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This Rune is a fruit-bearing branch. The term of travail is ended and you have come to yourself in some regard. The shift that was due has now occurred and now you can freely receive Wunjo’s blessings, whether they be material gaining your emotional life or in a heightened sense and awareness of you own well being.

This is an alchemical moment in which understanding is transmuted from knowledge. The knowledge itself was a necessary but not sufficient condition; now you can rejoice, having been carried across the gap by the will of Heaven.

Joyousness accompanies new energy, energy blocked before now. Light pierces the clouds and touches the waters just as something lovely emerges from the depths: the soul is illuminated from within, at the meeting place of Heaven and Earth, the meeting of the waters.

There is a new clarity which may call for you to renounce existing plans, ambitions, goals. It is proper and timely for you to do so, for Wunjo is a Rune of restoration, of the self properly aligned to the self.


Things are slow in coming to fruition. The process of birth is long and arduous, and fears arise for the safety of the ‘child’ within. A crisis, a difficult passage – even if brief – is at hand. Consideration and deliberation are called for. Ask yourself whether you possess the virtues of seriousness, sincerity and emptiness; to possess then is to have tranquillity which is the ground for clarity, patience and perseverance.

Seen in it’s true light, everything is a test. And so, focused in the present, sincere toward others and trusting in your process, know that you cannot fail to grown and learn.

In times of crisis, this Rune reversed is a useful meditation.

From 'The New Book of Runes' by Ralph Blum