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Ink Making

A Beginners Guide


If you would like to make your own ink for your book of shadows out of natural materials, it's not hard. Native Americans used the juice of pokeweed for ink, while Europeans decocted elderberries, hollyhock, and sloes.

For a really neat twist you can write secret or highly private parts of your spellbook-diary in vinegar, lemon juice, or onion juice. These three mediums dry invisibly. The text then can be read by holding it up to a light source, like a candle.

To scent inks, simply add about 10 drops of oil to a small bottle of ink and label it. You will have to find a pen that will accept ink from a well to use this, but it is worth it. Practice writing with this method before jumping into using it in your finished book. If you buy ink try to use a color that is suggestive to your working. This is not absolutely imperative but it adds a nice affect. Some just use black.

Reproduced here with the kind permission of
White Raven

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