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This is the Rune of opening, renewed clarity, dispelling the darkness that has been shrouding some part of your life. You are free now to receive and know th joy of non-attached giving.

Kano is the Rune for the morning of activities, for seriousness, clear intent and concentration, all of which are essential to the beginning of work. The protection offered by Kano is this: the more light you have, the better you can see what is trivial and outmoded in your conditioning.

In relationships, there can now be a mutual opening up. You may serve as the trigger, the timekeeper, through your awareness that the light of understanding is once again available to you both.

Recognise that while on one hand you are limited and dependent, on the other you exist at the perfect centre where the harmonious and beneficent forces of the universe merge and radiate. You are that centre.

Simply put, if you have been operating in the dark, there is now enough light to see that the patient on the operating table is yourself.


Expect a darkening of the light in some situation or relationship. A friendship may be dying, a partnership, a marriage or some aspect of yourself that is no longer appropriate to the person you are now. Receiving this Rune alerts you to the fact that failure to face up to the death consciously would constitute a loss of opportunity. Kano is one of the Cycle Runes. Reversed it points to the death of a way of life that is no longer valid.

Reversed, this Rune calls for giving up gladly the old, and being prepared to live for a time empty. It calls for developing inner stability – not being seduced by the momentum of old ways while waiting for the new to become illuminated in it’s proper time.

From 'The New Book of Runes' by Ralph Blum