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Pictures of my Second Angel

Welcome to my online photo album. These are pictures of my second Angel, Cheyanne. The song that's playing is "Beaches of Cheyene", I named her after this song & after my cherokee heritage, because it is an Indian name.

Angel Above Us

Here Cheyanne is 2 years old now. This was taken right before Easter of 2000. Her birthday was May 12 & she had a very wonderful birthday. Thank-You to everyone who sent her warm birthday wishes. She is learning how to count to five, her nick name is Piglet(from Winnie The Pooh), she's doing real well with her colors, and plays well with her baby brother who now is 1 year old.

Angel In Everyone's Eyes

Cheyanne enjoys her cartoons. She likes the Teletubbies very much, she knows what time they come on and gets really upset if she doesn't get to watch them. Cheyanne is a very special angel to me & she always will be my little angel girl.

This is my 2 year old...Cheyanne, Halloween 2000

This is Cheyanne, chesseing it up 2000

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This fairie light was given to Cheyanne

by me her mom Clarissa, I hope it helps

her to find her way in life.

But credit goes to...(click on graphic)

