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My Family Photo Album................

Very Intense Loading But Worth It

I am pleased that you would want to see my family. I'm glad to share them with you & everyone else.....The first pictures is of my children Cheyanne & Jake~~


Cheyanne & Jake are the sweetest children there is (in my eyes). They have some much fun together, learning new things about each other everyday. They are 21 months apart & I hope they will always remain close. Feb.26,2001 HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY JAKE!!!

This is my husband & I on our wedding day


I have so many people question & wonder who Clarissa is...

Here I am. Although I don't quite look this way any more

after two kids & one on the way *LOL*

This is my father~ Leonard

Dad you will always be in a special place in my heart. Though you weren't always there in flesh, you were always there in soul & heart. May the rest of your life bring you much happiness, joy, & love.

~Love always, Clarissa, Dion, Cheyanne, & Jake.

This is my step-sister Jeanie

This is her Senior picture. She's the greatest sister & friend anyone could ask for. Jeanie, Thank you for always being there to hear my stories of what boy I had a crush on, to always lend me a shoulder to cry on, always being on my side(you know what I'm talking about HA,HA), & all the late nights we stayed up & talked about nothing. Altough we are not blood, you are truely my sister, I Love You Girl, Cis

This is my step-brother Daniel with

his date at school dance

This is My step-dad, Danny(Jeanie & Daniel's Dad)

This is my half-sister Kerri

This is my husband Dion & his sister(Debbie)

He means the world to me. He has taught me how to love & be loved. Thank You, Dion ( I Love You! )

This is my husband Dion & his mother

This is my father-in-law(Ronnie)

This is my daughter & her cousin Jessica

This is my family

Here they are with Bill & Jamie Dundee

This is my brother Josh, Wife Lisa, & Daughter Taylor

My Best Friends

A Note To Jennifer: We spent alot of our high school days trying to decide what we wanted to do with our lives. When the day came I never imagined that you Jennifer would try to destroy our friendship. I have gotten married, had kids, & moved away but no more than 2 hrs. away. I've kept in contact over the last three years(left my phone# & address) never call, never write, & never visit. I'm not dying & I've always been there for you. I came home to find out you had a baby boy..I never knew you were expecting! 4 months ago, I called to tell you I was having another baby, & found out Amanda is expecting too. I haven't heard from you since. I realize you have a family( I do too.), I'm tired of calling & always getting some excuse of why you can't talk...I don't know what happened between us but, I wish it never did. I Love You Just Like You Were My Own Sister...And it truely breaks my heart to write this with tears rolling down my face but, I need to free myself from this pain...I never thought this day would come but, Jennifer, This is obviously how you want it to be so..I'm setting you free...Good-Bye, I Will Miss You & Amanda, I Love You & Always Will.I will never forget all the good & bad times we had together. Good Luck To You Both With Your Families. With My Deepest Regret, Good-Bye!*3/21/01*~Clarissa
