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Pictures of my Third Angel

Welcome to my online photo album. These are pictures of my son Jake. They were taken about five days before Easter 2000. We hope you enjoy what we have done here.

Jake turned 1 year old Feb.26th,2001

*Happy Birthday Jake*

My Little Angel!!!

Here he's almost 2 months old. His hobbies are eating, slepping, playing with his sister, & smiling. He's just wonderful!!!!

~Guardian Angel~

Here Jake is doing what he loves to do the most (SLEEPING). Sweet Dreams Jake.

God's innocense

I see the moon & The moon sees me, God bless the moon & God bless me.

This is Jake(at 2mo.)

This is Jake Christmas 2000

This fairie heart was given to Jake

by me his mom Clarissa, I hope it helps

him to find much love in his life.

But credit goes to...(click on graphic)


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