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Thanks for surfing into the Ultimate Matthew McConaughey Fan Page!

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Frailty opened at a disappointing 8th in the box office. Let's all get the word out to everyone to see it! This movie is crazy freaky scarily messed up and I loved it! I'm still trying to figure it out...what are your thoughts about it? Click here to read a recent review and synopsis.

The Wedding Planner opened Friday, January 26th as the #1 movie at the box office! This is Matthew's first romantic comedy role. Let me know what you think of the movie after you see it!

Matthew's promotional TV appearances for The Wedding Planner

~ Update!! March 23, 2001 ~

*** Matthew will reportedly be doing a "voice-over" in a Diet Coke commercial premiering this Sunday night during the Barbara Walters special before the Oscars!!! (p.s. I havn't seen it yet, have any of you? The only one I've seen is the guy singing "I want you to want me"!)***

*** Matthew is also on the cover of Detour magazine this month. Go out and grab one! ***

U-571 was one of the top ten grossing movies for eight weeks after it's release! Did ya love it? Danielle, from Framingham, MA has seen it 20 times "JUST to see his bangarang self"! Agree?? Let me know what you thought of the movie...your review could be seen here!!

Click on any of the following links.

TV appearances!


Just the Facts

Filmography <-- Buy Matthew's movies here from!

Magazine & Newspaper Articles about Matthew

Pictures (under construction)

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