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Fehu is a Rune of fulfilment: ambition satisfied, love fulfilled, rewards received. It promises nourishment, from the most worldly to the sacred and divine. Moreover, if the ancient hermetic principle ‘As above so below’ is true, then we are also here to nourish God.

This Rune calls for a deep probing of the meaning of profit and gain in your life. Look with care to know whether it is wealth and possessions you require for your wellbeing, or rather self-rule and growth of a will.

Another concern of Fehu is conserving what has already been gained. It urges vigilance and continual mindfulness, especially in times of good fortune, for it is then that we are likely to collapse ourselves into our success on the one hand, or to behave recklessly on the other. Enjoy your good fortune and remember to share it; the mark of the well nourished self is the willingness and ability to nourish others.


There may be considerable frustration in your life if you draw Fehu reversed, a wide range of dispossessions reaching from the trivial to the severe. You fall short in your efforts, you reach out and miss, you watch helplessly while what you have gained dwindles away. Observe what is happening. Examine these events from an open perspective and ask, ‘what lesson do I need to learn from this in my life?’

Even if there is occasion for joy, do not let yourself be seduced into mindless joyousness. Reversed, this Rune indicates that doubtful situations are abundant and come in many forms and guises. You are being put in touch with the shadow side of possessions. Yet all this is part of coming to be and passing away, and not that which abides, In dealing with Fehu Reversed, you have a opportunity to recognise where your true nourishment lies.

From 'The New Book of Runes' by Ralph Blum