few months ago!! I wear a pentacle which is our equivalent of a cross, With the point upright it symbolises Earth Air Fire and Water. The 5th point at the top is Spirit. Worn the other way up with the point down could symbolise "the beast" but, as already stated, no witch could or would do this, no more than a Christian would hang his or her cross upside down. Anyway, this woman showered me with spit having caught a view of my star and the people with me were most embarrassed. I felt realy sorry for them ( especially as I had just done a Requiem Circle for Princess Diana for them). They are Protestant and Royalist and were deeply saddened by Diana's death. I was asked by them (via a friend) if I would do a requiem for her which I did. A peaceful and healing time it was too. Lots of tears and sadness but some smiles too. I am glad I had the chance to do it. I have done several requiems and find them comforting, both for myself and the grieving relatives.

Requiems don't replace the Christian burial rite, rather augment it by allowing people to say a more intimate faewell. We have several different ceremonies for major stages in life - a Wiccaning (like a baptism), Hand-Fastening (Wedding) and Requiem (Funeral) to name but 3. Personally I don't agree with The Wiccaning as the child is too young to decide what they want (if I had my way I would make it illegal to follow any single religion until you got to 21!! Read all, study all, pray to all until you find the one that gives you comfort and security and enables you to lead your life with love and respect, then that is the one for you!) In defence of Wiccaning, it is not a steadfast Rite. It is more a case of showing the Goddess your newly arrived son or daughter, and asking that she protect them through the Infant years. There isn't a parent on the planet that doesn't want their child safe!

The primary witches' rule is "And it harm none, do what thou will". On the surface it appears to be a licence to do absolutely anything - sex, drugs and rock and roll etc. etc.!! But it is as binding and constrictive as The Ten Commandments. The first part - 'And it harm none" is absolutely sacrosanct to a witch "You must not cause, by your actions or inactions, harm to befall anyone - including yourself"

The Second law is The Law of 3 fold Return - basically whatever you do will be returned to you 3 times greater. This is self explanatory. It means that any love and compassion you show others will be returned (as will any hatred or anger).

The Third law is the Law of Cause and Effect. Whatever you do, no matter how small, will effect others. Always check the consequences before action! Whatever you do - Whatever you say, will effect someone

Jack has offered to do a regular feature every issue, so watch this space!!

Second Article....August 1997

A Personal View on Paganism

"Any religion that preaches harmony, love, respect to others, humility, charity etc. is ok with me". Christian, Islam, Pagan, Witchcraft, the name is not as important as the message.

My name is Jack and I was born in 1963. I was christened a Catholic and followed the Catholic faith until my teens (communion, comfirmation etc. etc.), until I "knew better" and left the flock. At the age of 21 I had an N.D.E (near death expenence) which led me to reassess The Creator (known to Christians as God, Muslums as Allah etc.). I started studying everything, The Bible, The Koran, The Book of Mormon, Zen, Buddha, Shakti and Shiva, Malleous Malificarum, the list was extensive. The more I read the more I realised that every major religion was saying the same thing, only the name of the God was different, (or in some eases the "sex" of their God).

In a nutshell, something created life. I am more comfortable believing that to be a woman (in my case, the Goddess). Without something to impregnate Her she would be but Supreme, thus the need for Her God (Consort). I respect both equally with neither having rank over the other.

When I am sad or low it is the Goddess who "cuddles" me and offers comfort (as it was when you were a child and your mother was generally the healer, law giver comforter etc (because Dad was out...or gone)).

The Goddess is also known as The Great Earth Mother. From her all life comes. She is divided into three (many religions have "the Trinity" at their base) of The Maiden, The Mother and The Crone. These are related to the seasons as well as the cycles of the moon.

The Maiden is the new moon - waxing moon young, fresh and innocent. Respected and loved for her beauty. Protected for her innocence and revered for her potential.

The Mother is the full moon. Mature, Strong, Serene, Respected and loved for her power, for her strength for her ability to produce life. She influences many people and items - the tides, the winds etc.

The Crone is the waning moon. Respected because of her age and knowledge. She is the Bringer of Death, The Guide to the Otherworld. Her very age requires that She be protected and looked after; as should any older person.

The moon represents The Goddess, which represents Woman, which, in turn, represents life.

Apart from the primary rule "And it harm none, do what you will", I have a phrase, "Whatever you need, whenever I can", constantly at hand. There are many sad, hungry, lonely people in this world, and there have been many times when l fed a hungry tramp or gave a cold man my jacket (I am not rich, but most of my clothes are 2 or 3 pounds from charity shops - so what's a couple of pounds to give someone??).

People probably remember a good Christian if they remember at all! I have no problem with this. Jesus was the greatest healer who ever lived, and God is just one of many names given to the Creator.

All witches are Pagans, but all Pagans are not witches. For the record I follow the Old Ways the path. I am a witch, I do not use the term white witch because to genuinely follow the Witches Path you can be nothing but "white". To use spells, magick charms etc, incorrectly voids the first law, therefor you would not be a witch, more of an occultist, which is not the same thing at all. I am a solo witch - a hedge witch is the term. I respect life, people, and free will. I accept all religions as equally valid except those advocating harm or hatred. I worship my Goddess and God quietly and with respect, in my own way and in my own time. I celebrate the 8 sabbats (4 minor and 4 major) and the 13 Esbats (full moons) in a lunar year

The names of my Goddess are Aradia (Maiden), Cerridwen (Mother) and Calliach (Thc Crone). The God is Herne or Cronos depending on the season. As the Goddess has 10 thousand names, so does the God - Different witches have different names for their Dieties.

What worries me about Paganism and the Craft is its violent increase over the last 3 or 4 years, not it's original message. 10 or 15 years ago you had to go somewhere really specialised to buy books, tools, spells etc. If you made the effort you were really into the Craft. Nowadays you can buy anything virtually anywhere and children are buying them! Just last month a new magazine come out, 2 pounds a week gets you a file to build up on Astrology, Tarot Cards, Runes etc etc.

Most major bookshops now have sections entitled "mind body and spirit" (or similar), full of occult books. Extremely dangerous some of them are too. In the last few months I hove seen voodoo kits for sale in the Highstreets! Packaged under the title of "Get even with your Friends". I have read about voodoo and the African/West Indian religions and know whether the literature in the voodoo kit was accurate or not, and it was, up to a point. It did not give sufficient warning to the user or sufficiant explanation on how to stay safe. I am expecting an epidemic of self inflicted Voodoo wounds soon, and I am not talking about toxemia from dirty needles.

Hollywood has long since realised the potential of making witchy films, the latest being "The Craft". Once again, very accurate with regards to method, but totally lacking in safety. It showed how to cast a circle but not how to uncast it!! If you were to copy it, once the magick was turned on, it couldn't be turned off.

Ouija boards are another "trendy fad". Ten years ago they were rare. Everyone knew a friend whose mate had done one... but they were rare. Now it seems everyone has tried them. 4 or 5 times in the last year, I have been called out to cleanse a room, calm a stressed parent or soothe a panicking adolescent because of ouija, and it seems to be getting worse. I have a real fear of what tommorrow may bring. Maybe it is just that I see more than I used to and nothing has really changed. I hope so. The days when a witch was the woman in the village who read tealeaves and dealt in herbs to aid pregancy are long gone. Now it is tarot readings, hand-writing analysis, feng shui, psychic protection spells, cleansings, banishings, exorcisms etc. etc. A whole new ball game. Only those people with years of experience, the right mental attitude and sufficient religious knowledge should play, but this isn't the case. A kid "with a quid" can buy what they need to open Pandora's Box and unleash a load of trouble.

Whatever your religion may it bring you inner peace and happiness
May your God or your Goddess, Give you the courage to fight, The strength to stand firm' The stamina to run, And the wisdom to know which.

My Near Death Experience

Third Article.....Written October 1999

It was the night of the Eurovision Song Contest 1984 Vicky; my wife, was upstairs checking on Jon who was screaming a fit,colic I think. We had a small portable TV and I had just moved off the couch to get closer so I could see the scoreboard better when Vicky called down for Jon's dummy As I went to stand up I fell and put out my left hand to stop myself I caught the top of a large whisky bottle that we were using to keep change in,many people do this,and it is very dangerous the bottle tipped and I came came down on top of it I remember the sound of the bottle breaking, Sheila screaming (Sheila & Dave were two friends of ours who were there) and thinking that at least I had not cut myself I looked down, well, openned my eyes and found that I very badly. I had fallen from a squating position, so the distance couldn't have been more than I2 to 14 inches but the damage was awful. I could see the 2 main bones of tbe forearm, the little bones in the wrist the sinews and tendons and muscles were flapping about like someone had dumped a pound of boiled spaghetti on my arm. Virtually all the veins and arteries were severed as were the nerves, I felt no pain at all.I since found out that in the case of a really serious wound the body releases natural painkillers- what a result! I remember the phrase "Flexor Digitorum Sublimus" on the case notes it accounts for the total lack of feeling in my thumb, forefinger & middle finger and only partial feeling in the 4th. In the early/mid 80's I had only recently finished a long stint as a SCUBA diver with Staines BSAC. I mention this because we used to do regular first aid training- I very quickly got a tornique on my arm - 2 inches below the elbow. I know rules have changed and pressure points would now be used but hey - it was my arm! The deal was 3 x 3- Tighten for 3 nunutes, loosen for 3 heartbeats and repeat. Sheila went for Vicky's mum and dad, Dave went to ring the ambulance & Vicky stayed talking to me I trusted no-one with the tornique except me so I did it - 3 on 3 off-it seemed like hours but in effect was about 40 minutes until the ambulance arrived still no pain- still no shock I walked to the ambulance & walked to the hospital from it I remember thinking that I mustn't go into shock, which is probably why I was allowed to walk - it gave me something to concentrate on By now I had lost a considerable amount of blood, I felt cold & clammy I remember Flo (my mother-in-law) being with me in the cubicle in hospital but not Vicky - I think Flo had sent her out I remember a man complaining in the next cubicle that he had been waiting ages for treatment for a broken toe and a nurse saying that a serious case had jut come in. When a nurse came to me, I said "Deal with the serious ease first nurse I can wait". The answer was, "You're it" A bit chilling! My signature on the consent form was unreadable - Vicky had to resign. With Vicky & Flo gone & being wheeled down to theatre. I remember being reallly scared: I was 23 & physically very fit It had been at least 1 1/2 hours since the accident and I guess I'd lost 3 pints of blood -I remember feeling extremely cold, sweaty & weak,but above all- scared. I knew I was seriously hurt. Now here comes the hard bit. Trying to describe an Out of Body Experience or a Near Death Experience to someone who hasn't had one is extremely difficult. It is like trying to describe colours to a blind man or what an orgasm feels like to a virgin - words don't really help! Anyway here goes: - One minute I was scared & cold and the pain was starting I was starting to shake badly all over. Shock. I could hear the wheels of the gunny rattling over the foor and I remember the autiseptic smell of the hospital & more strangely the smell of the nurses' purfume! All of a sudden, I could hear nothing & I could see everything in slow motion- There was an orderly pushing the trolley not a nurse - he blocked her from my view - yet I could still see her-as if I was off to the side, looking round the orderly. I remember looking at me on the trolley, thinking. "The NHS must be short of money - they haven't put any drips in"! I guess I expectrd glass bottles of clear liquid, rubber tubes etc- but there waS nothing Then I was back on the trolley surrounded by the most intense bright light you could imagine- I would expect such a bright light to hurt my eyes but it didn't. It was pure white - like a strobe light - but corstant. It filled every area I could see without moving my head because I couldn't) many times brighter than anything I had seen before. Then the best feeling of love, safety & security that I have ever felt kind of washed over me in a great wave. Like the feeling you have, just as you wake up. snuggled deep in a warm quilt when you are half asleep & half-awake, you know it's cold outside but just for that instant you don't care. Like the feeling you get when the doctor gives you the all clear on a serious medical test, like the feeling you get when someone who loves you puts an arm round you & gives you a cuddle full of unconditional love It was all this and much more I don't think the written word exists to describe the feeling. As I was trying to assimilate what I was seeing and feeling a voice said "Be at peace son, this is not your time, you still have much to do". It wasn't masculine or feminine - it just was. Then I felt as if I had fallen 10 or 15 feet and landed flat on my back on the trolley - what a shock that was! The light was gone but I was no longer scared - I KNEW I would be OK I found out later that, at one point I'd said, "OK God I'll see you later" or something like that. A nurse came to visit me a few days later to ask what I'd seen, so maybe she felt it too I'm sorry I can't accurately describe what I felt & saw. but I have done the best I can I don't expect rational, sane people to take my word for it - I wouldn't if someone else was saying it All I can say is it convinced me. I have spent I5 years plus studying everything I can on religion and OBE (out of body experience) and NDE etc. I've read the scientific explanations about oxygen starvation, blood loss, stress etc- causing mind tricks With due respect to the scientists - they are talking bollocks I know what I saw, I know what I felt - that'll do for me Tommy! Many years later I have come close to repeating the feelings during meditation and astral travel but that is a whole new chapter and not to be confused with a N.D.E. They say life is the greatest gift you can give, well possibly it is but to remove somebody's fear of death must be just as great. At 23 I had no fear of death - at that age you are immoital but as you get older.... I thank the Creator (He or She or them or It) for visiting me that day- I know death is not the end I have been known to say "I don't believe in life after marriage or life after divorce but there is life after Iife" Little do they know from where I get my information

Jack Kenley

"A personal account of Near Death Experience"