- Please remember, buying ONE EXTRA COPY IS ENOUGH for your part, and I'm sure the Backstreet Boys wouldn't want you to go bankrupt purchasing their merchandise! =P If you are purchasing more than 1 copy, let it be on your own free will

- If you already submitted your name to another List ( example : The Back at One Project ), you are not required to submit your name to this List.

- Please use your REAL name ( to insure your privacy, your last name is not required )

- Please state the EXACT number of EXTRA copies of "Millennium" you are going to purchase, NOT how many copies you THINK you're going to buy. If you put down an indefinite number, I'll just put you down with ONE COPY.

- Please press the submit button ONCE

- Please only use capital letters where it's necessary

- Please help spread the word - the Project WON'T be SUCCESSFUL without EVERYBODY'S HELP!

-Please come back often and check the MAIN PAGE for important UPDATES! Thanks! =P

Support the Larger Than Life Project

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Where are you from? ( e.g.: Orlando, Florida, USA)

Your email address: (e.g.: you@yahoo.com)

How many extra copies of "Millennium" are you buying? ( e.g. : 1 copy )

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The week of March 19-24 is near ; the Project needs YOUR help - tell your friends!
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