The Knighting of Sir Jeff of the House of Gibb

Sir Jeff is a true knight. He is everything every princess wants in her legion. I'm going to tell you the story about how he came to be in mine. It was the afternoon of the Fall Festival rehersal. All the finest players in the princessdom were called to come and rehearse for the grand performance on November 18 one thousand nine hundred ninety nine. Lady Elizabeth, one of my esteemed comerades, and I went to meet the musicians and players who would perform in only six days time. She introduced me to a friend of hers by the name of Jeff of the house of Gibb. He was a charming young gentleman and quite the joker. He kept us amused by telling us unintelligent fair haired maiden jokes. Though they were tastless and stupid, they made us laugh. A few days later, the eve of the performance, I snuck backstage to congratulate my new friend on his excellent performance with the choir. We chatted a bit and then to the horror of everyone around he picked me up and spun me. Bystanders cried for beheading. I merely laughed and smiled. I admired his courage and knew he was to be the next in my budding legion. I consulted Sirs AJ and Howie on this matter. Sir AJ was against it. He was determined to stay principal knight. Sir Howie, on the other hand, embraced the idea whole heartedly. He wanted another knight,"two isn't a legion", he would say. On the eve of November 20, I invited Jeff to join me in the audience after his performance and he gladly accepted. He even brought me two carnations. I was more and more pleased with my decision as the night wore on. Four days later he was knighted. It has been three months since Sir Jeff became Sir Jeff. In that time he has become principal knight and is a candidate for king. Of course I will not marry any time before the next Renissance. He is quite the charmer and he is a large flirt. I suppose that's one of the pleasures reserved for men. Not that I'm clamouring to become one mind you. Perhaps I'll just make him honorary prince....

