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The keynote here is receiving:messages, signals, gifts.Even a timely warning may be seen as a gift.When the MessengerRune brings sacred knowledge, one is truely blessed, for the message may be that of a new life unfolding.New lives begin with new connections, surprising linkages that direct us onto new pathways.Take pains now to be aspecially aware during meetings, visits, chance encounters, particularlywith persons wiser than yourself.

The Rune of Signals is associated with Loki, the ancient trickster from the pantheon of the Norse gods. He is the heyeohkah of the North American Indian, "a mocking shadow of the creator god",the bringer of benefits to humankind.Even scoundrels and arch-theives can be the bearers of wisdom.When you draw this Rune expect the unexpected: the message is always a call, a call to a new life.

Ansuz is the first of the 13 Runes that make up the Cycle of Initiation - Runes that focus directly upon the mechanism of self-change - and as such, addresses your need to intergrate unconcious motive with conscious intent. Drawing it tells you that connection with the Divine is at hand. For Ansuz is the signal to explore the depths, the foundations of life, and to experience the inexhaustable wellspring of the Divine in your nature.

At the same time you are reminded that you must first draw from the well to nourish and give to yourself.Then therewill be more than enough to nourish others.A new sense of family solidarity invests this Rune.


You maybe concerned by what appears to be failed communication, lack of clarity or awareness, either in your past histoory or in the present situatipn.You may feel inhibited from accepting what is offered.A sense of futility, ofwasted motion, may overwealm you.Remember, however, that what is happenning is timely for your process.If the well is clogged, this is the moment for cleaning out the old.Reversed this Rune is saying consider the uses of adversity.

From 'The New Book of Runes' by Ralph Blum