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Here are some thoughts that have crossed my mind......

1/22/01 No matter what people say, they can never forget about someone they once loved, no matter how hard they try. People that say they can really don't know love. I know I am not an expert, but I have fallen into the trap of love a couple of times, each time more severely than the last, but maybe this time will be different.... 1/18/01- You know what? People who say looks don't matter are lying. When you meet someone, you don't think that someone looks loving, sensitive, etc. In order for someone to be attracted to a personality, they will first have to be attracted to the physical appearence. My girlfriend, April...she is really sweet, and I love her more than anything, but if she was not physically attractive to me, I would have never known that I could love her. Bottom line: looks do matter! 1/17/01- Why is it that everyone thinks thier life is so complicated/horrible/confusing/depressing than everyone else's? How stupid can you get? Your nieghbor is probably going through the worst time in his/her life right now, and you would never know it because of an occasional smile.